(The early morning sun radiates down on the busy populace streets. A large courthouse looms in the distance, as TiT participant High Flyer slow makes his way up the innumerous number of steps available to said court house.
Entering through the glass double doors, Flyer goes through security, tossing things from his pockets into the blue trays and making some small chat with the security guards. Security confirms that High Flyer does not have a bomb or a gun of any kind, and so, Flyer continues on his way, climbing into an elevator that has overachieved it's weight capacity.
Sixth floor, Flyer exits and saunters down the hallway to the local receptionist. He mimes ringing a bell for service, since there is no bell.)
High Flyer: Ring!
(A secretary, Laura, in her early twenties, turns and smiles.)
Laura: What can I do for you today sir?
High Flyer: Uh, yeah, you can really help me out here. Listen... I want to know what a fusenhoff is.
Laura: Excuse me?
High Flyer: Yeah, listen, I've been trying to figure out what the word fusenhoff stands for. You know how baby's names stand for something? Like, how the name Patrick comes from the derivative of the word Patriarch, meant for a noble man. You've read those books, haven't you?
Laura: And you want to know what...
High Flyer: Fusenhoff
Laura: Right... Fusenhoff... means.(she stares) Well, I'm sorry sir, but we're not the dictionary department.
High Flyer: You guys have a dictionary department?
Laura: Uh... no.
High Flyer: Oh. Man, this is going to bug the crap out of me. I even called NPR and asked them to put it on their Vocab show, but NOTHING! I drove here EARLY just to ask YOU that very important question.
Laura: I'm sorry! What am I supposed to do? Go out and buy a baby name book and look through the p's?
High Flyer: F's, but no, that won't do any good. I already bought eight baby name books, more than when I had my own baby, I swear. It's freaking redonkilous. I'm just done with it. I am. I can't figure it out. He's just made out of gibberish! I swear!
(Laura continues to stare at Flyer, as a long awkward pause begins to develop. Flyer and Laura exchange flirtive glances, and then Flyer turns heel and begins to walk out of the courthouse.
While waiting for the elevator, Flyer leans back and talks to our cameraman, who's using a pinhole plastic camera in the lapel of his jacket.)
High Flyer: I can't believe you got a camera in here. Now that's talent.
(The cameraman shakes his jacket to make the camera nod. The elevator doors open, and Flyer and the cameraman start to head down, alone in said elevator.)
High Flyer: So I'm done trying to chase down what the name Fusenhoff actually means. I mean, I even got desperate enough to watch your old tapes there Fusey, and I've got to say... I still have no idea what your name means. I mean, I know what YOU mean, I know who YOU are, but why are you Fusenhoff. Why did your parents decide to you name you that instead of Edgar? Edgar's much easier of a name to understand than Fusenhoff. I bet all through elementary school, kids cracked up at the mere mention of your name.
(Flyer scoffs)
High Flyer: And I wasn't on acid. I was on acid four days BEFORE I shot that promo. You know, I was doin' the ol' prep work. Watch a few of your matches, catch your promos, take some acid, y'know? (Flyer Shrugs) I didn't even take any acid. It was a complete an utter fabrication. Much like your moniker. If you won't tell me what it means, can you at least tell me how you came up with it? Was it some sort of heroin induced gibberish you thought sounded cool? Cause I will admit it sounds cool.
(The elevator doors open on the ground floor. Flyer steps calmly out of the elevator, and then smiles back to the cameraman.)
High Flyer: I think we're done here?
(The cameraman must have shook his head no, as the camera sways left to right.)
High Flyer: Well, if we're not done... SECURITY! THIS MAN HAS A CAMERA! SWARM! SWARM!
(Immediately, security officers enter and tackle our TEAM cameaman, as Flyer slowly and quietly makes his getaway.)