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Missouri Title: Rob Franklin vs ?????


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Rebirth in the Midwest
LIVE! from the Cowan Civic Center in Lebanon, MO
Capacity Crowd: 2,000

Missouri Title Match (30 minutes):

Rob Franklin vs ?????

With the move to a new territory comes a new singles title. Rob Franklin may be anti-establishment, but Mr. Latham has acknowledged his performance in the Heavyweight Title Battle Royale. He's locked in for a shot at the Missouri Regional title, but who will he square off against?

STACKING RULE IN EFFECT (Please allow 48 hours before stacking)!
DEADLINE: February 11, 2007 at 11:59PM



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"Unveiling The Mystery At Last" (Alright so I'm impatient)

(The scene opens inside a hotel room in Lebanon, Missouri as we see two gentlemen watching the MCW Battleroyal to crown the new MCW World Heavyweight Champion.)

(The first gentlemen is an attractive young man. He looks short and stocky with a pretty naturally mucular build. He looks to stand at about 5'9 and weigh about 260 lbs. He has long platinum blond hair, blue eyes, and fair white skin. He is wearing black with red trim Nike nylon windbreakers.)

(The second gentlemen, looks like a real goofy, type nerdy fellow. He is shorter and scrawny like he is about 5'0 and like he weighs about 125-135 lbs...give or take. He has long jet black hair pulled back into a ponytail with a long string of hair hanging freelying down over the front of his face. He has a nicely trimmed long gotee underneath his chin that might resemble that of rocker Wayne Static of Static-X. He has trimmed bushy 70s style sideburns, and wearing round glasses with hinged sunglasses flipped open-Dwayne Wayne glasses. He is wearing a stylish Armani suit of somekind. He looks up to acknowledge the camera and smiles.)

"Ah, right on time. Allow mysself to introduce...oh crap...Austin Powers moment. Damnit. Awe screw it...too late now...just roll with it...Myself! I am 'LIGHT AS A FEATHER' FREDDIE MERRIWEATHER. This gentlemen to my right watching the latest of what the Midwest Championship Wrestling has to offer is a true steward of the game known as wrestling and sports enterterment is...

The Epitomy of Destiny...

The Sultan of Zin...

He is...

"What Goes Around Comes Around" BOBBY KARMA

Bobby Karma: So this is the best that the MCW has to offer. If I was anything like that muffin sellin...OUT pantiweight Kin Hiroshi. I pitch a little fit saying that I was being wasted away and how I didn't get my way, but alas I'm coming into my own in this business so I have no right to complain to anybody. Latham, you sought me out. You came CSWA CEO Stephan Thomas and worked out a deal for me to come to the MCW. Obviously you wanted me to be here, and now here I am. It didn't take long for me to make a decision. For me it was a no-brainer. I came here to wrestle the best on the indy scene and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Freddie Meriweather: (Watching the television) Wholly t*t monkies Bobby. Damn that girl is hot but man she scares the hell out of me. Look at her toss those losers out of the ring one right after the other, and just think she got attacked before this match and she's still doing all that. Who is that girl?

Bobby Karma: That would be Nakita Dahaka, yeah she's good, and yes she would eat you Freddie, and you wouldn't even quench her appitite, but as good as she is she is not the reason why I am watching this match.

Freddie: Then who are you watching it for?

Bobby Karma: For him.

Freddie: Him? (Motioning and pointing at Rob Franklin.)

(They watch as Rob Franklin manages to wisely pull the rope down just as Nakita Dahaka sails completely over his head and over the rope falling to the outside getting herself eliminated and freeing Rob Franklin of his stipulation from The Dark Phenom. However, amoung the confusion and controversy between Nakita was another as the opportunistic Chandler Maxwell came up behind Franklin and dumped him over the top rope to eliminate him and become the new MCW Heavyweight Champion. Bobby Karma picks up the remote control and presses pause on a stunned Rob Franklin's face as he can only watch on helpless while Maxwell celebrates with his big win.)

Bobby Karma: I know that this might come off as a little anticlimatic as I kind of killed the suspense of who will you wrestle this week Rob for the vacated MCW Missouri Championship Title, but lets face it the mystery man thing has been done to death in this business. This is the INDIES of wrestling. This is the heart of where true superstars are born in his business. This is where it all begins, right here. Its not like I was a big name and I am not some has been coming here to try and garner what little luster that he used to have. I'm not a never was. I'm a not yet. Yeah I've been to the big stage, and I've made more an impact, but I've still got a ways to go before I go from nobody to legend. Slowly but surely I'm coming along. I've sat on the sidelines of the CSWA long enough and I'm ready to do more. That's why I agreed with Jalan Latham to come here to Missouri and be apart of the new MCW.

Let me explain something to you Franklin for a moment. Ever since Lathan told me who I was gonna make my debut, I've studied you Rob. I know a lot about you. This was just the latest match that involved you, but I know more about you than realize. Feel honored but be aware. You've come a long way Rob. Your improved, and you have lots of talent and tons of potential. More than you know. You call yourself the FTO champion because you go against the grain. I respect that. I admit, Nakita Dahaka was right to nickname you the EPITOMY OF DEFIANCE. It certainly has a much better ring than FTO by far, but I'm the EPITOMY OF DESTINY...Damn glad to meet you boy.

I know all about this game. I'm a student and I've studied everything about the best in this business. I've went toe-to-toe with the likes of Kin Hiroshi and Troy Windham, and I'm just getting started. I know how to beat people like you Rob. Now am I perfect? No I'm not, but I know who I am and I what I will do. The MCW may not be the CSWA but I do my best to make the most every opportunity. Believe it or not, if I defeat you, this will be the very first title that I have ever won in my entire wrestling career. I like to think that it won't stop with the MCW Reginal Title.

I will say this much Rob Franklin, regardless of who wins this match. I'm bettin that I won't see the last of you. I'm not trying to carry matches or carry you. I'm hoping one thing to put a clinic with you and steal the whole show. Your only 19 years old Rob. Your just a baby in this business...but then again so am I.

So good luck but take this to heart Franklin...

Learn it...

Know it...

Remember me...

I am Bobby Karma. I am the Epitomy of Destiny. What goes around comes around. See you soon."

Freddie: And I'm "Light As A Feather" Freddie Meriweather...recognize the rhyme sceme dudes...and dudettes!

(The scene slowly fades out.)


League Member
May 25, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
Rob's Reaction


We fade in to see Rob Franklin, standing backstage looking at the moniter that has just made the announcement that in fact Rob Franklin, the FTO Champion will be put up against one: "What Goes Around Comes Around" Bobby Karma. Rob seems to have a smile on his face, as he gets ready to speak. He is wearing (As always) his famed FTO title.

So this, is who I'm facing?

He motions to the moniter, and points to the smallish wrestler.

Rob: So, looks like MCW hit rock bottom, huh? Look at this guy! Whatever, looks like it will be an easy win for The Legendary, FTO Champion, Rob Franklin. But, here is what I'm concerned with, he gets a title shot? You see, this newcomer would NEVER get a title shot at my FTO championship, because my FTO title is much too prestigious. But, that's fine. Latham can do whatever the hell he wants, but don't expect this guy to win. Nope, that's my job. I don't care where he's been. CSWA, whereever, but I will tell you where he's going, nowhere.

In walks in Rob's newly formed Team, Team Franklin Jacob Franklin, and Pieske.

Pieske: What's up daaaaaaaaawg?

Jacob: Hey Rob.

Rob and Jacob sake hands. Pieske tries to get a hug from from Rob, but it is refused.

Pieske: Alright homie, just trying to give ya some skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn

Rob: OK, stop now.

Pieske: My bad daaaaaaaaaaawg.

Rob: What are you two doing here?

Jacob: Well, we wanted to see if you knew who you were fighting at The MCW R- Who the hell is that?

Jacob asks about the man on the screen, Bobby Karma.

Rob: That, would be who I'm facing for the Missouri Title.

Pieske: Who the **** is he?

Rob: "Bobby Karma" is what they call him.

Jacob: He looks like a 70s porno star!

Pieske: hemumph looksmumph smallmumph

Pieske is trying to talk while eating a doughnut.

Rob: Where did you get that?

Pieske: I...Don't......Know.

Rob: Well, you guys can leave now, i was kinda in the middle of something.

Jacob: Oh, ok.

Pieske: iwannastayherewithyou!

Jacob pulls Pieske away by his ear, and Rob gets serious again, if he ever was serious...

Rob: That is all, all I need to say now, is goodbye Karma, hello Missouri Title.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
(The scene opens on Bobby Karma and his manager "Light As A Feather" Freddie Meriweather in the cafeteria resteraunt, getting their free continential breakfast supplied by the hotel they are staying in. Bobby is sitting down eating his breakfast while Freddie is watching on his Vorizon Podcast video the latest promo of "The Epitome Of Defiance" and "FTO Champion" Rob Franklin.)

Freddie Meriweather: Boy this boy totally misses the mark. Talk about your really slow on the uptake.

Bobby Karma: What's he saying?

Freddie: Well from last we left good ol Robbie Franklin, he's bettered himself since freeing himself from that hot bad ass girl Nakita Dahaka. He's enterage has gotten bigger. He now has TEAM FRANKLIN consisting of some guy Jacob Franklin...maybe their related or something. I think their brothers, but who cares right?

Bobby: Is that fat guy with him still?

Freddie: Pieske? Oh yeah he's still with him. Only now he's taking thug lessons. It looks like he's been reading Ja Rule's Guide to Thuggin 101 as narrated by Steven Seagal. I swear that Seagal always looks like he's constipated in every movie that he does. He's really bad, but look on the bright side, at least Pieske has more street as K-Fed...and he has more street cred as John Cena. Go figure.

Bobby: What else is he saying about me?

Freddie: He says that you look like a 70s porn star. I don't know where he gets that idea. You look nothing like a porn star of anykind. You may look like your too pretty to be a wrestler but not a porn star.

Bobby: Maybe he's confusing me for you Freddie?

Freddie: Really, what makes you think that?

Bobby: I think that it's the sideburns.

Freddie: Hey don't diss the the chops. Do you know how long it took me to grow these bad boys out?

Bobby: Unforately all too well.

Freddie: And he didn't even talk about my beautiful gotee, one that would make Wayne Static bow down to me. How does this make me look like a 70s porn star.

Bobby: Don't ask me, talk to him about it.

Freddie: Yeah, as a matter of fact I think that I will.

Bobby: Yeah...sure you well. Anyway, anything else?

Freddie: Yeah he thinks that your time in the CSWA means nothing and that you basically aren't of any match for his...(Trying not to laugh as he attempts to say with a straight face)...worthy of getting a shot at his FTO championship title. Say what the hell is an FTO title? Is that even a real belt?

Bobby: Not really. Its not a real sanctioned title. Its like a gimmick to him. Its something of centerpeice that helps him to compensate for something lacking in another area.

Freddie: And unfortunately I know what that is but I don't wanna know...know what I'm saying Bobb-O?

Bobby: Yeah well he thinks it gives him some sort of worth even if he can't take a hint that its not the title that makes the man, its the man that makes the title.

Freddie: Hey who knows, lets say...hypothetically speaking if he somehow, by the grace of god almighty manages to beat you and win the new MCW Reginal Title that he might...just might forget about that FTO title and actually call himself something of better more diginified worth. Not that I am saying that he will beat you, but its a what if scenario sort of thing.

Bobby: I don't deal in what ifs. I'm still relatively new in this business and right now I want I'm finally hungry for my very first title reign in this business that I so love and hold dearly. I'm gonna do everything that I possibly can to become the very first MCW Reginal Champion and hold it for as long as I possibly can. Did he say anything else about me.

Freddie: Not really, but then again I'm sure that we haven't heard the last of him or his little enterage. They'll be back.

Bobby: And so will I.

Freddie: That's right, his name is "What Goes Around Comes Around" Bobby Karma. The Epitome of Destiny, the Sultan of Zin, and best of all, you very first and next MCW Missouri Reginal Champion.

Bobby: Learn it, Know it, Remember me always.

(Bobby and Freddie finish eating their breakfast as the scene slowly fades out.)


League Member
May 25, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
Listen up

We fade in to see Rob Franklin, Jacob Franklin, and "The Man With No First Name" Pieske standing in front of a MCW backdrop. Pieske is talking on a cell phone quietly, Jacob is smoking...something, and Rob is staring off into space looking as though he has not a care in the world.

Rob: So, it has come to my attention, that "Bobby Karma" and his manager, who seems to be more loose than Delilah Demonik, have had to open their mothes once again, and try to prove that they can beat me. Let me tell you something, it's old. It's worn out. I've heard it all before, I'm trying to compinsate, I'm childish, Pieske is a stupid, fat asshole, blah, blah, blah.

But here's something you haven't heard.

I AM Rob Franklin. I AM what everyone in this business is talking about. Just look at me, I give off the feeling of perfection. In fact, I feel sooo confident, I'll let Pieske do my talking for me.

Pieske: (On Phone) ...Yeah baby...Don't worry about it baby...Do that....oohhhhhhhh yeeeeaaaaahhhh...Huh? My minute's up? Damnit!

Rob: Ahem

Pieske: Oh, hey Rob, you gotta dollar?

Rob: Look at the camera, and read your lines.

Pieske does just that.

Pieske: ...Rob Franklin and I have known each other for many years, and have had many an adventure.- This is ****ing gay - But neither of us could ever imagine that while Rob works harder than anyone in the business, he still gets no respect.

Rob: Thank you Pieske

Jacob: Hang on!

Rob: Huh?

Jacob: Listen people, I am Ron Franklin's BROTHER! I am the most talented in the industry as a manager, and as a wrestler! I DO have a purpose, I'm not the failure in the family, I have talent too! YOU HEAR THAT MOM AMD DAD? TALENT! LOOK AT ME MOM, I'M ON TV TOO! SUCK ON THAT DADDY! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU ALL!

There is an akward silence.

Pieske: What the hell?

Rob: Listen Jakey, everyone knows who you are, those two idiots were prolly just stoning it up, that's all.

Jacob: What's wrong with that?

Rob: Well, people forget things when they're on the weed.

Jacob: I just smoked a fat blunt, and I feel fine.

Rob: Don't say that on TV retard.

Jacob: No, because if I can remember everything, then so can.......er.......ummm......those two....guys.

Rob sighs, and pushes Jacob and Pieske out of camera view.

Rob: Jesus, I need a new Team Franklin

Well, whatever the hell just happened, changes nothing. I may have a dysfunctional Team, and I may hand out with pedophiles, and stoners, and all around weirdos, but that's who I choose to hang with, and I can choose because I'm the best. Period.



League Member
May 25, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
What goes around, in fact DOES come around.

We fade in to see Rob Franklin, standing behind a podium in a press room, with cameras flashing taking pictures, and whatnot while Rob smiles.

Rob: At "Rebirth in the Midwest" I will finally "Get mine" when I square off against one Bobby Karma for the Missouri title. But, there is another matter at hand here, the matter of a certain "placeholder" that i have been keeping around my waist for quite some time now. a certain "warm-up" for something bigger.

My FTO title.

Ah, you see, as I am the talk of the wrestling world nowadays, I am sure that MCW is honored to have the FTO champion on their roster. A true champion with a true championship, but sadly, it is all to be no more.

As I have promised in the past, when i win a title, I will stop wearing the FTO title, for I would feel respected enough, and I would do the company a favor, and put their little title around my waist.

Now, i would like to send out a formal invitation to everyone in the nation, to The Official Rob Franklin Celebration Party, where I will dispose of my FTO title, forever, and kick start the Franklin era.

All that stands in my way, is Bobby Karma.

Now, don't get me wrong, Karma seems nice enough, and i really have no problems with him. But he's got no chance. not against me. Not right now.

As much as i love my FTO title, there has to come a time to get rid of it.

And that time is now.


OOC: Sorry for stacking, but I waited 48 hrs, and i wanted to get that up.​

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