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Get the F Out


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
((FADEIN: Commissioner Michael Manson is sitting in his office with rayne standing in the background as a consultant from the legal department explains something to him.))

LEGAL: The Natural Foundation Worldwide owns the trademark to "NFW", we already lost a lawsuit to them last year over a website.

MANSON: This concerns me how?

LEGAL: Old management reneged on deals that were made. We think we have to change the name. We're thinking "NEW", getting entertainment in the name because thats what we really are and we can expand into other areas. Plus, the novelty of having a league named "NEW" should sell a lot of merchandise and start a bold new direction for the company.

MANSON: Get the f- out.

LEGAL: Right, thats going to be our slogan.

MANSON: No, really, get the f-out of my sight.

((The camera pans to the outside as the legal consultant is seen being thrown out the window.))

MANSON(to Rayne): Send a steak to his wife and set a meeting with the Natural Foundation Worldwide.

((Several hours pass. Rayne comes to the door.))

RAYNE: The wildlife rep is here.

MANSON: Send him in.

((Rayne throws a dead fish on the world and a panda crawls in to get it and sits on its hind legs in front of Manson.))

MANSON: Now sir, I'm sure we can come to a reasonable agreement about the trademark...ahh hell...

((Manson gets up and kicks the panda in the stomach and delivers a Sweet Dreams stone cold stunner to the panda because that moves resolves all legal issues. Manson then sits on the unconscious panda's back and takes a cigar out of his pocket. Rayne walks over and gives him a light.))

MANSON: Now thats NFW Attitude.

Calamity Jon

League Member
Jan 1, 2000

"...and delivers a Sweet Dreams stone cold stunner to the panda because that moves resolves all legal issues."


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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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