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Edmunds vs. Benjamin vs. Red


Jan 10, 2004
New York
Edmunds vs. Benjamin

Note: Felix Red has been removed from this match. It is now a one-on-one contest.

All RP for Sean Edmunds vs. Adam Benjamin should be placed here.

Stipulations: No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere in Joe Louis Arena

The RP/Angle submission deadline is Wednesday, July 14th, 2004. E-mail angles to enigma_fanatic@hotmail.com

Thank you and have fun!
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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{Fade into Adam Benjamin sitting at his home in England. Adam face seems very confident as he begins speaking}


“My phone rings a million times a day. Each time a different promoters voices asks for my services. Being a star in two promotions is a busy thing so for the benefit of my health I never respond. However after listening to the offer from the FWSS “showcase of stars show’s promoters I thought yeah this is a good opportunity for Yours Truly.

(Adam smiles)


“Shawn Edmunds vs. Adam Benjamin I can not turn that down. The amount of money I am being offered I would be a fool. You see again I will be on a card filled with names, however one name Yours Truly will be the name that the fans remember at the end of the night. Lets take a trip down memory lane shall we. Adam Benjamin at the time is The MCW world champ. Open challenge goes out from Edmunds, I say sure why not. So the match is set and my title is not on the line, I am thinking I have nothing to loss. Edmunds beats me, he was the better man that night. Now a lot has changed since then but a lose still remains. So at this showcase I get a chance to go at it with Edmunds and settle not a score, but more a personal flaw on my part.

(Adam grins)


“Case in point Yours Truly will be a the showcase card and all with witness what a true mega star is all about. Edmunds round two will not be as nice as round one was. Good luck..

(Fade out)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Nothing could be more far...

(FADEIN: 'Simply Sensational' Sean Edmunds is sitting at home, listening to his voice mails. He hears one from Brandon Jacobs, his WFW announcer, telling him that he better not disappoint the WFW and lose to Adam Benjamin. Edmunds smirks as he presses 7 and deletes the voice mail. Noticing the camera in the room, he looks up, and hangs the phone on the hook before standing.)

EDMUNDS: "After all those months, Adam Benjamin finally has the chance to avenge his loss against me. I'm sure you knew that eventually we'd have to step in the ring again, Benjamin. You've had a quaint little run for yourself since MCW closed down. A secondary title run in Empire Pro .. popping up in NWL with words to Maelstrom himself. But how did it feel? (smiles) You know .. going from the top dog in one promotion, to a secondary title in another? And hell, now you can't even call yourself that. You see, while you've set a nice run for yourself .. I was out beating the best these circuits have. I had a little run with the WFW World Title ... and now I'm the President of the WFW. And I know, I know.. you couldn't care less. But the fact of the matter is that when it comes right down to it .. I'm still holding a lot more power in the league I'm in than you have in EITHER of yours. (shrugs shoulders) Maybe its just because I'm a better draw ..."

(Edmunds chuckles to himself as he walks over to a stool that he seats himself on. )

EDMUNDS: "Adam .. there's no score to settle. There's no personal flaw that you can fix that can instantly push you over me. I beat you the first time. I will beat you this time. I will beat you in the future. That's the way it goes sometimes. And the quicker you learn to accept your fate, the easier it is to swallow it and move on. I'm sure you'll go on to do many a wonderful things in EPW and in NWL. I'm sure that you'll manage to win some more secondary titles.. You can still do these things, Adam. But you have to face the fact that you will never, and I mean NEVER be on the same level of athleticism that Sean Edmunds is."

(Edmunds smiles and puts his hand up to his chin as if he were pondering something.)

EDMUNDS: "This SHOWCASE ... with the biggest names of the circuit.. and here we are, Adam. Stuck in the middle somewhere. I'm sure you're used to it now ... but I (pauses) I don't like it. And I'll be sure to make this as quick as possible. I've got better things to do than to teach you lesson after lesson. We've done this dance before. You say things have changed ... I think nothing could be more far from the truth. You're still that overconfident, undertalented second rate piece of trash that I handled over in MCW ... and I'm still 'Simply Sensational'..."

(Edmunds stands up and flexes ...)

EDMUNDS: "Don't adjust your television sets .... I *AM* this Sensational!"

(FADEOUT: To Edmunds smile .. a white sparkle digitally put into his teeth for extra effect.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{Fade in to Adam Benjamin finishing watching his old MCW match with Edmunds and Theo. Adam smiling begins talking}


“Luck is today’s word of the day. Luck represents the very underlining reality of the Edmunds/Benjamin and oh yeah Theo match. For you see in that match the ending was very much a fluke or a stroke of luck. Luck was on Edmunds side when he had Theo in a hold, and made Theo tap, for if not for luck he would have taped out to the ankle lock, I mean his hand was about the beat the mat like a kid getting beat for pissing on the floor. You see Edmunds beat me due to the fact that it was a one-fall match and he tapped Theo out. Edmunds never beat me, he was not even close to defeating Yours Truly, he defeated me on paper, and he defeated me by luck.

(Adam smiling)


“It is so funny how many people look down on the IC title these days. I mean it is sad. I was a proud man when I won that title. But everyone loves to look down on it. A title in this sport of any kind is an accomplishment to be proud of. But hey Edmunds you can say what you want about me, but as far as you being better than me that is to be seen. Tapping out Theo does not make you better than me. Holding gold in other feds does not make you better than me. Defeating me this time, not some Theo guy proves you are better than me. Not who is a better draw, go draw a picture of a clue because you do not have one. Its so funny how you tell me to go fight for secondary titles lets see I face Beast for the EPW title this week, and Mal for the NWL in two weeks. Wake up Edmunds I think you ego is killing you mind. The fact is this week I am going take your lucky fluke win over me and prove that it was just that a fluke. If not for Theo your ass would have tapped out like a schoolboy. Take your sensational talk and prepare for the showcase of reality, were luck is not on your side, however reality is on mine. Beat me, please beat me this time Edmunds for real do it, I mean you are so better than me right? Wrong you are just a punk about to realize that Yours Truly is the newest star in the sky of wrestling shinning bright over all that stand before him. Latter Edmunds… You are truly a piece of work, I can’t wait for this match…

(Fade to black)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Convincing yourself, are we?

(FADEIN: 'Simply Sensational' Sean Edmunds is just hopping into his car outside his summer residence in Escandido, California. He puts the convertible top down and shuts the door. As he is about to turn the key, he smirks and looks at the camera.)

EDMUNDS: "And you prove my addage that some things never change, Adam. You're going to beat me like some kid getting beat for pissing on the floor? I'm not sure if this is a British phrase, or if you really are as dumb as you sound. Last time I checked, kids aren't pissing on the floors ... and even if they were, I don't see someone with a paddle chasing after them. But I give you credit, Adam.. you do try to save yourself ... the tapping like a school boy was a little bit better. (shakes head) But drawing myself a clue because I don't have one? Your green is showing, Adam."

(Edmunds starts up the car and turns down the radio which starts blasting because he left the volume up.)

EDMUNDS: "Sorry about that .. anywho. You can make the excuses you want. (says in a whiny voice) 'Edmunds didn't beat me. Edmunds made Theo tap. Edmunds only defeated me on paper.' (back to normal) But that's the thing, Adam. Even on paper ... even if Theo was the one to tap .. I STILL HOLD A VICTORY OVER YOU. There's no way you can deny it. You said it yourself. I defeated you. (rolls eyes) And as for making me tap, Adam ... I brought that hand back, I did not tap. I made sure that I wasn't going to lose to you or that ideologue Theo. And this time .. yes, this time is going to be exactly the same. It's not luck, Adam. It's a thing we like to call SKILL."

(Edmunds takes the seatbelt and fastens himself in. He puts one hand on the wheel.)

EDMUNDS: "Luck must have been your word of choice, Adam. Using it as much as you did, I'm beginning to wonder if you were really trying to convince yourself that I was just a lucky son of a *****. But then again, everyone knows that 'Simply Sensational' was the better man. Adam Benjamin .. the loved one of MCW ... the big bad World Champion ... and he couldn't even put away Sean Edmunds ... that was what? My second, third match in? In a whole new environment where I knew no one's repetoire ... and you still couldn't hold me back. I guess I felt worse for the management .. who watched as their hand picked leader fumbled the ball. But thats not my problem. I just did what I had to do. What I was expected to do."

(Edmunds puts on a pair of shades to protect him from the sun's beautiful shining rays.)

EDMUNDS: "You know that it takes the sun's light something like 4 days to reach the earth? So if the sun suddenly burned out, we'd still have 4 days of light. If you're the newest star in the sky, your light hasn't shone on this circuit. I hope for your sake that it makes it here soon. But I can assure you that the Showcase, you will not shine bright in the ring. But I will give you what you've asked for, Adam. I will beat you. I will prove to you, no matter how many times you're going to tell yourself, that my victory, yes .. the same victory that is written down in the record books, over you was not a fluke. It was not luck. There are times when you should learn to keep your mouth shut, Adam. Perhaps this request should have been one of them."

(Edmunds looks behind him to make sure there's no traffic coming.)

EDMUNDS: "I know that being the man you are .. you won't take heed to anything I'm saying. You'll rack your brains with ways to discredit what I'm talking about. You'll search those slogan books that are written in Korea by factory workers w/ broken English ... and you'll look in the mirror every morning and try to convince yourself that you can do whatever you put your mind to. But sooner or later ... and I'm afraid in your case it'll be later, you're going to come to the realization that Sean Edmunds is 'Simply Sensational' ... and that there is nothing that you can do to change that."

(Edmunds pushes in the clutch and starts backing out of the driveway)

EDMUNDS: "Don't adjust your television sets ... I *AM* this sensational!"

(FADEOUT: As Edmunds switches into drive and drives off ... the license plate on his car saying 'SENSTNL'.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{Fade into Adam Benjamin sitting inside his workout facility. His eyes are glued to the TV set as he listens to Edmunds speak. Adam’s face smiling as the promo comes to an end looking up he begins talking}


“Hello fans of the wrestling how are you today. I am sure in today’s world of modern professional wrestling a fan of knowledge can see through a man attempting to sell himself off as a true superstar. However for you fans out there that buy into the words of such wrestlers as my opponent this week Shawn Edmunds, please take a seat and listen to Yours Truly speak.

(Adam clears his throat)


“Today’s word is Reality. Yes reality is a tough subject for my opponent this week. Yours Truly however is in reality. I said it clearly that this week I will get a chance to avenge my loss to Shawn Edmunds. However the loss itself without question was an act of pure luck. I mean I am going to go over the same mood point, however to say you are better than me, to proclaim you are a better draw than me, I would think one would have defeated me cleanly, or hell even cheated to beat me. No you tapped Theo out, but hey on paper you beat me, and that is what I am coming for. A chance to write chapter two, and chapter two will not involve a man named Theo.

(Adam smiles as he goes to a black board and begins writing)


“R is for retro as in retro style of wrestling. See Yours Truly is an old school style that is all about wrestling. E is for entertaining as in come on who is not entertained by the abilities of Yours Truly. A is for accomplishments as in gold medal at the 2000 Good Will Games, MCW World Champion, EPW IC champion, along with a list of females that have all taken the Yours Truly express. L is for lucky need I say more Shawn. I is for internet as in all fans of Yours Truly can surly find great pictures of me on the internet. T is for Tap out as in Shawn you can either Tap out or get knocked out this week either way I believe you are going to loose. And last but not least Y as in You truly believe that tapping out Theo gives you the edge on me? Reality in perfect cursive… Any more brain busters?

(Adam laughs)


“Shawn you can travel the world of excuses. You can visit planet make believe it really will not make a difference this week. You see the past is done with I am looking full steam towards the future, of which there is a giant bull eyes right on your chest. And this week I am entering the ring not a man looking to correct something, no more a man looking to simply take something out. For as much as you claim to be Sensational, your nothing to me. Well nothing but some punk who has a very tainted victory over me. And yes Shawn you were going to tap lets not bull****, the fact is Theo simply taped out first. You see you might be Sensational, and after I beat you I am sure you will still be Sensational, however Yours Truly will simply be better, and that my friend is ten times more impressive than some nickname. Have a nice day Mate…

(fade out)
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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{Fade into a funeral home were many unknown people have gathered. A coffin rest in the front of the room, shut for the privacy of the family members in the room. However next to the casket stands a picture of Shawn Edmunds. Slowly the camera reveals Adam Benjamin about to make a speech to the room.}


“I would like to take the time to just say god bless a great man, he will truly be missed. When I think about Shawn I remember all the good things he did for us, all the blood, sweat, and tears he gave us. I would like to take the time to read a speech from Winston Churchill entitled “Blood, Sweat, and Tears…

(Adam looks down; a look of sadness comes across his face as he clears his voice)


“On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration. It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties. I have already completed the most important part of this task.
A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labour, Opposition, and Liberals, the unity of the nation. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. Other key positions were filled yesterday. I am submitting a further list to the king tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of principal ministers during tomorrow.

The appointment of other ministers usually takes a little longer. I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects. I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today. At the end of today's proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 21 with provision for earlier meeting if need be. Business for that will be notified to MPs at the earliest opportunity.

I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government.

The resolution:

"That this House welcomes the formation of a government representing the united and inflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion."
To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself. But we are in the preliminary phase of one of the greatest battles in history. We are in action at many other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean. The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.

In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if 1 do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or former colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.

I say to the House as I said to ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.
You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs - Victory in spite of all terrors - Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.

Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.

I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, "Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength."

(Adam looks down as if to hide the tears)


“Shawn you’re my Boy!!!

(Adam suddenly begins smiling, as he again looks down, the back up towards the camera as he makes his way towards the coffin opening it to reveal the emptiness.)


“No Shawn is not dead, he is just out there counting down the time until the truth is told. Shawn soon very soon your fate will lie in my hands, and don’t get me wrong a funeral is a bite extreme but what happens to you this week can not be dictated. For you see I have listen to your cocky talk about owning me, being better than me. Shawn we both know the truth, we both know what happen last time. Theo saved you, this week I am going to end your talk. Because Shawn Yours Truly is prepared to defeat you inside the ring this week, the only question that hangs in the balance is tap out or get pinned? But at last you have no choice in the matter, I am the one holding the hand of fate, you are in a downward spiral, soon very soon you will come crashing down. See you around mate…

(Fade out to the view of the empty coffin)

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