Intro/Lucha Triangular
CUE UP: "Impacto" by Daddy Yankee.
A veritable cornucopia of FMLL luchadores are shown in succession, mugging and playing for the cameras. From Checkmate to PODEROSO to Hijo del Esperanzo and so on, all of the grapplers are featured in rapid fashion. As the music hooks, the reel is brought to a crashing halt and the FMLL logo is stamped across the screen.
CUT TO: The studio, where PORCEL PORCEL is standing by.
PORCEL: "Hola señoras y señores and BIENVENIDOS A LUCHA LIBRE FMLL!! This past week marked el evento primero - OUR FIRST EVENT - and, without question, it was IN-CRE-IBLE. We'll be bringing you the action later in the show, but first - the NEWS!"
CUT TO: The Noti-FMLL logo.
PORCEL: "With the influx of heavyweight luchadores into la Federación, FMLL owner Arturo Sandoval has formed a committee to name a heavyweight champion."
Footage of Sandoval at a meet and greet is shown.
PORCEL: "Under his direction, the championship committee will be evaluating los luchadores for a period of four events, after which the top contenders will compete for el campeonato. In his announcement, Sandoval also established Light-Heavyweight and Middleweight titles, stating that en la Federación, no preference or favoritism will be given to any particular weight-class; the top luchadores will be featured regardless of weight.
An image of the late, great Abismo Negro is shown.
PORCEL: "The FMLL has also announced El Torneo Leyenda de Negro, a tournament honoring Andrés Alejandro Palomeque González, el gran Abismo Negro. The tourney will be held annually and feature luchadores from all over the globe. This year's tourney is expected to run in the coming months.
A picture of the FMLL ring appears next to Porcel.
PORCEL: "That's the news, Yo soy Porcel PORCEL... coming up - Acción F-M-L-L en SANTIAGO DE QUERÉTARO! Here's Julian Castillo y RUDOLFO Sandoval on the call!"
CUT TO: The arena. Several hundred fans have packed in to a small arena and are stomping and blowing their air horns. In the ring, PANDA MASK, DIEGO EN FUEGO, and FANATIC are in separate corners.
CASTILLO: "Hola señoras y señores, I'm Julian Castillo and with me is Rudolfo Sandoval-"
SANDOVAL: "'Ello 'ello!"
CASTILLO: "¡Bienvenidos a la Lucha Especial, la Lucha Triangular a una sola caída and there's Panda Mask starting things off with a tope-tope-TOPE!"
SANDOVAL: "¡Hard headbutts from Panda Mask - Diego is doing la Watusi!
CASTILLO: "Panda Mask - has Fanatic now, and..."
SANDOVAL: "Tope-tope-TOPE!!"
CASTILLO: "Fanatic is stumbling now.... and DOWN goes Panda Mask!"
SANDOVAL: "All tope'd out apparently!"
CASTILLO: "¡LAZO MAGNIFICO from Diego en Fuego! Fanatic did a full flip after absorbing the blow and has landed on his side! Diego with the cradle, el Réferi Robles is there-
CASTILLO: "Slow-count by Robles; Favoring los Rudos as always."
SANDOVAL: "One might dispute that, amigo, but Diego en Fuego is back up in a hurry."
CASTILLO: "And there's Panda Mask attempting un lazo, but missing. Panda Mask continues to the far-side ropes, bounces back with a full head of steam-
SANDOVAL: "Big chop by Panda Mask!"
CASTILLO: "And Diego returns the favor!"
SANDOVAL: "Pobrecitos... look at their chests!"
CASTILLO: "Panda Mask looks like he's had enough and now he's backing into the ropes once again... coming back the other way now and - THERE'S a Huracanrana! ¡Diego esta en Fuego!
CASTILLO: "And there's Patadas VOLADORAS from the up-and-charging Fanatic! Both Panda Mask and Diego are down..... and Fanatic is climbing the turnbuckle!!
The fans ramp up their stomp-air horn combination as Fanatic reaches the top rope.
SANDOVAL: "There he goes with el TORNILLO!!"
CASTILLO: "¡IMPACTO ENORME from Fanatic! He looks a bit shaken up, but he still has the wherewithal to cover BOTH men-
And BOTH men kick out, sending Fanatic flying off of them despite a quicker count from Robles."
SANDOVAL: "Panda Mask kips up, but Diego is struggling to find his feet."
CASTILLO: "Panda Mask - approaches Diego..."
SANDOVAL: "¡Patada-patada-patada!"
CASTILLO: "Hard kicks to the mid-section of Diego en Fuego... and now Panda Mask is turning his attention back to Fanatic. Panda Mask... propping his opponent up, and there's the Irish Whip! Fanatic hits the ropes - coming back now.... ¡Quebradora con Giiiiro! Panda Mask going for the cover...
SANDOVAL: "But there's Diego with an elbow drop-"
CASTILLO: "Panda rolls out of harm's way, however, and Diego plants the elbow INSTEAD onto the chest of Fanatic! Panda Mask is up on his feet now and here he is with a Senton-"
SANDOVAL: "Both men roll out of the way and Fanatic has rolled his way right out of the ring!!"
CASTILLO: "Panda Mask hits canvas!! Diego quickly moving into the pinning position...BUT PANDA ROLLS HIM UP!
Diego en Fuego rolls him over -- Panda Mask's arm is under the rope, but Robles doesn't see it!
SANDOVAL: "¡Diego es el ganador!"
The fans pop for Diego en Fuego's victory.
CASTILLO: "Panda can't believe it!! As Diego dances el Flamenco, Panda Mask is pleading with Robles!"
SANDOVAL: "Robles seems very apologetic, but Panda Mask is clearly not satisfied."
CUT TO: Diego speaking with a second official on the outside.
CASTILLO: "It looks like Diego was just made aware of what happened and he too looks displeased. As Panda rolls to the outside, Diego is apologizing and trying to console him."
SANDOVAL: "Nothing was settled here tonight. I think we need to see these two mano a mano."
CASTILLO: "Robles has a reputation for these kinds of situations.... hopefully your brother can do something for Panda Mask."
SANDOVAL: "Mi hermano will make it right, I'm sure.... but right now, Diego en Fuego is the winner."
CASTILLO: "We'll be right back."