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[MINNEAPOLIS] (1) Dan Ryan vs. (9) Zodiac


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Second round match held the Hammons Sports Center on Missouri State's campus in Springfield, MO. One fall to a finish, no time limit.

No RP limit, all regular RP rules apply, deadline is Sunday, April 6 at 11:59:59 PM EDT, give or take a second.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
FADE IN.....................

TEAM backdrop - and in front, "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan - sunglasses (at night), jeans, black tank top and since this is an interfed thing, why the hell not? The CSWA UNIFIED World Title belt is around his waist, the NAPW World Title belt is across his left shoulder, the NFW World Title belt is across his right shoulder and the A1E World Title belt is draped over his right forearm as he holds his arm up slightly to support it.


Ryan: "So, it's on to round two - and I see it's with another opponent who clearly cares very deeply about their place in this tournament."

"My apologies for not turning up sooner, but as I almost literally have the weight of the world on my shoulders these days....and my opponent doesn't seem to give a ****, I guess it doesn't really matter much."

"This Zodiac chick, I was warned about her by a couple people. Tougher than Akita, they said. She seems like a Mortal Kombat character to me, what with the whole zodiac thing and the sayings all throughout her bit. Yeah, I eat Chinese food sometimes too. You think no one here has ever read a fortune cookie?"

"If you throw a spear at me though, Zodiac and pull me to you before giving me a stiff uppercut - I'm gonna be really really pissed."

"I don't mind the whole....fighting a girl thing. I've only made that mistake once in my life (hey Lindsay!) and I wouldn't make it a second time. But you're still quite small aren't you? Highly trained I'm sure. Not very big though."

"Now, I'm not just a big guy. I know you made reference to big guys in your first round piece with the goon you were sparring with, but I'm not just big. I'm....juuuuuust about as highly trained and talented and skilled and....well, you know......as they get around here. I most definitely can beat you fisticuffily (is that a word?) until you bleed, I can certainly tie you in knots if I catch you...."

"So hey, it is what it is. You don't care? I do. I won this thing last year, and I'm gonna do it again. Thanks for being my second straight warmup match. I appreciate it."

FADE OUT..............

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