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NWL Combat: Jarod Poe(c) vs. Cameron Love vs. John Doe

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New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
All roleplays for this match must be posted in this thread. Thank you, good luck, and have fun.

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
"I Am Not Just Anyone...I Am John Doe"

[Fade in as John Doe is standing in front of a NWL backdrop and is sitting on a chair. John opens his eyes and looks at the camera. John slowly runs a hand through his hair as he shakes his head.]

Doe: Well, it seems as if we are going to meet again in the ring guys. All three of us this time, it’s pretty interesting if you ask me. I m really pumped about this match. A triple threat for the T.V Title, this should be really good, I mean Jarod Poe, who destroyed Rumble in the Jungle, and Cameron Love who beat me in the ring by a split second. I mean that is the way a match up should be, but now…now all three of us face off in the ring against one another. This is a match that will be quite interesting. We face off for the T.V gold, the championship, this my friends is a match up! I will have fun wrestling both of you two once again.

[John turns to a different angle of a camera as he coughs lightly in his hand. John clears his throat]

Doe: You see I want that title as bad as the next guy, I believe that that title is one to show character. Some think that it is just a title, but you can have a champion, hence the World Heavyweight Championship, but what is the T.V Championship? It’s a title, just a title, right? No, it’s a title you work hard to get it, it’s like the stepping stone to see how good you rally are, maybe if you are the T.V Champion you can most likely go for the World Heavyweight Championship, something Jarod Poe, could never win, but who knows, maybe Poe will be the NWL Heavyweight Champ one day, maybe it will be Cameron Love, maybe even me John Doe, who knows, anything can happen in the ring, and anyone can beat anyone at any given day also. So Cameron love beat me, Jarod Poe beat me, but who said I can’t beat them also? Maybe it was a fluke that they beat me, maybe they knew one more move I didn’t, one match means nothing, two matches can mean something, but a third match, which I hope happens, tells if you really can beat that guy! I mean we are aiming for a Championship here guys, not just a match, you have to set your standards high correct? Maybe some standards are certain Championships; maybe I want the T.V Title more than the Heavyweight Championship. I don’t know what I want; I just know I want to beat the living hell out of you two.

[John turns to a center camera where the NWL backdrop starts flickering from NWL to John Doe’s entrance video, on the backdrop it flickers from blurred film of John to the words “I Am Not Just Anyone…I Am John Doe”.]

Doe: Men, boys, wrestler, champions, it is almost time for our match, our match is going to happening, our match is going to reign, and out match will show a valid point. What is that point? Who is better, who is the one that truly deserves that Championship. I am in the mindset to win that belt; I am ready to finally defeat Jarod Poe and Cameron Love at the same exact time. I remember a while back, couple shows ago, Poe told me to let my mind flow, well Jarod my mind is flowing like the rapids. I am ready for you and Love, my mind is set to the brink of insanity and I will show who what happens when I cross that line from stability to insanity. This is my time, this is my match, that is my title. You can hold it for now, but at Combat its coming right to me. Poe your time is ticking, not mine. I can take you and Cameron on, I have nothing to fear, I have nothing to lose, and you do. I will face off against you two, if I lose I lost to two good opponents, if I win I beat two good men, you Poe if you lose you lose your title to Love, or me. So you better be ready, you better be prepared. You my friend are in for a match that you cannot get out of.

[John clears his throat again as the backdrop keeps showing his entrance video and “I Am Not Just Anyone…I Am John Doe.”]

Doe: Love, you beat me fair and square, this time you will not be so lucky, this time I am set for 100% action in the ring. I am ready for the match up that I will provide for you and Poe. Love, you are probably sitting around a pool with those girls, that is fine and dandy you do that. I will train my ass off for the match. You don’t understand why I want this match, why I want that title. You are in my why to beat Poe, and win, I will defeat you like I should have done at Combat, but that is ok, that is fine I will enjoy this match up as well as the many more to come against you or Poe. This is my time to show you how good I am, to show the NWL fans, the John Doe fans, that I am not one to give up, that I am one to pursue what I want, and I want the title. Our match is coming close it is ticking away, eating at us, at me. I can foresee the match, see what we, what I can do, what I can do to improve my skills and my wrestling styles. Cameron, I will wrestle you to the end till that referee’s hand slaps the mat three times. I am going to wrestle you and Poe until blood drips form my skull and onto the ring we wrestle in, you two will never get rid of me, I will haunt you every time you sleep, every time you enter the NWL stadiums, when you wrestle, I will watch and learn from your mistakes and learn new moves, that I can use to defeat you two. I am ready mean I am ready for us to compete in one on the greatest wrestling federations to day NWL. I am competing for a title that stands in the distance of the rest, the T.V title; I am three seconds, two men, and one pin away from being the champion. Men, “Be Prepared, Say Your Prayers, it’s almost time for our match.” Keep in mind, I tell you to keep in mind, that “I Am Not Just Anyone…I AM John Doe”

[Fade out as the cameras zoom in on the backdrop which reads “I Am Not Just Anyone..I Am John Doe]


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Are you deserving?

(There's an echo of laughter as Jarod Poe steps before an NWL backdrop. Over his shoulder is draped the NWL T.V. Title. He slaps the golden plate on the belt with his hand and a wide smile creases his lips. He takes a moment walking is a circle as his mind wanders deep in thought. Then given the camera a wink he turns and faces forward)

Poe: Deserving? I believe in giving people what they deserve. Believe the bad guy should have a good ending. I believe the lazy should get nothing. I feel a loser should get nothing he hasn't earned on his own. I feel a person not worthy for sacrifice should be cast aside. I went to be last night and slept deeply. A deep sleep haunted as usual by my nightmares. That terrible beast that just won't leave me alone. He's angry...he's hungry...he won't leave me alone. I awake sweat pouring on my body and I'm not the slightest bit refreshed. while I don't feel tired...I do feel frustrated. For just as the beast asked me...I in turn do the same. I ask myself why d the two of you deserve another chance? WHY?

(He slides the belt of his shoulder and as he displays it for the camera his hand floats over he gold plate)

Poe: This is what your both after...isn't it? You both want MY title. You SAY you do John and I know...I know for certain that Cameron does. Yet there's just one problem I have with this whole situation

(Jarod places the belt back upon his shoulder and stares ahead)

Poe: YOU BOTH HAD YOUR CHANCE!!!!!! You...you John. At Rumble in the Jungle.

(He chuckles)

Poe: Well you said it already. I beat not only you, but everyone else that stood in my way. I told you I would and I did. As much as you disagreed and protested none of it did any good. In then end you fell like all the others. You were sacrificed at my altar just as I promised. Yet now your back...what gives you that right?

(He pauses for a moment almost expecting an answer)

Poe: Then there's you Cameron. You too fell to defeat. Oh...you talked a big talk. You TALKED a really big talk...however it was just that. In the end I took the very best you had to give. Even your 69 Slam and what happened? I delivered you into the "Fading Light" and when you woke up all you could do was wonder what had hit you. You too had your chance to beat me, but you couldn't get the job done. I beat you both once and I'm going to beat you again. That is unless you've learned your lesson...have you?

(Jarod retrieves a steel chair from off camera. He unfolds it and sits down resting the TV upon his lap)

Poe: On your own you both were lost. You both fell to defeat. A lamb to my slaughter. In your case John you’re a two time loser to both me and Cameron. Yet now is your chance...your one small chance at redemption. See you two have the advantage in this match. You have me outnumbered. You have me at your...

(He laughs aloud)

Poe: Mercy as I suppose you two would speak. Are you both smart enough to take me out and sort victory out on your own? Are you wiling to join together to do what you couldn't do as one? Are you willing to trust in order to accomplish a greater good for the other? or...

(He snickers under his breath)

Poe: Will you let greed, jealousy and pride get in your way? Cameron will your lust for the gold keep it from your hands again? John...will you let defeat take over you once more? Will the two of you suffer the same fate I dealt you already? or will you smarten up this time and fight what you couldn't conquer alone? See John you think this match is fun? Well for me the answers to these questions are more of a prize then the gold belt you both are after.

(He stands up and kicks the chair behind him)

Poe: For me though...well there's an advantage. I've already beaten you both. I know what it takes to defeat either of you. I walk in confident with the title around my waist. I set doubt and ego aside...after all I when you really look at things have nothing to lose. You two though...well the pressure is on. And the real enjoyment for me...

(He steps forward and stares into the camera)

Poe: Will be clamping down on both of your throats one more time. Go ahead disagree. Tell me where I'm wrong...and how this time will be different. It's just more of what you've said before. Wasn't true then...and it won't be this time. Yet there is one thing you both already know. Just like all the others.

(He takes a step back)


(He laughs loudly and whispers)

Poe: and fear...fear what you can't conquer)

(He turns his back and slowly walks away)


John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
[Fade in slow with John standing, watching, and pondering of the last encounter with Jarod Poe, at Rumble in the Jungle. John sits up as the room is painted a white a blinding white color nothing stands in the empty room but John and the TV set. As the match comes to the close of Jarod winning the title, John hits the top of the TV as it changes to his entrance video again, once more the words appear on the TV set “I Am Not Just Anyone…I Am John Doe]

Doe: Beat me, you beat me once, you are the champion, you sleep, well I hope you slept well foe. We embark on a match that all three of us want to win, a match for a title, that we all competed for. I stand in this world, wondering when my time came, and it passed by me once, not again Poe. You and Cameron have fought it out, you came out with victory once again around your waist. Why should that happen again? Just because your defeated each of us one time doesn’t mean your so your lucky does it. Should I just watch as you glide across your merry ways, watching as you proclaim yourself the best? Or should I attempt to end your reign while I have the opportunity at my feet. Thus, I cannot decide which I uphold more, watching as you glance around you, your mentality telling you are the best, or my mentality telling me to shut your little title reign down. Why should someone like you deserve a title? A Jag off having the title, a complete asshole a champion? You know that you won the title, that is fine, I am sure glad you did your goals, that you won what you wanted to win, but your not the best, never will be. Not saying I am the greatest either, but I try, is it not the attempt that counts, I try hard, yet you put me down, trying the set my moral standards below yours? I come to the industry to give my all, yet people such as yourself, attempt to destroy people such as I, that try to produce ourselves, but to your eyes, a so proclaimed “great” in your eyes, I am nothing.

[John turns off the TV set as he looks at the camera]

Doe: You, Poe say I never deserved this match, why, how do you deserve that title? You think you are the all time best person ever? You will never amount to what I am in character standards. I have my morals and I am trying to get to the stepping stone where I can tell myself I have improved, I have become my goal, I have become a champion. Thus, I am giving my all, I am going for what I always wanted to go for since I was released into NWL custody. Well Poe, I mean what makes you a champion? What that damn title around your waist? Is that what makes you one of NWL’s best? If so, then I should go down to the store and make myself a title and say I am a NWL champion. Please, explain to me why you are the champion? Because you beat some guys in Rumble in the Jungle, because you beat Cameron and me? This is nothing, you think that we are the only two in this federation, open your eyes Jarod, you are not the best, the best is the one with the Heavyweight Belt around his weight, and as I see you are not him, and you will never be him.

[John turns back on the TV set with his entrance playing again.]

Doe: I think, no, I know that I can beat you Poe. I can feel it run through my veins. How did it feel when you won that title Poe? I will find out soon, at Combat I will find out how it felt. I wonder how that belt feels, never had one around my waist. Oh well, first time for everything right?

[John lets out a low laugh to himself]

Doe: Now, on to Cameron Love, why are you so cocky? I mean Poe had a point, not hat I agree with the guy or anything, but he made a valid point, you talk a lot of crap, and he beat you. I mean you beat me, I admit it, good match buddy, well, and this time you wont be so lucky my friend. This time I will walk out not losing to you, but beating you Love, but beating you.

[John turns off the TV once again for the last time]

Doe: Men, this is our match, and my time to shine. I tell you one thing and one thing only boys. “I Am Not Just Anyone…I Am John Doe”


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In the palm of my hand

(Fade-In to Chene Park in Detroit, Michigan. The sun sits high in the sky pushing the temperature close to eighty on what is the first real good day of the year. A slight cool breeze blows slowly over the freshly cut grass. Along a brick path a large man dressed in black sits on a green park bench. In front of him a large garden of flowers stretches along the brick path. Above them numerous butterflies flap their brightly colored wings. The man extends his arm, palm flat out and the butterfly lands in his palm. With a crooked smile on his face he turns to the camera and casts an evil look)

Poe: Truth...some people just can't handle it.

(He laughs aloud still looking at the butterfly in his hand)

Poe: I guess old jack was right when he said it. "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Yet I'm an asshole for saying it? Tell me Doe...tell me this? Where was I wrong? Was I boasting and bragging about a falsehood? Was ANYTHING that I said a lie? Did I claim one thing that history will show isn't true? Did I for one second...claim that I was the best? No...no I didn't. All I did was point out a pure and simple fact. I've put both you and Cameron down to the mat in defeat. It was you inability to defeat me that made my words true. yet I'm the ass for pointing this fact out?

(He shakes his head and the butterfly still stays in the palm of his hand)

Poe: It's too bad you have these terrible feelings about me Doe. You seem to have a hatred of me? yet whose fault is it for your defeat? is it mine? What caused your defeat? My ability or yours? and why am I an ass? Should I not be proclaimed a good guy? After all did I not give you a perfect option for victory this time? Yet despite this obvious hint...you still think I'm an ass? Maybe I am...maybe I'm not. Simple truth can not be denied though. I've beaten you...Cameron Love and has much as you protest and as much as you lash out, the simple truth won't change. If that makes me an ass then so be it, but it makes you an even bigger one for letting it be true in the first place

(Jarod stares at the butterfly still resting in the palm of his hand)

Poe: Look at this Doe? simply beauty resting in the palm of my hand. With not even a thought I could close my palm and crush natures perfection. That would make me an ass Doe

(Jarod quickly closes his hand and the butterfly disappears in a blanket of fingers Jarod slowly stands with a smile on his face and he hold his clenched fist towards the camera as he turns in the same direction)

Poe: See Doe...I never claimed to be the best. I just pointed out where I was better then you and Cameron. I know a man above me has the Heavyweight title.

(Jarod chuckles)

Poe: At least he does right now. Me...I'm the Television Champion. Why should that be meaningful you ask? Why can you not just go out and make your own belt. Well for a simple reason Doe...one that you couldn’t do yourself. I went out and EARNED my title. I beat not only you, but five other men. Then with the title around my waist I went in and defended it. That's what makes me a champion. That's the difference between you and me. It's because I was just a little bit better then you were that night. I ask you Doe...what has changed? What have you done to better yourself? What will you do this time around to make the ending happy for yourself? Why...why should I take you serious this time. sure were all three seconds away from defeat, but some of us are better prepared to make sure that doesn't happen

(He shakes the closed fist at the camera)

Poe: This is you Doe? This is you and your future. You have a shot at MY T.V. Title, but this is it. This is your last chance. You can't fail this time. This time you either win or you go home and shut up. There's no quick way back after your shoulders drop this time Doe. That's why you have so much more to loose then I do. Me...if you and Cameron are smart enough to defeat me. Well I get a rematch. You...you get nothing. Just as this butterfly

(Again he shakes his closed fist)

Poe: It's still alive Doe. I can feel it wings moving against my fingers. Even the slightest amount of extra pressure will end it life. That's how I see this match coming up. For you it's the end of your life as a threat to my title here in the NWL. I can pin you and Cameron, never worry about either of you again. Like this butterfly I can crush you. Crush you both. That's what's going to happen at Combat.

(Jarod slowly opens his palm and the butterfly take off)

Poe: I show this simple creature mercy John Doe. At Combat...when that bell rings.

(Jarod's open palm turns to a pointing finger)

Poe: I'll show both you and Cameron Love...NONE!!!!

(Jarod let's loose a sadistic laugh)

Poe: and if that simple truth makes me an asshole John Doe. Well I can live with that. We'll see how you deal.

(Jarod laughs again, turns his back and walks away)

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Morals and Ethics

[Fade in with John Doe standing on a stage looking at a crowd, John smiles as he nods. Lights on the stage turns on as John is standing there in a black suite. Crowd cheers as John starts to talk]

Doe: Well, I was walking around the other day pondering and thinking what to talk about. They told me to motivate, hence be a motivational speaker, but I am not a speaker I am a wrestler. Since I know of one thing and one thing only it is hard for me to connect with people. But I will make the attempt, thus I have a match at Combat, which most of you know about with Jarod Poe, a worthy opponent. So must, for the time being add him in as well in my so called “speech”.

[Crowd claps as John pauses]

Doe: Ethics is a main portion of our lifestyles as well as morals, moral values contribute, some do not like it but it is a fact you have to face sooner or later in your life. So, let us talk about this issue more at hand,

Doe: Many people who talk about ethics use the term when referring to the most general codes by which humankind lives; that is, those code is behavior, So, let us talk about behavior for a minute, I will use myself and Mr. Poe as an example to more define and give you better aspect of what I am coming across.

Doe: If you take me for example, I am a very troubled man, which is ironic if you think about, they but a troubled man, more troubled than yourselves to talk. It is very ironic, but non-the less, I stand here. I wrestle, it is true, and I enjoy every minute of it. When I see the ring I become happy and excited. Since I know I face off with the Television Champion Jarod Poe, my behavior has changed, is it my ethics? Or is it my morals that change me to become more aggressive and angered when I see Poe. Now it is not Poe that makes me angry it is the main fact that in my mind I think he is better than me.
For the most part, ethics is the study of people’s concept of right and wrong.

Doe: So the concept of right and wrong is purely visible in our good friend Jarod. Jarod, the champion is wrong in certain parts of his promotions. He doesn’t think I deserve the title shot, but yet I think I do, who is right who is wrong it is a concept of morals and ethics. So is Poe right, no he isn’t I am not lazy as he says I am I try hard, and sometimes that pulls off more that expected. He is right though in other parts, he says he beat me, that is correct, I will not deny that fact, and he is a good wrestler, one of the best I have come across, there is much talent in that man, but he is in his state of his world where he thinks he is right about everything.

[Cameras turn to the crowd where some are taking notes of what Doe is saying]

Doe: Therefore, we use the word “ethical” when we are speaking of that general code of right and wrong, so we say “Was that act or decision ethical?” we are asking if it meets the test of what is accepted as universally right.

Doe: But exactly is right? Is it me beating Poe, or Poe beating me. We generally have to accept what decisions we make are ethical. If I make a decision in the ring I can alter the match, if I do something against the rules of wrestling it is considered wrong, but I seem to try and test the points of right and wrong, is the universe correct on certain rights? I believe so, some things are not right, take me for example I am mentally not right.

[Doe and the crowd chuckle a bit

Doe: So, we move to the term moral. The study of morals also concerns itself right and wrong but more directly in terms of specific groups of people. The groups of people do not matter; it is the person in fact that does. Take me my morals differ from Poes, yet they are in fact similar. I wish to have a title he wishes to keep it. Yet they are the same point, it revolves around the title. So what is the main aspect, the title that is what it is all about. So ladies and gentlemen, your morals and ethics vary form your decisions and what you choose to make it. If you wish you can purchase my book which is on sale at the NWL Shopzone website or it is on sale for $22.95 when you exit the building. Thank you for your time and remember “I Am Not Just Anyone…I Am John Doe”

[Fade to Black


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Lost in the void

(The camera opens backstage at Combat. It's nearly a few hours till show time and the shadow of a figure leans against the doorway leading to an empty arena. Set-up time has been over for hours and the ring sits center stage surrounded by an audience of empty chairs. As the camera moves in closer the figure turns his head and the familiar face of Jarod Poe gives a slight smile back. He turns his body around still standing in the shadows. Only an outline of his full figure can be seen, but a beam shines upon his face from the security light in the hallway. He look at his watch and then back up tot he camera)

Poe: Tick...Tock..., Tick...Tock, John Doe. The time is running out on you. I'm sorry I've taken so long to respond, but I've been a very busy man. After all it's only been alittle more then an hour since my laughter has died from your speech on ethics.

(He stops talking as the laughter momentarily comes back)

Poe: As much as you propositioned. As much as you poised. As much as you waxed phylsophical all you did was succeed in not just boring me, but everyone listening. After all you missed a glaring point. A point so obvious and forefront that I should only need to pause a moment longer for you to figure it out. Yet I won't stop talking, because in all the time you did...well I can see the point just alludes you. Perhaps it always will. Yet being the honorable man that I am...well I'll be more then happy to tell you.

(Jarod uses a finger to call the camera closer and now his whole body comes into focus)

Poe: This is wrestling John. Ethics and morals don't exist in our world.

(He let's loose a quick and sadistic laugh)

Poe: they damn sure don't exist in mine.

(He turns his back and walks out into the arena. As the camera follows we see him roll under the bottom ring rope where he stands and waits for the cameraman)

Poe: I was a soldier John. I was taught and I was trained that as much as my moral fiber might fight it. Well there are just some things you can let stand in your way in order to not just survive, but too live. That now matter how much the voice and the back of your head screams out...well there just comes a time you need to smother it with a pillow. Sure it's not easy at first. It wasn't for me. yet as time goes on you adapt. You learn to look away. You let the guilt and the inner pain slowly die. Then in time...well the become second nature. That's how it is for me and that makes me perfect for this sport. It's why I have a title now and clearly a reason why you don't.

(He takes a few steps back and leans against the top turnbuckle)

Poe: Your still actually thinking about these issues. I'm just reacting on extinct and in wrestling you need to. Like I said...this is no place for morals or ethics. Promoters will stab you in the back. Other wrestlers will in a heart beat. Pain is a way of life and victory. Well victory is for the taking. That's what I do John...I TAKE!!!!

(He takes a few steps forward, eyes narrow, voice growing grim)

Poe: See I don't have a problem sticking a finger in your eye. Putting my foot on your throat. Placing a boot in your groin. It might not be sporting, but you can't doubt success. For me...it's like a trigger reflex. Something I learned well in my youth. that's why in a wresting match I'll win on skill, but in a fight. In a fight...well I'll when a fight every time. Why? Because I won't play by ANY rules. You have morals and ethics John. I have technique...skill...drive and not the slightest bit of hesitation. Your still thinking about it John. Your still tossing it over in your mind. You need to relax...let all of it go. then maybe you'll be ready for me. But if your still worried about morals and ethics? In the end I'll find that way to put you down and I won't think about it for a second. It's what I do...it's what I used to do. Only now at night...when I goto sleep. Well the blood on my hands washes away without the stench of death.

(he smiles and chuckles low)

Poe: Think that sounds alittle bleak? Do I come of a little grim? Well it's just a taste of the darkness inside of me. If you really knew what is was like in here...

(He let's loose a loud sadistic laugh)

Poe: THEN you'd pack up your morals and ethics. turn you heel's and run to mommy. Instead you just get another lesson in words you should know only to well

(He takes a few steps closer)


(His voice lowers to a whisper)

Poe: and fear...fear what you can't conquer

(Jarod turns his back, rolls under the ring ropes, casually lands on his feet and walks away)

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