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Merritt Finals... leave me feedback!


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
You know I've been trying to keep up... this one match was longer than most entire cards that I have read :)

I thought the match was constructed very well with a good flow and great commentary from the ring announcers. The match was scripted with very much a BIG TIME feel to it.

In some spots, I thought the commentary was a little "cheesy" with Iron Duke leading the crowd in chats and such... but really it didn't detract from the match.

I liked how Molotov had Karl's finisher pretty much scouted and that you showed both wrestlers as very capable. You've got a knack for making the wrestlers look good if they RP well for a match... a fact I know all too well as your write up for Sarge vs James Irish really helped bring the character a lot of rookie heat.

Overall, great job with the match and a good job with the tournament.

As EWN's TEAM Rankings #3 character, Sarge would like to be able to get more involved with TEAM. Hook a soldier up!

Josh (The Sergeant)


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
Now that I've had a chance to read through the match a few times and get the shock out of my system, I must say this is one of the two best matches I've read featuring one of my characters. I liked how you worked the strengths and weaknesses of both characters into this match, and didn't rely on OTT (or in fact, any) weapons and high-spots that I know some people would have expected. You had two technicians and you wrote a great technical match.

My one negative is that some sequences seemed to drag too long, and maybe could've used a couple of high-spots to build into the next sequence. But that's just my own preference, lol. GREAT match, well written, and looking forward to seeing what TEAM does next ^_^

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