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[MINNEAPOLIS] (4) Troy Douglas vs. (13) Showtyme


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
First round match held at the Breslin Student Center in East Lansing, MI on Michigan State University's campus.

RP deadline is 3/17/08, 11:59:59 PM EDT, give or take a second. No RP limit. One fall to a finish. All other regular rules apply.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY

Troy Douglas stands in front of a TEAM banner, wearing his typical day-to-day ensemble of jeans and a grey Syracuse University t-shirt and smiling.

TD: You know, last time I made my presence felt in a TEAM event, well -- let's just say I didn't make the greatest impression. I choked, plain and simple, and Dan Ryan and I lost the Lethal Lottery belts.

Actually, I'll be a little more clear. Dan Ryan didn't lose a damn thing. I lost those belts on my own, and to be frank I'm damn surprised Jess Chapel was kind enough to let me back into the fold for the biggest tournament on the wrestling calendar.

But, I'm not gonna be the guy to bite the hand that feeds me. I'm not that stupid, and besides, I've got some unfinished business in this event from 12 months ago, so you can bet I was on the phone with TEAM management the exact minute the schedule for the tournament was set.

Plus, if Dan Ryan's got any problems with me, any problems here in TEAM, any problems in EPW, any problems in A1E, if things go according to plan he and I are gonna have a chance to hash all of those out in the Land of 1000 Lakes in just a couple of weeks.

That is, of course, if things go according to plan. And folks, if this tournament's taught us anything over its first two incarnations, it's that things very, very rarely go according to plan. When it comes to this event, you can pretty much throw the playbook and the flow charts and the diagrams away, because you've got about 8.32 seconds before they're all rendered completely useless.

I know personally. Last year, I was a victim to it. Sure, I avenged the loss -- twice -- on TEAM programming, but that one loss, that one thing that kept me away from a chance at the Merritt Trophy a year ago, that still eats at me any time somebody brings up this company. I was on the biggest roll of my career, but one man, on one night, stopped me dead in my tracks and sent me home empty-handed.

That's why I'm not looking one second past you, Showtyme. That's why I'm not looking at anywhere other than the Breslin Center, in front of thousands of Michigan State maniacs and maybe, just maybe, good ol' Sparty himself.

I'll be the first to say I don't know that much about you, kid. I don't know where you've been, I don't know what you've done, I couldn't pick you out of a lineup of two guys if the other guy was my best friend in the world.

I know one thing about you, Showtyme. I know that come the first round of the Minneapolis region of the 2008 TEAM Invitational Tournament, you're going to be across the ring from me when the bell rings at the Breslin Student Center. That's the tall and short of it, pal, and if you don't like it...


Well, you know where to find me, kid.

But, just because I don't know you doesn't mean you should come out here and talk about how I've underestimated you. You shouldn't come out on national television and make an ass of yourself talking about how your a World Champion here and Hall of Famer there, about how you're the past, present and future of professional wrestling, about how you're the be-all and end-all of this industry.

Because I've heard it all before, kid, and frankly it's gotten to the point where it's all just a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Again, if you've got a problem with that, you'll know where to find me. You won't need a phone book, or Google, or Wikipedia, because I'll be the guy standing across from you pounding your head into the canvas a few dozen times.

That's what I've got to do, Showtyme, it's just tough for you that your name got drawn against mine.

Make this one thing clear, kid. I'm not underestimating you, and I am not looking past you. But, I will get past you, because I've got bigger and better trees to chop down on my way to Atlanta.

My road is just starting for this 2008 edition of the TEAM tourney, Showtyme. Your road?

Well, I'll see you at the end of it. It's coming soon, kid, whether you like it or not.



League Member
Mar 1, 2008
13th seed?

HA! Well I've always been known everywhere I go, it's kind of nice to be unknown again. And there's no reason the staff, fans, fellow wrestlers of TEAM should know me. They haven't had a reason to. That is what I love about this sport. No matter what you are somewhere, it doesn't matter anywhere else. You could be the second coming of Jesus in some place, if you leave and head somewhere else, you're nothing more than one of those little peasants that followed Christ around.

So it looks like I get to be a peasant right now.

No one knows who I am, and quite frankly, I don't know who anyone else is.

But priority number one: Troy Douglas.

Look Troy, I don't have beef with you. And I'm not going to come out here with that basic "I'm better than you. See look at my past accomplishments as proof!" That's not what I'm about. What I'm about is winning. I'm all about going through this field of athletes, and proving in front of everyone that I am the best.

The greatest.

The King.

Yes. I said King. As I look up and down this bracket, all I see is an enormous game of chess. You got bishops, knights, and even some rooks. Those are the select few that stand out. Do something special, and are good enough to survive more than one round.

But then you got that front row. The pawns.

Every walk of life offers a peon. There are winners and then there are the people that simply do not matter. This tournament has its fair share of pawns. Troy Douglas is a prime example of athlete that tried to disturb the hierarchy of power, but is simply far too one dimensional to test any of the big boys.

It’s people like this that offer very little in terms of quality but always keep a place ticking over due to their sheer weight of numbers. They're everywhere. Sometimes you can't even move backstage because of them. Guys on the inside would argue that their mere existence is an annoyance.
I'd say it’s a necessity for the survival of the board.

They represent an easy victory that is pretty much meaningless to the power players of the board. Even if you destroy six or seven of these in quick succession, you don't feel as if you've achieved anything. At the end of the day, you know that the stronger challenges remain and you've done very little to unnerve them.

We're talking about cannon fodder here. Nothing more and nothing less.

So Troy, much like a pawn, you made the first move. You stepped out, thinking that you could do the unimaginable and thought you could win this tournament. But also like a pawn, you're weak, and basically in a tunnel vision. You're looking to only go forward. You cannot dart left or right. Hell, you can't even go backwards. You just duck your head and run full speed ahead.

The problem with that strategy is that you can be whiped off the board, with no real effort. You're basically the sacrifise for the stronger pieces on the board.

Don't take offense to being a pawn Douglas. There's a plethora of them in this business. Like them, you can try your damndest to step up and become a bishop or rook. And one day that's possible. But right now, you are just a pawn. A pawn that is in my way.

Pawns go down, without much attention, or care from the player. Just like you Douglas. When, and yes I said when, you go down to the eventual King of TEAM, no one's going to notice and even less are going to care.

I know I won't.

You're not going to be some epic win for me. I'm not going to look back and say "Man. I remember when I beat Troy Douglas." No. Give it a month, and I'll forget who you are. I'll forget how I beat you and how long it took.

Because you, Troy Douglas, are a pawn.

And pawns, simply put, don't matter.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY

Troy Douglas again stands in front of a TEAM backdrop inside the Breslin Student Center, sweating and wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of green and white Michigan State basketball shorts. He takes a drink from a bottle of water, then lays the bottle down next to him, wipes some sweat off his brow and smiles at the camera.

TD: Another guy using chess metaphors.

Yeah. We needed another of those guys. Another guy who claims he is "The King", and that he's going to knock out all the pawns, rooks, bishops and knights on his way to checkmating the field and walking out of Phillips Arena in a month or so with the Merritt Trophy.

One problem, Boris Spassky. In case you've forgotten, Mr. Chess Grand Master, the King can't do all that much in the game of Chess. The king doesn't move, he doesn't go on offense, he doesn't lead the attack and he does not plow through an entire army that's standing against him.

You know what the King does, Showtyme?

The King surrenders. It's not his job to win the battle, it's his job to be the end of the game.

And, unless you've got an army that you're planning to stack up against me here in East Lansing, that's exactly what's going to happen to you in round one of the TEAM Invitational.

Because if you want to turn this thing into a game of chess, Showtyme I've got no problem with that whatsoever. I'll charge headlong into your front lines, I'll artfully employ defenses and counterattacks, and in the end...


Well, in the end, this pawn is going to back the King into a corner and drop him onto his head for all the world to see.

Checkmate, Showtyme. That's your fate, if you continue to be so blind and stupid to think that I'm nothing but a sacrificial lamb.

I don't need to throw my credentials out there for the rest of the world. I don't need to talk about the titles I've won, about the men I've beaten, about who I am and what I mean in this business, because I back it up inside the squared circle, son.

TEAM didn't seed me fourth for no reason, pal. They did it because there aren't many people who do what we do as well as I can, and they've seen me do it night after night, match after match for eight years, and if you want to go ahead and provoke me, I've got no problem showing you why I'm considered one of the elite performers in this neck of the woods.

Showtyme, I've got no problem being a pawn. As far as I can tell, we're all nothing but pawns, throwing ourselves headlong into danger until the next big thing comes around.

But, pawns can do damage, Showtyme. Pawns are right on the front line, and if I've got to be a piece on a chess board I'd most certainly want to be the one that's the first one into the fire. I've got no fear of a fight, Showtyme, and I will throw myself into you with fire and fury and you will not be the same once the bell rings to signal that your time in the TEAM Invitational has come to a sudden stop.

I'll make this simple. When you opened your mouth, you proved every guess I made about you to be one hundred percent accurate. Without knowing so much as your given name or any match you'd ever wrestled, I pegged you right on the money.

You're a man, like so many others before you, who thinks you've got some preternatural birthright that entitles you to respect and adulation. As much as you talked about feeling like a peasant wandering into a new land, you still feel slighted just because Jess Chapel and the higher-ups at TEAM considered you an unknown.

You want my respect, Showtyme? Make me respect you.

You want to be considered among the elite? Show me something that makes me believe every word you've said isn't a colossal load of bull, just like so many others before you.

This is March Madness, Showtyme, and yes, this is the time of year where Cinderella gets to go to the ball and have her chance with Prince Charming.

But, you're not gonna be Valparaiso, or Coppin State, or Hampton, Showtyme. You won't be Bryce Drew nailing the diving three at the buzzer, and you won't be Steve Nash leading Santa Clara over Arizona.

You're not Gonzaga, or Loyola Marymount, or even George Mason.

You're the team that gets run out of the gym by Duke, Carolina or Kansas the minute that they step onto the floor, and I'm the guy ready to put an entire tournament on my shoulders and ride to glory.

You just happen to be the guy that's gonna get left in the dust.

That's check, Showtyme. Your move.

See you at the end of the road.



League Member
Mar 1, 2008
For someone who claimed he pinpointed who Showtyme is, he sure did do a horrible job at doing that.

First off, Troy, I don't want your respect. I do not thrive on your respect. If your respect was an object, I'd take it from you, whipe my ass with it, and hand it back to you. Your respect is the last thing I want.

Why get the respect of a man I don't know? What good does that do? That's like demanding the respect of Jimmy Joe that works at the local Piggly-Wiggly, sure it's respect from another man, but what good does that do? It doesn't give me those butterflies. I'm not becoming an insomniac praying to the Gods above that I have Mr Piggly-Wiggly's respect.

You know why I don't want your respect?

Because I don't respect you. I didn't have a problem with you until you claimed you figured me out. When it's obvious that you have no clue who I am. I'm not some kid. I'm a veteran. I know what I'm doing in the ring. And I have this super power. The ability to smell bull****.

And that's what I see in you. You're nothing more than a big steaming pile of bull****. You know the higher-ups in TEAM... Whoopty-f*cking-doo! What date do we put "Troy Douglas Appriciation Day" on? But since you have been apart of this TEAM I'm supposed to fear you? A man I've never heard of was a part of a federation I've never heard of before two weeks ago. Yes, I am literally pissing my pants out of sheer fright.

How am I to know you were even a powerhouse here? There's no proof, or anything to convey me to believe that you were anything more than a solid curtain jerker?

You know they bust their ass night after night too. They just lose all of those nights.

But wait! Everyone stop what you are doing! Troy Douglas got me! He's noticed how everyone uses the chess reference! Problem is, he apparently doesn't understand my reference.

I never said I personally was going to take out the bishop, pawns, knights, or hell even the Queen. All I said, is that I am the King, I am the most prominant piece on the board.

You're right though Troy. The King doesn't move. And why should he? He's the target. He's "The Man." He doesn't have to go out into battle and mindlessly slay other pieces. They come to him and only if their lucky, they pin him. He doesn't attack unless provoked. And then with one swift move, when their in danger of taking him out, BOOM! He takes them out.

Without the King, the game is over. Basically, without the King, the game is nonexistant. So without me, this entire tournament... pointless... non existant.

Without a pawn, especially a pawn that has no shame in being a pawn, the game continues. There are more important pieces on the board, and quite frankly, the player is more glad than upset that his pawn is gone. That's just less space occupied on the board.

Got a question for you Troy... Valpariso, Coppin State, Hampton, Santa Clara, Gonzaga, Loyola Marymount, and George Mason: What do they ALL have in common?

Sure they shocked the world, advancing somewhat into the tournament. But that's it. Gonzaga is half decent still, George Mason dominates their weak conferance, and Hampton is busy getting bombed by Austin Peay and Tennessee-Martin. But after their one year of magic, they were done. After their magic carpet ride, they were done, basically never to be seen again, when it comes to being a threat.

You're right. I'm not them. I'm glad you caught on. You're starting to see that.

Those teams remind me of pawns. They went out there, full speed ahead, got some momentum and shocked everyone beating a few mediocre teams. Just like when a pawn sneaks up on an unsuspecting bishop and takes him out. They took the offense to the other teams. Until they ran into a brick wall. That brick wall that stood there lying in wait, just waiting for someone to run at them so they can drop that pawn like a... well like a pawn.

Kinda like a King.

So... checkmate.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY

Troy Douglas, wearing a Syracuse University #44 basketball jersey and black jeans, again stands at TEAM's interview set inside the Breslin Student Center, smiling.

TD: Y'know, you're really, really bad at this, Showtyme. Did anyone point that out?

The villain's not supposed to use logic, he's not supposed to use facts, he's supposed to come out here and say "I IZ BETTER THAN U", cackle like Dr. Evil, spout a few catchphrases and be on his way.

That's the way the paradigm works, kid. But you, you had to decide to do the whole "here is why you're wrong and this is exactly why" deal. You had to go and get all high-and-mighty about me talking about chess and college basketball, and you still -- providing absolutely ZERO evidence, mind you -- make this blind insistence that you are The Man.

Newsflash, son, you're not The Man here. At least, not yet.

You see, out of 63 other men and women who put their name in for this tournament, I haven't seen you step into the ring against any single one of them. From Dan Ryan and Sean Stevens to the Sheephumper and Ronaldodinho, I don't see one of those names in your past.

In fact, I don't see ANY names in your past. I don't even SEE a past, Showtyme. I just see bragging about how your more important than any one competitor in this entire, 64 person field.

And, for the life of me, I still haven't seen you back it up one little bit. That's the problem with people like you, Showtyme. You sound good in front of a camera, and you can spout line after line of impressive dialogue about why you're so much more important than every other insignificant piece of garbage in this field, so you can get alot of people to get behind you.

You create the ILLUSION of a favorite. You create a FACADE that you are the be-all and end-all of professional wrestling, and that nobody else has the right to even step in the ring with you.

You show no respect to your opponents, hell, you called me nothing but a "solid curtain jerker", and you said, flat out, that this tournament, this entire event, is NOTHING without you.

I'll be honest, Showtyme. That one's not gonna make it any easier for you to move along in this tourney. Go ask Dan Ryan if this event's nothing without you. Go ask Lindsay Troy, go ask Jason Payne, go ask Chip Friendly or whoever "Faceless" turns out to be, go ask Donovan Astros or Shawn Hart or a former winner like Karl Brown, and you'll find out that you are FAR from the only thing that matters about this tournament.

In fact, I'd go so far to say that if you were to mysteriously fall of the face of the Earth and never appear again, it wouldn't matter one damn bit. The world'll move on, and no one will ever remember that some loudmouth named Showtyme once stuck his foot so far up his damn mouth that it took the hardest lariat in recorded history to knock it out.

And, honestly, that's what'll happen to you inside this building just a few days from now.

Like every overconfident, braggadocious moron before you, Showtyme, you will get dropped onto your head, you will be hit with lariats so hard that you won't be able to tell left from right for a week, and at the conclusion, you either tap out to the Deathlock or you go down for the count after the End of the Road.

But, let's get back to the whole basketball analogy for a minute, okay? Can you follow me for a moment?

You're right, Showtyme. You're not Valpo or George Mason. You're not the one-hit wonder or the flash-in-the-pan who makes a little noise and then goes away for a while.

You know what you are, Showtyme?

You're the team that LOST to Valpo, Hampton or Coppin State. You're the guy who buys so much into his own hype that he can't help but be knocked back to reality. You're the guy who believes his press clippings so much that he actually buys into the idea that he can't be touched, and then he gets knocked off his high horse by someone he believes to be inferior.

Biggest problem for you is, I'm in no way whatsoever inferior to you, you egotistical little punk. You want to call me a curtain jerker, you want to call me insignificant?

Go right ahead, asswipe.

In the first round of the TEAM Invitational, 2008 Edition, you're gonna get run out of the gym so fast you won't know what's hit you. And when I move on, and you go home -- a victim of your own stupid overconfidence -- we'll see who the curtain jerker is.

I'm not expecting a party, Showtyme. I don't want to be coddled, and for damn sure I want the stiffest competition available. Unlike you, I fully expect to get that in every single round of this tournament.

Also, unlike you, I'm going to be AROUND for every single round of this tournament.

Not because I'm bigger than this event, or even because I'm the best wrestler in the world right now. It's because I want this more than any of the 63 other people, monkeys and fish in this tournament, and I very simply will not be denied.

I may be nothing but a pawn to you, Mr. King, but I think it's high time for a little coup d'etat to take effect.

And this won't be silent, and it will not be bloodless. I will impale you on your own sword, and if you survive, you'll live to be a little more humble the next time your mouth writes a check that you have absolutely no way to cash.

If you're the King, then I'm gonna dog the King until the crown falls from his head. And at that point, punk, you're gonna be nothing but what you really are.

A commoner.

And common men don't win this tournament, Showtyme. Uncommon men do. And I won't hesitate to break the mold or break your neck in order to win this thing.

You are my target, Showtyme, and I will not stop until you go down for the count.

And then, the King will get to fulfill his ultimate destiny.





Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, you go home without a single excuse. Make no bones about this, Showtyme. In the first round, I am going to break you down until you can't take any more. I will make you surrender, and there's not a damn thing a pompous, self-righteous like prick like you can do about it.

You are not bigger or better than this tournament, Showtyme. And you are most assuredly not the King.

You're not even a pawn, Showtyme. You're a checkers or backgammon piece, jealous that he can't get the recognition of the big boys.

And after our match, you're not even going to be in the game anymore, son. You'll be discarded, and then nobody's going to have to deal with you ever again.

That's just the way the cookie crumbles, Showtyme. I hope you've got your plane tickets booked back to wherever it is you come from, because you might just be lucky enough to catch the red-eye and sleep in your own bed that night with a heat pack on your back and a bag of ice on your forehead.

Make sure your chiropractors ready, Showtyme.

You tell him he can meet you at the end of the road.

Now THAT'S checkmate, punk. Pawn takes King.

Deal with it.



League Member
Mar 1, 2008
<CENTER>**The scene starts with Showtyme standing in his emense back yard, pondering life with Alex Tyler. That's an interviewer from a previous federation for those of you who are new to Showtyme. In beach chairs, they sit, basking in the partly cloudy Michagan sky. One of Showtyme's dogs, Rodeo, sleeps lazily next to his hand.** </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>Showtyme</CENTER><CENTER>"So, are you in?" </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>Alex Tyler
"Yea, I guess. I dont have much of a job anymore, anyway."
</CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>ShowTyme</CENTER><CENTER>"No, no you don't. And you cant read, so you can't be a journalist. Face it, its your life's duty to be my interviewer." </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>Alex Tyler
"What did I do to deserve this?"
"See, you say that now, but in a couple weeks, when you get your first paycheck, and get to feed your wife and kids again, youll love the idea. How is your sad excuse for a family, anyway?"
"Their fine."
"Wife still cheatin' on you?"
"My wife is a faithful woman!"
"HA! You might wanna check your sources on that one, buddy boy. Mine tell me she gets passed around more than AIDS in Africa!"
"What? Who are your sources?"
"Thats none of your business, son. Speaking of sons, is yours still a dummy?"
"What? My son is bright little boy. He made honor roll in 5th grade, last year."
"You forgot to add the fact that it was the dumbassess second time in 5th grade..."
"So is this what its gonna be like? You insulting me every time you get?"
"Maybe in the beginning, but ill probably be too caught up in insulting other people to worry about hurting your feelings."
</CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>**Showtyme sips on his iced tea.** </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>Alex Tyler
"What brought us here, anyway? There are hundreds of federation out there, how did we end up here?"
"Ive got my reasons..."
"You just wanted to find more broads to bang, didn't you?"
"Alright, maybe a little..."
"But thats not it, of course. All my career, I've been in the same little group of wrestlers. From the SWO, to the NOW, and I know you remember the xCw."
"Of course."
"I'm not even thirty years old and I've reached legendary status around my peers. But when I go watch other promotions when I've got a week off, I'm introducing myself like I'm a stranger. No one knows me."
"How awful..."
"Quit with the smartass remarks.... Like I was saying, no one knows me. I want my name known around the world, by every single person that has a brain. What better way to do that than win a 64 man tournament that's full of people who have no clue who I am?"
"Good point?"
"Excellent point."
"So, whos your opponent in your debut match?"
"A Mr. Troy Douglas."
"Sounds like a frat kid."
"Yea, but in a place full of cartoon characters, blood drinking rejects, sheep humpers, and goofy metorsexuals, Troy is about the closest to normal Im gonna get."
"Its a shame, really."
"He looks alittle like a frat kid, too. His hair has some serious altitude."
"Leverage, maybe?"
</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>Showtyme</CENTER><CENTER>"Yea, his hair is like his Ric Flair. It'll distract his opponent so he can go for the kill shot."</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>**The share a laugh at Douglas' expense.** </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>Showtyme
"He's pretty egotistical, too. Talking about guys that I have no clue who they are. Who the hell is jason Payne.... and Chip Friendly? A name like that he should cover for Queen or something like that. And Troys strategy? Basically say everything I say, but try to turn it against me." He's pretty much stealing my ideas right infront of me."
"I have a hard time beliving he stole your ideas."
"Yea, you have a hard time belinve it now, but wait till he has someone named Tyler Alexander show up and do a skit something like this."
"Heh, ill remember that."
"You wont have to remember it, it'll hit you thunder. It'll be a fake parody, like a billion others have tried. Itll have a cheap hooker to play the part of me, and a bear to play you. Then he'll do something class less, like animal sex. I know he will, because I know people like him. Hell, to an extent, I am people like him."
"I doubt there are people that are comparable to you."
"He's not exactly like me, but he's close. He has a huge ego, because he won a couple matches over people that dont matter. I mean, according to him he beat a man that calls himself Facelss. Faceless? Is that really anything to be proud of? But how many real competitors has Troy faced in this TEAM? None, exactly. So, when a real gladiator, like myself goes toe to toe with him, where will his ego be then? My guess is absent, like Allen Iverson and practice. See, he has to be proud of himself over small time accomplishments like his last three wins, because without them, he's nothing. He'll, if he was really the caliber of fighter that he said he was, and since he's apparently known already amoungst the TEAM committee, he would be a one seed, am I right?."
"How is that relevant to the idea that he is the same as you."
</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>Showtyme</CENTER><CENTER>"See, he's like me in the fact that I get abit proud when I accomplish something, but he's different, because what he's accomplished isnt anything at all. To a high caliber fighter, beating the likes of Acid, Robb X, Riddler, and Scooby (see I can name people you dont know too) is just running in place, rather then ascending to the top. He'll need to fight and beat someone real in order to achive his goal of making something outta this **** federation. That someone, is me."</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>Alex Tyler
"Well, I have all the faith in the world in your abilities, but quite frankly, you really dont know anything about this guy."
</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>Showtyme</CENTER><CENTER>"What do you mean 'I dont know anything about this guy?' You underestimate my prowess. Wrestling is my sport, and like any other sport, with any other player, I take my time and study the game every chance I get. You think I havent been watching this boy, along with everybody else this month? I study, analyze, and use all this brand new knowlage to make myself better. Its the same thing I did in XCW, and is the exact reason why I became their World Champion. Its the reason I was so successful in the SWO, and it will be the reason why I will be succesful in the TEAM!" </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>Alex Tyler
"Well, what makes you think Troy isnt doing the same thing?"
"Have you been listening at all? I know he's not doing it, because I know assmunchers like him. He's checkin' out *****es, and making stupid mistakes. He's overlooking the challenge he has before him. Ive wrestled in countries he hasnt even heard of. I hone my skills from Japanese, Mexican, and Indian wrestling techniques. Hell, I even run a school, where I teach other people the art of wrestling. Did you catch that? I consider wrestling an Art, he probably just thinks its a stupid game. That'll be his downfall, in the end. When he's realizing that all his basic wrestling tricks wont be close to enough to stop me, then he'll get serious, and frustrated, and sloppy. Ill take advantage of all three, and pin him for the 1..2..3. So says me! Show T-Y-M-E!"
"You should be a rapper, 'Tyme."
"Maybe, maybe."
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League Member
Mar 1, 2008
okay I just posted a RP and it isnt showing up. i somehow typed it all in like 30 mins too, so im curious to know whats going on.

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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If you want to help grow the community of fantasy wrestling creators, consider hosting your league here on FW. You gain access to message boards, Discord, your own web space and the ability to post pages here on FW. To discuss, message "Chad" here on FW Central.

What Is FW?

Take a look at some old articles that are still relevant regarding what fantasy wrestling is and where it came from.
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