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Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
''I've never been known to b#tch about stuff, Shane… see, for those who didn't already know, I'm the cool cat, that lets sh#t roll off his back. Come to think of it, I never really needed to take things said about me personally, because for the most part, it's usually always positive.''

fade- in:

The scene opened up with ''Triple X'' sitting on the ''stairway to heaven'', directly in front of, ''the O'', clad in stringy, cut-off, blue, jean shorts, and a Lebron James, ''St. Vincent's-St. Mary's'' basketball jersey. His face, cleanly shaven… his hair… braided at the tips, and tied in a pony-tail.

Sean rubbed his chin, as if he were carefully choosing his next words, before glancing back up at the camera, you the viewer at home, and his opponent, CSWA's country boy, Shane Southern.

''I also hate to beat a dead issue, but it seems to me that my performance at ''Battle of the Belts'' didn't get the job done like I wanted it to. I'm not gonna complain about not beating Mark Windham, in fact, I could easily use Mike Plett as a scapegoat, because he was the one pinned, but it was my job to stop Windham from pinning him, just as much as it was mine to pin him myself. It's my goal to be CSWA World Champion, but I'm starting to realize that it takes far more than being the best to do it.''

''But, you knew that… right, Shane? I mean… it was you who took home the United States Championship belt at Fish Fund, when you and I both know – hell, the entire world knows you didn't deserve it. I'm not putting down anything you've done since winning it, Shane… you've been nothing short of a fighting champion… but, the fact remains the same, that on that day, I was the better wrestler… as cliché as it sounds… it was my time… the only difference between you and me, Shane? …You weren't spending the proceeding months showing up Hornet on a nightly basis. You weren't fighting for the honor of your personal life daily, because jackasses like GUNS and Kevin Powers didn't realize that the girlfriend jokes got old, after they reminded me that I had one the first one thousand times.''

''…but, I was better than you, Shane. I was ready to take my rightful place as the CSWA's elite, if not take one gigantic step to attaining my goal of being the champion here.''

The camera zoomed in, close-up style… no body shots, only his face. It looked like he was deep in thought, like he wanted to cry, but knew he couldn't. He balled a first, shook it three-or-four times, and bit his bottom lip, before continuing.

''Now, I can't buy a match. …Sure Merritt gave me that spot in the ''Battle of the Belts'' main event, but if anything, he was just filling a position, I was one of the people there, without a match. I wasn't placed there because of my ability. Then Primetime rolls around, no match… the first ON TIME, no match… it's f#cking crazy, because the only reason I'm here today, with my name next to yours, is because I placed a call to Pete Russo myself.''

''How am I supposed to take that, Shane? Huh? …Am I supposed to jump for joy, or should I be pissed off that I'm a former Presidential champion, who's beaten some of the biggest names in this industry, a former Presidential champion who stood up and fought for the same CSWA that's turned it's back on me, when the GXW invaded. I want an honest answer from you, Southern. Maybe you know how I feel…''

''…then again, maybe you don't understand why, when I look at you, I cringe. You, with your whole country boy gimmick, speaking in a language nobody hardly understands. When you cut a promo, your opponent needs a tape, to go over each word, to make sure he didn't miss any subliminals beneath all the ''yucks'' and accent. Maybe you can't fathom what it feels like knowing you're better than someone, yet everytime you go online, you're reading the CSWA faithful praising that person like he's God, or the ''Next Big Thing''. Calling him the breakout superstar.''

Sean got up from his seat, and walked closer to the camera, grabbing it by the hinges around the lenses, pulling it closer. There was no more tears now… he was all business, serious as hell.

''Shane, this is more to me than an ON TIME match. This is more to me than a warm-up match, building toward something more later down the line, on a bigger show. This match proves my theory. It's my way of telling, no… showing the world that I am what I said I was all along. That I did deserve to be in the BOTB main event. That I am better than you. You had better forget about your little catch phrases, and come to wrestle… hell, I'm not Evan Aho… you had better come prepared to go through a war.''

''I'm not anybody's whipping boy, Shane… I didn't lay down for Hornet, Eli, or Mark Windham and I won't start now. I refuse to sit idly by and watch you elevate yourself at my expense, like I'm some old, wrinkled has been. It ain't happening Shane… I am here for the long haul, and if you don't come motivated, prepared to go, when the referee signals for that bell, you won't be.''

''I'm sure you're gonna respond, I'll see you then, Shane. But, you had better heed my advice. It could be the difference between having a career, and being a spectator.''

fade- to- black


(FADEIN: GUNS in his San Antonio ranch, watching Sean Stevens' promo.)

GUNS: Jackass? (Feigns sadness.) Usually I'm called MUCH worse than that. I must admit, lumping me in with Kevin Powers is pretty offensive, but I'll let it slide, Sean, because I like you. That's right - I think you're a pretty good wrestler. I think you're kidding yourself if you think you're as good as Shane Southern, but I admire the confidence.

Let's face it, Sean - you're good, but you don't have Shane's natural ability - you don't have Shane's work ethic - you don't have Shane's drive and determination. There's no shame in that, Sean - bottom line, NOBODY has it. That's why I've focused so much of my energy on breaking Shane Southern down, Sean - and it's working.

Sean, I'm going to shoot perfectly straight with you, and I'm going to give you some free advice. You see, Sean, I've turned a corner in my life - I'm giving back to the CSWA community - you'll find out all about it at Primetime, but in the spirit of my new outlook on life, let me say this to you...

You try to wrestle Shane Southern straight up, and you'll lose. And it's not just because he's better than you are, Sean - after all, flukes happen - sometimes it's better to be lucky than good - and under normal circumstances, Sean, you would have a fair shot of pulling the UPSET. But you saw Battle of the Belts, Sean - you saw Shane Southern pull out all the stops - using belts as a weapon, pulling the tights - we're breaking him down, Sean, and he's getting desperate.

Sean, there's only one way you're going to win this match - cheat Shane Southern before he cheats you. Forget athletic competition, forget sportsmanship - throw it all out the window. You want to win? I'm giving you the playbook.

The only question is - are you man enough to use it?

(GUNS smiles. FADEOUT.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern standing in front of a ON TIME backdrop. He's dressed in no-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots....}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " Well I gotta' be honest Trip, I have no earthly idea what ta' say ta' what I just heard. Since I've been 'round here, there's been ONE guy that I've always admired, ONE guy that's held himself ABOVE tha' business and didn't try ta' take ah' CRAP on Shane Southern's lawn...ONE guy I THOUGHT was above tha' childish "country hick" insults and cry-baby crap. Now...{{...shakes his head...}}

" Ya' know, when I first got here Trip, YOU WERE tha' next big thing. YOU WERE tha' NEXT World Champion, YOU WERE tha' MAN. Young, talented...ya' had HEART and DESIRE like I hadn't seen in many people bah'fore. But you got LOST Trip, you got loss in an obsession you couldn't escape...n' well, I don't know what happened after that. You've changed Trip. It's obvious by that last promo you cut that insteada' SUCKIN' IT UP and DOIN' what ya' have ta' do, you cry n' moan like ah' little baby. Geezus man, didn't yer wrestlin' coach tell ya'? THERE'S NO CRYIN' IN WRESTLIN'! NO CRYIN'! So you HATE Hornet...WHO [BLEEP]IN' CARES! My GOD man, let if [BLEEP]in' GO. "

" So now you wanna' try n' heap some of tha' responsibility for your failed bids ta' get to tha' top...ON ME? Please man, sing that jazz ta' somebody who cares for tha' sound. I don't buy it. Ya' see, for tha' past few months, I've been takin' on tha' UNIFIED Tag champions, Adler, Guns, Ryan, Plett, etc, etc, etc....I've got A LOT on mah' mind. So forgive me if it pains me ta' listen to ah' guy that ain't done squat in MONTHS complain about his lot in this federation. Forgive me if I don't shed a TEAR with ya' 'cause you ain't got Hornet in tha' ring yet. I'm SORRY that I don't care, but TRIP, I don't givva' DAMN 'bout you n' yer personal CRAP. I've got TOO MUCH goin' on ta' LISTEN ta' you whine about how yer better than me. "

" Lemme' explain somethin' ta' you 'bout tha' wrestlin' BIZ-NESS Trip. Tha' BETTER MAN don't always win. Yeah, it SUCKS, but it's TRUE. Learn ta' except it...you'll be ah' happier man for it. I mean, MY GOD, ta' holda' grudge for over halfa' YEAR 'cause I took tha' US Title that night at FISH FUND...that's freakin' PSYCHO stuff man. So you were better that night? Maybe ya' did WRESTLE better...but I walked away with tha' title friend, n' in MAH' book, that makes me tha' better wrestlER. "

" But you wanna' prove me WRONG, right? You wanna' show tha' world, that me winnin' that match at FISH FUND was ah' FLUKE. That all tha' TALK about Shane Southern is over-blown, n' that they SHOULD be talkin' 'bout YOU instead. "

{{...Southern smiles and nods approvingly...}}

" Good. Come at me with ALL ya' got...but realize THIS Trip. You do THAT...n' ya' STILL get beat...then you got NO MORE excuses. You got NO MORE reasons ta' SHOUT to tha' world "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" You loose at ON TIME Trip, n' you then gotta' look inside yer'self n' resolve whatever it is that's eatin' away at yer gut....cause I gotta' strange feelin' that it ain't me. "

" Party's OVER. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
fade- in:

Triple X staring at a monitor. …as soon as GUNS finishes, he turns to his left, where a cameraman awaited.

''I know your history, GUNS… and, I know that there are tons of things I could say to you, to get your attention, but I wasn't trying to get your attention. See, I've watched you since you returned here, and I've noticed how you stir the pot, causing as much trouble as you can. Maybe you can't tear the CSWA down brick- by- brick physically, but if you turn everyone against each other, maybe… just…''

He snaps his fingers.

''Regardless of your motives… I'm a little pissed off… maybe I shouldn't have mentioned your name, but I did, and it's too late. But, I'll tell you this, if by some small chance you really think I don't stand a chance against Shane Southern, because I can't match his ability, work ethic, or drive… then I need to come to Texas and get my marijuana from now on.''

''…And, I don't smoke.''

''I don't care what you think about my ability, drive or my situation, because you haven't been close enough to actually evaluate it. You're kidding yourself if you think you or all people have any advice to offer me when it comes to in-ring ability. I've watched you for awhile now, GUNS… I know about the third row, I know that we'll all get our turn – or so you say, and to be honest, I barely even look your way. You're a joke to me. Full of catch phrases, and pointless threats.''

''Do yourself a favor, Little Boy… find somebody else's business to pry into, because if you don't, you'll learn that prying into mine usually gets you hurt. Don't believe me? …Ask around, I'm sure there's a Hornet or Deacon that can back me up.''

fade- to- black


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
fade- in:

Sean ''Triple X'' Stevens had just arrived home when he turned on his television, and witnessed Shane Southern's response promo to one he had cut earlier. It was much later in the day, damn near impossible to call up a reporter and have him drive over – well, it was possible, just a little inconsiderate. Sean walked into his room and came out with his handheld camcorder, it had been charging for days now, and was full of energy. He flipped the on switch, hooking the correct wires up to his computer so his promo could be aired online, until someone could hook it up on television.

''Since when does calling out something for what it is constitute b#tching? Shane Southern… are you THAT oblivious to your surroundings? Do you have so massive an ego, that the only things you pay attention to, are your own? I've noticed that the only people who labels somebody a cry baby, usually is the person benefiting from that other side. I knew you wouldn't understand where I was coming from, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Try to keep up, Hillbilly Jim, I'll try to do this slow…''

''I've beaten Deacon, Mike Plett, my friend Dan Ryan. …Eli Flair couldn't beat me, Hornet hasn't been right since he faced me, and I took Mark Windham very close to his limits, not once… but, twice – and, last time I checked, HE was the CSWA World Heavyweight Champion, a little bit higher up the totem than Miles, Mayfield, and GUNS. Is that falling off to you, Shane? If it is, you're an idiot. I've been just as busy as you have, the only difference is ''Battle of the Belts'', and you're right, I am pissed, damned pissed because I didn't do anything to deserve the treatment I've received. I said I was the best, and I went out and busted my ass to prove that I am.''

The camera shook a little, the more intense he got, the more he'd forget he didn't have professional camera treatment.

''I'm not crying about a match with Hornet… and, I'm not b#tching because you've become as successful as you have, hell… I'm happy for you. But, I won't lie… I do get a little uneasy when I look on the CSWA website and notice how you're deemed the next CSWA superstar to bust through that glass ceiling, when I know that there's no way that you're better than me. That's not ego… that's confidence. …It's not bitching, it's speaking up in an effort to right a wrong.''

''I don't have a problem with you personally, you're a competitor to me professionally and I won't pretend you don't exist just because you thought I was somebody different when you first came to the CSWA. I'm not here for you, I'm here for me, if Shane Southern wins the United States Championship, they don't raise BOTH of our salaries… just yours.''

''You're in my way, and as long as you're in my way, I'll do whatever I have to do, and say whatever I have to say to remove you. I wouldn't call you a country hick, if I thought for one single, solitary second that it didn't affect you, and judging by your response, on some levels, it did, so it served it's purpose. I didn't disrespect your mother, your father, or your upbringing, I responded to the visual and right now… before me… you're exactly what I said you are.''

''I'm coming with everything, Southern… my entire arsenal will be in tact. Some things you've seen, some you haven't. I hope that after it's said and done, there's no personal animosity, because it'd be a shame if I had to end your career to get you out of my hair.''

''Yes I'm that confident, yes… I have a bit of an ego… but, I'll back it up, too. …because there's more to the package than confidence and ego… there's ability there, too. Apparently GUNS thinks I don't have as much as you… but, last time I checked GUNS never stepped foot in a ring with me to find out, therefore GUNS' opinion means little.''

''Shane, I'll see you at ON TIME. …I'm looking forward to it even more than before.''

He shut the camera off.

fade- to- black


(FADEIN: GUNS at the ranch.)

GUNS: Sean, I know it's hard to receive constructive criticism - especially in this business when there's so many people blowing smoke up your ass, telling you exactly what you want to hear.

Sean, you're good - there's no denying that - but you're not as good as Shane Southern. There's no shame in that - but denial isn't going to get you anywhere. You want to stick your head in the sand about it, that's fine, but when you finally lift your head up you'll find a Shane Southern superkick across your jaw.

You don't give me any thought, Sean? Maybe you should - because as good as you say you are, the simple truth is that I'm still the talk of this federation, I'm the straw that stirs the drink, and you're barely an afterthought. If you want to change that, Sean, then you have to beat Shane Southern at On Time - I'm just trying to help you do that.

You don't want my help? I can live with that - some people are too proud to accept help when they need it. You want to threaten me, son? That's not going to help you with the problem at hand - that you're a forgotten man - cast aside carelessly by the CSWA machinery.

So, Sean, it's time for a gut check. You can either be a proud loser - or you can be a winner. The choice is yours.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern. Blue screen....}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " Do me ah' favor Guns...don't HELP me...'huh? I don't need YOU singin' mah' praises fer me' ta know how good I am, n' I don't need you tellin' TRIP how good I am either....trust me, HE knows. N' if he don't...he'll find out at ON TIME. "

" You worry 'bout that little goal of tearin' tha' CSWA down brick by brick. How's that goin' by tha' way? "


" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}



You tell me how it's going - after all, you're the first brick. Take a look at yourself in the mirror - whether you want to start at your hair, or your empty waist - that's up to you.

Every day, Shane - you come closer to breaking apart, and the funny thing is - you don't even see it.

Believe me, Shane, helping you is the last thing on my agenda.

Everything I do, every word I say, it all happens with one goal in mind, Shane. Never forget that. Ever.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern. Same day. Same backdrop....}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " Give itta' rest will ya' TRIP? It don't impress me ta' know who you've beaten, it don't WORRY me ta' know what you've done in tha' past...n' it damn sure don't make me wanna' cry when you call me a hick. YOU came out on National TV n' told tha' world that you deserved MY SPOT more than me. You cried 'cause in one instance, at FISH FUND, I walked away with somethin' YOU wanted. Insteada' comin' at me LIKE A MAN, n' fightin' me fer what YOU wanted, you took tha' LOW ROAD n' just made excuses Trip. You've gotta' stick up yer ass 'cause you ain't gettin' tha' press I am, you ain't gettin' tha' matches, you ain't gettin' this, you ain't gettin' THAT. It's not somethin' I expected from you, but I'm glad I KNOW who you truly are now. "

" N' you come out here, n' call ME a cry-baby after that dribble YOU put forth? "

(Southern takes a folding chair from off screen, opens it up and sits down on it backwards folding his arms in front of him on the chair)

" While you may think that all makes for a fun time n' interestin' TEE-VEE, in mah' book, it's quite pathetic. Do I have n' EGO? Damn straight. Do I DESERVE ta' have one? DAMN straight. But it's not over-blown Trip....believe it or not, I've EARNED that right. If you don't think so, FINE. I don't really care. Trust me, I know how good you are. I've watched you for a long time...I'm not takin' you lightly, n' you shouldn't even entertain tha' thought that I am. I know tha' score 'round here Trip, I KNOW that in one split second, ever'thin' I worked so HARD for can be taken away. I can be driven off that road by Guns, Miles, Mayfield, Adler, ... YOU. Docs tell me I need ANOTHER knee surgery, I've got bone chips in mah' elbow, a shoulder that pops out of place on a whim sometimes...yet I don't back down, I don't take time off, I DON'T QUIT. "

" Why? 'Cause I ain't gotten to mah' goal...that CSWA World Title has yet ta' be strapped 'round mah' waist. I fight tooth n' nail EVER' time out ta' stay on tha' path. Tha' Intruders are tryin' real hard to break me down...n' I'd be lyin' if I said that there are SOME moments, that I just wanna' stop, n' say "YOU WIN". But they quickly pass Trip, n' I'm back on tha' road, BACK ta' doin' what I do. "

" SO if you think you're tha' one that can run me off that road. If YOU think YOU'RE tha' man that can take Shane Southern down ah' notch...great. I look forward to tha' challenge, 'cause once I get to tha' end, once I'm wearin' tha' CSWA World Title 'round mah' waist, I don't want there to be ah' man out there that says, "Shane Southern didn't EARN IT." "

" You come with all you got blue eyed bad-ass...I wouldn't have it any other way. "

" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
fade- in:

"I'm confused, and to be completely honest, I'm not asking this question to be a smart ass, I honestly, genuinely want to know the answer. …does the entire CSWA live by the same double standard you display, Shane? I mean… seriously… you're so back-and-forth it's almost comical."

Cut to: Triple X seated on a bar stool in front of a plain black, CSWA: ON TIME backdrop. …no special effects… no smoke screens… no spooky editing. Just Triple X, in a "No Hype Necessary" t-shirt.

"Give it a rest? …it doesn't impress you to know who I've beaten? …or what I've done in the past?!? Aren't you the same man who – two promo's ago labeled me a man who didn't deserve your pity, because I haven't done squat in months? Aren't you the same man who – after informing me that I didn't do anything for months – listed all of the things you did? All the things you've been doing to keep yourself busy. You know… the things that earned you your spot. …let me see, you mentioned… Tom Adler, the tag champs, Dan Ryan… GUNS… do I really need to go on?"

"I mean… did you forget? Or is your nose so far up your own ass, that it only counts when others do it. GUNS was right… you're talented, you have unmatched natural ability, that probably came from wrestling pigs in your father's farm, but I wouldn't put you in anybody's knowledge bowl, that's for sure."

A noise in the background carried over into his promo, Trip glanced over at the source, an annoyed expression on his face. The yelling soon died down, as Stevens grabbed a bottle of water, placed underneath his stool, took a sip and continued.

"I never went to college to be an elementary school teacher, because I can't tolerate helping kids who don't know much advance. I don't have the patience. So, the fact that I have to break everything down to you like you're five kind of annoys me to the point where I'm looking forward to our match even more, so that I can hurry and go back to my normal existence of associating myself with intelligent people."

"I didn't tell you about my past for praise, or to make an impression. I told you… one… because you unjustly labeled me as a slacker, whether you meant to or not, even though I know I've busted my ass twice as hard as any wrestler on the CSWA roster, including you. And, two… because if you look at my resume, and yours, there's not too much of a difference, hell… I could even be so bold as to say mine is a little more impressive. No disrespect to you and your accomplishments, but while you were fighting pointless wars against a couple of guys who are more renowned for their idiocy on the microphone than their wrestling ability, and a steroid abusing midget – that's you, Bill – I was chipping that almost impossible to break glass ceiling."

"I never stepped up to challenge you for the United States title, because I never had any personal or professional beef with you, until recently that is. And, my problem is only the latter. I was content to just do my thing, while you did yours, until I stopped being booked for shows. Until I started looking on the CSWA website, and witnessed people labeling you something you aren't, and will never be as long as I'm around."

"You don't want to hear my life story? That's fine by me… honestly, I never wanted to tell it. But, make no mistake about it, you're not the only young gun here who's been through a war, or two… and, I won't let you brainwash the public into thinking it. You want to shut me up? Shane… its real simple… at On Time, do it. You want to prove you're the better wrestler? Then get in that ring, and do what you love to do, but let me tell you, you had better be at your best… because, while I rarely get beat, one- on- one, I don't get beat by an opponent half-assing it. And, you don't have to worry about me, Shane… I'm bringing it. Everything I've got, because like you said, if I don't beat you in the center of that ring, I've gotta look at myself in the mirror, knowing that all the hype was correct… that GUNS assessment of our ability was on point… and, to be blunt… I've gotta accept the fact that Shane Southern is a better wrestler than me."

"I'm not ready to do that."

"I've said it time and again, that I'm the best wrestler in the CSWA, all this is, is an opportunity to prove it. You're just an obstacle, you're not unmovable, and you most certainly aren't the toughest task I've faced. So, in closing… you're gonna lose, Shane. And, if GUNS is a betting man, his entire paycheck for that day will be lost, which will probably make him even angrier with you, which could ultimately lead to more Intruder problems down the line for you.."

"I'm apologizing in advance."

Triple X just stood there as the screen slowly faded to a commercial… then… to…

fade- to- black


(FADEIN: GUNS at the ranch.)

GUNS: Steroid abusing midget? That cuts deep, Sean - it's been at least ten minutes since someone made a steroid or short joke at my expense.

Look, Sean, you seem to have taken this whole thing very personally. Don't blame your shortcomings on me, Sean - don't shoot the messenger - I'm just telling you what everyone else around the CSWA already knows. Shane Southern's up here - and you're a cut below. It pisses you off? Tough. That's life.

Instead of denying the problem, Sean, you need to focus on the solution. I haven't placed my bet, Sean - I'm not headin' to the pay windah, if you weeel - I'm just telling you the truth. Straight up, man to man, athlete to athlete - Shane Southern's out of your league. But that's okay, Sean - you need to work with that, not against it.

You don't have to be better than Shane Southern to beat him, Sean - you just need to want it more - you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to win - pull out all the stops - punch, kick, scratch, claw, choke, gouge his eyes out, pull the hair he's got left, take him to the limit - take the man apart.

The simple truth, Sean, is this - three seconds isn't going to change things one way or the other. It's not about getting your hand raised. You're looking to prove something that's just plain false. Don't worry about being better than Shane Southern, Sean - you need to DESTROY Shane Southern.

It's that simple. You want to be the breakout star that Shane Southern is? Then you have to take him down - not just for three seconds, but PERIOD.

Are you man enough to do it, Sean? Ask yourself THAT the next time you look in the mirror.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern standing in front of a CSWA ON-TIME backdrop dressed in a black and gold "GOLD'S GYM" muscle shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " My God, it's amazing. No matter what you say Trip, no matter how MANY times you say it, you've got tha' uncanny ability ta' somehow portray YOUR inadequacies on to me.

(Southern shakes his head and stares at the floor for a few moments before continuing)

" Let's review here. I'M not tha' one that came out on National TV bitin' his lower lip like a girl, lookin' like his dog died or somethin' 'cause some other wrestler was getting more exposure...yet you label ME tha' crybaby. I'M not tha' one that came out n' tried ta' justify himself by readin' off a list of tha' guys he's beaten over tha' last few months Trip. I simply said, IN RESPONSE, that I've been busy too. But unlike you, it wasn't to try n' impress you or prove you wrong. It was simply to let you know, what I've been doin'. I'M not that one that's resorted ta' country hick childish insults as a way to TRY n' get a rise out me. I have every confidence in mah' ability in tha' wrestlin' ring. Tryin', n I STRESS tha' word TRYIN', ta' get inta' mah' head with third grade insults hasn't worked for FIVE years now. In fact, Mayfield n' Miles are MUCH funnier than you. If you wanna' go that route, I'm SURE they could give ya' some pointers and some new material. "

(Southern takes a swallow from a water bottle)

" Ya' know, I really hate ta' get into a name callin' WAR with you Trip. That's not what I'm about, n' it's not what I WANT this match ta' be about. I want this match ta' be about tha' two BEST young superstars tha' CSWA has EVER seen, doin' battle. NOT forra' pay-per-view purse, NOT for NATIONAL TV exposure, but simply for tha' task of puttin' on one HELL uvva' wrestlin' match. "

" Notice I didn't say findin' out WHO'S better....you can't find that out in just one night. 'Cause ya' see Trip, regardless of what happens at ON TIME, yer name's not gonna' magically appear at tha' top of cards. Tha' wrestlin' mags aren't gonna' print retractions scratchin' out mah' name n' puttin' in yers, the website ain't gonna' all uvva' sudden put YOU at tha' top of tha' drop down list of superstars ta' pick from. If that's what yer after Trip, you ain't gonna' get it by beatin' me atta' house show. You get tha' one, two, three...whoop-dee-damn-doo....you were better than me, THAT night. See Trip, justa' bout anybody in tha' CSWA can beat anybody else on ANY given night. It's what ya' do over tha' LONG HAUL, tha' attitude, tha' heart, tha' desire you show NIGHT in and NIGHT out. "

" THAT bein' said, I'm STILL treain' this match, just as I do ALL tha' others. I wanna' WIN. There's no holdin' back 'cause it's a house show. I only know ONE speed Trip, FULL STEAM AHEAD. So it's gonna' take all you got ta' beat me...n' who knows, you MAY actually do it, in fact, I'd say there's probably a fifty/fifty chance at it...but you've still gotta' long row ta' hoe mah' friend. Not 'cause ya' ain't got tha' ability, NOT 'cause ya' ain't got tha' heart or tha' desire, but 'cause you've never been able ta' put it all ta'gether, n' SUSTAIN it for an extended period of time. "

" N' well...your attitude just sucks. "

" I'll see you Trip. Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}

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