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He's back from.....somewhere...


League Member
Dec 1, 2002
“Where I been? Busy, and that’s all you need to know.”

Fearless Jones breezes into his local Gym were up until several months ago he was training to be a Professional Wrestler in the CSWA.

Buck Smith was his trainer. Fearless just up and disappeared one day, the day after he and Paul Michaels defeated Kin Hiroshi and Machine in a tag team match at Showtime in Vegas. No one, not his family, friends, no one knew what happened to him.

Fearless flings his bag against the wall. He walks up to the weight machine and measures his desired weight, and proceeds to lift. Just like that, out of the blue.

“Fearless, Damn man, where you been?” Buck rushes over to Fearless who has a frown on his face.

“I had things to do man.”

“What? You can’t call nobody? I thought we were friends! You didn’t even call your family? That wasn’t like you… what happened?”

“I told you. I had things to do. Things that I had to take care of by myself.”

“Are you still tore up about Tito?” *see my first RP

Fearless stops and looks up at the ceiling. He looks down at the floor. It looks as if he wants to tell Buck all that he’d been through in the last few months, but he can’t muster the words. He takes a long solitary blink then resumes lifting.

“C’mon man… I know you and Tito were tight man, but you can’t ruin your life thinking about what should have been!”

Fearless abruptly stops and jumps up into Buck’s face. Fearless towers over Buck, and gazes at him in amazement and anger.

“You have no idea, NO IDEA, what I have been through man… I sat in the damn Nut House for a couple MONTHS because I couldn’t get his Face out of my head. All I see is my brother lying there in a pool of blood, and I FEEL the disappointment of my mother run through my veins…Over and Over and Over again. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine not even recognizing yourself in the mirror? Can you imagine being so out of it that you don’t remember when you ate or slept last?”

“FJ, I had no idea man, you could have talk….”

Fearless cuts him off.

“Don’t give me that crap man. Nobody understands what I’m going through dogg, NOBODY!”

Buck stands there with a loss for words.

“I… I…I don’t know what to say… I’m sorry.”

“Next time, don’t be getting up in my business!” Fearless retorts as he sits back down on the machine.

“What are you doing now?”

“Now…. It’s time to go back to Work.”


“CSWA Baby… C S W A.”

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