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Mike Diamond vs. Karl "The Dragon" Brown


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
A new beginning

[FADE IN. Karl is standing on the outside of a wrestling ring, watching two trainees going at it in the ring. The cameraman coughs slightly, distracting him. Karl turns to face the camera, revealing a plain white T-shirt through his open, standard jacket]

Karl: [reading the name on the cameraman’s shirt] Empire Pro? Ah, I was wondering when you guys would get here. Give me a couple of minutes; I have to keep an eye on these two.

[The camera pans round to show the two trainees. After almost a minute, one of them manages to make the other tap out, and the camera turns back to Karl, who is applauding]

Karl: Excellent, guys. Keep up the work; you’ll make it someday. [Turning to the camera]

Now, where were we? Ah, yes, you probably want me to talk about my upcoming match with Mike Diamond, right? Well, hope you don’t mind if I talk a bit about what I have in store for Empire first.

You see, following the closure of MCW, I’ve been waiting anxiously for the moment to step foot in the ring again. I look through the Empire roster, and I see some very familiar names; Christian Sands, Rocko Daymon, Adam Benjamin… all guys I’ve wrestled in the past. Three guys I was set to appear with at a Ballistic taping in a tag match. But that’s the past now. MCW has unfortunately gone, but now I have a whole new set of challenges to meet. Beast, Dan Ryan… the list goes on and on. Some great talent is here in Empire, and I’m looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead. I know a lot of the guys have a reputation in this business for their excellence in the ring. I’m going to enjoy seeing how I measure up against some of the greats in this industry, and also to facing a few familiar faces in a new environment.

Which brings me to my first opponent in this new company, Mike Diamond, a man coming back from an injury he suffered at the hands of Andrew Dalton. I’ve only seen him in action a couple of times, and I must say, I was fairly impressed by what I saw. He’s certainly got the skills to succeed, and I know he’s tough; he did, after all, take two of Dalton’s finishing moves before he lost. As I recall, that was the second time those two fought in MCW, and the score ended up one a piece. Should be an interesting experience.

Taking nothing away from you though, Mike, I can’t see you defeating me this week at Aggression. You’re coming back from a neck injury. I had a couple of those in my rugby career as a kid, and I know how long it takes to heal. Not only your neck, but also the fact you’ve been out of active wrestling competition for a bit now. If this was a chess match, you’d have one up on me, but I’ve been wrestling week in, week out, and since MCW closed, I’ve been keeping myself healthy and in good ring condition. Yes, I took a huge fall through the top of the Mayhem Mountain whilst in MCW, but I still kept going. So, in terms of recent in ring experience, I have the slightest of advantages. Yes, I know that it only takes one mistake to lose a match, but I don’t intend to make that one mistake. I know you’re going to say the same.

Trainer: [From out of shot] Hey, Karl, how’s about working with Alex here? He needs a good match

Karl: [calling to the trainer] Sure, just let me wrap this up. [To the camera] Well, this is an exciting time. A new company, new challenges, the chance to settle a few old scores, and the chance to surpass myself. Mike, I hope you’re at one hundred percent at Aggression; I’m looking forward to a great match.

[With that, Karl takes his jacket off, climbs into the ring, and locks up with his training partner. FADE OUT]


League Member
Nov 20, 2003
Posted for Mike Diamond

OORP: Posted for Kyle, because he can't access the boards right now.

[[The scene opens to Mike Diamond’s hotel room, the bed is undone with a used towel laying on the end of it... The camera pans the room a bit as it looks like a hurricane has ran through it and right in the middle of it is Mike Diamond sitting in a chair near the slide open door, the curtain is pulled as the sunlight is all the light needed. Diamond sitting back in the seat with his blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail... He also is sporting a diamond studded cross charm that hangs about mid chest on his black shirt and a pair of khakis...]]

MD: “Ok Empire take a big deep breathe, now exhale it all out... You feel that? That’s relief, because Mike Diamond has finally spoke.”

[[Flashing that oh so cocky grin...]]

MD: “Yes, I’ve found it my busy schedule, you know seeing all of those neck specialist an all... Getting second and third opinions on whether or not I should come back two weeks ahead of schedule. I’ve wondered and pondered it all week. But I want make a real decision until Aggression.”


MD: “But that doesn’t mean my mouth doesn’t work and I see that this little guy named Karl ‘The Dragon’ Brown... is talking a little bit and Mike Diamond doesn’t like talking on his watch.”

[[Shaking his head...]]

MD: “First and foremost let’s get this straight Karl... This isn’t MCW, as much as you want to make references of MCW over and over again.. This isn’t MCW. I don’t know how many times I heard MCW come out of your mouth... That place is dead, that place wasn’t as historic as you an a lot of people are putting on. It was a generic company that lasted a few months and went bankrupt... and one big reason was my injury, the rest of the bums combined couldn’t muster up a five star quality wrestler like myself. So the fans turned off... and a lot of people hit the unemployment line, to Empire... The wrestling organization we are in now... EMPIRE, Karl... so stop getting out here like an old man talking about your old high football days... That place is gone, we don’t want to hear the promoting anymore...”

[[Pausing only for a sip of his bottle of water...]]

MD: “Then I see you get into the fact that I can’t beat you is because of my neck injury. You had a few of those in your rugby days, right? I think that’s what you said. Well, once again we’re off topic rugby is a little pansy sport... Hell, rugby is like MCW... and Empire is like the NFL... You can’t really see the difference, but hey you do call yourself, ‘The dragon’...”

[[Letting off a small chuckle...]]

MD: “Seriously Karl... You’re a grown man. You walk around an call yourself, ‘The Dragon’... Why is that? Do you like Puff the magical dragon? I don’t know what the point of the name is. I mean hell I don’t know if I’m wrestling a real person or watching some corny Bruce Lee movie. Either way I’m not taking you to seriously Karl... and let me give you three reasons why... in a little segment I’d like to call... Three reasons why I don’t take Karl ‘The Dragon’ Brown seriously....”


MD: “One, any grown man who calls himself ‘The Dragon’, nuff said.”

MD: “Two, Mike Diamond could beat a man of such low caliber without a neck...”


MD: “And last but not least... I’m Mike Diamond and well, Karl... you’re not... That simple. So when I show up at Aggression and if I decide to wrestle... You’re going to know first hand how it feels to be hit by the ‘Best damn frog splash in the business...’ Then when you looks up the lights all groggy and dazed, I’ll just assume it’ll be the same view you had in MCW... Hey Karl, I guess they are alike...”

[[The scene begins to fade with Mike Diamond flashing that ten million dollar grin...]]


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. Karl is sitting in a dimly lit hotel room, with some Iron Maiden audible over the stereo in the corner.]

Karl: Five times, Mike. Five times. You mentioned it six as I recall.

But joking aside, Mike.

You seem tense.

Why else would you be “vaunting aloud though wracked with deep despair”?

You see, Mike, I saw your promo, and I didn’t know which was more disappointing for me; you showing you never kept an eye on possible opponents, you saying rugby is a weak sport, your ill-inspired ego, or your immediate assumption you’re somehow going to win. Let me start I guess with the least important of those, rugby.

Hey, each to ones own I guess. If you ask me, I’ll stick to the fact that no American Football team has managed to beat a rugby union side in a rugby match, yet rugby union teams have managed to defeat American Football teams. Or there’s the excessive padding you guys need to wear, or the fact we play for 40 minutes flat out before half time without any breaks. But we’ll stick to our own sports; I prefer rugby myself, having played it to a high level and enjoyed it, and you can stick to your American Football.

Now, onto more important matters.

[Karl rolls his neck once, before standing and walking to the table to pour himself a drink of water from the jug that sits there. He takes a sip, then turns to the camera]

Karl: I see you never followed what went down in MCW, Mike. If you did, you’d have seen why I use the name “The Dragon.” One of the schools I trained at in Japan had a title it used for its star pupils, and their pictures are along one of the walls. I use the name “The Dragon” because I earned that title, and to be honest, I’m quite honoured to use it. It stands for a lot; honesty, integrity, and humility being just a few of those. Skills help too. Something you’ll see soon enough at Aggression.

Secondly, you seem to have an ego, Mike. A most unfounded one from what I’ve seen; I’ve seen nothing in you I haven’t seen in hundreds of wrestlers. Yes, I’m still new to the ring itself, but I’ve watched enough tapes to see your type over and over. Talk about generic. Then again, maybe you need that inflated opinion of yourself; it keeps alive in your mind the thought that you’re going to beat me.

Which could happen, Mike; don’t get me wrong. You could manage to pin my shoulders to the mat for the one-two-three. But I could just as easily pin you. That seems to be something a lot of guys have in common in this industry; they have this high opinion of themselves which says that they’re gonna beat everyone each and every week. I’m quite pleased with my record thus far; three wins, two losses and a draw. Granted, I’d be happier with six wins. But I’ve learnt something from each of my defeats. From losing to Adam Benjamin, I’ve learnt to push myself that much harder. From losing to Rocko Daymon, I learnt to not let myself get distracted by events outside the ring. If I lose to you, I’ll look at our match as a learning experience. If I win, it’s a learning experience with the knowledge that I beat a decent opponent.

Mike, and I apologise if this sound generic, but come Aggression, I’m going to give it all I’ve got, and I hope you do. Oh, and watch yourself in the ring this week; this Dragon is ready to fly.

[Smiling, Karl turns to walk across the room. FADE OUT]

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