"I stand corrected, Ravager"
(Fadein, Cameron Cruise with bags in hand, walking in front of his house to load the car in Jacksonville, NC.)
CRUISE: You don't just wanna cookie, you wanna be held by the hand and led across the street too.
I mean for Pete's sake, Ravager, do I have to do EVERYTHING, for you??
(Cruise sighs.)
I know I've only afew wins under my belt here in TEAM, my record really is less than average, less than that of a Satisfactory acceptance.
But a CLEAR CONSCIENCE and COMMON SENSE would tell someone that that should be a reason for my return, wouldn't it??
Well...everyone but you it seems.
But don't take my understanding of what things are for weakness, Ravager.
Just because I say that you're another man to me, doesn't mean I'm not taking this match seriously, as I said before I'm not looking past you either.
But I'm not gonna dwell on things either.
I'm going back to Vermont with the intent and focus to either make you tap out or to pin your ass to the mat for three seconds and then it's on to the next man in this tournament.
I appreciate the respect given, but on the same token, I don't need it.
Because it's what I do in the ring that's going to make a difference, Ravager. This is a Ruthless business to compete in, and if you're not ready for it, it'll cut your throat and leave you with nothing.
(The Camera cuts up close to Cruise's face)
'Course unless you're men like Fusenshoff, in which case you really may not need much anyway to begin with.
(Camera cutting back to the original view....)
But no, I haven't forgotten about you Ravager, but I'm not going out of my way to make this "One for the Ages" either.
Sure....no one wants to get beat by someone they KNOW they're better than, but then again who does??
Not me, and as I said, I'm not going to dwell on it Ravager, because it's THAT KINDA **** that ruin's a Man's career, or send it into a "Downward Spiral", as you said.
It's good to see that you've got more drive and focus now, because I wasn't really expecting you to have any less to begin with.
Professionally-speaking, it might be just alittle too late.
But Personally-speaking it's just business, nothing personal at all.
And right now, either way it makes no difference to me that you like it or won't....but it's a Reality Check just for you Ravager, and you alone.
(Fadeout as Cruise continues to load his car.)