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"Mr. A1E" Damon Blackburn


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
Handler's Name: Roger Albrecht(aka Fly)

Email Address: houseflystudios@yahoo.com

Any variations of Instant Messengers: AOL:

Wrestler Name: Damon Blackburn

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 265

Hometown: Orginally: Detroit, MI; Now lives in in
Hollywood, CA

Face/Heel: Tweener that leans towards being a heel.

Appearance: Damon has dark brown hair that reaches
down to the middle of his shoulderblades which pulled
into a ponytail at all times. His hair in the tail of
the pony tail is braided togther, and is seperated
into is 6 braids(ala like Shawn Michaels whe he faced
Steve Austin in Wrestlmaina 14). Has the begining
stubble of a beard traveling down his jawline that
leads to the stubble of his mustache and goatee. His
body frame is similar to that of AJ Styles.

Inside the ring Damon wears dark purple tights, with
lightning flashing all over them, with a inch think
black stripe at the bottom of the legs, that goes down
to mid thigh. Wears purple fingerless, and thumbless,
gloves that ride up to his mid-forearm with lightning
flashing over it, and purple kneepads with lightning
on them. Wears dark purple shinguards with lightning
on them over black boots, with the white lettering
"Blackburn" going down the side of the boots.

Outside of the ring Damon can be seen the latest, most
popular, clothes that most celebritiesof Hollywood
wears at Red Carpet events. Not that it matters
anyway, as anything that Damon wears he makes look

Style: Junior-Heavyweight- Is very quick and agile in
the ring. Loves to take high risk moves whenever he
can. But is very adaptable to wrestle on the mat if
need be. But if things turn into a brawl, Damon will
struggle. Damon will showboat, and taunt, his opponent
whenever he is control of the match. When on defense
though Damon will struggle to exit the ring and call
for timeouts in hopes of slowing his opponents

Finishing Move: #1- Thunder Blackburn Bomb - Blackburn
lifts opponet up for a powerbomb, but lays opponent's
back on his shoulders long enough to cross opponents
arms across his waist, and Blackburn holds onto the
arms. Blackburn then continues to lift opponent up for
powerbomb, before driving oppoent to mat head/back of
neck first, as Blackburn falls to a sitting position
at the same time

#2- Lightning Strikes Twice - Damon places his
opponent in the middle of the ring before then heading
over to one corner and leaps to the top rope. Damon
then hits a 5 Star Frog Splash before instantly
rolling off the opponent, leaps off the mat, and onto
the top rope of the opposite corner. Damon then
instantly, fluidly, leaps off the rope to hit a
twisting corkscrew moonsault for the pin.

#3- Super Starlight Driver - Michinoku Driver II-B,
Blackburn places opponent in an inverted facelock,
lifts them up as if going for an inverted suplex, yet
when opponent is in air, Blackburn falls into a
sitting position, driving the back of the opponent's
head/neck into the mat.

Move Set (Note any set-up moves at the beginning of
the list): Set up move #1: Hollywood 90210(Opponent is
laying over the middle rope(just like for Ray
Mysterio's 619) Damon charges towards opponent, runs
up their back, and leaps over the top rope. While in
midair Damon will grab onto the top rope, twist his
body so he is swinging back towards the ring, and
drive a dropkick into opponents face. Opponet flys to
the middle of the ring, shakes off cobwebs, and
struggles back to feet. Damon then spingboards off the
top rope and hits opponent with a high flyinging elbow
right to the face.)

Set up #2: A shining wizard.

Comedy spots(used sparingly)- #1: Get into a shoulder
block compition with opponent. Damon will charge into
the ropes, rebound off of them, and hit opponent with
a shoulder block. Opponent will not go down. Repeat.
Damon then dares opponent to do the same to try to
knock down Damon. As opponent starts to rush towards
the ropes Damon sticks his leg out and trips them.
Once opponent is on ground Damon quickly places them
in a side headlock.

#2: At some point in the match opponent knocks Damon
to the mat with a simple move(hip toss, shoulder
block, or something). Opponent rushes into the ropes,
Damon gets to feet and rushes into opposite ropes. The
two criss cross each other a couple of times before
Damon stops in the middle of the ring and holds his
hands up saying "Whoa, whoa, whoa" forcing the
opponent to stop as they rebound off the ropes. Damon
then points to the air saying "Look at that!" or "What
the hell is that?!!". As the opponent goes to look
Damon then slaps the taste out of their mouths,
causing the arena errupt in cheers and laughter....
Repeat.... This time opponent comes to a stop first
and tells Damon to stop. Opponent looks up, points in
the air, and tells Damon to look. Damon, without
batting an eye, immediately slaps the taste out of the
opponents mouth. Once again causing the arena to cheer
and laugh out loud.

Crucifix DDT Powerbomb - Lifts opponent up for Razor's
Edge, yet flips Opponent over his head, and as
opponent is falling to mat face first, Blackburn
manages to grab him in mid-air, and finish the move as
a DDT. Fireman carry rib breaker. Dragon Screw
legwhip. Can do many differnt versions of suplexs,
german,dragon, snap, fisherman, etc. Springboard 180
degree leg drop from 2nd rope. Any move consisting
from leaping from the top rope. Figure four. Rolling
Thunder. Fujiwar armbar. Will take Sabu styled risks
at times to hurt opponent.

Entrance Music: "Superstar" by Saliva

Entrance Description: The arena lights turn down low
and immediately strobe lights start going off around
the enterance of the UCWtron. Several members of the
papparazzi then come out of nowhere and start taking
pictures. Kira Kai steps out first and instantly
starts posing for the cameras. Damon then comes out,
with a white towel draped around his neck, and start
flaunt and showboat as well. Kira and Damon then head
towards the ring while ignoring fans along the way as
they mainly "make love" to the camera's.

Once Damon is in the ring, and before the match
starts, Damon will lean in a corner and just seem to
quit paying attention. He will ignore the referee, and
his opponent, as he flirts with Kira Kai and any of
the ladies in the front row. Once the ring bell
sounds, and after the referee finally gets his
attention, Damon will then look at his opponent and
size him up before laughing and turning to the referee
asking where his real opponent is. After this Damon
will finally steps out of the corner and ready to
start the match.

Titles Held: A1E Tag Team Champion, A1E Triple Star
Champion, A1E Survivor Champion... And, according to
Damon, he is the only man to ever be the A1E Triple
Cyber Champion... which of course isn't true.

History: Damon was a huge superstar in A1E before
leaving to become a huge movie star in Hollywood.
Well, actually, Damon is more a B List movie star.
Staring in hundreds of straight to DVD movies, never
having one movie making its way to a theater. Well,
not unless you count the couple of porno's he did with
Kobe Tai.... Damon is now in UCW because, according to
him, UCW lacks any real starpower and needs him if
they hope to be a major player in this company...

Wrestler Name: Kira Kai

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 100

Hometown: Orginally, San Diego, California; Now lives
with Damon in Hollywood, California

Face/Heel: A very sexy tweener leaning more towards
being a heel.

Appearance: Kira Kai is an American-born Asian who
speaks with a distinctly U.S. accent, and she's got a
clean-scrubbed and youthful look (and an amazingly
tight body complete with enhanced boobs) that makes
her vigorous image all the more delightful to watch.
She has brown hair and brown eyes. She’s got
legs—really long legs— and she knows how to use
them…and millions of A1E fans thank her for that every
single week. Kira Kai is not only one of the youngest
and hottest A1E Divas, but her combination of natural
beauty, angelic smile, and legs that never seem to end
leave A1E fans and Superstars alike gasping in awe
every time she hits the ring. Kira is usually seen
dressed in white high heels, a white mini skirt(which
reveals a pink thong whenever she bends over), and a
white tube top.

Style: Eye candy.

Finishing Move: Flashes her ass, or even goes as far
as to flirt with opponents in the ring, to give Damon
the advantage.

Move Set (Note any set-up moves at the beginning of
the list): Slap. Kicks. Rakes people's eyes. Cat fight
with other women. Hits opponents with her shoes, or
anything other weapon that is availible at the time.

Entrance Music: "Superstar" by Saliva

Entrance Description: The arena lights turn down low
and immediately strobe lights start going off around
the enterance of the UCWtron. Several members of the
papparazzi then come out of nowhere and start taking
pictures. Kira Kai steps out first and instantly
starts posing for the cameras. Damon then comes out,
with a white towel draped around his neck, and start
flaunt and showboat as well. Kira and Damon then head
towards the ring while ignoring fans along the way as
they mainly "make love" to the camera's.

Titles Held: Was the runner up too being Playboys Miss
October in 2003. She is also very, very, feixble in
all area's that matter.

History: Kira Kai came on board in order to help with
Damon's image. Quickly Kira became the closest thing
too a girlfriend that Damon has ever had in his life.
Like Damon, Kira lives in her own little world, as has
very little intellect within her very sexy head.

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