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DEFtv50 is LIVE! Historic Show! Leave Feedback!


Jan 24, 2007

Check it out! And then leave some feedback!

What did we do right?

What did we do wrong?

Match of the Night?

Segment of the Night?

Top Face of the Night?

Top Heel of the Night?

On the Bubble / Who is about to break out?

Favorite Quotes?

Mark-Out Moments?

How was the overall reading experience?

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
Aaaaaaaaaaaaalright, I'll start.

Run-Down/Open Mic Night
I hope the rundown didn't suck, I've never done one before. Had a lot of fun on this card. The promo up to was written waaaaaaay before everything else I wrote and waaaaaaay before Justin and I cooked up our special DEFtv 50 surprise so if the promo makes it sound like Dane isn't in the building I apologize. lol

My goal with this card was poopoo the "mixed" reaction I've always given Box. Eugene and Box haven't made an in ring promo appearance together yet but the idea of handling a half split half not half... it sounded like a mess so Boxer is booed straight up now. Figured the best way to piss off the neck-beards was to "betray" DEF.

The Proposition
Between Mike Bell in UTA and Blue bringing Ulfric back here I'm having late 90's early 00's ewrestling flashbacks. I'M 16 AGAIN, AAAAHHH HELP... wow, sorry. See? (good seg, Blue)

Fifty Shades of Grey
This coming from someone who dropped several F-bombs on this very card with a character who famously never curses. The amount of F-bombs might have done this a sliiiight disservice? With cursing less is aaaaalways more. Just my personal opinion/taste though I guess, otherwise? This feud from start to finish could be used as a blueprint on how to "do" DEFIANCE as a game. Killin' it.

Jake Donovan vs. Harmony

And this should be another fast-paced match between these two.

Which means BOOBS be flopping around!

You are such a sick example of a human being.

Worthless Coward
Chris goin' full on heel, still so happy with this character change. I noticed something missing...

Samuel T. Turner II:What is it?

[Phil is silent but Derrick

Derrick Logan:
I believe he wants you ta see me ‘n my friend here.

I'm guessing something got deleted there. Otherwise I like the idea of Ulfric as the veteran gatekeeper. Good stuff.

The Game Is Afoot
"Mr. Matthews, call me... " - Jane Katze

DEF*MAX Tournament (Block B): Dan Ryan vs. Samuel T. Turner
All the onomatopoeia, the THUD's and WHACK's and what not were fantastic. Really fun match that, even with a loss, made Turner look like a million bucks.

The Straw That Broke...Everything
Color me intrigued. Can't wait to see where you take Donovan. Change is inevitable and usually a good thing.

The Real Unified Front
I haven't sent a Googled image in over a month, dammit!

higher than giraffe pussy.

<3 you so much James.

DEF*MAX Tournament (Block A): Eugene Dewey vs. Mushigihara
Fun match, nice solid win for Euge. I fully approve of the Google-plex.

I'm Rubber, You're Glue
Love the immediate transition from match to segment. Goddamn GREAT promo, Damien. "You’re a console peasant, I’m PC master race." I marked hard for that line right there. When people ask, in regards to DEF being 100% angled "well how do you decide who gets to hold the title." just read the stuff from person holding the belt. It's probably the best stuff on the card.

Hey, I'm Still a Fan.
Love stuff like this. Another fun name from way back.

Stay in Here
[We cut from the view of Eugene Dewey to the backstage area where we see the man who just lost a match to the FIST, Mushigihara.]

Woops. I'm guessing the Horry seg was added later? lol

I like the seg though. So WWE, lol

Gimmick Infringement
Loved working with Ben this week. I'm so down to work an arc with you down the line dude, there's more we can do with Keyes and Box I think. I knew I just wanted to do a talky talky segment. When he apped with Keyes everyone made the turn of the century aesthetic, facial hair, steampunky connection between our characters so I wanted them to play on that, let Henry show how unphased he is by Box. Bowing up to Box and not flinching. Box is a coward, Henry's not. That huge difference in two characters so aesthetically similar makes for a fun interplay.

DEF*MAX Tournament (Block A): Bronson Box vs. Henry Keyes
I really wanted to write a wrestling match, and use as many little doodads from our movesets as possible. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope I did Henry justice, bud. Fun note, I always had that "transition from a camel clutch to a seated full nelson, take it to the next level" note in my bio and like never actually used it. Keyes is officially the first recipient of the Uber Boston Massacre, lol.

Did You Know?
I did.

If we're handing out "mid-arc awards" Noble gets gets the rising star award. Great promo, perfect length, not overly wordy. I love the face/heel grey area you boys are playing with each week too.

DEF*MAX Tournament (Block B) + Southern Heritage Championship Mach: David Noble vs. Frank Holiday
Match of the night, obviously. I'll let everyone else toot y'alls horn. Awesome job.

I closed the tab already, was there more?


League Member
Aug 23, 2012
I love how the rundown gets interrupted, it gives the start of the card a very natural feel, especially when the interruptions always seem to come at different points in time in the rundown so as to not feel predictable. I really like the way that the crowd went from being split regarding Boxer to firmly booing him, pretty much leaving Angus the only one who was really wavering about things. Boxer’s hate for Dane really came through during his rant and was a great foreshadowing to the viciousness of the ending of the show.

The Proposition: I wrote this, inspired by Chris from the previous week.

Fifty Shades of grey: Holiday and Noble have some wonderful chemistry that makes it difficult to decide which one to cheer for. Of course that also makes things even more interesting for the reader ‘cause I can kinda be on the fence and enjoy them both. Love the tension between them and they just seem to take it up another notch with every confrontation. Looking forward to more from these two.

Yes, Jake has gone over to the darkside, whatever will happen next J

Worthless Coward: This was fun, I love working with Chris, can’t wait to see what we do next

The Game is afoot: I’m really enjoying the interaction between Ryan Matthews, Ms. Evens and Troy Matthews and couldn’t help but have Jake antagonizing Ryan a little on twitter earlier in the week after his interruption of Jake’s match. I like where this is going and look forward to seeing it play out and seeing if Ryan ever makes it into a ring of if Evens manages to keep him fighting in parking lots forever lol.

Dan Ryan vs Sam Turner: Very hard hitting match, both guys were really given a chance to shine here, lots of back and forth, Dan gets the win but Sam looks super strong in the defeat. DEF*Max has been interesting to see unfold so far and I can only see STT taking this loss and fueling his aggression with it.

The Straw That Broke…Everything: I wrote this one with Alex. Can’t wait for these two to finally have their match.

The Real Unified Front: And they certainly present that. I love that these guys don’t give into the cliché of having friends/teammates create conflict between them over titles. I feel like that always happens and/or is used to pull people apart and its just a breath of fresh air to know they can leave it all in the ring and still be family outside of it. I’ve never been certain on my feelings about the Dan Ryan character, but seeing him with Lyndsey and Ty is giving me the chance to change the light I’ve always viewed him in. Looking forward to more.

Dewey vs Mushi: Fist vs God-Beast, this is like some super high video game level boss fight right here. Dewey had to win here, but Mushi made him earn it. Google-plex, that made me smile, and so fitting for Dewey. There was some great imagery

I’m Rubber you’re Glue: Good hype for the upcoming match with Box, and a great promo against Dan Ryan. I like heel Eugene, you’re bringing out a whole new side of his personality now. I like the killer instinct and the viciousness and the utter lack of humility he has going for him now.

Hey, I’m still a fan: Sam at ringside, hyping DEF*Max, making a prediction in the form of his Queen of the Ring shirt, was a great little spot that worked well.

Stay in Here: [We cut from the view of Eugene Dewey to the backstage area where we see the man who just lost a match to the FIST, Mushigihara.] That line there doesn’t fit since the seg was inserted with same between the match finish and the start of this. Otherwise, I love that David was able to get some payback/preemptive strike with his match approaching, things have certainly escalated between the pair, so it will be interesting to see how Mushi fires back.

Gimmick Infringement: Good lead in to the match, Box is ominious, Keyes is calm, it creates good tension.

Box vs Keyes: Box wins, but holy crap what an awesome match. It can not be over between them, tap out of no, Keyes I’m sure will be looking to face Box again somewhere down the line, and man, his utter calm in the face of a legend, that right there made for some amazing storytelling. Loved this.

Did you know: The pair was looking a little nervous there. Kinda makes ya wonder what’s gonna happen next. Clearly shows that THEY at least, have no idea of where things are headed.
Greatness: Good lead in and more hype for the ladder match and Noble in general. He’s really built himself up as the Southern Heritage Champ.

Noble vs Holiday: holy fn ladder match batman, wow, complete with bill cosby jokes lol. What I loved is that they beat the holy hell outta one another BEFORE the first ladder was ever introduced. That’s awesome. I’m glad there wasn’t a trillion and one ladders/dueling ladders right off the bat. Great build up, brutal as fuck match, utter destruction of their bodies, these guys have off the chain matches every time out and thanks to Mushi, this match settled NOTHING. Does happy dance at knowing that Noble and Holiday will need to face again. Plus, Mushi has the belt….whose gonna go take it from him? Guess we all get to tune in and find out.

You don’t fuck with family: Now, who doesn’t love a good Eric Dane sighting? Silence, crickets, thought so, the BAWS is in the parking lot kicking ass and getting bloody. Ty with the pipe and the save, and things have only heated up between Box and Dane. This was bloody, but one can only figure it is the tip of what will be a very blood soaked iceberg.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
I'm not bitching. I'm just saying this, seeing as we're at a point where its not even "I don't have the time" its just "meh."

When nobody leaves feedback it feels like nobody reads the card. We don't have an "OOC environment" and that's fine, we don't all need to chit chat constantly. But feedback on the cards we work so hard on? Just open up the board in another tab and as you read through the card, write what comes into your head. It dosen't have to be constructive or even useful. If you can convince me that as you read you are somehow devoid of emotion and opinion, like Data from Star Trek, fine you're exempt from feedback, otherwise good lord please participate in these things.

Pretty please? :(

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
At the very least, can people explain why this is such a "teeth pulling" process with these feeback threads? Why does everyone blow it off? Can we think of a better process for feeback OTHER than threads like this?

I'm literally just asking, as I think the lack of feeback/talking about the cards we produce after the fact is one of the few (/only) disappointing things about this "era" of DEF imo.


Jan 11, 2013
The Land of Cheese
*mic drop* Outstanding promo, Evan.

Derrick Logan is Ulfric, right? If so, w000000t.

I’m not sure I wanna live in a world where Ken and Craig aren’t working together every show. I’m just saying. Only complaint, tone down the use of the fuck word, I literally went back and counted it (10) after a while. Y’all’s supposed to be babyfaces, you don’t need to overuse expletives to get your point across.

Lulz, Angus is such a perv… This whole match for me is Angus on commentary… The action is good, but that commentary, hah… Okay, seriously, this is going to need to continue being a thing with Angus on commentary for matches involving Harmony… Alrighty, let’s see where Jake Hardyvon goes from here… And now Malachi has a new target to go after.

Oooohkay then, STT2 vs Logan (formerly Ulfric), that could be fun. Let’s see what you folks can do with it.

Ryan’s got this rolling, and thanks to Lindz, who jumped in to help fact check Kelly for him.

Two big dudes smashing each other. Always fun. Good pacing, both guys landing progressively heavier bombs on the other. Dan Ryan having to hit a big flurry of strikes and suplexes until finally getting the Humility Bomb for the 3 count. Big Sam loses, but looks like a tank and gives Ryan a huge challenge. Good stuff.

When are we going to see more of Kenny Freeman? All of this has to be leading to some sort of match between them, at least, that’s what makes sense to me.

First, stole line about Giraffe Pussy from Joe Rogan, so all credit goes to him. Second, wrote this with Lindz and Brunk.

Loved how you played this one, Dames. Euge being a sneaky/cowardly heel, Mushi being the overwhelming force. Took it close to the limit and had Euge snare the win just in the nick of time. Euge continues build as a heel in the ring, Mushi gets to look like a bad ass monster, win-win, good work.

Boss. Fucking. Promo. *micdrop*

Nice appearance by the H.N.I.C.

David Noble is a total anti-hero babyface and I love it. Which is good, because it sets him, Frank and even Dusty apart from one another.

Finally, the Bald Henry Keyes and Ginger Bronson Box meet face to face! Short, sweet, not a lot of fat on this one. Could be something BIG in the future between these two. Look forward to that.

Well, that will certainly end any of these mixed crowds where it concerns Bronson Box, hah… Really cool vibe with this one. It was more of a methodically paced, old school battle. Not a ton of huge “pop” moments so to speak, but it showed Keyes as being tough as nails, Box as capable of more than wanton violence… Overall, good job here, well done. Most importantly, I want to see Box and Keyes again in the future, there’s some serious potential there.

Did it what it needed to do for what Evan and Justin had in mind.

I am going to reiterate what I said a while ago, Craig, I wanna do some stuff with Dusty and Noble in the future.

No slow, all go, makes total sense for the start of this match… WHOO TEAM DANGER TEE SHIRT SIGHTING… So far so good as the ladders make their first appearance… Hah Keebs going heel on Angus, stabbing him… Damage starting to pile up, nice selling after Noble hits the senton on to a ladder on top of Holiday… Getting bloody as Frankie’s getting vicious… DAAAAAAAAAAAAAG! Train Wreck over the top rope, through a table, nothing but DEATH!?... Hah, Angus finding a way to get a shot in on Penn… Angus should have called Noble out for being a flippydoo idiot after the running SSP to the floor rather than try to capitalize after Holiday gets hurled to the outside like he did… Do not like Keebs cussing, I just don’t… I’ll say this, Craig was definitely going for Match of the Year with this… And here comes the big rush of “or die trying” offense… JAYZUSS FAAAAACK! (Sharknado)... Awww man, I knew this was coming, but as I’m reading it I was kinda hoping it wouldn’t… Epic match, I’m gonna say if it’s not tied with Dusty vs Euge, it’s definitely super close to being on an equal pace for Match of the Year so far… And just think, it’s only just about to be June, there is an eternity for us to try and outdo this and that.

I came in at the end as this was being written. I hope Justin and Evan continue this over time, eventually have a real Eric Dane vs Bronson Box match… But super slow play it, because I know that Evan and I have things to do that are related to this, also over time.


Jan 24, 2007
The Run-Down/Open Mic Night
I've liked how in the last few shows that the Run-Down has segued right into a segment of some sort. That mostly has been Dewey and Box and that trend continues here tonight. Box just comes out and LAYS into Eric Dane, who showed up for the show, and basically became Professor Box while doing a DEFIANCE history class. This was a classic promo and Evan brought his game for it. Just attacking the fans, attacking Dane, it was great. Oof.

The Proposition
Interesting twist with Ulfric showing up. Wonder what this is all about. I like that Warner now has a bodyguard though. That makes me laugh.

Fifty Shades of Grey
Lots of people talking about the usage of the word 'fuck' here. Sure, both men are faces, but both men are PISSED at the other one and there is a lot of emotions being played up here. This is not your typical match. You throw in all of the other pieces on top of it, this is a HUGE match and then you put two men in there who have a TON of animosity against one another right now? Yeah, it's a powder keg. The profanity didn't bother me and I thought it highlighted the intensity between the two former friends.

Donovan vs. Harmony

Worthless Coward
Ulfric laying into STT here, which was really good. Not sure where this is heading to, though?

The Game is Afoot
Evans coming out here and laying it out on the line against Matthews. You know, James hammered me for trying to make Evans seem like a 'heel-commissioner' type, but I think this segment does that ten fold. Still, good stuff that continued the Matthews/Matthews feud. They're fighting for their name, right? Just kidding. Two people doing something outside of DEF*MAX is always good.

Ryan vs. Turner
This was one HELL of a brutal contest. Jesus. My body hurt after reading it. Great stuff between Ryan/Turner. This is a match you probably would see maybe once or twice just because of the different stories and paths both are on. They did a great job in the ring here and it really showed how good of an idea DEF*MAX is to put these two in the ring together. Dug it.

The Straw That Broke... Everything
Now that Donovan has joined Malachi, he is letting loose and then some. The Freeman/Donovan story goes to the next level as Donovan wants to teach Freeman a few things about the real world. That should be rather interesting.

The Real Unified Front
Really enjoyed this, but anything with Walker/Ryan/Troy is always going to be good stuff. I too am partial to Captain Sisko (Sisko was DA MAN!). Anyways, good stuff, and a nice change of pace considering everything that has happened on the show thus far.

Dewey vs. Mushigihara
This was a great match, honestly. So much great back and forth action here. Mushi came out looking like a God-Beast while Dewey continues to become the man in DEFIANCE and how he is dealing with that. Dewey getting the victory here continues to create for an interesting DEF*MAX tournament.

Stay In Here

Gimmick Infringement
Loved this. Not even going to lie, I think this is hilarious between Box/Keyes. Short and sweet, to the point, all of that good stuff. I liked the bit about Keyes being Box 2.0 when Henry entered DEF.

Box vs. Keyes
This was one hell of a match and flowed perfectly from Gimmick Infringement. I was surprised that Keyes ended up tapping out here. That's not the ending that I saw coming and kind of seemed weird considering Keyes. Still, good match through and through. Box getting the victory creates a very interesting dynamic between Troy + Dewey with everything getting really close and any match could end up changing the dynamics of the tournament.

Did You Know?
Short and sweet.


Noble vs. Holiday
Yeah, Ken and I wanted to put a MOTY contender out here and we believe we did that. This was a match we outlined LAST arc and then re-wrote most of the outline. So this match is near and dear to our hearts. I hope everyone enjoyed it. Ken is my boy and it has been an HONOR to get to work with him for pretty much all of my run thus far in DEF (Ben being the one who showed me the ropes). Oof. This was something else.

You Don't Fuck With Family
You really don't. I love Walker making the save here.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
But super slow play it, because I know that Evan and I have things to do that are related to this, also over time.

Yeah, the way I see it. You, me, Justin... we're not going anywhere. So any overarching "no end in sight" TD vs. Box stuff we do can be burned as slooooooooooowly as we want. It's a fun well to go back to to fill time between big archs or create buzzy fun segments like this one.

Alex Smiley

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Somewhere in SoCal
I'm getting to read the show again now, I will edit this post with my feedback. Sorry for the disappearing act on the boards.

What did we do right?

EVERYTHING. Seriously, this show lived up to the reputation of being #50.

What did we do wrong?

Minor things already noted.

Match of the Night?

Personally, I really enjoyed Dewey/Mushi for the action, and that was kinda tied with the Donovan/Harmony for all the brilliant banter between Angus and DDK.

Segment of the Night? I think I enjoyed The Real Unified Front the most. Great work there.

Top Face of the Night?

That's a tough one. I'm almost leaning toward Ty (I get the face vibe from him, or am I wrong?)

Top Heel of the Night?

Box, hands down IMO.

On the Bubble / Who is about to break out?

Not quite sure. I might need to give this one another readthrough first.

Favorite Quotes?

Ching Ching Chong, wasn’t it?

That’s what we do now, is it? Blatant racism?

It’s what I’ve always done.

Bless your heart, Angus.

Mark-Out Moments?

Possibly just how much HEAT~! I could sense from that opening Box promo. Wow.

How was the overall reading experience?

Absolutely amazing. Loved reading this show from top to bottom.

Side Notes:

I'm super excited for the inevitable Donovan/Freeman confrontation that's happening. This kind of angle was exactly what I needed to get back into the swing of things, and I'm looking forward to contributing even more now that some of my RL nonsense is settling down.
Last edited:

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