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Kendall Codine's Status


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

First, I would like to begin my offering my apologies for my recent absence here in the GXW. As of right now, my online time is limited to none. I am currently in the process of completing my student teaching (which is quite stressful and involves tons of work), while taking a night class and still working wrestling shows on a regular basis. With that said, I must take some time off from fantasy wrestling, as time just does not permit for me to remain competitive/active to the standards of the GXW (as well as the SCW).

By no means am I burnt out from fantasy wrestling, as this is the most fun that I've had since taking nearly two years off before. As of right now, I'm looking to return sometime in mid to late May once I graduate from college. To those that I'm currently working with, I hope that you can understand my situation. I have created an angle (which has been sent to the staff), which will explain Codine's absence, as well as leave the door open for his return. I look forward to returning in the near future and will continue to keep in touch until that time comes.

--Kent (Kendall Codine)

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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