Ross has been working hard on our site with lots of updates, and we appreciate the fuck out of him for it!
That said, he's been giving me tidbits of useful information on what works the best for the website, and the following will from now on be the ONLY acceptable way to paste from Google Drive into the Backstage 3 script, and I expect every active member on the roster to reply to this thread before we put the Runsheet together for the next show.
That's right, it's on you slow bastards.
Okay, quick rundown:
Use the WYSIWYG editor in Google to add your bolding, italics, centering, etcetera. This will keep the code inside the site cleaner, and make your shit look better. DO IT!
But Justin, it formats all weird when I do that~! Yeah, I know, I figured out why. (Thanks Ross) And rather than sit here and try to explain it to you, I'll just show you:
You must select this option in every doc before you start typing. That will fix all of the format issues we're having, and will cut down heavily on editing time for the staff.
Now get to replying, or we're never having another show!
Also reply with any questions.
Ross has been working hard on our site with lots of updates, and we appreciate the fuck out of him for it!
That said, he's been giving me tidbits of useful information on what works the best for the website, and the following will from now on be the ONLY acceptable way to paste from Google Drive into the Backstage 3 script, and I expect every active member on the roster to reply to this thread before we put the Runsheet together for the next show.
That's right, it's on you slow bastards.
Okay, quick rundown:
Use the WYSIWYG editor in Google to add your bolding, italics, centering, etcetera. This will keep the code inside the site cleaner, and make your shit look better. DO IT!
But Justin, it formats all weird when I do that~! Yeah, I know, I figured out why. (Thanks Ross) And rather than sit here and try to explain it to you, I'll just show you:
You must select this option in every doc before you start typing. That will fix all of the format issues we're having, and will cut down heavily on editing time for the staff.
Now get to replying, or we're never having another show!
Also reply with any questions.