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FINALLY!: TEAM SuperShow IX Feedback and News


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
First off, please, let's all give a big round of applause to both Allan and Katz for making it as far as they did and providing yet another in a line of outstandingly RPed TiT Finals. Secondly, let's give a big round of applause to Katz for winning this thing. Just goes to show that you never really lose "it."

Thirdly, please, give a giant round of applause to Adam Shinder. The dude was a freakin' workhorse. He wrote 1 and 2/3 matches, the most important matches on the card, mind you, did that 2/3 of the match in an extreme pinch, and gave the ToC FREE ADVERTISEMENT~! with a great promo to put on-card. I don't think this event happens the way it did without him. He's an asset to TEAM, and he deserves all the credit for this and then some.

Fourthly, when you read this card, you'll be reading a bit of history. Why? Because unless things change drastically for me, this will be the last TEAM card written with long-form matches. I really can't do it anymore, and I don't think it's fair for me to have cards and not write matches. I also think it's extremely unfair to all you guys to promo your asses off within a deadline for me and then have me hold the card up because it takes me forever to write a match. Therefore, everything's short-formed in the future. I know that might take some of the "prestige" away from the events, but right now, I'd rather have a forum for you guys to RP and put out timely results than have some kind of prestige operation going on. Matchwriting's great to have if you have the time, but I have to prioritize. I hope you all understand, and I hope you guys do like my EPICENTER short-forms.

Fifthly... the ToC will be happening this year. Hype will probably start when I get back from lovely Punta Cana later on this month. I know this is usually the time of year when we get into Dupree Cup mode, but circumstances played a big part. Speaking of the DC, I'm going to cancel it for this year. Last year's DC fell kinda flat, and I'd rather get the schedule regular again than run the DC starting late this year running into next. I also might retool it in the future if I do run it in '09 (and unless my wife is popping out a kid by that time next year, I think we'll have time to run a third tourney).

LASTLY, leave some MFin' feedback! :p

Best Match:

Best Line:

Most Surprising Result:

Best Spot:

If you can remember that far back, Best RP:

General Comments:


League Member
May 21, 2008
Inland Empire, Southern California
Best Match: Loved the names in the battle royal. Nice job.

Most Surprising Result: No title for Frankie. I know why. But it still sucks to read.

If you can remember that far back, Best RP: I can't remember. It obviously wasn't mine.

General Comments: There were a lot of ONE! TWO! THR...NO! He got his shoulder up. ONE! TWO! THREEE!! NO! It just gets monotnous after seeing it so much.


League Member
Jun 5, 2007
Best Match: for comedic reasons the pornstar battle royale, for pure wrestling reasons (and since I'm a big fan of 90's all japan...) Randalls Vs Ravager

Most Surprising Result: Varga losing the FFA but having to team with Tact shall be fun to see

Best RP: As Holzerman said the series between Ravager and Randalls worked well

general comments: Nice to see Legion get close to the FFA and watch Varga lose (as the final chapter in the feud gets closer at NFW's next big event) :) Shame that seymour VS sonny and eli Vs XXX didn't happen on this show though but it's been fun to participate over the past two shows and who knows I may show up in the TOC!


League Member
Feb 6, 2007
East Lansing, MI
I'm working on it.

Da biotch is loooong. If you helped Strawsma with the Pornstar Battle Royale, that baby was gold.

Evil James

League Member
Feb 17, 2008
San Diego, California
Best Match: The porn star battle royal owned all.

Most Surprising Result: The tag title one, kinda surprised at that. Kinda figured the Menace win would be close.

Best Spot: The entire porn star royal

If you can remember that far back, Best RP: Ravager and Randalls was very awesome to read

General Comments: I liked this show a lot. Shame it could be the last long form event in TEAM.


Just Like Law-Jesus
May 15, 2005
The wrong side of the bong slide.
General Comments:
- Pornstar Battle Royale a little long (especially for a gimmick match), but what I liked about it was the enthusiasm that pervaded the writing. Strawsma had fun with it, and if that were the case with every TEAM matchwriting contributor, Tom wouldn't be talking about short-forming everything in the future (though honestly I dig his short-forms). So yeah, I thought it was an energetic kick-off, much needed for a show delayed by months.
- REALLY dug the Troy Douglas Tournament of Champions plug. Hats off to Shinder for remember that the summer was supposed to be ToC time, and also good exposure for a TiT '08 Final Four competitor (and participant in the most brutal match of the whole thing with Randalls, in my opinion).
- Huge props must be slung to Chris (Shakur) for serving it up to me in our one-off on the boards. I didn't know how to call it after reading him calling me out for making a historical error, and he's clearly well-versed in the trash talk realm (more so than a LOT of other PTC narrative-style writers). So well-played, sir, and I hope this isn't the last we see of your TEAM participation.
- The kudos keep rollling, on to Katz for a loooooooong overdue huge RP-based win ("Randalls to win the match," huh?). Everyone knows he's one of the greats in terms of creativity, but this is a good reminder of what a fierce competitor he can be. As for Ravager, I've been on the receiving end and know he's no push-over. Commiserations, sir, you're a finalist out of 64 RPers, and that's nothing to sniff at. The match was awesome, as well, very intense and befitting the characters. Nice job to Tom (and maybe Chris?) on the Nova commentary, I didn't write a lick of it.
- Really solid show, if heinously overdue. I think it's a wise move to put off the Dupree Cup this year, as the potential to have two huge events sandbag chills my spine and that's a tournament that requires MUCH more out of everyone in terms of time (matchwriting, judging, a zillion RP threads, etc.) Also applaud to the move to complete short-forming, this place is about competition, not pretty results. Let's just get TEAM moving again, get enthusiasm up, and go from there.

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