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Michael Manson vs. Troy Martinez


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
((FADEIN: Michael Manson is sitting in front of a glass case. he is sitting Indian-style in his "Praise Manson and Pass the Pez" t-shirt and black jeans, though shoeless with his feet as pale as the rest of his body. The case contains several swords preserved and stained with blood from the Civil War and Japanese feudal period, along with several title belts from various promotions.))

MANSON: Sometimes when I am doing my just prudence in the GLCW, or walking around backstage, I wonder if I somehow lost my way and ended up at a Dark Shadows convention. Between, Golem, Poe, and now Martinez, I wonder if there's enough eyeliner to go around backstage. I realize it's somewaht hypocritical of me to complain about this, but hell, I'm a hypocrite anyway. And isn't a telling sign when I of all people appear to be normal by comparision to these people?

First, we have Golem whose pretensious manner has him claiming he can move mountains and burn the sky and the rest of that Book of Revelations like imagery he likes to use. In fact, he must have been staring up at that invisible fleet of cherub and archangels sent after him during the tournament final, that he couldn't have actually been paying attention to the match and thus, lost.

Then Poe, possibly the most naive man in the world for buying my pseudo Christian act, kept trying to goad me into some meaningless violent encounter. As diverting as that must have been, I prefer to live here, amongst the three-dimensional people. And remember another thing, no one cares about your girlfriend and if or how she died, so stop bringing her up unless you want some sick opponent to use her in pseudo-necrophiliac acts.

And now of course, Martinez, who thinks he is a vampire or just wants everyone else to think that. As much as I'd love to break the Dungeons & Dragons cards with you guys, I only roleplay with cards. I'm not here for that. Poe might have liked to think it would be some sort of bloody hell on earth and Golem wanted some sort of clash of titans, I don't pretend to be much more than I am. And, I'm the one who gets results, as the belt demonstrates. Though, since winning it, I find I'm wasting my time on the roleplaying rejects. Eventually, I'd like to have some form of competition. Though the brass apparently thinks having a cage match with Maelstrom is supposed to intimidate me. However, this is a non-title match, so if Martinez ever gets a title match he would have earned it in a way.

However, the outcome is inevitable. After all, they already booked my cage match with Maelstrom, meaning they must not think that well of Martinez. Surely Martinez has some harsh feelings about being little more than cannon fodder for Maelstrom, but isn't that all he deserves? I realize what I deserve is somewhat......debatable, but that's hardly something that can be argued while I'm everyone's favorite champion. Of course, most of the GLCW being used as cannon fodder for Maelstrom really doesn't say much about most of you. Maelstorm is large in stature and that's supposed to be mean something, so in response someone like Martinez will claim they're undead in an attempt to garner attention.

And it's especially disappointing given how overused the vampire genre is...and given the fact that at the end of every film, they always die.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Harrison, NY, USA
Eradicating the Memories

(FADE IN: "The Eradicator" Troy Martinez is standing on a rooftop in an undisclosed city looking out towards the horizon. It is dusk. Karen Jewello sits a little ways behind him smoking a cigarette. CUE UP: "Cochise" by Audioslave.)

TROY MARTINEZ: Manson, it has been quite a long time since our paths crossed. I suppose that you think I'm going into this thinking about things like your title, Maelstrom, some prearranged steel cage match, the obvious lack of respect that I'm getting, Golem, Vampires and countless other things. To me, those are all trivial. Sure, it would be nice to earn a title shot and take your belt from you, but the fact of the matter here is that I'm coming to hurt you.

KAREN JEWELLO: Manson, the time has come for you to pay for your past sins. I bet you don't even remember. I know that throughout your career you've performed thousands of atrocities and you wear them proudly as a badge. A badge that tells the world just how much of an evil man you are. Well, now it's time for a trip down memory lane.

(Karen pauses and she stares into the camera with a look of disdain.)

KAREN JEWELLO: In 1997, I was pregnant carrying Joe Massacre's child. I had a miscarriage and shortly after the funeral, you came out on national TV and pranced around with some....THING....that you proported to be my baby. You called it Digger. Well, I have come to terms with my loss quite some time ago...but I have not forgotten. I made a promise to myself that one day, I'd make sure that you pay and PAY dearly. I'd fight you myself, but I know that I could never beat you. On the hand, Troy can and will.

TROY MARTINEZ: Manson, to this day, Joe Massacre remains as one of my closest friends. I never liked you and I never like the things you did to hurt Joe and Karen. Those things went well beyond wrestling, well beyond playing a role to get the fans to hate you. You should have been banned from the ring years ago, but no one did anything.

(Troy shakes his head as Karen stares with a look of anger.)

TROY MARTINEZ: I'm going to do something now....call it revenge, call it vigilantism, call it whatever you like. For once, this is no longer a game. I'm not going to pretend to be a vampire anymore....Halloween is over! What you and everyone in the GLCW are going to see is the 'true' Troy Martinez. I'm going to let it all hang out on Riptide. It's going to be a night that you will never forget, I promise you that. You want to think ahead to your match will Maelstrom? Go ahead, but there isn't going to be anything left for Maelstrom to fight.

KAREN JEWELLO: Manson, your reckoning day is coming....



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Eradicating the Memories

((FADEIN: Michael Manson sitting on a leather couch in black jeans and a black t-shirt, the rest of the room shaded, after all, why the hell would he wnat anyone to see what his house looks like.))

MANSON: You have a grudge against me for something I did years ago? That's most of the league and probably most of the world before I actually die. And for Digger, is it my fault that I'm a better father figure and supporter than the rest of you deadbeats?

And really, while that might have been some tragic and significant thing in your life, to me...it was Thursday. Afterwords, I threw the infant into the trash and had a sandwich. Or maybe...

((Manson checks under the cushions and couch.))

..Yeah, yeah it was the trash. As the saying goes, he who studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green. I imagine you've had a lot of time to do that. I just don't see how you're going to do any better than Poe or Golem. If you were really able to do anything to me, you would have done it to me years ago. As I've said, what I deserve is a matter of debate, but in this industry it is a matter of survival of the fittest. Don't drag your personal life into things unless you expect it to be used against you.

And now..look at you...a psuedo-vampire who is nothing but cannon fodder for Maelstrom, a 7 foot tall man with a 7th grade education. This is your grand revenge fantasy? How disappointing, but how can't it be after so many years of waiting and waiting? The future is always more interesting than the present and the fantasy always surpasses reality. And this is reality, you don't even have a title shot which would be the only thing you could have a chance to take away from me.

I doubt your imagination is up to the task of conceiving a proper revenge. I bear scars sure, because everything that can be done to me, has been done to me. I'm still here, you won't change that Martinez, no matter how much you might want to think you or your whore want to think that. I'll outlast the both of you, and this promotion. Your problem is thinking that it might be a challenge or a difficult situation for me to face you....No, Martinez, no matter what you really want to do, your problem is that you have to face me.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Eradicating the Memories

It is 10:00, do you know where Troy Martinez is?

((Checks under couch))

Well, not there.

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