(FADE-IN: "The American Woman" Teri Melton, wearing a bright pink ruched mesh dress from Victoria's Secret, two sizes too small, and anklewrap stiletto heels. The bandage on her nose, courtesy of Ivy, was colored pink to match her outfit.)
TERI MELTON: If a tree fell in the forest, Ivy, my dear, would anyone hear?
Would anyone care?
I know you would you little *****, because the best moments in life, are the ironic. Seeing an acre of land MOWED down to make room for a new Pet emporium, or pretty new shopping center, where lovers of behavior psychology can dine for years. Those are the real moments worth cherishing. That’s honest evolution. You’re a rarity, McGinnis, and if homely ever swings back in style, a timeless classic.
But I’m young, and tighter than you were on the day you were born. The Earth you walk, it’s my Skull Island. Beauty kills the beast every time, McGinnis, knocks your **** over like dominos, and leaves you outcast to a high-speed connection and empty page to cry about having to watch everything you ever had to turn a man’s head fall in slow-motion, as I took it all away.
You’re a pet, Ivy.
Men watch you plug in a lamp and call you one of the Crew.
Men ask which color of tights works best on a given night, and you’re ‘Creative.’
I eat men for breakfast, precious. What that means is, I control the world, more or less, and wherever there’s a dick swinging it’s mine via MIND CONTROL.
Maybe you like the pat on the back, “Good Girl” routine. Maybe it’s got you out of the stinkin’ ass gyms, and sexual favors to old men for bread, but don’t fool yourself. With Eli retiring, that’ll be your life again by month’s end.
If only you’d served your Queen better.
If only you’d fallen in line with all the other Homely Butch Does and registered yourself to do my bidding, which you can't do at JcPenny's by the way…you could’ve supported yourself well and worked properly to buy that cock shaped vibrator you saw in a shopping window on Times Square.
Dislike doesn’t suit us well.
It’s not that, McGinnis, it’s more…you’re a bore.
A toy God presented me as a spoil, but as a man, naturally he knew nothing of what'd please me.
I wrestled the man of your dreams away, and threw him back for immunity and a blank check. I know, you’re the girl who would’ve wrapped her head around a brick wall for fifty years to please Paul. Personally, I’ve gotten more out of a bottle of wine and a low-rent apartment washing machine. But, your tastes, Ivy, rest solely with what you’re able to acquire.
In other words, you’re a step above the monkeys that were shot into space to potentially save human lives. But, they could push the right buttons. Can you say the same?
But you have the NERVE, the GALL, to strike your Queen and break this perfect nose! One last fight. One final night.
McGinnis, you haven’t brought me much enjoyment, but at CSWA17 I’m going to ***** slap the homely out of your cheeks, make you bow and wash my feet…all BEFORE THE OPENING BELL!
I’d like to believe there’s a diamond somewhere lost in the burly demeanor and jungle that you pass off as armpit hair. My parting gift, baby, is an inexpensive make over.
Have your nails ever been done?
Be fair and give me a heads up on the work that has to be done. Can I do it myself, or must I call in a TEAM of doctors on my cell phone list.