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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: SHANE SOUTHERN is sitting on a steel chair turned around backwards in front of a plain, blue backdrop. Southern's hair has grown out some more, now long enough in the back to tie into a very short pony tail. Southern is shirtless and shoeless, only wearing a pair of long blue jean shorts...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: "Prime-tahm was one helluva wrestlin' show 'eh guys? I mean, it had it all didn't it? Steel Viper's back...Mike Randalls is back, Hornet is back from wherever it was he went, Flair n' Windam was ... well, it was a Windam mess, n' Chad Merritt was [BLEEP]'in' in his pants all night long. {{..laughs...}} Anytime ah' show has stuff like THAT in it, it's gonna' go down assa' classic. But let's take a step away from tha' hype, let's take a step BACK from tha' buzz of Mike Randalls, let's take a deep breath after seein' Viper, let's all calm down n' come back down ta' earth...'cause ladies n' gentleman, we STILL gotta' problem. "

" Chad Merritt has lost control. Tha' inmates are runnin' tha' asylum as they say, n' though it provided fer interestin' tee-vee at Primetime, it can't continue. Now I've been sayin' for months that somethin' needed ta' be done. I've been tryin' mah' damndest ta' be tha' man that saves tha' CSWA from itself, n' so far, nobody's really cared. Nobody stood up. Ever'body had their own agenda ta' handle, who cares that tha' Intruders ARE slowly accomplishin' their goal? Troy Windam was so consumed with his brother, he didn't care. Sean Stevens was so consumed with gettin' his press that he didn't care. Evan Aho was so consumed with his narrow vision that he didn't care. Eli Flair was so consumed with whatever it is that consumes him, HE didn't care. Hornet was consumed with his demons, HE didn't care either. Until Primetime, NOBODY cared ... nobody but me. "

" Now Mike Randalls is here, n' all uva' sudden tha' goal of bein' tha' CSWA's savior has become popular again. 'Cause hey, if tha' LEGENDARY Mike Randalls thinks so, then we better jump on board n' ride his heat-train all tha' way ta' Main-event-Ville. Well that's good. I'm happy somebody can motivate. Flair now wants redemption. Aho now wants ta' stand up for what's pure. I'm sure others will follow. "

" Only you have to really wonder if it's real. "

" Mike Randalls, I'm happy you're here. You make people wanna' be better. Personally, I don't know or care about your past. What I DO care about is tha' fact that although we have vastly different styles, we seem to have similar goals, n' in tha' fight ta' save tha' CSWA and "bring it in to tha' light", that's all that really matters. Until we meet in the ring, either on tha' same or opposite sides, good luck in findin' yer way Mike Randalls. "

{{...Southern stands up from the chair, and folds it, holding it in his left hand...}}

" I suppose what I just said flies in tha' face of what I DID at Primetime. I showed Bandit what it's all about, n' then I went home. I had no want, need, or desire for another four on one ass-kickin' from tha' Intruders. I didn't much care what happened with Mayfield's Presidential what-ever, n' Guns' BIGGEST announcement in tha' history of tha' world. I was down. I was tired. I didn't have it in me last night ta' do much about it. For that, I apologize to tha' fans, n' to mah'self. "

" But I've been re-energized. Seein' what went on, and what HAS gone on since I got in mah' car at Primetime has re-lit tha' fire inside me, regardless of if tha' flame that lit it or not STAYS burnin'. Intruders, tha' time is comin'. Yer gonna' have ta' pay tha piper real soon. If it be at FIFTEEN, or if it be sooner, you're gonna' have ta' sleep in tha' bed ya' made. Only it ain't gonna' be a nice, peaceful slumber. Oh no, it's gonna' be filled with many sleepless nights, full of nightmares, cold sweats, n' callin' for yer mommy. "

" It's time ta' collect on ol' debts. N' if you ain't got what it takes ta' pay, well..."

" Party's Over. "

{{...SHANE SOUTHERN holds the steel chair in front of his chest, then smiles and walks off to the left. FADE TO BLACK...}}


Jan 1, 1970
Know Thyself

"I don't question your heart in the ring, Southern. Now only do I realize that I must question where exactly YOUR heart is out of it."

(FADEIN: 'The Wolf' MIKE RANDALLS standing in an empty ring of an empty arena. The house lights are dimmed as a few workers are setting up equipment. RANDALLS is wearing a wool grey cloak, his hood down, his eyes calmly staring ahead...)

"You say you don't know me or my past? Well, I know YOU."

(RANDALLS starts pacing around, looking out to the rafters in thought)

"And I know four years ago I would've never heard you griping about people jumping on backs to the Main Event. There are too many men whispering thoughts in your ear, Shane. From Boston to Greensboro, you've subconsciously listened and become a pawn. I suggest you start tuning them out and tuning in to what's around YOU."

(RANDALLS stops, placing his hands on the ropes before turning to look directly into the camera)

"I didn't come here to steal your thunder, Shane. And that's what I sense you feel. You're walking dangerously close to an edge where other men have fallen. Don't WHINE that nobody notices what you've done. Like I said, I don't question your heart in the ring. I'm not doing this to be popular. I'm doing this to UNDO what I've already done. Unlike you, I'm not fighting for MY NAME. I'm not fighting to be adulated in the MAIN EVENT. I'm fighting for something I believe in - SALVATION. Every night for the rest of my life that is what I fight for IN and OUT of the ring. By the time I was your age, I had already worn the Unified Title. I'm past ring accomplishments. And I'm sorry if that's all you seem to have your eye on...and that's why nobody TRULY believes that you fight to bring this league into the light."

(RANDALLS releases from the ropes and starts pacing, again)

"What has become of you? The more I look in your eyes, the more I see how disgruntled you've become with politics and the way the 'game' has been played. And you know what, Shane? If people are ONLY noticing Mike Randalls' fight for this sport in comparison to your own...maybe you should start looking at yourself for answers, before you start looking at the problems you perceive to be around you."

(RANDALLS stops in the center of the ring, facing the camera and staring right into its lens)

"So, next time come right out and say it Shane. You want to find out if you should BELIEVE? (BLEEP!) Flair. (BLEEP!) Aho. YOU and ME in the ring. THAT's how the game is played, Shane. Or have you forgotten?"



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern is sitting under an old oak tree. He looks worn down. His hair is a mess, his clothes are rumpled and dirty. Southern begins to speak without looking up...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " Ya' know what...I don't normally come out here, in fronta' God n' ever'body n' say this...but...here goes. "

{{...Southern looks up with almost sad eyes...}}

" I'm sorry. "

" I'm sorry to tha' fans fer my attitude lately. I'm sorry to tha' men n' woman who come through that turnstile EVER' damn night ta' watch me wrestle. I'm SORRY ta' each n' every KID who wears a PARTY'S Over t-shirt who's had ta' listen ta' me BIT[BLEEP] about anythin' n' ever'thin' tha' last few months. YOU people are tha' reason I get up in tha' mornin' when ever' ounce of mah' bein' tells me ta' STAY IN BED. When mah' knees hurt so bad all I wanna' do is pop a few pills n' go back ta' SLEEP, I think of YOU, tha' fans, in what you expect of me...of what I've come to expect from mah'SELF. "

" Tha' guy that's been comin' out in fronta' you tha' past few weeks n' complainin' 'bout not gettin' any HELP, is NOT tha' guy you've known, it's not tha' guy EYE'VE known, n' it's DAMN SURE not tha' guy I wanna' become. Guns is right. Tha' CSWA has beatin' me down. Tha' Intruders are slowly widlin' away at tha' HEART n' SOUL of Shane Southern. I'm loosin' tha' LIGHT in mah' eyes fer this sport. Hell, maybe I should just quit. Maybe I should just go HOME to tha' NFW n' concentrate on wrestlin' fer ONE federation. Maybe Guns was right, maybe tha' CSWA isn't worth it. Is it worth savin'? "

{{...Southern pauses for what seems like an eternity. You can see in his eyes the wear and tear the last few months have had on him. His shoulders aren't carried as high, his crooked grin is gone. Southern just sits there, LOST in thought for almost thirty seconds. Finally, as if somebody climbed up in his head and kicked his brain, Southern snaps out of it. His head pops up, his eyes have a gleam in them that hasn't been there in a while. He stands up and holds his shoulders high, and smiles a crooked grin to the camera...}}

" Damn right it is. "

" Mike Randalls, I wanna' thank you. Thank you fer a little reality check. I needed it. You've awoken tha' sleepin' GIANT Randalls. Hell, I HAD forgotten how tha' game is played. N' yer right, it IS all about tha' game, all about what goes on BETWEEN tha' ropes that counts. Not all this BULL SH[BLEEP] mind games that are bein' played around me. "

" So [BLEEP] YOU Intruders, [BLEEP] YOU! You want some of SHANE SOUTHERN? DOES ANYBODY? Sign tha' DOTTED line mah' friends, 'cause there is PLENTY of ass whippin' ta' go 'round. I don't want yer pity, I don't want yer advice, I just want YOU, IN tha' RING...and let's just see who tha' REAL MAN really is. "

" N' Mike, if YOU want Shane Southern in tha' ring, {{...Southern smiles and contemplates the thought, then starts nodding his head...}} I've got TWO WORDS FOR YA..."

" Party's OVER. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}

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