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Join MCW Today! (World Title Qualifying Details)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Niagara, ON, Canada
Calling all wrestlers, male or female! I'm about ready to get the ball rolling for MCW, but to do that I need to get some talent on the roster. Thus far we've got two wrestlers on board, including the returning Adam Benjamin. I'm looking to get at least six or eight people on the roster before I start up the first card.

So what's your motivation?

EVERYONE who joins MCW will have a chance to wrestle for the World Heavyweight Championship at our first Pay-Per-View event.

There will be four episodes of our TV show, Center Stage, before the first Pay-Per-View. I will be keeping track of match results during these four episodes and marking down points depending on results. The scoring system goes as follows.

WIN: +10 points
LOSS: -5 points
WIN by cheating: +5 points
LOSS by cheating: 0 points
WIN by DQ: +5 points
LOSS by self-DQ: -5 points
WIN by interference DQ: 0 points
LOSS by interference DQ: 0 points
WIN by count-out: +5 points
LOSS by count-out: -5 points
DRAW: +5 points to each party

The reasoning here is as follows. Wins of any sort add points to your score, though clean wins add the most points. Clean losses as well as losses by self-disqualification and count-out subtract points. This is in place to help those who may come into the fed after the first card, allowing them to have a chance to catch up in the scoring. If the match is thrown out or disrupted by interference no points will be subtracted from the loser or granted to the winner. The system is designed to prevent people from rigging the card in their own favour with run-ins - at least not without being creative. As for cheating, while the winner does gain a few points the loser doesn't lose any, but in the long run it is more rewarding to win cleanly. Point totals cannot drop into the negatives, so don't worry if you lose your first match.

At the end of the fourth TV card the two wrestlers with the highest point totals will advance to fight each other in the Pay-Per-View main event with the World Title on the line. In the event of some form of tie (ie. someone has 30 points and two people below them have 25), the tied parties will be added to the match as well given that they DID earn it.

If the score system works well I may carry it over and use it to select all future number-one contenders to the world title, but that remains to be seen and will depend on how well things go.
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