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New Beginnings Pt. 1

Damian D Stone

League Member
Sep 5, 2004

Voice: Look at you...you are nothing. That's all you have ever been. That's all you will ever be. You'll never amount to anything...boy...

[[Lightning crashes, showing us that the lovely scene in front of us is a graveyard set upon the top of a cliff overlooking the mighty Mississippi River. We see a rather large man dressed in a black duster, black dress pants, black dress shirt, and a black STL Cardinals Ball Cap. He looks down at the grave as the rain falls hard down in the sky.

Darkness again]]

Voice: Look at you. You are nothing but a freak!

[[Flash to EUWC's Summerfest, 2003, where we see Damian Stone wrestling Sean Taylor
inside the House of Horror]]

Voice: You are clumsy...you are dumb. You are outright STUPID!

[[Flash to lightning crashing again, as we see Damian's right hand slowing balling into a fist]]

Voice: You are not worthy to be called my SON! You are not worth my TIME! MY EFFORT! You life is MEANINGLESS!!!

[[Lightning crashes as we see Damian looking up into the sky, screaming]]

Damian: ELIJAH!!!!

[[Fade to the graveyard and Damian. Damian closes his eyes and begins to slowly look down at the mound of dirt, then the tombstone. He reads the name:

Elijah Alexander Stone
1 December 1954- 30 March 2005
Faithful Father, Faithful Soldier
Operation Desert Storm

Damian grits his teeth as he speaks]]

D: Look at you now, you pathetic excuse of a man. Look at you, what you did to your body...to your soul. Instead of listening to the words that me, Echo, and your own family have told you since the day, the day that we knew what would happen to you if you kept this up. But look at you now: stubborn in your ways. Look at what it has cost you. Everything that you value as important is now gone. You have nothing...except a shell. And I hope you like that shell...because it's going to be yours for a long time.

[[Damian throws down a black rose from his left hand upon the mound of dirt and then turns, walking toward the camera. As the camera pans back, we see a black 2002 Ford Mustang with a lovely woman standing next to the car. As he approaches, she outstretches her arms and Damian walks into them, hugging her as she hugs him. She looks up at D]]

E: Better now?

D: I guess. It was something that had to be said. It was something that eated at my soul since I started the game...since I won my first...since I won my last.

E: A father who didn't love?

D: A father who didn't care. My father was happy when I was in the Army. He thought I was doing the right thing by leaving the wrestling ring and going over to Iraq to defend this country. Instead, when I was Gen. Discharged for telling an officer where to stick it, my father told me never to come home.

E: But here you are.

D: Yea, and all I have to talk to is a gravestone and dirt.

E: But isn't that what you wanted? A way to start over?

D: Huh?

E: Everything, Damian. Everything that you believed, everything that encompased that man...you can now bury it with that shell that is underneath the ground.

D: Yea...I think I can get over this mess that I have in this noggin of mine.

E: I hope so.

[[They embrace again. Echo begins to walk to the other side of the car as D looks back up at the grave.]]

E: D?

D: Yea Echo?

E: Something haunting you?

D: Yea...I guess. Why couldn't he be proud of me? Just one time?

E: I don't know. Why don't you ask him when you see him.

D: [[Sighs]] I don't think I'll be seeing him.

[[They hop in the car as "In The End" by Linkin Park begins to play over the speaker system]]


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