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Hey guys, I got some ideas.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Pittsburgh USA
Hey everyone,

this is John Miller. Some of you know me pretty well, some of you don't. I don't really talk to many of you, but just so you know, if you guys need anything, anything at all, my email is untouchablemayhem@hotmail.com I'm always willing to help someone if they ever need it. I don't know how good I'll be, but at least I'm there. =) Ok, here's my thoughts.

As of late, interest in the fed is declining. This fact is really disturbing, because this fed is something I never want to see die. The people, the characters, the stories, it's all too good to let go of, and I know there's others out there who feel the same way I do. I know I can't just sit here and say "hey guys, get motivated", so I've come up with some things to enhance the fed.

1. I told Chad that I would start doing little movies for various characters and shows. I can make some pretty sweet graphics, and I was thinking I would do an opening movie for the GXW. If you have pictures of your wrestler, it would be much appreciated if you sent them to my email, and I would gladly put them in the movie. The same goes if enough people ask me to start making the "titantron" movies. I will gladly do that for anyone. We have a pretty fast server here at my college, so I can download your themes in no time. If anyone wants logos or graphics made for their characters also, I would be more than happy to help you with that.

2. Storylines. Let's get them going people... you know you have those awesome ideas brewing in your heads, tell em to Chad, ask him if there's anything you can do. We all wanna have fun =)

3. I suggested to Chad we do a complete overhaul of the site. I know that if there's a busy site, it's more often to attract the wrestlers. I suggested a downloads section, with Wrestlers Themes, Movies, and perhaps Wallpapers.

4. Guys I seriously think GXW is the best fed out there, we've got so much talent and great champions that people should WANT to be here. I haven't seen a better fed head than Chad Dupree, and I know he puts a lot of time and effort into everything GXW. Let's show him our support and show him we love this place as much as he does. I know this might not go over well with some people ... hehehe.... but GXW is BETTER than CSWA, better than ANY fed out there. In my opinion, GXW is the absolute best efed on the internet. So give Chad your suggestions, help him out, let's make this place what it really is and not let it die off.

Thank you for your time guys, I know I sound like a complete shmuck, but when do I not? =) Remember, send me those pictures of ur wrestlers and ideas for their movies if u want me to do some. Again the email addy is:


Thanks guys, have a good one!

Mason and Tate

*Throwing rifle into air* Rally ho, let's get them evil CSWA writers...

John's right - the GXW has incredible talent. Let's get cracking.



New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Mikey ... aren't you one of 'them thar' CSWA writers?

Hello kids ... Daddy is home :)

I know I've been away and shame on me. I could say it was my job that has kept me away and that is 90% true, but I have tried.

Now ... playtime is over and I ... AM ... BACK!

Now I have been reading alot of the comments and something has struck me as ... well ... weird.

The decline of interest in the GXW.

Now I know exactly who is in this league and I have said time and time again how much talent we have in this league. Right now .. I know for a FACT if we challenged anyone the GXW would beat them down into the ground. We have fantastic RPers, wonderful Storytellers, and some of the BEST MINDS IN THE BUSINESS TODAY!

If you think we fell off the top of the mountain well ... then I guess we'll have to reclaim our top spot!

GXW is here and we are here to stay ... we've been here for a LONG TIME (Yeah ... MWC/EWI/NthWA ... etc) and we're not going anywhere anytime soon.

So, on that note, let's see what the future holds cause WE'RE GXW! Many steal from us, but that's only because they wanna BE US!

Erik Z Co-Owner GXW


Declining? What?

Ok... I'd like to speak up on this.

first of all, I don't think interest in the fed is declining. Are some members in flux right now? Yeah, they are. I think the fact that we lost Cole Steele and the MCM was a big blow because those guys rocked, but this does *NOT* mean we are in decline.

Now, first of all, I will be the first to say I have not really been up to snuff of late. Call it writers block, call it hitting the wall but I have had a hard time writing for Gemini of late. I think (and hope.) that it's just a phase, but that hardly means I think that Gemini or myself are dying out.

Have we lost some big names, recently or in the past? Yeah, we have. Guess what though? This happens all the time for real in the big leagues. Over the last year, the WWF has lost Benoit, HHH and the Rock for extended periods of time. They dealt with it. So will we. People have babies, get new jobs, get sick, get deployed to a desert in the middle of the night. Does this mean they don't care or don't want to play? Nope. It's just life getting in the way.

the trick here is to deal with it and keep rolling. And the best way to do this... for them and ourselves... is to elevate the new guys.

Now I'm going to point one guy out in particular. Carnage. I don't know him. I don't know his handler. But his work is really, REALLY good. And for that reason, I am now making a vow. Some time soon, I don't know how, but I WILL find a way to put this guy OVER.

And that's my challenge to everyone... find somebody new and work them in. Have a match with one of the new guys. Work them into a backstage vignette. Do something.

This place is far from dead. But we can sure make it more lively if we want.


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