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MAIN EVENT- Great Lakes Title Four Way Match



Sins I've yet to commit

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-03 AT 05:07 PM (EST)](FADE IN:..... to a black and white picture of a barren wall..... a stool sits in front of it the wall. The image begins to zoom out, then back in, continually refocusing until it seems to find the right medium. Suddenly, we see an image appear, walk straight to the stool and sit down.... But we can't seem to make out the identity as the person's shoulders and head are completely cut off from our view. Seemingly sensing this, that person gets back up and walks towards us until he disappears completely off to the side. Moments later, our images zooms back a bit further and the same person walks back to the stool and takes a seat.... this time affording us a view of his stoic expression, a faint smile curling upon his lips, revealing to us the man we know simply as.....)

MAELSTROM: Seems like the GLCW front office is taking a little longer than originally anticipated in sendin' me a new camera crew, so until that happens, you'll just have to bear with the amateur photography spots. So now that we've covered the technical difficulties aspects, lets move on to the issue at hand.... namely YOU Poe! I gotta admit, yer right when ya say that I couldn't fathom what's happened within yer life…. An' to be perfectly honest with ya.... I really could care less. But what makes ya think that it's impact upon yer life strikes home any harder than anyone elses? An' even it does, what makes ya believe that it’s the catalyst that'll make ya that much more dangerous? Hell, have ya ever given any thought that MAYBE yer beast is what's actually keepin' ya from actually capturin' whatever it is that makes yer dreams wet? You've probably never even considered the possibility that it may have actually adversely affected yer potential huh?

(sits there momentarily as he offers his hands up in a questioning gesture)

MAELSTROM: Ya see, from what ya describe.... there IS a major diff 'tween yer beast an' mine.... but it's NOT that mine is hollow. It's more like yers is yer master, whisperin' directions to ya as ya stumble in the dark.... while mine.... mine is the elusive spectre denyin' me respite..... creatin' my impasses...... hauntin' me at every turn for sins I've yet to even commit....

(narrows his eyes as he leans forward)

MAELSTROM:.... sins I've yet to commit.... 'GAINST YOU!!

(his stoic expression hardens even more as he rises from the stool, walks towards us until he disappears from our view altogether, and shuts off the camera..... FADE OUT....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON, wrestling and reality TV star, sits on a leather couch in black "King of All Pez" t-shirt and jeans. He has a Snapple in hand and his legs rested on a glass coffe table in front.))

MANSON: Apparently, I did miss the UA's great explanation whoever it came from probably because it makes no sense. Now I'm sure them physically assaulting you because I would gesture my hand and then standing around while I pin you in a tag match somehow caused middle-eastern dictators to fall from power and the stock market to rise, but there isn't much point in getting any of you to see the obvious.

Now I'm sure ten-fifteen years, Maelstrom, you had a mullet, and you swam across the ocean to America and you forged some great bond of friendship with the Pandorian Batman and Robin over here. But in the time since, you haven't come that far.

Like all friends, I'm sure you and the Pandorians (not including myself) fight and such. And when the UA get led down the wrong path..drugs....cheap women.....becoming my lackies so they'll have change to eat at Arby's every night..you forgive them and all is fine.

I fight with Anarky too of course, but forgiveness isn't needed. We don't have to. We have no shame, which is of course, your big problem. You can't admit the UA were little more than my garbage men, so all of you try to claim they used me despite everyone not on PCP seeing just the opposite on every GLCW event. You, Maelstrom, can't even admit to the fact that I beat you, claiming it was a tag match. Your own words claim I had all the odds against me.

Of course, also like Jarod, you take a moral stance on me, like so many others. Which is quite an odd thing for someone to do when he once resorted to midget-kidnapping to try to make me lose a match. He didn't even really do a good job of that since any decent kidnapping has to go at least over two hours. Which is the real reason, both you and Jarod complain about my attempts to make a match into something more than two nigh-naked men hitting each other.

You're both just bad at it.

So of course, it must be evil and a plague on humankind in general. Even though, if Jean Rabesque were to interfere and gun me down, that wouldn't stop you from taking advantage. You wouldn't ask the match to stop and hope for the whole thing to be re-scheduled. No, you'd do what anyone would.

And, yes, I do expect Rabesque to try something. I don't really know why he would want to, since if and when I win the title, he has just cause to have a title shot, still I'm confident he will. I'm sure you'll give him a stern talking to after the match too.

Anarky and I would never need that. Neither would Marx, nor Minion, or even Morgan. Shame doesn't drag us down. I wouldn't submit, but should Nark or Marx ever do it, they'd actually take the responsibility for it.

Unlike the UA, who blatantly lost the WarGames and now can't admit that. So instead, its some convoluted plan that no one actually saw.

But Maelstrom says its true so it must be, after all the worst thing he's ever done is kidnap a midget.

((MANSON sips his Snapple and shakes his head.))

And to think..people wonder why we're trying to save the GLCW from itself....



[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-03 AT 00:02 AM (EST)](FADE IN:.... to a GLCW set where we see people milling about, apparently waiting for someone.... moments later, we hear someone shout..."HE'S HERE"... and we then see the imposing figure of a man walk onto the set.... he's dragging the GLCW title in tow behind him..... he's after all, the man we've come to know simply as.....)

MAELSTROM: Well if the camera crew won't come to me, I suppose I've got no choice but to come to them. (sighs as he shakes his head) Yet for now, I really don't know why..... to respond to redundancy yet again? (nods his head from side to side) To hear just how many different ways.... just how many times Manson can rant on 'bout the SAME TIRED RECYCLED GIBBERISH that he's become accustomed to on just 'bout every appearance he makes? (feigns thinking, then dismisses that idea) NAH! I don't know, maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, since ya don't have the ability to punish me yerself that is, unless of course ya consider borin' someone a punishment. But ya still haven't a clue do ya? Ya either refuse to see or are incapable of realizin' that yer tapestry of fabrications an' denials inspires no awe.... just moments of mild amusement.

(smiles widely)

MAELSTROM: So since ya can't seem to beat ME ya choose to beat a dead horse? Why are ya SOOOOO obsessed with beatin' someone who ya repeatedly claim is nothin'? Who ya repeatedly claim is overrated.... witless..... an' inferior? What's with this OBSESSION ya have of tryin' to convince the masses that ya beat me? Unless of course yer tryin' to elevate yer stature with those claims....

(cups his hands over his mouth and whispers)

MAELSTROM: even though ya accomplished.... NEITHER!..... but either way, yer still contradictin' yerself .... YET AGAIN! Hmmmmm..... tryin' to elevate yer stature with obsessive claims ya beat someone who ya feel is yer inferior? (grins) Hell, yer very being defines the purest essence of contradiction in action!

(nods his head disparagingly)

MAELSTROM: An' yet, here ya are.... livin' proof that the world does indeed have a use for insecure, deluded, pathetic visionaries in denial..... in a sense, ya are right when ya say yer needed..... how else are we to expend our reserve of pathos.....?

(with a tired look in his eyes, Maelstrom tries but fails to suppress a yawn, as we succeed in..... FADING OUT....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
On death's door

{{...FADE-IN: "Stupendous" Stephen Morgan, whose face has now "broken out" in red "spots", is lying in his double King size bed. He's under the covers, but the GLCW TV title is lying on top of them on his waist....}}

"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: " Greetings humble subjects SLASH TV viewers. It is I, YOUR hero, YOUR champion, "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan. I know it PAINS you to the very depths of your SOUL to see me like this, but I felt the NEED to appear before you on your chosen method of worship and give you an update on my condition. As you know, a few days ago I was SAVAGELY attacked by some sort of mutated insect. Normally, his sting would have put the normal man in a coma, but I have managed to fend off the poison, and very soon, I will be back to my normal, handsome self. "

" But alas, I am not certain that I will be able to make Riptide. The doctors have placed my overall health at 50%, and even at that point I believe I will be able to pin any man in this match. However, in order to be released by doctors to participate, my health must be at or above 75%. Now before you go off and load your daddy's shotgun and blow your brains out, hear me out. No matter WHAT happens, I WILL be at Riptide. So call your wife, and call your sister, provided that's not the same person, and tell he that STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan WILL be on Riptide and they should show their affection accordingly. "

" Now, should I get to participate in Riptide, Mike, your offer of having those gentleman down at ringside is ACCEPTED. They DO seem like fine, upstanding young men, and I would be happy having them "look out" for me at RIPTIDE. "

" But that's not the only reason I'm appearing before you today, I feel the need to ONCE AGAIN address the situation Maelstrom has so stubbornly CONTINUED to bring up time and time again. And Maelstrom, this will be THE LAST time I say this, so put down the needle and come real close to your TV and HEAR me this time. YOUR the cheater, not me. I'M not the one that felt he had to win a match by causing his opponent to FAINT from body odor. And comparing THAT to what Manson DID NOT do for me is absolutely ludicrous. I PAID Manson to watch my back, that's all....and he didn't even do a decent job of that. Should he have DONE his job, then you wouldn't be dragging that gold belt around all day playing games with camera-men. And IF you're comparing that to Manson and I becoming "partners" for our upcoming match...well can you HONESTLY say that you and Poe weren’t going to double team ME and trying to get ME out of the way first? {{...smiles...}} I didn't THINK so!"

" So take a step DOWN off your high horse Maelstrom, fall back down to earth a little bit huh? Come RIPTIDE I'm TAKING that title belt and adding it to my collection. You think you can stop me? Well just can just ... "

" Keep dreaming. "

{{...Morgan begins to have a coughing fit as we FADE OUT...}}


The reality preservation fund

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-03 AT 04:39 PM (EST)](FADE IN:...... A GLCW backdrop where we see a huge crowd of fans impatiently waiting in a line.... a line that leads to a desk where we see Maelstrom sitting behind, autographing pictures of himself. Behind him is a sign which reads:

[blockquote] The Stephen Morgan Reality Preservation Fund: $5.00 per photo. All proceeds to go to help get Stephen Morgan the help he so obviously needs![/blockquote]

Maelstrom finishes signing a few more pictures before he looks up and waves. He then pulls the table mic closer to him as he begins to speak......)

MAELSTROM: Well, I suppose yer wonderin' what all this is 'bout eh Morgan? Ya see, after watchin' yer last spot, I decided that I HAD to do somethin' to help get ya back to 100%..... I mean ya bein' a fellow... (coughs sarcastically) GLCW champion an' all. I mean, when I heard ya scream like a BI$CH after that bee stung ya.... I KNEW ya were in need of help.... so here I am, takin' time outta my busy schedule to help ya out. I mean, if I can display pathos for someone like Manson, then the very least I can do is display compassion for yer plight.

(grins to himself as he signs another picture)

MAELSTROM: Now, I know ya may say that ya don't need my help 'cuz you've already agreed to accept Manson's offer of help.... (chuckles to himself) but we both know what happened the LAST time ya took him up on his offer don't we? Kinda proved that he's not exactly a man of his word huh? But just so ya don't get the wrong idea 'bout this compassionate gesture of mine, there IS another reason why I've decided to devote this time to help restore ya to yer former self.....

(signs another autograph)

MAELSTROM: ..... ya see, I DON'T WANT ANY MORE 'SCUSES WHEN I HUMBLE YER A$$ YET AGAIN! Last time ya claimed I cheated 'gainst ya by pullin' on the tights.... which of course was an obvious LIE once again since ya lost by succumbin' to the Mortal Sin, not by bein' pinned. (winks) Then ya conveniently amended THAT story by now claimin' that B.O. was the decidin' factor.....

(shakes his head disparagingly)

MAELSTROM: Well, we're gonna do away with any possibility for rationalizing yer failure again by giving ya ALL the help ya need. Ya not only ya got Manson's offer of help, but now, at five bucks a pop, we've already managed to amass nearly $5000 cash to help pay for NOT only yer CURRENT medical bills......

(begins to smile maliciously)

MAELSTROM: .....but also for the ones yer gonna incur followin' Illinois Riptide......

(Maelstrom gives a knowing nod as he slides the table mic away from him and continues to sign pictures, all for the benefit of preserving reality.... FADE OUT.....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
True Pathos

((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON, standing in front of a bookcase, in black t-shirt and jeans. He takes a copy of the Catholic Saint Joseph's Bible and then throws it down. Adding to the pile, he throws a book on rare insects, then a book on poisons, and finally, one on human anatomy.))

MANSON: My god, man..Maelstrom....not only do you lack shame....or hygiene...or manners....or a 7th education....or a command of the English language...but the qualities of mercy and sympathy. This is a fellow man..not only that..a fellow competitor and champion I might add...and he's at the point of death.

And what do you do? Fruit basket? A card? No, you harrass the man..on and on....saying he has no firm grasp of reality. This man was just attacked by a rare insect, a vicious breed not normally seen on this side of the world. It is a testament to his will power and conditioning that he can even still speak.

Why do you insult a dying man? Because on his deathbed, he has clarity and sees through everything you say and do. He is right of course, you will team with Jarod Poe. Yet, the idea that you would rely on someone else is a curse in your mind so you hate and attack this man.....who by example is a finer champion than you can ever be, and even perhaps I have been.

You are supposed to be a role model, the figurehead of the GLCW, and all you can do is complain and claim that I repeat the same things over and over while stalking celebrities, never mind that everything you say is basically in one sentence. That I can accept, after all, I constantly deal with the ignorance of others. Not everyone can go to college after all...no....just the people who can actually read and write can.

However, this is a greater sin than burning a man, kidnapping a woman and tying her up in a basement, and assaulting someone with peanut butter and/or other condiments.

All this talk of cheating, when right before your eyes, there is a man staving off death..who might make the herculean effort to get up out of his near comatose state and actually compete. But to you and your paranoid mind, its all a ploy.

You don't realize how lucky you are,Maelstrom, really you don't.

Since if Stephen or I really wanted to humble you, we'd basically wave a copy of the GLCW policy on drugs in front of you. Which would lead to you submitting to a drug test..and from there, whackiness results. More than one wrestler has noticed those small holes on your arms. I suppose I could always ask Jarod if there are a few on your ass.

See, I live in Chicago, and though I do not follow Major League Baseball, I am aware of Sammy Sosa. You must know him, homerun champion and the most popular player in the game. Except, the good guy himself, cheated and was caught. People of course speculated that he might have indulged in some drugs, recreational and otherwise, but it was the bat, the corked bat that was found. And brought everything he had ever done into question.

Similar to you, Maelstrom, and not just because of the broken English. You have been "cheating", and I don't mean trying to kidnap midgets. It wouldn't take much to prove it, but of course King Krusher turns a blind eye to the blatant crime. Though of course, were it me, he wouldn't hesitate.

Of course, you'll deny it, much like Sammy did. You can't even be that stupid. But I know, and Stephen knows. So stop lecturing as if you were ever better than anyone. Stephen Morgan is about to climb out of the way of pain and death, he may even possibly climb into that ring, and without needles or altered states of consciousness.

For such a miraculous effort, I will waste no energies to give Stephen every chance he can get to come to Riptide. I should not have to mention that I have knowledge of the medicinal arts..and most of all, I have performed miracles in the past. Whatever I can do to help, since I failed before.

I'll even have a copy of the Good Book.

((Manson points down toward Bible.))

For inspiration, faith, and because the pages are easy to rip out and roll. All purely for medical and healing purposes of course. I should also bring that book on exotic gardening.

But nonetheless, whatever is in my power to do, I will to help Strephen Morgan get to Riptide. If each and everyone of my friends..my team of disease control experts..can be contacted and summoned they will be. If we have to, we'll all carry that man, that champion to the ring.

Jonathan Marx....Anarky..Minion...myself...all Gentlemen of Dignity...and Bueno Excellente working together so that Stephen Morgan can escape death and be there for the GLCW..and be the champion that Maelstrom can't.

This man, he is an inspiration.


Creative reality

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-03 AT 10:48 AM (EST)](FADE IN:...... to a GLCW backdrop where we see Maelstrom sitting on a stool, the GLCW title is of course by his feet on the floor..... but there is something more.... at his side, standing are the same two GLCW cameramen that he left stranded on two separate occasions. Maelstrom glances their way briefly and smiles, before turning towards us and speaking......)

MAELSTROM: Yer right Manson, the qualities of mercy an' compassion are definitely lackin' in me. An' since I also lack the quality of shame, then obviously.... (grins widely) I feel no regret or remorse behind what I do.

(looks toward the two cameramen)

MAELSTROM: Isn't that right guys?

(they both look at him and stare, a bit dumbfounded, until Maelstrom narrows his eyes in a menacing manner and they both quickly nod their heads up and down)

MAELSTROM: (turning back towards us) Ya see Manson, there's also another quality that I lack that ya neglected to point out.... an' that of course is HYPOCRISY! A quality, I'd like to add that you an' yer fellow PEZants are much more versed in than I could ever be. Isn't that right guys?

(turns toward the two cameramen and glares at them..... moments later, they stubbornly nod their head again)

MAELSTROM: Yet here ya are, accusin' me of preachin'.... ME?! An' there ya are with the bible in one hand castin' aspersions.... albeit the same recycled ones as before.... (shakes his head disparagingly) Ya see Manson, it's not so much that I THINK I'm better than ya guys than it is that I've already PROVEN I am..... repeatedly. While ya might think it's blasphemy to speak like that, well, I've never been much of a church-goer.... don't really see the point of speakin' upon deaf ears.... B'sides, I get enough of that from the insecurely self-absorbed PEZants in the GLCW. Nah, all the faith an' solace I need, I get from within myself.... ya see, it's easy to reach within yerself for the answers when yer devoid of hypocrisy an' insecurity. An' since there's no diluting, contriving or manure-facturin' process involved..... the answers.... (closes his eyes briefly as he smiles faintly) .....well, they just flow effortlessly. Isn't that right guys?!

(turns toward them again to see that they're already nodding their heads in agreement)

MAELSTROM: Hell, I must be doin' somethin' right if guys who can't stand me...... guys I've wronged repeatedly are agreein' with me eh? (winks) Which reminds me..... 'Scuse me for one sec....

(gets up an' reaches in his pocket and right in front of the camera, pays off both camera men by handing them each a wad of bills. He then turns towards us and continues speaking)

MAELSTROM: Ya see Manson, whether ya hate me, admire me..... whether the masses think I'm the wrestler of the year or a fluke.... or whether they view me as most popular or a phoney.....

(chuckles to himself as he glances at the two camera men who immediately begin to force a chuckle of their own)

MAELSTROM: .... there's no denyin' that I'm obviously doin' somethin' right despite all ya say I'm lackin'. I mean there must be SOME logical reason why unbiassed publications such as FWI rate me as the #1 wrestler overall... not once.... but TWICE! Whether ya want to admit it or not Manson, there's no denyin' that I've got somethin' that just 'bout.....

(glances back at the camera men who are greedily counting their money)

MAELSTROM: .....EVERYONE WANTS....INCLUDING YOU! Now, could ya imagine Manson, just how far I'd get, if I took a "creative" page outta the book ya refer to as yer bible.... an' applied it? (pauses as he feigns pondering) MY GOD! Whoops! I mean.... HELL! It's 'nuff I beat ya TWICE enforcin' nothin' more than my brand of reality..... imagine the humiliation of bein' beaten at yer own game.... losin' to me if I employed a bit of .... CREATIVE REALITY?

(Maelstrom raises an eyebrow an' nods knowingly as he turns and leaves the stage. Immediately the two cameramen follow him off the stage, however just as they're about to disappear from our view, one of the camera men turns around, walks toward the stool and picks up the GLCW title and walks off the set with it, dragging it in tow behind him...... FADE OUT....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I forgive you

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-03 AT 01:37 AM (EST)](The long road to Champagne is finally over. Now Jarod Poe stands inside an empty arena looking at the barren ring as he's done so many times before. Focus is now the key...preparing for battle is hald the fight. he cannot let the weariness of travel and the pressure of hype get to him. He slowly makes hss way to ringside where one of a thousand empty folding chairs resides. He slowly settle sinto it and flashes a smile towards the camera)

Poe: I know it must seem like years ago since we last talked. My...my you have been a busy man. A camera here...a camer there. It seems like an hour doesn't go by without the sound of yuor voice penertrating the air. I know the burden of champion is great, but is the demand really that high? Is the relentless response to every voice and what seems like a matter of mere seconds really necessary? I can only imagine the toll this must be taking upon you Maelstrom. The pressure that must be building when it comes time to fina;;y back up ALL those words you have said. That's alot of action to be done. Alot indeed. Yet here I am...the underdog indeed (his slight grin quickly fades) However that's ONLY if you allow yourself to listen to those other two. I've chosen to ignore them...there words...there constant ranting. They both have made promises in the past, but never have had the chance to back them up. Yet I am here with a fresh approach am I not? I'd almost think you'd missed...whatwith all you must have had to listen from Morgan and Manson.

(Jarod places the chair back where it belongs...the metal legs scratch upon the cement floor. Jarod smiles at the camera as the terrible grinding noise finally stops)

Poe: Now in the past I tried to explain the differrence between our beasts. I'm not really sure why? I for a moment...(smiles)...just a moment doubted weather you had one at all. Yet I figured you'd be above the cheap ploys that (coughs) other lesser men have tried. I tihnk you know of whom (winks) I speak. You think it's my master...and to a certain extent that is true. Yet you deirefard that maybe...just m I enjoy foing it bidding. The bad intentions...terrible suggestions...maybe it's something I just enjoy. I see no adverse affect. After all am I not in a title match? Have I not made the biggest impact as a rookie in this league then ayone else? Here I am in less then a year standing face-to-face with you. A man who's been at his for years. The same goes for my fellow contestants. Hard to see an adverse effect there? I even have...(points ahead)...you the champion agreeing that I in facr should have been here quite some time ago. No I see no case of adversity on my part. At least nothing beyond the prospect of having to defeat three men to walk our with what you defend with not only plenty of words, but tons of pride.

(Jarod snickers for a moment shaking his finger towards the camera. He slumps back down in the chair. This time he stays facing forward and looking at the ring. His voice goes on as he stares)

Poe: Well there it is...here is where final judement takes place. Not by God...not by you, but by the four of us and in just a short while

(Jarod snaps his fingers an motions the cameraman to move forward. The picture changes as the comes to square around and Jarod is again center stage)

Poe: GAINST ME!!! SINS???? Is that what you have in mind? My...my a friendly war of words has taken and turned into what I would call...well...a threat? Well I have one in turn for you, but my threat comes not GAINST you Maelstrom. It comes GAINST what you defend with so much pride. It comes GAINST that Heavyweight tile and it comes very soon. So bring your sinful desires, even better bring your belt and bring all that UNCOMMITTED sinfulness. For I have committed the great acts of sin. In my life...for God and for Country...I committed terrible sins. I forgave myself and I did it it quite easily. You try and be sinful upon me...I forgive you Maelstrom. In the end...if I walk away with your title...I only ask this...will you forgive me? Now you had better hurry Maelstrom...warm up the set folks...time is running out and words a starting to grow hollow

(Jarod cracks a faint...yet sarcastic smile. He points to the ring several times and nods with approval. with that he turns his back to the camera and slowly walks off)



Cat and mouse

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-03 AT 06:55 AM (EST)](FADE IN:..... to the front of a ring, probably the same one that Poe was just cutting his last mic spot from, who knows, but it really doesn't matter at this point as Maelstrom appears, walking in front of the arena and hopping up on the apron to take a seat. He is followed by the same camera men from his last mic spot, one carrying a mic which he hands to Maelstrom, the other dragging the GLCW title in tow behind him, which upon Maelstrom's direction, he drops at Maelstrom's feet. That being done, they disappear from our view as Maelstrom begins to speak......)

MAELSTROM: Ya seem to wonder Poe, whether my relentless responses to everyone is really necessary.... (pauses as he feigns thinking) actually no. It's NOT necessary..... but I do it all the same 'cuz I derive pleasure from it..... I derive pleasure from disprovin' yer claims.... ALL OF YA! I derive pleasure from watchin' ya stumble an' stutter as ya attempt to backpeddle yer way outta what ya can't prove..... ALL OF YA! It's a game of cat an' mouse an' I see no reason why I shouldn't amuse myself a bit before I move in for the final kill 'gainst my prey...... the three blind mice.

(laughs faintly to himself)

MAELSTROM: An' no, I'm not underestimatin' ya Poe... but yer still just as blind as both Manson an' Morgan are.... if ya believe that forgiveness would be an issue in the event ya captured yer quest.

(shakes his head disparagingly)

MAELSTROM: Like Manson hinted earlier..... I'm devoid of mercy, that much is true..... but once ya step into the ring 'gainst me, you'll see that it goes a bit beyond that..... forgiveness ya ask?

(sighs heavily)

MAELSTROM: I thought you Poe, outta everyone else here, could MAYBE understand somewhat.... I dropped the hints.... ya seemed to grasp it somewhat, if only for a moment..... but now.... NOW you've wandered off the path Poe, an' yer master is navigatin' blindly.

(pauses, almost as if he's at a loss for words, then without warning)

MAELSTROM: Ya ask forgiveness for what yer 'bout to do, huh? The act of a true worshipper of his beast I suppose...... (smiles faintly) Ya have my blessings to try an' capture what ya seek from me.... ALL OF YOU.... MORGAN, MANSON as well as YOU Poe! Afterall, I've got what YOU ALL want an' you guys..... yer all impasses leadin' to my respite......

(glaring stoically, Maelstrom places the mic down, slides off the apron, reaches in his pants pocket and places a wad of bills down on the apron before walking off the set. Immediately the two camera men walk on, one grabbing the mic and money Maelstrom left behind, the other the GLCW title off the floor, dragging it in tow behind him just as we begin to ..... FADE OUT....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-03 AT 00:58 AM (EST)](The camera opens in the confusion of backstage. The scene is always the same as the pressure is on to get the enxt big event ready. Every line double checked...equipment readied and road crew in force. Everything is in a frezy till the last item is checked of the list and finally a show can be presented...the best show in town. There in his lockeroom wrapping tape upon the knuckles of his fingerr sits Jarod Poe. He looks the picture of calm in all the frezy of backstage. His years of training as a soldier turned him cool and collected when the call for action comes. Losing you head then meant the real thing someday. Now It's not for pride and country. It's for him only. Jarod bring the tape to his teeth and tears it apart. He starts on another hand and slowly looks into the camera)

Poe: Three blind mice. Is that how you see us? Kind of a funny way to envision people yuo don't underestimate isn't it? (smiles and waves the comment off) Ah...but let's get tot he point shall we. You say all this talk is amusement for ya. That you have fun disproving our claims? You have fun watching us backpeddle? Well how is that true in the case of me? Sure with Manson and Morgan yuo have a valid point. After all you've beaten them. Sent them down in defeat. with me though...what have you proven? I say nothing. You say my beast is my master, but where is your proof? It's all conjecture...just your opinion...mere words nothing more. No Maelstrom...you've proven nothing buy...nothing out of the ring and nothing in it either. After all we have yet to step inside...face-to-face. No whatever you say to me right now is nothing more then your opinion and Maelstrom...we know what opinions are like. No you've proven nothing Maelstrom, but go ahead...keep that confidence in the fact you have...it just might make you slip

(Jarod again rips the tape with his teeth and now finished drops the roll into his duffelbag. He then places hand on knee and leans forward)

Poe: It seems all this talk has left you a bit confused. My sarcasm has gone right over you head. Ah, but who can blame ya...after all it must like a blur by now with the constant turning around to find a light shined in your face. Kind of ironic isn;##### Maelstrom. While you do all this face time you fail to overlook on thing yourself. sure you think it a game of cat and mouse. I'm sure it seems that way to you. then again it also just anothe rchance for us to all see the mistakes you make. Now I'm not going to point out a list...for I'm not watching everything those other two fools had to say. Hiowever...I bet...just bet you've made more then just a mistake of not proving anything upon me either. What do I know though...I'm just being lead around blindly. That's going to be a good excuse when you walk out without your title Maelstrom...I was beaten by a blind man. Perhaps it's you that doesn;t seem very well....what with the golden light in your eyes every moment.

(Jarod slowly stands up. He paces in a small circle before clearing his throat and looking into the camera again)

Poe: Now Maelstrom I except you invitation. I'll come and try to take your title. Just remember this Maelstrom. This impass you have before your respite....well keep in mind what a respite can also be. That's a temporary hold on a death sentence. So you try your best and earn your respite. Just remember I'll be back...I'll be the hangman that won't let your title reign rest forever. Even if...and that a big if you should walk out of this match witht he GLCW Heavyweight Title. Well our business is not over. I stillw ant you in the ring alone...and I'll get my shot I'm confident that will happen very soon...(smiles and chuckles for a moment) In fact it might be in my first title defense. (Jarod looks at his watch) Now hurry...hurry Maelstrom. Time is fleetinga nd this time around...get your own camera crew. After all I have no need for you here in my lockeroom.

(He laughs out loud and sits back down. He opens the duffelbag again and start you lay out his gear for tonight)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Across the street from God

((FADEIN: A large, majestic church, glittering windows with Biblical characters on the stained glass and large statues standing in front. A large cross stands in front, attached the wall. The camera then pans across the church to MICHAEL MANSON, in biker style leather jacket and jeans, with a Saint Patrick pez dispenser in hand.))

MANSON: Devoid of mercy? Not only that, Maelstrom, but faith..hope..love..all those things. Of course I might be a hypocrite myself, since I'm banned from every Catholic Church in North America....all the Protestant ones..most of the Orthodox...and only about half of the synagogues. I think I could still get into a mosque though.

Yes, you might day that its been quite a long while since I've had a talk with God, much longer than Jarod. He might be talking to God now for all I know, since I can't really understand what he's saying about sins or something. Maybe he thinks you're his priest, Maelstrom. Which of course means he wants you to lead him to the back of a church and fondle him, but to each their own.

I'm sure his parents arew ith God now though. I don't actually know of care if they're dead, but that seems to be the gist of what he's saying. Either way, they're probably so old that they are pretty much are dead. Perhaps, I should visit them. After all, Jarod obciously doesn't, nor would anyone want him to with the way he treats his fans.

Can you imagine bringing his stalker home to them? Of course, being their son, he should find a way. Then again, he was never the brighest scholar around. But his parents, dead or alive, should know someone from the GLCW community cares.

And I'll pray for them. That's right, because I'm here today to wait. Wait to hear whether or not our comrade Stephen Morgan makes it through the day. Because I'm going to force my way into that church, drink some of the wine, pocket a chalice, see if any of the rugs will fit in my living room, and ten pray for him, pray for Jaro'd parents.

Of course, as stated earlier, I'm not on speaking terms with God. So maybe I'll talk to Satan, maybe Thor, or maybe I'll just make up some name. Do you know in high school my friends and I got really bored one day and created our own religion worshipping a goat? Maybe I can bring that back.

But I'm willing to do these things, Maelstrom, the things you would never think to do. Can't write or spell them either, but that's besides the point. And as long as you can't, you'll never be the champion that people need. Just another needle-abusing self-sycophantic stereotype.

The evidence is evident from the fact that you're using some magazine to justify your self-importance. I suppose that's nice that someone would rank you as #1 twice. I've never actually looked at FWI, I think the title was, but whatever makes you feel good. I;ve told Jean that only the insecure really care about such things, but I'm willing to concede that if the opinion of an internet columnist living in his parents' basement and imitating another obese internet writer in his work matters to you, well to each their own.

I'll settle for my t-shirt sales, my pez, and my upcoming guest role on FOX's new hit show, 'The O.C.'. I'll be playing Ryan's older and more wordly long-lost brother. Because the opinion of some magazine is nothing compared to that of a massive TV network. Rupert Murdoch loves me, you know.

For my creative winning of course, it gives me such personality.

Because that's how we do it in the O.C., #####.


Colors in motion

(FADE IN:..... a black and white semi-chaotic scene as we watch people rush by, yelling and screaming as though everyone is preparing for a huge event. The image jumps a bit and we see a date and numbers in the corner of our image, suggesting a hand held personal camera is currently in use. It pans around until it spies an open doorway, inside we see a man messing with a duffel bag, laying out his gear. As he's about to turn around to reveal his identity, that view becomes obscurred as two men carrying a camera and sound equipment pass in front of him, leaving the room and shutting the door behind them. As they pass in front of our view, they stop in front of us as we see a hand come out beckoning to them from behind our image. The camera men look at their watch and nod their heads no. The same hand then pops up in front of our image, this time holding up a wad of bills and immediately the camera men change their minds and nod in agreement. They enter the next room and quickly set up and in no time at all, we our images switches and we find ourselves staring at Maelstrom as he puts down the hand-held camera.....)

MAELSTROM: Ahhh, what people will do for a buck eh Poe? I obviously had no time to summon my own camera crew.... (mocks of look of innocent confusion) Some nonsense 'bout them bein' afraid of bein' stranded or such.... who knows. But then I saw these men who were apparently done for the night..... 'til they saw the color that drove them, the flash of GREEN. Manson's drivin' color is of course a similar GREEN.... just not the customary monetary green, more like an emotional green. For you Poe, I suppose the driving color is GOLD.... a few more intense shades north of Morgan's YELLOW.... not 'cuz of the bee that stung him mind ya..... more a reflection of his true self. Funny how ya can describe a person with a single color eh? I suppose if I had to describe myself......

(puts a hand on his chin and thinks for a moment)

MAELSTROM: I suppose RED would have to do. (grins) But 'nuff of that eh? Back to the subject at hand, ya claim that I've not disproved anythin' from ya?

(smiles widely as he nods his head in agreement)

MAELSTROM: Yer right, I haven't..... yet! However, in yer case I was referrin' more to the fact that YOU haven't proven anythin' to ME! Ya went on an' spoke of yer beast and such, thinkin' it'd make ya that much more complex, when in reality, all it does is portray an albeit bizarre, yet simple relationship 'tween master and slave. Now what comes to my mind is just how yer mind will accept the break-through realization.....

(pauses as his eyes narrow)

MAELSTROM: .... that maybe, JUST MAYBE.....

(eyes narrow a bit more as a malicious smile escapes him)

MAELSTROM: ..... at Illinois.... I'll be yer BEAST....

(with a wave of his hand, Maelstrom dismisses the camera crew and departs down the hallway, the figure of complete confidence towering above all the confusion.... FADE OUT....)


Content to settle

(FADE IN:..... to the sounds of traffic. We see cars zooming by, the bright neon lights of the night and one thing more, Maelstrom sitting in what appears to be the back seat of a limo. The GLCW title of course lays on the floor by his feet. The limo apparently comes to a stop as we see all the cars around the limo come to a stop and its at that point that Maelstrom begins to speak....)

MAELSTROM: So Mr. Peronality is it now eh Manson? Now, I wouldn't let that lil' "Most Hated" title go to yer head. I mean, it was a given that that title would be bestowed upon ya..... hell, I'd hate to see what ya'd be like had ya been named .... "Wrestler Of The Year"? (smirks) But ya seem a bit confused though.... 'bout all these titles an' their importance to me. Ya see, unlike you, I'm not tryin' to make an impression with the fans..... I could care less for them. An' yet they still seem to favor me? Go figure eh? An' as always, my mentioning the FWI an' for that matter, the recent GLCW poll taken is manure-factured into yet another conveniently contrived thought by you. Those things mean as much to me as listenin' to yer recycled rants.... which doesn't say much. I merely brought them up to prove a point or two.....

(smiles as he displays his index finger)

MAELSTROM: That yer NOT the almighty savior or god of this sport that ya think ya are.....

(continues smiling as he displays two fingers now, much like they do in the Verizon commercial)

MAELSTROM: Two.... 'cuz I enjoy stokin' the embers that seethe within ya every time things not only DON'T go yer way, but when they go MY WAY as well. So ya can claim to be the people's champ an' claim to be Mr. Personality, which is the tendency of people who fall short. The thing is though, unwittingly ya said somethin' else which would actually be quite profound were it not comin' from the like of you. Ironically, it seemed to humble ya while ya attempted to defy.

(nods his head knowingly)

MAELSTROM: ..... ya said that you'd be content SETTLING, which is exactly what you've been doin' ever since I've stolen yer thunder..... question is, what else are ya gonna SETTLE for when ya fall short yet again.....

(the traffic begins to move at this point as Maelstrom motions to the camera man to shut it off and moments later amidst the echoes of traffic, we.... FADE OUT....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON, in black "Baptized by Pez" t-shirt and jeans, sits on a table, his feet rested on the seat in front of him. On his right, a file with papers, and on his left, a Cartman pez dispenser.))

MANSON: The odd things about polls and statistics, Maelstrom, is that they can basically be used to prove anything. If I wanted to, I'd go on the internet and prove everyone in America is a communist. Whle it would be an improvement, it isn't necessarily true.

If it makes you happy to read polls and such, I wouldn't deny anyone their joy of reading, especially when the print is enlarged just for you. I don't need anything like that, since I don't really have to prove or justify anything, especially to you.

After all, I already know the GLCW would collapse if I left. I already know that with my support, Stephen Morgan will have the faith to rise form his deathbed, reclaim his life, and make it to Riptide. And I know if you stopped people in the street, they know who I am why no one has ever bothered to care about you.

They sing songs about me in Norway, write ballads about me in Ireland, and of course, the Chinese have their haikus. Such as:

Manson saves wrestling
Anti-Catholic Cowboy
For the future tense


Manson Manson Man
Prince of our wrestling
True Pandorian

Its as I've always said, titles are nice and having them is better, but at the end of the day, I don't need one. Never have, never will. That's only part of what's like to be me. A fraction, because anything more is not for a lesser man.

Speaking of which, Jarod Poe has broken his silence once more, and apparently he now thinks that people care about him. Obviously, his parents never cared, the only fan that did, he abused and now he's a stalker.

Explain to me exactly what Jarod Poe has ever done that he thinks he's some challenge to any champion, even Maelstrom. Isn't this the guy whose gotten beaten by everyone? There were a few months where it felt like I was handing him his ass every week.

What has he done to even deserve a title shot? The TV champion? Everyone knows that title never meant anything until Stephen Morgan and it will mean even more if and when he beats back death to defend it. I could have beaten Jarod in our previous matches whole sitting on a toilet.

In this business, sins tend to be more greatly accepted. Attacks, maimings, and such aren't taken as seriously as they would in another environment. I should know. So whatever you've done, Jarod. Whatever you think you've done, I forgive you.

I realize I'm probably not the person that should be saying this to you, but anything to get you to stop bitching all the time. Perhaps you really do need a priest, or maybe just an altar boy. In any case, you're looking in all the wrong places. But maybe soon, you'll more than enough excuse to leave here and look somewhere else, where might care.


Spokes of the same wheel

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-03 AT 11:00 PM (EST)](FADE IN:..... to a sign that says "Silver Cross Field". The camera pans further still until we come across some bleachers where we see Maelstrom sitting. Laying on a nearby bench is the GLCW Heavyweight title. Maelstrom himself is too busy massaging his knee to notice our presence.... or at least it seemed that way until he looks up nonchalantly and begins speaking.....)

MAELSTROM: Ya know Manson, ya could make a good argument 'bout polls an' such. 'Bout how with the right amount of manipulation, ya can have 'em state just 'bout anything ya want 'em to.... (pauses as he continues to massage his knee) Then again, it all really sounds like nothing more than just simple rationalization comin' from someone refusin' to accept the truth.... livin' as always.... in denial!

(winces a bit as he lifts his knee up onto the bench)

MAELSTROM: But it's all good Manson, I understand ya gave it a decent run, an' sometimes that's all that matters..... particularly when yer best just isn't good 'nuff. (winks) Me? I'm sure yer wonderin' when my time to succumb to a greater will, will arrive? I mean just how many times can I overcome those overwhelming odds ya toss at me..... three... even four 'gainst one at times. Like hyenas to a lion ya'll come....., an' just like hyenas, ya scatter when yer prey turns into the hunter...... it's actually become the norm.

(with a groan, he struggles to his feet and almost falls over, favoring his injured knee as he holds on to the bench)

MAELSTROM: An' yet, despite ALL yer efforts..... all yer cowardly attacks..... ya fail time an' time again. I've already disposed of you on more than one occasion. I've disposed of Morgan as well. Hell, even 'Narky got a taste of what's awaitin' him. An' of course let's not forget yer most fanatical lackey, Marx, who I just finished disposin' of in like fashion mere hours ago.

(sighs heavily as he reaches for the GLCW belt and grasps it within his large fist)

MAELSTROM: Have ya ever wondered WHY despite yer countless, seemingly overwhelming attacks, I always prevail one way or another? For all yer supposed intelligence, ya guys aren't much on strategy. These injuries I've suffered.... they'll eventually heal, as you've already seen first-hand.... ya guys haven't even a clue as to what the target SHOULD be!

(nods his head disparagingly)

MAELSTROM: Common sense an' intellect are spokes of the same wheel Manson..... lack one, an' ya lack it all.....

(without sayin' another word, Maelstrom turns and limps down the stands until he reaches a waiting limo and disappears into it. We of course have no recourse but to..... FADE OUT....)


Jan 1, 1970
Watch where you're turnin' those wheels, pal

(FADEIN: GOLDEN HAWK along in the Joilet, IL ring...still bloody, sitting on the chair he used on G.O.D. in the main event...)

"Y'know panda boy, I'm a man of principle - much like I've heard you are."

(HAWK spits blood out of the ring)

"But I'll be damned if you're gonna walk out here and talk tough without acknowledgin' the tornado that blew the roof of Joilet, Illinois tonight."

"You disposed of them tonight? You prevailed their attack?"

(HAWK shakes his head disappointed...)

"That's one strike, Maelstrom. You don't want to admit you needed help, tonight - that's your game. Takin' care of business is mine."

(HAWK spits blood out of the ring)

"But I'll be damned if you're pattin' your own back for tonight. You didn't overcome any fu(BLEEP!)in' odds 'CHAMP'. Oh no, it took this man to EVEN them out for 'ya."

(HAWK stands up and walks up to the camera...)

"I'm startin' to understand why you could never be consided a normal man, Maelstrom. Maybe it's 'cause you don't have the backbone to say the words most men learn at an early age..."


"Or is ignorin' the truth some law written in the Pandorian Bill of Rights?"

"Either way..."

(HAWK spits more blood out of the ring)

"Don't forget who DIDN'T leave the ring, Maelstrom. Don't forget the man who made it possible for you to reach behind and pat your own back...'cause if you do..."

"Next time, maybe the odds might not fall in your favor."



Be thankful yerself that....

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-03 AT 08:35 PM (EST)](FADE IN:...... to the back of a limo where we see the GLCW Heavyweight Champion Maelstrom watching Golden Hawk's latest mic spot on a closed-circuit monitor. He smiles faintly as he shakes his head disparagingly, after a few moments, he begins to speak.....)

MAELSTROM: Ya seem a bit upset there Goldilocks..... now I know it couldn't be somethin' I said 'cuz yer not on my radar.... YET! (puts a hand on his chin and raises an eyebrow. after a few seconds, a look of feigned realization hits him and he starts nodding his head in like fashion) Now I see what it is, yer uptight 'cuz I didn't give ya yer props eh?


MAELSTROM: Well, before I even address yer hurt feelings..... lets get one thing straight here once an' for all. I didn't ask for yer help and I certainly didn't need it! Hell, I've been handlin' attacks like that one from day ONE in the GLCW...BY MYSELF, WELL before YOU ever came upon the scene. So spare me yer "I evened the odds out for ya" CRAP an' be thankful yerself that I chose to ignore yer interference rather than view it as you stickin' yer nose in MY business.

(pauses as he smiles malciously)

MAELSTROM: As for that "thank you" yer expectin' from me, hell, ya'd have better luck waitin' on Manson to turn humble. An' if my arrogance or ingracious manner rub ya the wrong way, well then, yer more than welcome to step to me an' express yerself in a more (a resounding smack is heard as his fist connects with his palm)... PERSONAL manner.....

(eyes narrow slightly)

MAELSTROM: ....ya want some.... (smiles maliciously) then come get some Goldie! Ya see, my reality doesn't bother discriminatin' 'gainst heroes, villains nor fools..... (begins laughing faintly) ......an if ya do, just consider YERSELF that the odds may not necessarily fall in YER favor......

(FADE OUT....)


Jan 1, 1970
Goldilocks - good one.

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-03 AT 11:34 PM (EST)](FADEIN: GOLDEN HAWK standing in the ring, smirking...)

"That take you some time to come up with big guy? I might as well break out some 'your momma' joke books for next time..."

"Goldilocks? Pshhhh - this ain't the story of panda bears, buddy."

"This is a story of me doin' the honor of makin' sure that G.O.D didn't walk out last night with everything they wanted - including that belt of yours. You want to stand all proud and tough for lockin' 'Nark in the Mortal Sin? Be my guest, just don't think I'm gonna be quiet about how he got there in the first place."

"I'm not hurt, Mael - fact is I don't give two (BLEEP!) about what you think or say. You want to stick your nose in my business? FINE. Ask Marx, Manson or 'Nark how fun the customer service is..."

"But s'all gravy, lightning eyes. I've been in the sport ten years, I know when steroids turn a man into nothin' more than a little dick."

"Just know that next time, if you're standin' right behind 'Nark pleadin' on his knees - maybe you won't be so lucky to even have a chance at getting my sloppy seconds."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Lovers Quarrel

((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON,in plain black t-shirt and jeans, sitting in a blood-stained chair backstage in a dimmly lit room. The blood is not his own, since he has no markings on his face. Apparently,he just found it like that or he's a sick demented man who askes the GLCW to carry a chair around like that for him.))

MANSON: Its like I said, Maelstrom is and always has been a hypocrite. Obviously, Golden Hawk went and helped him out and he can't even admit the fact that someone helped. So now, they argue like ex-lovers over the divorce settlement. Hawk is even speaking of Maelstrom's genitals, which is a realm I will not go.

But, since you asked, Hawk, yes it is in the Pandorian Bill of Rights that we can't say "Thank you". I'm trying to get it amended, but it will take time and effort. Not that Maelstrom would bother, since he is of course so selfish that he won't even admit to himself that he ever needed help.

Now, a crasser man would point that you are obviously attracted to each, with Maelstrom playing hard to get and Hawk obviously intruding in places he isn't supposed to, all in an attempt to get attention.

In fact, time ago, I would have thought being on the side of morality, righteousness, Christmas, peace, truth, and justice would have meant you trade holiday cards and buy each beverages down at the local tavern.

However, I realize the grayness of the GLCW, which is why I can accept this seeming lovers quarrel between the two of you. Mostly because, it reinforces everything I've said before. Hell, even a near-sighted Texan can see the abuse you've done your body, Maelstrom. Then again, if you leave all the syringes in a pile in the garbage can, well....people will talk.

And when I talk, it is the truth. You may not like it, you may not accept, but that doesn't change what it is. Even Golden Hawk, someone who dislikes me, would prefer to see me broken, agrees with several of my points of view. Tell me something, Maelstrom, when was the last time a peer, or anyone for that matter, ever agreed with you?

I do agree with Hawk on one thing, you did need help to put the Mortal Sin on Anarky, not that you would ever admit it. If you really are arrogant enough to think that you could go through 4 men, you deserve, not only your inbred family, but to beaten and bloodied by 4 men.

And Golden Hawk isn't always going to be there to help you....if he ever bothers again.

It is reaffirming to know, that I have gotten through to at least one person though. We all really can make a difference.


Cause and effect

(FADE IN:..... to what appears to be a hotel room as we see Maelstrom come out of the bathroom, a towel draped around his waist, his long black mane still soaking wet, drops of water still coursing trails along his corded muscles.... he drops down heavily on the bed, his back against the headboard and begins speaking....)

MAELSTROM: Steroids an' phallic inneundos, eh? Gee.... how ... ORIGINAL! Is THAT the best YOU can do Goldie?

(shakes his head disparagingly and immediately, drops of water fall like rain drops on to his massive chest)

MAELSTROM: I suppose ya feel that's 'nuff considerin' yer the..... (gives a sarcastic look as he does the quote thingie with his fingers) ... TEN YEAR VET of this sport. An' I suppose yer "ten" years of experience is supposed to mean somethin' to me? Maybe, it's supposed to intimidate me or perhaps cause me to doubt myself?

(sighs heavily)

MAELSTROM: Well, yer words haven't the weight to cause that sorta effect. However, one thing ya said DID carry a bit of weight.... somethin' 'bout some sorta "story" an' somethin' 'bout ya preventing GOD from enforcin' his will? (rolls his eyes in a "give-me-a-break" manner) Yer right.... that really IS quite a.... STORY! Maybe ya should try suckin' without swallowin' Goldie, cuz the rush of the climax seems to be affectin' yer perception. As for askin' Marx, Manson or 'Narky 'bout yer customer service.... I really don't see the point in it..... fact is, I really could care less what YOU'VE done to anyone else, particularly those I've ALREADY humbled for one simple reason.....

(gets to his feet and narrows his eyes menacingly)

MAELSTROM: .... ya haven't done 'gainst ME! But like I said earlier, yer welcome to try ANYTIME...... I'm not a hard man to find..... providin' ya REALLY DO want to find me.....

(Maelstrom loosens the towel around his waist and goes about his business. The image immediately tosses a blur-circle in front of his entire mid-section area, leaving us no choice but to .... FADE OUT....)

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