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I would like to present Luster.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Nazareth, PA
FADEIN::Backstage the WFW Arena, the door of the arena opens and a medium built man enters the building. He has sort of a funkyness to him. He has charisma, he has all that Sh*t. He is carrying a boombox playing, Funkytown. “Why won’t you take me to Funkytown.” He is white, very muscular, and long curly hair. All of his clothes are silver and very shiny. He looks something out of the worst Chippendale’s auditions.

WFW Staff Member: Sir, excuse. Sir, you can’t come in here.

Unnamed Man: I can do whatever it is I want. I here to see all my starry-eyed fans come alive and chant LUSTER. We love you luster, I’m all the way from Funkytown, sh*t. Yes, I gots the groove tonight, Baby doll.

WFW Staff Member: Luster, right? I’m a dude. Not baby doll. Now wait a minute. Who are you? Why are you here?

Luster: Luster, exotic dancer and part time wrasstler at your service. Listen main squeeze, I ‘m here to strut my stuff 'cause all the ladies love me. Dollar here dollar there, I’m what they want. You don’t get an ass like this just from sitting pretty. Don’t be jealous, I see you lookin’. I’m the Taster’s Choice.

WFW Staff Member: I’m not feelin’ the groove.

Luster: On to business, baby. I gots to Funkasize the arena with my King Kong Do..

WFW SM: Whoo whoo whoo, stop right there. No more of the Funkasizing.

Luster: I’m here to review the present arrangements of that Luscious Wrasstling Federation I thoughts I could be part of. Everyone wants Luster. I want Luster, do you want Luster. Sh*t yes, I want him. Mandingo.

WFW SM: You want to be part of the WFW. Mandingo?

Luster: I want give the ladies what they want. They want me, their main squeeze and the FunkyTown ExpressTrain of Funkyness and it’s making a special appearance at a stage near you.. So, ladies dress pretty cause I’ll see ya.

FADEOUT::”Why won’t you take me to Funkytown?” fades out.

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