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Favorite storylines


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Raton, NM
I brought this topic up elsewhere, but figured I'd bring it over here. And seeing as how Dave wants some chatter going around here, I figure this should get some going.

Let's talk about great storylines we've seen in e-feds. Talk about the following topics.

1. What was the best storyline that one of your characters was involved in and what made it so much fun to be a part of?

2. What was the best storyline that did NOT involve one of your characters, but you were so entertained by what you read that you remarked "Now that's a good storyline!"

Have at it now.

Bob Morris


1)I'd have to say the one I'm working on right now is the most promising and fun... Armen Malfeate/Jessica/Kate (vs) Paul Dumont/Kelly... with Zieba Reaver and some others thrown in there... should be an interesting angle for everyone so pay attention! :p

2)Wow I'm not sure about this one... there have been many great angles in the gxw, uwc, and other feds I've been apart of. It just doesn't uhm seem right to pick one over another.... but we'll say Reaver vs Styles. Thats another UWC one folks ;)


Best storyline I was ever involved in?

.... probobly the whole Cancer/Comando/Gemini circle of violence that started when Gemini arrived in EWI. It was nuts. Totally completely nuts. I've never been a part of any angle since that one that was that completely mind blowing. I mean, to give you an example, Erik had to put the kibosh on some of the stuff we proposed because he felt it was getting to excessive.

And when Erik says you're getting to excessive... you're out there.

Best Storyline I was ever not involved in?

This is actually pretty tough, as old two face tends to stick his nose(noses?) into everything. But I will pick two seperate events. The whole Lehew/Zero war was pretty enthralling to watch. It established those guys in a real solid way. I actually think zero got more over out of the match than Lehew did because Zero ended up in a wheelchair and still came back.

The other one was the 'Anytime, anywhere....' challenge laid down by Evan Aho back in EWI. One wicked hot card that was mainly powered by that one little challenge. Come to think of it... Evan put himself and about three other guys over at the same time. Neat trick...

My Two cents anyhow...

Or our two cents.... whatever...



Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
Best storyline I was involved in?

Ummm...can anyone think of one that I was in? Seriously, I'm enjoying my current role as the little flea in Dupree/JP's fur coat. Plus, I'm liking how things are going for Kin now adays! People actually talk to me on AOL/MSN messenger to start stuff. Other than Kin's current angle, I've enjoyed trading quips back and forth with the team of Sky Suicide, "Turn-On" Tony Sajec, and King Fiesal III back in EWI. Throw in a little Aho. That's right, the man I beat 3 times... :) and you have a great story! The Battle In Seattle, as I prefer to have it called. Also, being a part of SSN with Eddy Love was amazing. This definitely helped to bring Kin into the mainstream. Well...almost.

Best storyline I was never involved in?

Hmmm...Just about anything that Gemini is involved in. Those guys are great! I've been a fan of theirs for quite some time, and they get better and better everytime. Sure hope they keep the flava coming. I also have enjoyed quite a bit from Angelus (even with our rocky past). I think we've grown up a little bit, and I would seriously like to work with the "Man That Writes A Novel" for his RP's. I've hardly ever seen anyone write, or be as into, their roleplays and character(s), with the exception of Gemini...

I know I wasn't that specific with my picks, but there are just too many good ones I haven't been a part of to throw them all out...

Mike D.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Pittsburgh USA
Well... here's mine. =)

1. What was the best storyline that one of your characters was involved in and what made it so much fun to be a part of?

I really liked the John Miller/Dan Ryan feud that me and Dave have built up, only because of the hatred the two possess for each other. I remember one set of rps me and Dave did that were pseudo-shoot rps, where we really made everyone believe these guys wanted to destroy one another. It was great when we had the Continental title match, Miller lost, but the next time on Revolution Dave dropped the belt to me in a very awesome gesture <g>. It all fit so awesomely together, and made for a GREAT buildup in my opinion. Those two have gone back some time I believe. Miller was even in Phenom... but only for a brief time in EMWA. Also, I really enjoyed the Inferno/Eric Davis deal. That was really fun to do, and me and Bob had a lot of fun righting up the spots.

2. What was the best storyline that did NOT involve one of your characters, but you were so entertained by what you read that you remarked "Now that's a good storyline!"

Hmmm, this is a good question. I guess this really didn't involve me too much, but I really liked the SSN deal in EWI. That was totally great. I had a great time just watchin on as those corporate buttholes tried to ruin it all lol. Good job guys!


Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
SSN = "corporate buttholes"

Need I remind you that Kin Hiroshi was a member of SSN? Need I remind you further that he controls your muffins?

* Mike's day dream of Kin Hiroshi... *

KIN HIROSHI: Factory worker person, you have that GXW order ready?

WORKER: Close to, why boss?

KIN HIROSHI: Well, there is a new ingredient that those wrasslers like...ARSENIC. MWAHAHAHAHA...

* End Mike's dream sequence... *

Hmm...maybe that isn't such a great idea.

Wow, did that remind anyone of the rental car commercials at all??

- Mike D.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
RE: Favorite storylines...my turn.

1) Favorite storyline that involved my character(s).

a) For Hellfighter, there are too many to count, but I think that I had the most fun was Hellfighter's feud against the returning Manifest Destiny back in the remaining month or so of EWI prior to the gwx merger. That was, without a doubt the more emotional feud that I was in. Tony Givler helped me to get in that feud big time. He got me into it, and I helped further him into it. It was so intense. It made Hellfighter really stretch out, and we saw our first glimpse of Hellfighter's darkside that he had faught so hard to repress. It surprised me when HF won that fued, but boy the MD boys really made me work. It was work and it was worth it.

But a very close second has to be for HellFighter, when he got involved in the EWI/SSN feud, and inadvertantly changed the entire outcome of the storyline with the whole angle...honestly I was not trying to do that. But it happened, and Everybody played off of it so perfectly. I loved the whole fed against hellfighter. It was sweet. It played so well with the whole frailty side of hellfighter that he was human. It was quite an emotional angle, and the lead up to it.

b) For True Living Colors...without a doubt, Les McCarver's motor city maniacs. I always have so much fun when I rp against Les, and everytime TLC and the MCMs hooked up, it was always good in my book. Now granted, it did become tiresome after awhile because we both had done it so much, but for what it was worth, I always had fun feuding with les. We always pushed the envelope in our fueds.

c) for twin phoenix, the immediate get go involving Rosanna Fairhurst, and Miso. That was fun for me.

2) Angle that was fun to watch that didn't involve one of my characters.

That is a tough one. The whole Layhew/Zero feud was so emotionally intense, and the betrayal at the end of it all just ripped your heart out and showed it to you. That was like totally messed up. But then the zero comeback angle was like the crowner of it all. The other thing that I loved to read about was the whole Evan Aho/Sky Suicide fued. It was ongoing, it got better every time they faught, and it never really has resolved. It was kind of like EWI's version of the Austin/Rock feud. It remains dormant, but when it does start up, it is almost as good as the first time. The list goes on and on.

Well I think that is it for me. I have to get going for now, but I will talk to you again later.

God bless,
Patrick M. Shutt


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Hickory USA
Favorite Storyline that I was Involved In:

Um...I'm gonna say Zero vs. the St. Louis Calab-O.


Okay, you got me. Zero vs. Lehew. However, I'm totally stoked about what I've got going now with all these great guys like Dan Ryan, Gemini, Codine, etc.

Favorite Storyline that I was Not Involved In:

This is a tough one. There's been a lot of great stuff that I've read, but the storyline that I think shaped me as an RPer and influenced a lot of what I've done to this point in my career is the Gemini and Cancer storyline in EWI. I mean Jesus Christ. This stuff was unheard of then, hell, it's unheard of now. The carnage, the plot twists (I remember actually printing off a copy of the card where Gemini and Cancer won the tag titles because I wanted to read it again on a car trip), and then throwing Commando in at the end for the climactic Thunderdome match was awesome.

Of course, as much as I'd like to sometimes, you can't argue with the Evan Aho/Victoria McCave storyline. It was teased for over a year, and for as little that ACTUALLY happened, the whole fed was entralled. That shows talent.

Some f*** who writes matches


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Favorite Storyline I've been in

In the GXW, I have really had anything yet. But, in my days back in the HWC, I had this great feud with a guy called Kidd Rock. He and my character Scorpion were in a program for the IC Title. It sparked some of my best RP's ever, and introduced an angle where I brought in Scorp's son. The rp's also probably produced the best written match of that year.

Favorite Storyline w/o my characters:
From what I've seen, Zero/Lehew is probably the most entertaining to read.




My favorite story line... and really, the only one I've been involved in for more than 2-3 cards... would have to be Lehew vs. Zero. We put a lot of effort into that stuff. s'apity FW decided to crash or whatever and wiped the RP sake 15-20 RP thingy. Or maybe it was for the better. Or something. Yeah.

Favorite plot I wasn't involved in... Eh. I liked the SSN in EWI, pre-Lehew. Once Lehew got involved everything went to hell <g>.

Prolly Cancer/Gemini stuff. Part of why I do FW in the first place.


-Zach, Admin of GXW.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I have to agree with everyone on the whole "Zero/Lehew" storyline because it seems to be ongoing-even though some parties say other wise.

The only good storylines that I can think of right now that I'm apart of is the one that I'm working with Patrick on the whole "Zell and Twin Phoenix" because this is the first time that Zell is getting caught in the middle of something bigger than he is. Also working with Patrick is always a plus! ;)

The other one is the whole Zell Hunter Vs. Devon Slayton angle which we've done since OWA had to close because it got hacked by some jack ### if you know what I mean. At any rate that storyline has kind been put on the backburner due to various reasons with me and Marc.

However, the best one that I can think of right now is the original "Dark Circle" (The Mavericks tag team of Blade and Storm along with Feral, Strife and Spyder) wars with the Dark Disciples (Arcain, Satan, RIP, and the Knight Brothers-The "Lion Heart" Richard and the "Crusader" Christain) and the GEWF punks that had Hellbringer as they're leader was another one. Even though that storyline never got finished-I look forward to the day that it will be. But still working with the other handlers in the whole Dark Circle/Dark Disciples storyline was fun because it made me actually work for that title (even though I lost the match, it was voted one of the year's best in CWA that year).

By the way, Mike D-what is your AIM if you got one?


Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
My AIM is Dizza Hizza. To look up my MSN, just search for sunsetflip@hotmail.com Should come up as "The Muffin Man."


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US
Kevin, first off I would like to make a correction to what you said about the whole "Dark Circle/Disciples War" that happened back in mid-1999 in SCW. The "Maverick World Order" was composed of The Mavericks tag team-Blade and Storm, the MOD Squad-Feral and Strife and the Insiders-Bossa and Nova along with Spyder. Also since it was one of the few SCW Survivor Series matches, you're the one who elimiated RIP and The "Lionheart" Richard Knight-but you're the one who was elimiated by the "Crusader" Christain Knight right after you got rid of RIP, tres true?

Now onto my favorite angle/storyline that had my wrestlers in it. I would have to say the whole "Turks Vs. Gibson's Army" angle that kind of did/kind of didn't happen in the last days of 1999. The angle had the former members of the Order Millena (Rocko Daymon, Kyle Tseng, Dusty. R. Downs and Reno Belden) as the Turks from FF-7, only with the expection of the fact that the handlers of the Order/Turks were actually trying to make four ficitional character become a little bit more real. At any rate the Turks' ally in the One Winged Angel had taken the Reaver out during a tour of Japan two months prior and so the "Marauder" Eric Gibson gathered those who were the Reaver's friends together to take out the Turks and OWA. "Gibson's Army" was composed of The "Marauder" Eric Gibson, the "Chaos Kat" Paul Gibson, the "Taskmaster" Eddie Maim, The Maverick Spyder, and "Dr.Terror" Marcus Owens. The RPs for that match that actually had the Turks/Army facing off was never written because Edward Brown-SCW's owner closed the federation for a while in the opening weeks of 2000. So, even though it was one hell of a ride, it never ended...

As for one that I wasn't apart of but enjoyed-I would have to say was the huge angle between Havok/Mason Xavier and Zero from everywhere including CSWA/HEW and other such federations. That was something painful to watch if you know what I mean.

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