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League Member
Mar 21, 2012

Alright so its been about a month or so since you last heard from me in any capacity here. I think the only person in the fed that honestly knows I'm still breathing is Justin and that's because I periodically buzz him on AIM and such.

Anyways I figured I'd let you know my current status within the fed so you know whether or not to expect to see me put in on the booking thread.

First I figured I'd address me not put in for the booking thread for this show. It had zip to do with the decision of the match I had at the last show. I was going to pretty much not book for the week regardless because I knew the finals were coming so I figured I'd lay out and let everyone else do there thing and then I'd figure out what I'm doing after the break.

Not long after the break for me started I began writing some stuff for EWZine and also got back to writing something called fan fiction. I needed to find some way to want to be creative for this hobby and both of those have been helping me as I told Ern. I actually have a column in the works for this Monday that will be posted on there when I write it up for the site.

I also told Ern (and maybe Justin) that I wanted to stop this "one and done" practice that I've shown in the feds I've been in lately where if I lose one match I pretty much bolt without saying anything. Its not something I'm proud of either and I gotta stop it. My plan as it stands right now is when we come back from break and start the "next season" to start on a clean slate and try to have fun and be motivated to RP here. That's what I wanna do and if it also involves an overhaul in character direction than maybe I'll do that. I have to see what I think of how I pulled off this wrestler based off the one RP first and then go from there.

But yeah this was kind of a "Hey Guys" as well as a status update on where I currently stand with DEF. My plan is so far to remain with the fed but that could change and I honestly hope it doesn't but we'll see

take care gang


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
Hell man, I was impressed by your first match stuff against Sullivan, I hope you decide to stick around.

Now if somebody'd just give me a heads up on where Sullivan ran off too...


League Member
Sep 17, 2012
Yeah, when I signed up with Borchard, I read all of the apps before me and I was anxious to work with all the newer talents. I hope all the newer guys do stick. Was really looking forward to Sullivan and Borchard going back 'n forth. I was waitin' like a panther in heat.


League Member
Jun 4, 2007
Yeah, when I signed up with Borchard, I read all of the apps before me and I was anxious to work with all the newer talents. I hope all the newer guys do stick. Was really looking forward to Sullivan and Borchard going back 'n forth. I was waitin' like a panther in heat.

And it's a bummer how some of the applicants never even spoke with Jeff about getting full website access.

If I've voted yes on a person, I want to see them fully join in on the fun, gosh darn it!

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