Oh......My......GAWD.......I LOVED IT!! XD
I fuh-REAKING, LOVED that...srsly, THANK YOU for making me look so good...I mean, literally, the outfit additions, like the dragons down the sides of the pants, the guyliner, and of course--
The Stardust Lightning Bolt! I am SO running w/that! ^__^ At first, when I signed up, I only wanted the one match, unless I won. Then I'd stick around...
...but after reading those RESULTS, I don't freaking care that I lost...14 years in this game. NEVER has ANYONE written raYne/Mac Bry so perfectly, captured the essence of the character, captured who I feel I am within...Gawd, I fuckin' loved reading that, regardless of the outcome. I fan-girled reading the ENTIRE thing and I don't just mean my part, I don't even just mean the Rumble itself, but from top to bottom. The way it was written, the humor AND the action, and the storytelling, the way ALL of the characters were portrayed...
And now I realize why that thing took so long to put together. IT WAS HUGE...But SO worth the read. It's clear it was a massive undertaking, and it was done the way a battle royal SHOULD be done. Like a real Rumble of epic proportions, and it just proves to me that this place is the place to be, regardless of any of the circumstances at this moment in time. Those results were astounding. As Chrom mentioned, EVERYONE got their moment in the spotlight, Stryfe vs Strife, Hollywood and his golden child, Leyenda and Teddy's rivalry, KERRY FUCKIN' KUROYAMA... All of it. Abso-frickin-lutely fabulous.
And for portraying my creation, as well as my inner self, SO freaking perfectly. And especially O'Conner's narrative during the entrance, the fact that raYne IS different, unique, and hard to figure out, and that is what makes him who he is, and what gives him his edge... Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, I am smiling so much right now, and I am staying. NFW is now another home for me, and I AM LOOKING FORWARD to the journey. Thank you. ^.^ <3
BTW, Kuro...Last night, I FINALLY read your response. And I absolutely adored it, you were RIGHT on point. I realized that Teddy wasn't a legend. I realized that that was a grave, grave error on my part, and ending the piece on that, I felt was my fatal blow. I just, I saw 'Fuggin Voss'. I know Voss. I know what the guy brings. I see that name, I think 'legend'...But clearly, in this particular case, it was a mistake that cost me >< I DO need to study this place, research the history. I do that w/any place I become a true part of. And as such, I am getting the facts, reading up on the past. Annnd, HOPEFULLY...I will have a response tomorrow. ^^
Also, tbh? I PM'ed Strife back on 3/24. I read that piece, and I KNEW I was looking at the winner. There is no shame in losing to that kind of work, and I believe Kerry more than likely feels the same way. And yesh... I'm listening to Sarah McLachlan while I write this. XP She is EPIC, I don't care what you say, that song MOTIVATES me....But, I've decided to go w/a different song. Something I used for one match last year...The song at the top of this post, 'Can't Stop The Rain', by Kropp Circle. I'll try to have a modified contract sent in soon. Thing is, it's STILL something most of you probably wouldn't be caught dead listening to. But, that's who the character is, that's who I am. I buck the trend. I don't conform. And in the words of Dolores O' Riordan & Stevie Frickin' Nicks...I go my own way.
And that way, is to FUTURESHOCK NUMERO DOS, Bay-BAYYY!! ^___^
Onward. And upward. Here we come, bitchez.