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League Member
Dec 1, 2002
It’s really not all that hard to imagine; a Wrestler achieving superstar status in only 4 years of competition… Rocketing to success in a short amount of time, burning out, then falling to the wayside as a doomed federation begins to crumble apart from within.

Some would challenge his status of a superstar. Does money qualify being a superstar? Does achievement? Does respect?

Or is being a superstar a way of being? A way of portraying yourself to those around you…

If you knew Ryp Fandango, you’d respect him; a hard-working man from a hard-working family; Grew up middle class in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Once professional sports fizzled, Fandango set his eyes on the Professional Wrestling scene with one objective: to be the BEST.

Steve Green entered the ICW offices in 1998 and Ryp Fandango left. The ICW brass saw a goldmine in the 6’3”, 230 lb. good-looking 26 year old. The fact that he had a great work ethic was the shine on the paint job. Fandango quickly became a fan favorite, and jump-started the new ICW Hardcore division. His gravity defying moves coupled with his deadly precision and power made him an instant contender for the ICW World Title. He spent the next 4 years winning it and losing it time after time.

Ryp skyrocketed to the main event status in the young federation 5 years ago, and never stepped back. For four long years, Fandango maintained a level of competition that would break most men. He took the best that GCW had to offer, and showed why he was THE quintessential champion.

Ryp Fandango was the Icon for Hardcore in ICW/GCW. Perhaps hardcore isn’t really the word… more like IRONMAN. Fandango would defend his hardcore title on two shows a week, to all comers… and never backed down from a challenge. Some he won, some he lost, but in the end Ryp Fandango never gave up and never backed down. On any given day, any one man can defeat another depending on the environment. Fandango lives by this statement, and is constantly aware of his surroundings, often using it to his advantage.

He is a risk taker, a high-flyer, and his roots and discipline lay with the element of surprise. The Master of the Ryp Cord, a devastating modified reverse neckbreaker that plants its victims face first into the ground.

Ryp is a righteous man. He fights for what is just, and despises selfish, arrogant people. Sometimes his confidence in himself can be misconstrued as conceit by others.

Fandango grew tired of the antics of GCW’s management – and soured on the wrestling industry as a whole. He retired in 2002 as the Universal Champion of GCW.

CSWA officials recently met with Fandango presenting him with a new challenge in uncharted waters… It was time for Fandango to leave the success and legendary status he held in his small regional federation and step up to the plate with a Big Name Federation. In CSWA no one cares what he’s achieved. No one cares about what he’s done elsewhere, what titles he’s had, and who he’s defeated. It doesn’t matter… What matters now is proving he belongs on this level, and proving that he IS what he says he is – A TRUE Champion in every aspect of life.

His goal is now to do in CSWA what he did in ICW/GCW – That is to become the BEST… and that quest starts today.

Main Entry: fan.dan.go
Pronunciation: fan-'da{ng}-(")gO
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish
Date: 1774
Inflected Form(s): plural -gos
1 : a lively Spanish or Spanish-American dance in triple time that is usually performed by a man and a woman to the accompaniment of guitar and castanets; also : music for this dance
2 : TOMFOOLERY - playful or foolish behavior

You can add another meaning to that dictionary…
3 : Hardcore; Risky;

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