[A man is standing in the middle of an open park area on Missouri State's large campus. He's not just any many, nor does he look like just any man. At first glance, he looks to be around six feet tall. What sets him apart, however, is the fact that he's wearing a Giant Gonzales-styled body suit (hair and all) with a bizarre-but-colorful clown mask.]
[Letting out a Krusty the Clown-like laugh, he addresses the viewing audience.]
Hey hey hey hey! I'd say that the "wrestler with the last name of Ryan" quota has been filled and then some for the NiPpLe... er... I mean TiT.
It's tournament time. March Madness.
What better way to kick things off for this brackett than to feature the man-thing that puts the E, A, and T (think about it) in TEAM? Yes, I'm talking about me!
[Krusty the Clown laugh]
I know I'm not a very portly man, but see... that's the magic of both my monike and my diet (both one and the same)... I am the Eggomuncher, and that means that I like to munch eggos. Well actually, "DEVOUR" is probably a better term.
Eggos make me feel great. Eggos make me lose weight. Eggos make a fantastic date!
Okay okay... they don't really make a fantastic date, but they can make a date GREAT! Trust me on that one. I've never had a date who was having a good time where eggos weren't involved. Um... so you got me there, I've never had a date who was having a good time... but you get the point.
I like eggos. I love eggos.
I would marry them if it were legal to, and if things continue down the current path of America, I may be able to court, marry, and have a sexual relationship with eggos.
But that is neither here nor there.
Although eggos are great (much better than egos, I might add... although another "Ryan" might disagree), they aren't the reason why I'm here. I'm here to compete in one of these wrestling matches I've heard so much about.
I understand that anybody can train a professional wrestler, so I found the best trainer that ten bucks could buy (I needed the rest for eggos and some cool Dan Ryan sunglasses, which can be purchased at
www99.*empireprowrestling*.com for $19.99) , and tackled this crazy mixed up world.
One week later, here I am with High Flyer as an opponent.
They don't fly much higher than ol' High Flyer, I can tell you that much right there. He is one high flying High Flyer... and if he had to choose a military branch to serve in, I'd say he'd choose the Air Force. They aim high, you know, and that is exactly where a high flyer like High Flyer would aim... "high".
Other than that, I just don't know. "Cowboy" Doink Kamala III said that he taught me everything he knew, you know, like how to bump and how to do an arm drag and bodyslam, so I trust him that those will be all I need to know in order to continue in this thing.
Who knows? Maybe I'll meet up with one of those other "Ryan" guys and we can find out who the better Ryan is.
You know... because THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!
[Another Krusty the Clown laugh.]
You guys are still here?
Get outta hee-ah.