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major props for the show


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
Hey guys,

just got around to reading the show, and man was it everything i expected y'all to put on. Great job by all involved. I appreciate more than you could know my small part in the NFW season 1. I'm going to shout out to a few below, but to those I got to work with I don't mention, I ran into only quality people in everything NFW I did.

For the few who may care. My wife has a scheduled C-section next Thursday, this time it's a boy. (we are knocking back and forth between Tully Devotion Young, Southern Dandy Young, and Little Eddy Love Young) The pregnancy, along with a few other time strains can be used as the excuse for why I bailed at the end on you guys. With the birth, I imagine comes the end of Eddy Love. My not finishing season 1 is the only regret I have with my NFW involvement. Good Luck to all

Chad Merrit: Thanks for the 7 years of fun and kindness. Not that we're dying or anything. You taught me the ropes made it fun and always showed patience and friendship.

Katz: Thanks for talking me into unretireing one last time to tell one last chapter of the Eddy Love saga. thanks also for the time you spent in CSWA and NFW helping me to push my story, for the vast control you allowed me over my character in NFW, for not blocking me on AIM no matter how many questions and finally for selling me on the fact maybe people were interested in another Eddy Love chapter.

Gregg Gethard: Simply the best. Thanks for the years of putting me over with your great angles. You were my "Own Personal Jesus". Peace to you always my man, always my favorite read, and a big Choctaw war holler to you.

Mad Dog: We hit some and missed other, always fun when you were around. Not that everyone didn't always appreciate your stuff, but you were always the most underated writer in the leagues I was in, from Tabu, to the Disco express, to douglas and on. I did smile at your misery, however last week when the Titans cut every scholarship player on the team.

Steve: We came and went at a lot of the wrong times over the last 7 years, but no one I enjoyed working more with. I also enjoyed your astute sports knowledge ("Chipper and the Braves are done, at least we have some young arms for the future") and your totally unbiased debate over the quality of ACC hoops basketball coaches past and present. When Oliver Pernell does start that Chappell Hill winning streak, and he will, you will be the first I think of.

Lindsay: We left as much on the table as we finished, but what we did was damn good. Yea, you're a little FW paranoid which hurt us some, but so glad I got to know ya.

Warren and EZ: If you're around, good luck always. 2 of the good guys.

So I bid you good-bye with
whats not to LOVE about fwrestling.com



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Hey Ed,

I for one am glad to see you go ... maybe now Southern can be the best "southern" wrestler. Dibs on the "southern dandy" nickname. :)

Seriously, too bad we missed out on a Shane Southern/Eddy Love tag team now that Southern is heel ... maybe one day???

Congrats on the kid ... there's nothin' like it.


Mad Dog

Original Gangsta
Jan 1, 2000
I guess this is a little late, but better than never. :)

Thanks for the kind words and working with my crazy-ass on a few occasions. I was a big fan of Eddy Love and was glad that you brought him back. On top of that, you worked him into my storyline and I appreciate that.

Congrats on the baby. I'm happy for you and wish you the best of luck with everything you do.

Take care my friend.

That sucks about the Titans, but life goes on. We'll rebound in the draft. (Yeah right!)

- Mad Dog

Oh yeah, if you decide to unretire again, hit me up. :)

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