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Frankie Scott vs Steven Shane


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Frankie Scott has told the world that he will be escorted by Carrie Underwood! Will Steven Shane care?

RP Deadline is August 16, 2006 by midnight Central time.


Fade In...

Frankie Scott (standing in front of an MCW banner): " Steven Shane... It's you and me, one on one. No titles.. no number one contenderships... and no past history between the two of us. When was the last time anyone could say that in this profession? The fans will actually get to see something original. There won't be any gimmicks or anyone seconding either of us to the ring. Now, that's old school. Although, the biggest problem that stems from something like this is that you really don't have much to talk about. I could tell you that you ring attire sucks or my dad is better than your dad. But, who really wants to hear 5th grade schoolyard banter between two adults. I will tell you this.. You had best better be on your 'A' game. I have something to prove since I took a sabbatical from the wrestling business. So, while you were gaining adulation from your peers and fans around the country. I was tackling my fears and recovering from old wounds that I thought would never heal. But, you know what? They did heal and I am back shaking the rust off. There will be a better than ever "Phenomenal" Frankie Scott standing across from you and I will give this match 110 percent. I will give the fans something to talk about the next day. And I will come out of this match as the winner. Can you say the same? Bring all you've got to the MCW PPV and let's burn the house down to the ground!"

Fade Out...


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
We fade into a shot of the interior of a house. As we pass several elegant sofas in the living area, we make our way into the kitchen, where we find everyone’s favorite MCW money-maker, “Sensational” Steven Shane.

We close in on The Sensational One, who seems to be using the kitchen’s island as a platform for preparing himself a low-fat, chicken based pita. He finishes stuffing it, before finally tossing it in the microwave. He then turns to the camera with his signature smile.

Shane: Chicken, barbeque sauce, romaine lettuce, cucumber, low-fat ranch dressing. Sure as hell makes for one hell of a mid-day meal.

But as hard as it is to believe, I think that there might even be something that’s actually fuller than that pita.

Unfortunately for this pita, it doesn’t have all the deliciousness packed into it like the one that is currently inside my microwave.

It most certainly does not, because it would seem as though “Less than Phenomenal” Franklyn Scott is the pita that I’m talking about.

As he has already said, the unfamiliarities between he and I are rather immeasurable, given that we’ve never seen each other inside the ring.

However, after just one serving of Scooter, I can already tell that he’s even fuller of **** than that jam-packed pita in the microwave.

Shane gives a chuckle.

Shane: It would already seem as though Franklyn has decided that he and I are even close to being on the same playing field.

I hate to burst your bubble Scooter, but you and I will NEVER be on the same playing field.

I know more sensational in my pinkie than you know in your entire body AND your gym bag.

Like you said, this is what you’ve called an “old-school” wrestling match. I can honestly say that it gives me goosebumps to think that something like that can still happen these days, but as for you, it should rain in just a little too much for you.

You see Franklyn, without any types of gimmicks or people seconding us to the ring; it simply tips the scales that much more in my favor.

The accomplishments that I hold simply put prove my superiority over you. Shall we go into those? I’ll spare you the long list that I could bring forth to you, because simply put, they speak for themselves.

You can preach about how I shall need my “A” game to actually be successful in this match, but recent track records would have you believe that even a “D” game could destroy any type of momentum you might luck yourself into.

They don’t call you “F”henomenal Franklyn for nothing, right?

The microwave beeps off and Shane pulls the pita out before setting it on the island.

Shane: You can even go on about how this match is about proving a point. How a break from the business was simply something to help you overcome any types of fears and kinks you may have had before you left.

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like another one of those excursions could be happening in the near future.

You said it yourself Scooter. You have never been inside that ring with The Sensational One. And unfortunately for you, and your fears, it is more than you could have ever dreamed were capable of being put together in one human being.

You see, I’ve been inside that ring with the best of the best. The Dan Ryans, the Lindsay Troys, the Houseflys, and Euclids.

All of them will tell you about the limits that Steven Shane has taken them to. The only problem for you is that you don’t have the limits that those people do.

They have higher limits than you could ever imagine. And unfortunately for you, Steven Shane isn’t about to lower his limitations for some scrub like you, especially in his only MCW performance in his career.

Bottom line is, you can give it 115 percent for all I care, Franklyn. I know that I could give 85 and still beat you with my eyes closed.

Regrettably, the only promise I can give you is that I’ll be going at 100 percent as the ring crew tries to prep the ring for the next match as they wipe you off the canvas.

Because after all, while settle for “F”henomenal when you can have SENSATIONAL.

Shane gives a smile as the camera fades to black.

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