here's the RP that I promised
Past Meets Present: Prologue/Re-Introduction
January 16[SUP]th[/SUP], 1997
It was a chilly day at the Academy and all of the students that making their way to the classrooms were cursing out the Headmaster of the facility in their head for making the building with the classrooms a good walk from the dorms. It wasn’t a bitter cold but it was definitely the kind that made you wish you never rolled out of bed that much was for damn sure!
For one student the cold was the perfect symbolism of her personality…
Her name was Juri and those that knew of her in the school called her the “Beautiful Leopard” because of how quickly her personality could change and the fact that she was…well beautiful! It was no secret in the school that she would at times have at least 2-3 men (or women) a day try their best to be with her. She always bitterly turned away their advances because of the fact that none of them “interested her”. She was definitely a curious case that virtually no one ,save her associates in the Student Council, had ever come close to solving because every time anyone thought they had an answer she would seemingly change the questions with her actions!
On this day Juri was headed to her first period when a student with blue hair ran up to her seemingly out of breath and Juri could only sigh at the sight of her friend’s exhausted presence
Juri – You know for someone as smart as yourself Miki you really do have a problem getting out of bed when the alarm goes off don’t you
Miki – Hey *Huff* cut *Puff* me a break will ya. Someone messed with my clock last night and I realized it about 10 minutes after it didn’t go off. I hate rushing to get ready but when that kind of thing happens what can ya do?
Juri - *Rolls Eyes* Just make sure you get your wind back before fencing practice today. You’re my sparring partner and the last thing I need is the epee nearly getting you in the face.
Miki – I know Juri-san relax alright?
Juri – I’ll relax when Nationals are over but now we have to get to class
Miki – S**t! You’re right!
[The two friends run off to class to make the first period bell and they make it with minutes to spare and Juri sitting by herself while one of their classmates approaches Miki about his friends behavior]
Girl – Miki…what’s up with Juri-Sempai?
Juri – Nationals and I think some other issues are on her mind but I don’t know. All Juri talks about are the Nationals really and not much else so trying to get anything else out of her is a fairly tough task.
Girl – I see…well did you hear that we are going to have a visitor to the campus today?
Miki – I did hear something but not even our Chairman knows anything about it…at least not that he’s letting on that’s for sure!
Girl – Hmm…
[Just then the teacher walks in and Miki and his friend take their seats as the formal introduction for the day was about to begin}
Teacher – Good Morning students!
Teacher – Today class instead of our usual lesson the Chairman has instructed us all to head down to the Assembly Hall for some kind of gathering. I wish I could tell you more but the reality is that I know about as much about this as you do so let’s pack our belongings and head off shall we?
[The students don’t ask questions and grab their book bags before heading with the instructor down to the Assembly Hall where the Chairman looked eager (and a bit nervous) to get the meeting/gathering over with as soon as possible and as soon as the last student took his seat the Chairman began]
Chairman – Ladies and Gentlemen. I’ve asked you here because it would appear that we have a new transfer into our Academy. This young lady came to us from Toronto, Ontario and was referred here by a friend of mine in Canada that is the Head Principal at one of the schools there and I am accepting her as a favor to him. Young Lady would you like to introduce yourself to the students here?
Girl – Thank you chairman
Fellow students and faculty my name is Tina Davis and I am happy to be here. I’ve heard great things about this school and the people here so I wanted to see what it’s like for myself. I remember about a year or so ago when one of your students came for a visit to my Province and I have to say it was a joy and a treat to see the student perform in a demonstration there. I kind of wondered what school she came from and when I was told here I had to come for a visit at least. It’s one of the things that I was happy to have granted and now that I’m here I hope that we can all be good friends
Chairman – Do we have any questions for Ms. Davis…yes you in the front
Student – You said you saw one of the students here perform in a demonstration a while back…do you remember anything about them?
Tina Davis – All I can say for certain friend is that I know the student was a female and she was really good! She took on one of our best in fencing and swiftly handled him. I know also that a lot of the male students there were enamored with this young lady but she wasn’t having any of it. I CAN tell you that we exchanged a glance when she left the auditorium but that’s about it.
Anything else? Yes you in the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] row.
Student #2 - What do you know about this school that attracted you to it? Academics, sports, music or…what?
Tina Davis – Another fair question.
I think what attracted me the most is when the Principal told me that this was one of the most challenging schools academically, physically and mentally. I’m not too sure what he means by “Physical and Mental” but I’m sure that I’ll find out quickly as I become more and more acclimated to the school and its schedule here.
Chairman – Anymore questions…anyone? Well If those are the main questions you all have then I think we can….
Juri – *Raises Hand* I have a question Mr. Chairman
Chairman – Of course Juri-San by all means the floor is yours
[Juri took this as her personal invite to get out of her seat and walk to the front of the auditorium and get right in Tina’s face but the young Canadian didn’t blink, budge or move as Juri stood literally inches from her face before speaking again…]
Juri – First question is who the hell do you think you are coming in here?
Tina Davis – Ms. Juri I…
Juri – Shut it cos I’m not finished!
Tina Davis – Very well
Juri – This school isn’t like the school you come from. Here we break people that are soft mentally and physically! Here if you want to jump on someone you are asking to fight for your existence because people here don’t play with prissy prim donnas!
[Tina still didn’t blink after nearly getting here head bit off by Juri but was able to calmly respond to the now angry Juri]
Tina Davis – Juri let me tell you something about me alright friend? The home I grew up in was a lot different than what most that went to my school did. I didn’t have my mom at home because she worked all the time and my father took care of me. I grew up and became one of the most successful wrestlers in my school when I was wrestling MEN and they respected me for kicking their asses all over the gym! You don’t have to worry about my mental toughness or physical because I’ve already been through hell and this will just reinforce that training. Now…are you done?
[Juri didn’t say anything else but went back to her seat to a rousing applause from the rest of the students and teachers before the Chairman put that to a quick halt]
Chairman – Alright I think we had more than our fair share of excitement here. I want everyone to go to their classes for the day and Tina you are free for the day to tour the school and see if there’s anything that tickles your fancy here alright?
Tina Davis – I shall Chairman
[The Assembly dismissed and all of the students were in awe of what they saw with between Tina and Juri. What caused Juri to snap and the newest student and furthermore how was that going to actually resonate with the rest of the students? Only time was going to be able to tell that one]
Later that night…
The school day had officially ended and all of the students were in the dining hall eating the beautifully cooked dinner prepared by two of the students and Tina was in heaven. It was definitely one of those meals that she missed because of her mother working all of the time but she wasn’t going to dwell on that while eating that is for sure!
During the meal Tina happened to glance over at where Juri sat…alone and it didn’t become clear to here as to why until she looked at the other end of the table and saw the two that made the dinner together. Tina saw that but didn’t say anything about it to anyone or at least tried not to when one of the students decided to try and explain…
Student – Those two students are engaged
Tina Davis – Really? But aren’t they both…
Student – They are but that doesn’t matter here. It’s a rule that was put into place and never changed. No one has dared to try and challenge it but there have been people that questioned why it exists. I’ve seen many friendships go in the tank because of this rule and drastic changes in people’s personalities.
Tina Davis – Like Juri’s?
Student – Juri has a different reason for being how she is.
Tina Davis – Care to elaborate?
Student – Juri would be the best to do so but getting her to open up is a tricky thing to do. She’s such a private person that anyone that has tried to get her to talk about her past relationships have been told to go away and not in a nice way either.
Tina Davis – I see…well thanks for the info as it will definitely be something to consider
Student – Not a problem.
[As dinner went on Tina continued to look over her shoulder at Juri whom looked the definition of “miserable” and as she finished dinner she went to her dorm where she THOUGHT the night was going to be over…]
12:01 AM
Tina had just retired to her bed after getting her books and such situated when she heard what sounded like a scream coming from the dorm down by the stairs to her floor. She would have dismissed the noise but when she heard it again she immediately ran down the hall in her t-shirt and sweatpants and knocked on the door when she looked over at the nameplate of who’s room it was
It was Juri’s!
Tina now faced a dilemma because of how she was treated earlier in the day: Does she help the young girl or does she allow whatever was going on in there to continue? She knew the right answer and prayed that Juri would forgive her for what she was about to do…
Tina ran shoulder first into the door and the force she had with her small frame and somehow forced the door open enough to allow here to get it open and stop whatever was going on and boy did the scene cause a shock to her system!
Apparently one of the male students had followed Juri up to her floor and waited till she was asleep and tried to do “You know” with her. Juri’s screams escaped the room for a minute while the door had been open but the attacker tried to outsmart her but shutting the door forgetting that the walls were paper thin and that sound escapes easily. The attacker also found out what it was like to get on Tina’s bad side as by the time that Tina got done he had a busted lip and a black eye before being thrown out.
This leads us to Juri…
Tina turned to Juri after getting rid of the vermin and looked blankly at Juri before getting ready to walk out of the room. Juri slowly got up and wrapped her arms around Tina and the young blonde Canadian sighed before turning around and returning Juri’s embrace and softly speaking into her hair
Tina Davis – It’s alright Juri. He’s gone now and I don’t think he’ll be coming back
[Juri looked up when she heard Tina’s voice and slowly wiped one of the tears from her face before speaking to her rescuer]
Juri – Thank you Tina
Tina Davis – It was my pleasure Juri. Why did he attack you like that?
Juri – I guess he wanted to see how “strong” I was and I guess I failed huh?
Tina Davis – You didn’t fail Juri-san. You just needed a little help dealing with the problem. We all need that every so often
Juri – I guess you’re right.
Tina Davis – Listen I know it’s the first night but…
Juri – Lead the way
Tina Davis - *Shock* How did you…
[Tina’s question was cut off by Juri’s slender finger on her lips as the fiery-haired student only smiled before speaking again…]
Juri – I am a woman of many talents and mysteries Tina and over time I hope you can solve them all!
[Tina smiled at this revelation and leads Juri out of her room and back to hers and as the door shuts the scene fades to…]
Present Day
It is a beautiful day in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It’s about 65-70 degrees and the weather could only be more perfect if there weren’t any clouds in the sky. The people are out in t-shirts and shorts walking around the shopping center just generally having a good time and ready for the night to come to enjoy some of its nightlife.
The camera pans to a high-rise in the residential section and as we happen on in whom do we find?
Tina Davis a.k.a. “The Canadian Classic” dressed in a three piece business suit with white shirt and red tie. She looks in the mirror to check herself as she awaits her friend and life partner to emerge from the bedroom and she can’t help but land a playful jab on her friend
Tina Davis- Juri dear if you take any longer the food is going to get cold at the restaurant
[Juri, hearing this playful rib, emerges from the bathroom in a long red gown with matching heels and walks behind her partner giving a small kiss on the cheek before speaking]
Juri – Tina when have we ever been late?
Tina Davis: Never but you know how I am
Juri – Mmm and that’s what I love about you
[Juri would have continued with her playful flirting but then realized that they had company]
Juri – Oh dear me friend I’m sorry we didn’t see you sooner.
Tina Davis – Indeed or we would have acted a bit more professional.
Juri – I know that you’re here because you’ve heard the news that I’m attempting a comeback right? Well the rumors are true and I don’t mind telling you that I’ve been looking with Tina’s advice and some other friends in the business. The business has been good to me for a while and its because of the fans that I’m looking to return to the ring out in the more “Public” eye as it were.
Tina Davis – I’ve advised her that she doesn’t need me to come with her because I want to see what she can do without my guidance and besides…it might be fun to mess with some no good jerk’s head wherever she goes so if you guys need someone like Juri you know how to find her because one thing you need to know about us is you can’t stop “The Revolution”…just slow it down for a bit and now its time for one of us to come out and show someone what we have to offer and Juri decided to go for us…the rest is up to you
Juri – We have been known as a “controversial” team because of how we present ourselves but let me assure you that I’m back and more committed now than ever before! I hope to be seeing you again soon friends but for now Tina and I gotta go eat some food!
Tina Davis – Later friends
[The camera fades to black as Tina and Juri wink to the camera with Tina holding up a “Peace” sign as the transmission ends]
If you like and you like the character let me know and I should be around. This is one of my favorite characters that I ever wrote and I want her to have a good home
later gang