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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

I'm still here.

Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
[::FADEIN on a small three bedroom town home. Lights burn from inside, A beacon against the approaching night. A battered old ’69 Fury nestles side-by-side with a newer Plymouth minivan. We CUT TO the interior of the town home. The inside is decorated with furniture that is all old wood and soft fabrics in varying shades of blue. The furniture is all a little haphazard, nothing quite matching exactly, but all very homey. An old overstuffed recliner sits in a corner, next to a mahogany rocker. A small oak magazine rack and drink holder sits between them. Sitting in the recliner is “The Wolf” Chris McMillan. A cup of coffee is cradled in his hands::

THE WOLF: In all my time in the business, I’ve done a lot of promos. A lot of interviews. I’ve done them in hotels, motels, ringside, and backstage. I’ve done them in the car, on the highway, in the woods, and in restaurants. But I’ve never had a camera crew in my home before. I bring them here now because what I want to talk about isn’t really about wrestling. It’s something personal.

::McMillan sips from his cup before setting it aside::

THE WOLF: What I want to talk about is my friend Shane Southern. The man who two weeks ago, turned on me and beat the living hell out of me. Shane, I’ve kept quiet. I wanted to give myself time to cool off, time to think things through. I knew that if I jumped the gun, if I addressed you before I had time to think, I’d say something that I’d regret later. I knew that if I didn’t leave the arena that night, that I would do something I would regret doing. I wasn’t just mad, Shane, I was enraged. You could ask Jason Payne what happens to my friends when the turn their backs on me, but I don’t think Payne’s got a whole lot to say right now. All I could think about, the only thing going through my mind was that you were willing to betray my trust and friendship over some stupid little secret. But I had some time to think about it, and of course I came to the realization that whatever it is that Aaron Douglas is holding over you, whatever he’s used to rope you into submission has got to be huge. I don’t have the most pristine past either, Shane, and I know that there are things that I’d do almost anything to forget. So I think I understand. I wanted you to know that. I’m still not happy about what you did to me, Shane, but I’m even less happy seeing the look in your eyes when you come to the ring lately. If you need me, Shane, I’m still here. I’m still here.


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