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GLCW Closing


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
SW Chicago
All members,

It is with my deepest regret that I make the announcement that Great Lakes Championship Wrestling will be closing its doors down effective tonight. I made this decision because I have no time to do it anymore, and since I bought this house, my life has completely changed. It's just one project after another. People have been IMing me and half the time I'm not even at the computer. I don't get home until 8 or 9 on most weeknights and my weekends are spent doing errands and chores and entertaining friends. Also, my desire to do fantasy wrestling has completely died, I just have nothing left to give.

I want to thank Joe Lebron for designing and maintaining the website and doing all the tedious work that comes with it. GLCW would probably be nothing without Joe, as well as the writers. I also want to thank Steve Aylward, Chris McMillan, Jeff Pena, David Zander, and Sean Edmunds and anyone else who helped me write cards, which is a major task in itself. As for the last Riptide, if Steve wants to post his portion if he still has it, I have no problem with that. Whatever happened to Jeff and his half, I don't know. He can post it if he gets it done. I also want to thank all the RPers that have made this league so great for the last year. There are some extremely talented writers here, and it was always a pleasure reading the RP.

So with that, I bid you all adieu, as I bow out and retire from fantasy wrestling. I won't say I will never be back, because we know that retirements don't always last forever. But for now, so long.

GLCW President Scott Malec


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Miami, Florida
Man...I've only been part of this game for a year or so and now I've seen so many leagues come and go. I didn't think this would be one of them. It's been a really awesome league from the start, with an awesome roster and great people doing the cards and such. I'm sorry I was only a part of it for so long, as I probably could have done more with my character, but at the time I felt I just needed to leave FW. Even after I came back in WFW, I've still been watching this league and thought it was doing pretty well. Well, I guess all good things must come to an end, as they say. My congratulations to all who have seen it though and made it as great as it was, and luck to everyone in their future endeavours.

Vaya con dios, GLCW...


"I blow your mind. You just blow."


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Sorry to see it go..


I'm sorry that all this has come up, but its more important for you to do real life chores to enrich your own life.

The GLCW was a great place and I enjoyed my time when I was in it.. I'm sad to see the GLCW go, but maybe that will force Joe "Who I hate because of the Yankees" Lebron to reopen FWF :p

anywho.. once more i just wanted to say thank you for giving me a great time while i was here, GLCW will be missed


Decisions, decisions....

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-03 AT 09:04 PM (EST)](FADE IN: .....as we see Joe Lebron sitting quietly on the steps leading to the #4 train. In front of him is the now abandoned Yankee Stadium, all sorts of debris linger about from the earlier celebration. He sighs heavily as a moment of pensive thinking ensues....)

THAT JOE "WHO I HATE BECAUSE OF THE YANKEES" LEBRON DUDE: Hmmmmmm.... (puts hand on chin and furrows brow) Reopen the FWF?

(At that moment, the roar of an engine is heard as a motorcycle pulls up onto the sidewalk and right up to Lebron. A huge figure sitting on a Harley V-Rod glares at Lebron, a figure we've come to know as the LAST GLCW heavyweight champion, the man STILL known to us simply as......)

MAELSTROM: Hey Lebron, Ya know my policy regardin' MY desires an' goals an' YOUR desire an' goals. There's NO WAY in HELL I'm gonna work with ya as a part-time promoter/part-time handler. Yer not gonna manage me half-assed in a part-time manner the way ya did last time ya ran the FWF! Ya need to figure out exactly which one ya wanna do cuz' the ONLY way I'll remain lurkin' throughout FW is with yer mind focused entirely on me! Not 50% or even 90%..... BUT 100%! Ya feel where I'm comin' from?

(Lebron looks up at Maelstrom who in turn narrows his eyes ever so slightly to accentuate his point)

THAT JOE "WHO I HATE BECAUSE OF THE YANKEES" LEBRON DUDE: Yeah, I feel where you're coming from. (sighs heavily as he gets up and proceeds to walk up the stairs to the elevated #4 train. He stops briefly to glance at a graffiti-ridden GLCW Poster hanging on the train-station's wall featuring Maelstrom's last title defense against Michael Manson, Jarod Poe and Stupendous Stephen Morgan, that never quite materialized. He shakes his head sadly and walks away muttering to himself) Decisions, decisions......

(Maelstrom's eyes follows Lebron's departure until he disappears from view, at which point Maelstrom himself sighs heavily, shakes his head disparagingly from side to side as he looks upward at the approaching #4 train and begins cursing underneath his breath...... FADE OUT....)

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