Aaaaaaaaaaaaalright, I'll start.
Run-Down/Open Mic Night
I hope the rundown didn't suck, I've never done one before. Had a lot of fun on this card. The promo up to was written waaaaaaay before everything else I wrote and waaaaaaay before Justin and I cooked up our special DEFtv 50 surprise so if the promo makes it sound like Dane isn't in the building I apologize. lol
My goal with this card was poopoo the "mixed" reaction I've always given Box. Eugene and Box haven't made an in ring promo appearance together yet but the idea of handling a half split half not half... it sounded like a mess so Boxer is booed straight up now. Figured the best way to piss off the neck-beards was to "betray" DEF.
The Proposition
Between Mike Bell in UTA and Blue bringing Ulfric back here I'm having late 90's early 00's ewrestling flashbacks. I'M 16 AGAIN, AAAAHHH HELP... wow, sorry. See? (good seg, Blue)
Fifty Shades of Grey
This coming from someone who dropped several F-bombs on this very card with a character who famously never curses. The amount of F-bombs might have done this a
sliiiight disservice? With cursing less is aaaaalways more. Just my personal opinion/taste though I guess, otherwise? This feud from start to finish could be used as a blueprint on how to "do" DEFIANCE as a game. Killin' it.
Jake Donovan vs. Harmony
And this should be another fast-paced match between these two.
Which means BOOBS be flopping around!
You are such a sick example of a human being.
Worthless Coward
Chris goin' full on heel, still so happy with this character change. I noticed something missing...
Samuel T. Turner II:What is it?
[Phil is silent but Derrick
Derrick Logan:
I believe he wants you ta see me ‘n my friend here.
I'm guessing something got deleted there. Otherwise I like the idea of Ulfric as the veteran gatekeeper. Good stuff.
The Game Is Afoot"Mr. Matthews, call me... " - Jane Katze
DEF*MAX Tournament (Block B): Dan Ryan vs. Samuel T. Turner
All the onomatopoeia, the THUD's and WHACK's and what not were fantastic. Really fun match that, even with a loss, made Turner look like a million bucks.
The Straw That Broke...Everything
Color me intrigued. Can't wait to see where you take Donovan. Change is inevitable and usually a good thing.
The Real Unified Front
I haven't sent a Googled image in over a month, dammit!
higher than giraffe pussy.
<3 you so much James.
DEF*MAX Tournament (Block A): Eugene Dewey vs. Mushigihara
Fun match, nice solid win for Euge. I
fully approve of the Google-plex.
I'm Rubber, You're Glue
Love the immediate transition from match to segment. Goddamn GREAT promo, Damien. "You’re a console peasant, I’m PC master race." I marked hard for that line right there. When people ask, in regards to DEF being 100% angled "well how do you decide who gets to hold the title." just read the stuff from person holding the belt. It's probably the best stuff on the card.
Hey, I'm Still a Fan.
Love stuff like this. Another fun name from way back.
Stay in Here
[We cut from the view of Eugene Dewey to the backstage area where we see the man who just lost a match to the FIST, Mushigihara.]
Woops. I'm guessing the Horry seg was added later? lol
I like the seg though. So WWE, lol
Gimmick Infringement
Loved working with Ben this week. I'm so down to work an arc with you down the line dude, there's more we can do with Keyes and Box I think. I knew I just wanted to do a talky talky segment. When he apped with Keyes everyone made the turn of the century aesthetic, facial hair, steampunky connection between our characters so I wanted them to play on that, let Henry show how unphased he is by Box. Bowing up to Box and not flinching. Box is a coward, Henry's not. That huge difference in two characters so aesthetically similar makes for a fun interplay.
DEF*MAX Tournament (Block A): Bronson Box vs. Henry Keyes
I really wanted to write a wrestling match, and use as many little doodads from our movesets as possible. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope I did Henry justice, bud. Fun note, I always had that "transition from a camel clutch to a seated full nelson, take it to the next level" note in my bio and like never actually used it. Keyes is officially the first recipient of the Uber Boston Massacre, lol.
Did You Know?
I did.
If we're handing out "mid-arc awards" Noble gets gets the rising star award. Great promo, perfect length, not overly wordy. I love the face/heel grey area you boys are playing with each week too.
DEF*MAX Tournament (Block B) + Southern Heritage Championship Mach: David Noble vs. Frank Holiday
Match of the night, obviously. I'll let everyone else toot y'alls horn. Awesome job.
I closed the tab already, was there more?