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History Lesson (Redux)


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
(Cut to canned footage)

BILL BUCKLEY: Sammy, no more bears I promise (winks into
camera). What I can promise is that we're about to see one
heck of a war! "Mr.Magnificent" Tom Adler defends his USN
Title against "The Living Legend" Mark Windham! In a steel
cage, no less! Wars are a part of the world's history, and
well I've got a feeling we're going to see some history

SAMMY BENSON: No doubt about it, (handing his empty wine
glass to a nearby fan) Thanks honey I'm a little dry...Tom
Adler and Mark Windham are two of the greatest our sport
has even seen...and in just a few minutes they're about to
hook'em it up!

BILL BUCKLEY: If you've been following the CSWA for the
past year, *laughs* who hasn't, you know that Adler has and
Windham have been at odds...

SAMMY BENSON: Odds? Let's not cut corners, Buckley, they've
been at each other's throats!


BILL BUCKLEY: I don't wanna spend in more time, going
through history, as the cage is being lowered! Bottom line,
is right here right now, Tom Adler and Mark Windham will
meet in that squared circle for pride, revenge, and glory!

SAMMY BENSON: Add to that, a couple of months ago it was
Adler who spray painted the word, "AAWC" over the USN Belt!
A belt that Windham helped make for 8 years! Pride,
Revenge, and glory? You bet your sweet a**!


(fireworks and lasers start up again)
(Hello by Poe plays)
Rhubarb Jones: His opponent (fans roar) 6'5, 264 lbs, from

BILL BUCKLEY: Listen to this crowd, they love him!!

SAMMY BENSON: Windham is no saint, but here in Sweetwater,
these people love him for what he is, a hometown boy! I
don't care for the guy, but Adler wants to hold onto that
belt, he's got to do something nobody else has been able to
do, and that's beat Mark Windham in Sweetwater, at FISH


BILL BUCKLEY: Mark has made his way to the top of the
cage!! Adler is still stunned...Windham pulls Adler up,
both men standing on the top of the cage...Windham hooks
the arm...SUPERPLEX FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE! (fans roar)
Good Gracious!

SAMMY BENSON: That's gotta hurt..

BILL BUCKLEY: Windham is out as is Adler, but Mark crawls
over...and slings an arm over Adler...we're gonna have a
new USN Champion!!

SAMMY BENSON: I hope so, this thing has gone on longer than
Ken Burns Documentary!

BILL BUCKLEY: Worthington with the count,
ONE.......TWO.....THR-NO!! I don't believe it! Adler
managed to put his right leg on the bottom rope!

SAMMY BENSON: I'm convinced this match will never end!

BILL BUCKLEY: You might be right Sammy, both men want this
win so badly! If not for the USN title, then for pride!
Windham...pulls Adler to his feet...he might be going for
the Torture Rack!!!

SAMMY BENSON: If he gets it, it's over!

BILL BUCKLEY: Windham throws the arm over, HE'S GOT ADLER
UP!! (Fans go crazy) Windham has won the US title several
times with this move, he's betting on adding another USN
title by it, too!

Windham still applying pressure, but Adler won't give...he might be out cold, but he's not saying the words, "I Quit!"

BILL BUCKLEY: Windham finally drops to one knee...his legs
just couldn't take it anymore! He's been worn down
throughout the match!

SAMMY BENSON: Cry me a river, Buckley...he just wasn't man
enough to finish the job!


BILL BUCKLEY: Windham signals to the crowd....Sammy this
could be it, he's setting up for the SHARPSHOOTER!! Adler
has taken a lot of punishment tonight, but there's just
noway he can get out of this!!

SAMMY BENSON: End it for gawd's sake, Mark!

BILL BUCKLEY: Windham looks at the crowd, remember he's
NEVER lost at FISH FUND!! There's the Sharpshooter!!! He's
hooked it in!!

SAMMY BENSON: Goodnight, lock the door the party is over!
We've got a new champion!

BILL BUCKLEY: Tom Adler, a bloody mess, the man whose
parents where killed by a drunk driver when he was only 6,
has fought his heart out tonight...as he's done throughout
his entire life!! But, he just can't abstain this kind of
punishment!! He can't!!

SAMMY BENSON: Windham may not have been kidding when he
said, he was going to end Adler's career!!

BILL BUCKLEY: Windham, dripping with blood, he's got to be
hoping to hear the words, "I Quit" soon! He couldn't finish
it with the Torture rack, he's got to finish it now.

SAMMY BENSON: I'm beginning to think I'm not ever getting
my Nachos..

BILL BUCKLEY: Windham releases the hold???!! Mark heads to
the top rope, Sammy this has to be out of desperation!

SAMMY BENSON: Over the past few minutes, both men have
gotten a little jumpy...they've been doing everything they
can to finish it...

BILL BUCKLEY: Maybe a mistake by Windham, to give up on the

SAMMY BENSON: Of course it was a mistake...as Adler did
early, he should ridden the Sharpshooter into the ground,
forced Adler to break it....it was a mistake, one that may
cost him.

BILL BUCKLEY: Windham climbing the turnbuckle...he's going
to try a reverse moonsault!!!

SAMMY BENSON: No you idiot...he's trying to climb all the
way up the cage...I'll be da*ned if he's thinking about a
top of the cage splash..

BILL BUCKLEY: Adler to his feet, and he gives Mark a shot
to the groin!! Adler....is on the middle rope, what's he

SAMMY BENSON: Bar the door, Katie!

BILL BUCKLEY: Adler, hooks Windham's arms...TOP ROPE
RAZOR'S EDGE..and he nailed it!!! Windham isn't moving...

SAMMY BENSON: Sharpshooter, Windham...Sharpshooter!

BILL BUCKLEY: Adler, with a cover, ONE.....TWO......THREE!!

SAMMY BENSON: I'm stunned...

to this crowd Sammy, you can hear a pin drop! Adler retains
the USN title...Sammy, I'm stunned...Windham has been
beaten at FISH FUND!

SAMMY BENSON: He said it would be the End of an Era, you
know it would be his at FISH FUND!

(End canned Footage)

You know, Mark, I'm gonna do something pretty uncharacterist... I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say that I don't think that you lobbied one second for this rematch at PrimeTime.

I don't believe you did for the same reason that we haven't heard peep one out of you since our LAST match was signed at On Time.

No... this one is all Merritt, and you and I both know it. The big question that should be on everybody's mind right now is "Why?"

Now, I could continue this new trend of giving people the benefit of the doubt and think that Merritt realized everything Diamond said out there was right and wants yours truly to represent this company as it's world champion. Sorry, but I'm simply not that stupid and neither are you.

I'm also not stupid enough to think that Merritt is going to let ANYTHING stand in the way of his precious main event at Belts between you and Hornet.

So, again, one has to question "Why?" Then I look at On Time and see Even Aho thrown in against the Marlboro Men and it becomes pretty evident that Merritt thinks he can manipulate pretty much anybody he wants.

Well, if Merritt sleeps a little better tonight believing that, good for him. But, somehow, I don't think that you feel quite the same way. Because, you see, I'm not the type that makes a habit out of making the same mistakes twice. I took things involving Merritt and the Unified World Title at face value once before and got burned for my efforts.

So, in the end, it doesn't really matter "Why" we're doing this again. All that really matters is what we said the last time. You were given a reprieve at On Time. It's a gift that, unfortunately for you, doesn't keep on giving. Our generosity ended at On Time, Windham. You may wake up knowing you're the World Champion, but you're gonna go to bed knowing that the 9 count you stopped was the closest you are EVER going to come to beating Tom Adler.



Jan 1, 2000
(CUT TO: WildStar, wearing a towel around his neck, in a singlet, in front of an empty wrestling ring.)

STAR: Adler, Adler, Adler. You have a World Title shot at Primetime, and already you're cutting your losses.

Guess what, pal? Guess how many World Title matches *I'VE* had in my career here in the CSWA? Guess how many chances I've had at immortality? Heck, I'm a hometown boy taught by Hornet himself-- for all the claims that folks like you have thrown at the CSWA brass over the years about patronage titles, you'd think that there would be shrines in gold made for me.

But Adler, let's talk about what's really going on here and look at your resume. That title you have? I held that title for YEARS back in the day and made it what it is today. The tag belts you competed for-- and failed to get-- a while back? Guess who had a DEATH GRIP on those belts? *I* did-- and someday soon, me and 'Nami are going to get them back. And in other leagues? I've won more titles and have carried more leagues on my back than you ever have-- and I've done that TODAY, not in leagues seven years ago that only you remember.

Adler, this ain't just about what your boys did to my partner. This ain't about the "message" you sent to me. It's not even like you got that right-- since you even got my finisher wrong. This ain't about me and 'Nami pairing up one more time to take on your pack of noname Johnny-come-latelys. That's all going to come in due time.

No, Adler. What this is about is something MUCH bigger than this. Adler, I don't need a pack of goons to do my bidding. I don't need a Hollywood-level make-up job. I don't need other personalities. I don't need ANY of that to get my ass over as *THE* best wrestler alive today, the only wrestler worthy of a (does the FIVE STAR HAND GESTURE) FIVE STAR RATING. All I need is a pair of moon boots, a clean singlet and an opponent.

Adler, how I'm seeing it... at Primetime... you have *MY* World Title shot. You have *MY* chance to beat Mark Windham's ass, which I've known I could do since about 1996. You have *MY* slot at main event money and main event fame.

Adler... someday, you're going to realize something. You're going to be in one corner of the ring and you're going to hear my music cue up. And you're going to realize, right then and there, that all the hijinks and schemes that you can think of aren't going to mean jack. The facade of Tom Adler-- Mr. Magnificent, technical wrestling expert-- is going to come to a screeching hault. And you're going to realize right then and there what the world has known for years... that not only aren't you as good as you think you are, but you aren't very good at all.

Cut your losses now, Adler. Because in due time, you're not going to have any opportunities to do so. You're wrestling in *MY* main event. You've got *MY* title shot. You arranged to have *MY* best friend jumped from behind.

That's three strikes. I'm FIVE STARS. You do the math. (FTB)


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Ya know, Wildstar, for a guy who'd still be selling life insurance to Pygmies if WE hadn't pulled your sorry behind back into existance, you've got a pretty funny way of saying thank you.

At any rate, you and your newly recovered best friend have enough on your plate without concerning yourself with my title shots.



Jan 1, 2000
Like I Said

(CUT TO: WildStar. Singlet. Empty Ring.)

STAR: Adler, you don't know WHAT you opened up when you and your little crew of indie-league scrub castaways decided to jump my boy at On Time. You not only caused Tsunami to snap, you not only invited back this sport's one, true (does the FIVE STAR HAND GESTURE) FIVE STAR ATHLETE... but you also put you and your friends right in the crosshairs of the greatest maelstrom of violence that this sport will have ever seen.

Make the most of this title shot against Windham, Adler. It's the last one you're going to be having in your career... which I'm going to end. (FTB)


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
A Maelstrom? (laughs) You may wanna rethink that choice or words.

At any rate, Wild, you can rest assured that I make the most out of EVERYthing I do. But, thanks for the pep talk.


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