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DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFCON is LIVE!!


Full Jason
May 1, 2012
Philly, bro
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 85 is LIVE!!

Opening: Always a fan of a good oven joke, well done.

Impulse vs. Reaper: Seems a bit odd to be giving this away on “free” TV to me. Reaper cuts a promo about how long she’s been waiting for this, and while it’s had a good build up - the first time they mingle one on one could’ve been a very cool PPV moment. Okay, ignore that I guess. Match is ruined on account of WARGOD. Kelly Evans lets Bronson off very light in this one, typical I would say - but it shows some inconsistency to me. Let’s see what happens later. This whole feud is one of the hottest heading into DEF, if not also a little confusing/drawn out.

Tornado: This was a good segment. JFK is one of my favorites right now, just a total sleezeball. Stevie does it well. Good writing here of the action as well, made me really feel like I was watching. Didn’t really care for the translation bit of Mushi’s OSU.

Storyline Purposes: Have an idea that I wanna put together. First part of that. Hopefully people enjoyed/are interested.

Trust: I’ve got a feeling this is building somewhere good. Strange things are a’foot with Dan Ryan, and I’m not sure of his role. Hopefully the pay off here is worth this level of intrigue. Well written segment.

Lord vs. Floyd: Typical squash match. Trying to get CL over. Good stuff in that regard. Can’t wait for a really physical match with someone on the roster. Should be good.

Dejection: Unsure where Charlie Ace is headed, but he seems to be a worthwhile character. Just need to see a little more of his plan so it makes sense to us. Hopefully something planned for DEFCON.

Diggs/Burns & Weak AF: So I kinda wanna see Diggs get his shit packed in, so good job of hyping that up but Burns just seems so blahhhhh to me. This feud is pretty good, but I think the One Sided DQ stipulation is just like the segment’s name. It gives the face almost too much to battle back from, if that makes sense.

Hightower vs. Butcher: All these BRAZEN gents just not waiting for the bell! Someone needs to teach them some manners. Good match to get Hightower over as the HOSS he is. Similar to me to the Crimson Lord match - wonder when they’ll cross paths.

Bullyshit: Great seg name. Good work from Jamie Swayers, love that revamp of the character. Another match with some good hype and heat heading into DEFCON.

Change: I wrote. Thought that there might be more added to it but I think it’s a good little segment.

Bastards vs. PCP: Well hope you all enjoyed that. And hopefully we kept enough people guessing. Let us know? Thanks.

She Needs: Little seg that follows the Tag Match nicely.

Two: Good segment. Still think the same on Ace, but I love the inclusion of others on the roster into this storyline. Makes for some entertaining segments. Funny that I had Slaw/Haynes talking about dice, and No Justice No Peace playing the 3 Card. Might have to do something with that in the future.

Douglas vs. Hoffman: Good match, I thought I was gonna be tired of Cally but her inclusion does a good job of setting up the finish. Nice work.

Eric/JFK: Feels like a face turn moment almost from JFK. What is going on?! We shall see. Loved seeing these two together.

Kid: Nice ME hype seg. Liking Masky more and more.

ME: Good way of putting over the heel heading into the PPV. Cayle has much to fight back from here. Good work on this ME feud as JFK def feels elevated by all of this. Interested to see what happens with Danny Ryan.



Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 85 is LIVE!!

Sweet signage to start things out. Solid rundown, things were ran in a downward fashion. Jokes aside this can be a thankless job, I know I’ve done it. So shout out to Pete for running things down.

Didn’t write on this one but I’m involved in this arc so I’ll just double down on shout outs to Pete. He has a book, you should buy it.

JFK is plotting and planning. Classic heel shit. Question is will it work out or leave him with egg on his face. Mushi doesn’t seem to be down with the plan.

I’ve been called out here a few times for the smallest of kayfabish things … so storyline purposes doesn’t sit well with me at all. It’s semi-clever but doesn’t seem worth the while. Also, smaller nothing of a note, tonk is a card game in my experience. Similar to Rummy. Never heard or could find via google a Tonk dice game. I think you were thinking of Cee-Loo or maybe even simpler Craps/7-11. Either way, didn’t care for this. I suppose someone who bowed out any of their world build trappings are up for grab but this could have easily have been on an UNCUT rather than TV.

What do I know anyway.

Dan Ryan is back. Cayle makes a extremely valid FIST related point! Ryan seems to be proposing himself the keeper of the FIST’s honor. The accent beat was a nice touch. Great segment with a very nice back and forth. Entire read you have to keep wondering what the hell is Ryan’s game but in the end for a man who dropped a large brim hat and hopped out the crowd a handful of DEFtv’s ago … it’s no surprise that he maintains nothing but goodwill. But as someone who has positioned himself, pattern wise, as a defacto FIST enforcer of sorts … maybe he does actually approve of Cayle. He had a past with Troy and well … Penn was Penn. So … things maybe on the up and up.

This definitely didn’t read like a normal DEFtv match. Although the length was good, this style of writing probably won’t work once CL moves on from squash matches. That being said another strong victory for CL.

Solid segment. The Gunther/phonetic dialogue was well thought out. The Ace Trumpisms were off the charts. Definitely a heel for the times.

“NON-HOSSFITE!!!!” oh Angus, you scamp. The finish certainly gives Diggs the heel heat and he walks into the PPV with the super advantage. Gives the face some odds to fight against. I’d say more odds … but a good face will walk into this match having learned from past mistakes and also Diggs won’t have to rely on cheap thievery as much when he can just out and out cheat. Good shit.

Hightower picks up another win. Not a squash but he comes out looking super strong and … if there was any chance of liking him … his gal friday has to hop up there and ruin it all. Super solid hosswork, believable. And even better shitheel mic work. God I hate this Sawyers guy. Great segment.

“I got nothing, but Keebs let’s be real - I can barely read my own handwriting at times.” Love that Angus line. Although Wildside is clearly no Klien, their seems to be some strong similarities between the PCP of old and The Bastards. Don’t recall if that was very prevalent before, other than that MV’s cake deal, but notice it here. Good segment, airing out the recently splintered camps dirty laundry. Solid match, can’t say the Skidd Row turn wasn’t foreseeable but I didn’t see this finish coming along with it. Utterly destroyed and the D … the D has something she needs. I think Tom asked for this to be moved to give it some time and I changed the rundown to suit that but I guess that change was lost in the shuffle Backstage. The use of Doc rather than Iris was eye catching but not the worst I suppose.

Solid Puffy joke. Doesn’t seem like Ace can find a client … and like most romantic comedies … Hoyt was right there under his nose all along. Nah, but decent segment. Can’t say this wouldn’t have fared just as well on an uncut but well written nonetheless.

I will say though we seem to keep having overlapping storylines. Ace/Sawyers if I remember correctly. NJNP/Hightower & Sawyers. Now Ace/Aleczander The Great. Clearly there have been some pivots to accommodate and some of these may end up feeding into one another by design.. But knowing that isn’t the case across the board, I felt like it was worth bringing up. This of course has nothing to do with the segment above… just when I decided to type some extra shit.

Solid segment though.

Feel like this served it's purpose but to be honest I wasn't the biggest fan of what I wrote. Not fishing to hear the reverse I just honestly had a tough time figuring this one out and didn't feel like I came with the best. That being said hope it plays.

Interesting pairing. First conversation since that quick deal before the ladder match. Certainly feeds into the pay per view and end of the day what else are we selling here … but that being said; other than a rare appearance by the BAWS, I don’t see why this wasn’t a Uncut rather than TV. But … maybe it feeds into tonight's main.

Nice segment leading into the match. The PCP seg would have certainly served well between this and the main or JFK and the main for times and such but here we go. Keebs has kids. Had no idea. Solid match … start. This ends up just a shit show of baby face bodies laid out. Huge heat for Mushi and JFK heading into the PPV. Tough to let either of them pin the champ and would feel cheap for either to get the pin on Masky so … this is perfect. Copyright pops up on a “the champ is dead, long live the champ” type moment. Maybe it’s the attitude era in me but I love a go home show finish such as this.

The Double segs seemed to slow momentum going into this (but again the PCP thing was supposed to break them up, shit happens) but it really picked up steam and ended on a nice cliffhanging note. Will Cayle be ready? Mushi JUST whopped his ass a card ago and now this?

Bong! Good show fellas, felt shorter than some of the previous goes this arc, no complaints. Still read well. As always I’m drunk don’t take anything I say to serious. It’s just the beefs. Excited for DEFCon results.

Typed, not read.


Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 85 is LIVE!!

Nice, This was a fun read. Loved the broken oven throwback…. Brb guys cant beef. Mom is watching smackdown on me laptop! ;-)

Impulse vs Reaper Prime

A quick tease here and a non match. I’m still fingering out the relationship here. I like any angle where I have to scratch my head and wonder what’s happening or what I don’t know, however that only applies if the ending makes sense. I’m sure the trio/ or quad of people have that figured out for the PPV.

Sneak Up…
JFK interrupts the “I'm going to be the champion after the PPV” speech and gives Dante and Mushi something to consider. They can BEGIN the work tonight of dismantling Cayle Murray ahead of the PPV in tonight's Main Event Tag Match. Love the back and forth, this was a very well written segment that flowed.

Storyline Purposes
This one was fun. This is the first time I really felt all the bastards “on one team” and cohesive. I like the gimmick of winning it in a game. The “we don’t tour no more” deal was funny too. Good seg, and a nice nod farewell to bruhhh. LOL.

A very compelling segment between Murrrcutio and Big Asain Daniel Ryan. There’s a lot to read here between the lines, but can’t quite make it out yet. Very ominous. Excited to see where this leads. Is Dan really on team Murray? Or is he waiting to get the belt back himself?

Crimson Lord vs Matt Floyd
Squash city! I love a good jobber match, and Scott puts them out pretty consistently. Good stuff Crimson Lord build continues. I'm excited to see Lord interact with people more in the coming shows.

NICE! Really liked this seg. Got to see more personality from Gunther Adler. I’m a fan. Charlie Ace is great too, loved his ramblings. “Can you believe it! Australia!?” LOL. Good stuff, I thought this was a great read. Ready to see where this goes.

Danny Diggs vs Oscar Burns
YUS! Great finish! Loved it. This was a completely different match than I expected. From the “nonhossfite!” to the handcuffs. Loved the mismatched styles. Burns flies around and Diggs is cheap and always looking for the quick win. Great dynamic.

Weak Af
One person can be Dq’d and the other cant…. I like it! Interesting curveball.
David Hightower vs Butcher Victorious.
I wrote this, enjoy!

I wrote this one too, enjoy summoar!
(There was supposed to be a seg inbetween the match and seg to break it up, but it was cancelled. Don’t blame me)


Not a bad segment, It was nice to get some insight on the Bastards again. They finally feel like people and not like a faceless group. I liked Skidd Row here a lot. His reasoning is sound, and his turn feels genuine. Bastards starting to feel like a gang. Almost like a heel DX.

Tag Match/She Needs
Ok im confused right off the bat. Is this a tag match? A 6 man? One on one? There’s no definitive statement we cut right from “The D follows them to the ring” to “Ok and the match begins with so and so” Did Angus and DDk just roll with it without asking any questions or explaining? Wait…. It says tag match, but not till a few hundred words in. Shoutouts to Drake. Very good match and good action. A bit long for TV, and a bit too much commentary, but i was never bored with it. Didn’t like the ending. The false turn is good, but the “no ending” was unrealistic. There would HAVE TO be a decision. The D is on the way to the hospital to follow Elise, AND the cowboy luchadore is weirdo. He’s Klein's friend apparently though.

Two’s Better Than One!

YES! This was great! I’m liking Charlie Ace more and more as we move along, and I’m seeing a big difference between he and Sawyers now, so the characters are both breaking out in opposite direction. Good stuff. This was thoroughly entertaining! Looking forward to seeing who Ace finally get’s on his team.

Scoot Doogler vs Reinhardt Hoffman

This felt like a classic Tv match. I thought the opening Description was very very detailed and that waned as the match went on which was appreciated. This was classic. Heel gets upper hand. Babyface starts comeback, cut off, Heel gets advantage again. FAUX interference (a couple different ways), and baby face surprise win. Good stuff. Scott prevails like he should as one of the next big faces in DEF. GREAT stuff.

Do You Remember…

Eyeroll at 3rd Game of Thrones reference of the night. Great seg between JFK and Dane. Completely different than most of the people Dane runs into, this was a very fun read. Love the rumor and innuendo at the end of the seg. MYSTERIOUS! Good stuff here. JFK is gunna be the world champ bay bay!

Squid Kids
Interesting segmen. Cayle is suddenly the old man his brother was a few months back! He’s not really old but he has TENURE! Good schtick. I don't know much about MDM4 other than what I saw recently so still feeling him out. Nice set up seg.


Nice hot start from the good guiz. I likes the quick pacing early on, get’s me fired up after i've already read 5 or 6 other matches in the night. The outside action was brutal. Mushi is such a fun character to read. His big brutal style mixed with his tweener reaction gets me everytime. He reminds me of Kane the way he can come in and out and still connect with the story and the “audience”. MDM4 struggling against JFK is believable and fun. The “rookie” of the group plays a big role here. Loved the outside the ring blockbuster. MCFUCKNUGGET! LOL. Mushi starts taking Cayle up the ramp again and….MDM4 is the one who splats. KENDRIX TURNS ON MUSHI! YES!!!! Brilliant. Loved the build only for JFK to stab him in the back! This triple threat is going to be FIA!

Good show boiz.



I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 85 is LIVE!!


This was fucking fire. Obviously DEF ROAD happened a while ago, but the Cayle/Box saga is still so fresh in my memory, and I felt every word of this. A great way for a bloodied, beaten, and battered Box to immediately fire back, and the Starbreaker/Starmaker line was a swell turn of phrase. Boxer may have been defeated by the Okada to his Tanahashi, but just like New Japan’s former ace, Box ain’t letting go of his spot. This was a gold standard DEFIANCE promo.

Solid follow-up. MDK thrashing around, still furious, but ultimately helpless feels like the perfect ending to his story. So Scotty D killed this Courtney bird? Super hyped to see how this mystery unravels lads.

The adjectives are on point with this one. “A mechanical bird chirps mechanically.” “His insufferable cap.” Good God almighty! This was fun. Nasty Nige has quite a captivating way of speaking. The storm metaphors are easy but effective. Guy has a voice of his own and really stands out from the rest of the fed. Wonder what is next move’s gonna be?

Definitely a good idea to dive into Terry’s backstory a bit. Interesting that the name that came up at the PPV (“Jason”) ties into this. The ending, along with RIley’s general hostility, is the real hook here, and it’s an effective one.

Bang bang first person gang. This reads extremely weirdly, though. Cally is in script, but Impulse’s stuff is a mixture of dialogue and internal monologue, with nothing to break it up. I like that we’re experimenting with formats, but I don’t think that this particular experiment worked at all. Nonetheless the content is pretty decent. Doesn’t push much forward, but does compound the idea that the Reaper reveal has got Pulse shook.

It’s that bloody Jason boy again. This is super interesting. I like the way it ties into the missed birthday that’s covered in the other segment, first of all. Then we get this cheesy Nathan guy suggesting “The Reaper” as a nickname, and Jason turning it down. The “Stalker” name I’ve heard around quite a bit. I don’t know what it is, or what it means, so I’d imagine that the old Empire guys probably got more out of that. Still, I trust the writer to expand and explain over the coming weeks.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

DEFtv 85

This was good. I enjoyed Ace being a dickhead by cutting Christie’s interview off, but without overdoing it by, like, insulting her. Draw some heat, not not too much of the cheap stuff. Non-interview teases are always pretty effective, I find, and I’ve not seen this kind of thing done in DEF before. I’m most interested in Turner at the moment, but Ace seems like he’ll be a good talker too.

Formatting is a bit off but I’m not going to riff on that throughout the show, because staff will be clearing this up pretty soon. Good use of Shields’ lazy character in this one, and good to see someone actually using him on TV again! I got a kick out of seeing Gunther on TV here, particularly as he wrestled to his actual style, and didn’t conform to generic big guy tropes. This is very solid for a first DEF match and props for putting Adler over.

Elise Ares:
SORRY?! What do you mean sorry?! No, I don’t think it’s ridiculous to expect the elephant to be here before eleven? I
pay you, don’t I?!

THEY ORDERED A FUCKING ELEPHANT. This is magic at the start. The goofy shit was on-point and I liked Elise low-key big-timing The D with the “Elise appreciation night” gimmick. The Bill Cosby joke hit the mark. Jack Hunter cameo was lit. Christie trying to force an interview through this complete and utter bullshit is fun too, and I love how it just completely falls apart. This was a very strong PCP segment, though the “love the D” lines are wearing a tad thin for me now.

Good trolling with the Reaper lads coming out to Impulse’s music. Primer’s opening promo is quite good, but be wary of veering too far into Bray Wyatt country. This kind of dialogue is fine for a few weeks, but there comes a time when the speaker just needs to get to the point. I trust this will happen though. This touches a lot of bases with Impulse, Douglas, and Box, but it’s a little scatterbrained. I’m not sure what to make of the mid-promo freakout. Douglas’ fiery interruption was fucking great, but the Hoffy interruption came coldly and outta nowhere. It sets something up, but it’s actual setup was pretty sloppy. A mixed segment - we’ll see what comes next.

C-Cabs is one of my favourite BRAZEN boys and I wish he was used more often. Fun match, this. I’m always going to pop for dudes who wrestle like Burns and we got a nice flavour for his style here, along with his character, and Caballero wasn’t just totally crushed either. Can’t ask for much more from an intro.

Good little babyface promo from Burns to start off, showing off just enough of his over-exuberant personality early on. Seth nailed the Danny Diggs vibe here. I’ve never really considered how the character might speak, so it was cool to see someone giving The Master Thief a voice. A nice little ditty to set up their upcoming match. No complaints at all.

An aside: not gonna feedback Bruhh Nasty stuff because he isn’t here anymore. I also don’t feedback stuff from my current feuds, because obviously.

This was fine. Not a lot of meat on the bones, but we now have tension between Hightower and Blackwood, which is good. I’m curious about this anti-bully gimmick because I don’t really understand it at the moment, but I’m sure that will come.

Pet hate: wrestlers arriving late for the show, especially babyfaces. It’s pretty unprofessional, and something that should probably result in disciplinary action, so I don’t know why it’s still a thing. It’s a sports entertainment thing, and it’s about time we did less sports entertainment things. The dialogue was fine, though, and succeeded where these super short Impulse segments tend to fail by adequately covering all relevant topics.

A textbook heel promo. Nothing that really jumps off the screen, but nothing bad about it either. Just some exposition ahead of the singles match. Still don’t really have a feel for anyone’s personality other than the manager, however.

Very, very long for a TV match. The actual pacing of it is fine, and it escalates in a realistic way but the actual writing is very mechanical. The action reads almost like a laundry list, and I don’t get much feeling out of it. No sense of struggle, no sense of aggression, just a series of lists of moves. The fuck finish, with Wildside putting the foot on the ropes, before Row eventually recovers to win, was a very good shout indeed. The conclusion is woefully undersold, however: just a single line of dialogue from DDK. This would appear to be a recurring problem in these Bastards matches.

Fuck yeah, props for putting Hoffman over! A good, fiery TV match that played on earlier events. Obviously had to be a little Reaper fuckery thrown in there, before all the lads run down and turn it into a big ol’ stramash. The kind of match I wouldn’t want to watch in real-life, but comes off well in this context. Whichever one of you wrote this did a great job and I was engaged throughout. A SHOCKING TURN OF EVENTS~!

Pretty effective little follow-up. It’s not short for shortness’ sake, because every line means something, and it furthers the Box/Hoffman teacher/student relationship, which is something that could use some elaboration. GOOD.

This feud is all crammed into the last few segments but that almost certainly isn’t the handlers’’ fault. This was effective. More of an angle than a match, but a good continuation of CRAZY REAPER from early in the evening, and Box was used in a very giving manner here, taking an absolute pounding with the chair. Nice effective way to end the show.


May 22, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

DEFtv 85
Good use of Shields’ lazy character in this one, and good to see someone actually using him on TV again!

Here's a fun fact: I created Mark Shields way back in the day lol. He made his way to tSC and I killed myself laughing when I saw him on the roster. Incredible.

Also yeah I think I fixed my formatting problem now. :)


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

Here's a fun fact: I created Mark Shields way back in the day lol. He made his way to tSC and I killed myself laughing when I saw him on the roster. Incredible.

Also yeah I think I fixed my formatting problem now. :)

Saving this for the inevitable DEFIANCE trivia game.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!


A match on Uncut, baby! Love it! This is a bona fide ******¼ classic. Again, Seth nails Diggs, and Davis is his character, so he comes off strongly too. Danny does a shitload of fucking around but that’s his game. A good match, with some fun moments of fuckery, and a nice win for the Thief.

Start throwing quotations around Impulse’s dialogue, my man, because the lack of them is making this unnecessarily awkward to read. I like pieces like this. There are some nice fanwank tie-ins with BUY PETE’S BOOK, some good insight’s into where his head was at during his most recent break from the biz, and then there’s Jessica’s introduction, which was well-played. I think it’s quite obvious who she is, but it’s gonna be fun to see how she evolves into her current state.

This segment doesn’t make any sense at all. Kelly Evans, DEFIANCE’s authority figure, watched the show and saw Wildside put the foot on the ropes last week. Why on earth would she need an “eyeball witness?” She saw it herself. She also has the tape. She knows exactly what happened… but she still allows Wildside to use Carla’s testimony as leverage? It was relatively well-written, but it’s a completely nonsensical idea.

Kelly is super salty tonight. This is very consistent with the Wildside/Evans segment at the start, which is cool. Alecz is similar to Kendrix, but an even bigger cheeky scamp - would love to see them interact one of these days. A fun setup segment with some enjoyable bantz from ATG, who is a glorious arsehole, but also kinda loveable at the same time.

Feels like there is a big-time revelation in each of these segments. Either that or a major tease for the next one. This means that they’re doing their job very well. I thought this was great, and perhaps the best of the story’s segments so far, even though it was relatively short. So Chick Reaper is Jason’s daughter, and Jason is Terry’s son? I think that’s what’s going on here, but I might be being a dope. Either way, it’s satisfying to see this story, which has been unravelling for months, delivering some big developments.

FIRE, again. Hoffman is articulate and eloquent, which matches his slick, technical style perfectly. He obviously has a vicious streak too, however, which makes for a great duality. I like the idea of him as the group’s borderline smooth operator, with Adler acting as this fucking terrifying monster who stares at the camera for most of the segment, then barks something in German. Really fun stuff.

Nasty Nige back at it again. I’m very much enjoying this lad just hanging out on really weird movie set things. This is a tasty little continuation of his previous segment. I’ve no real idea what’s going on, but I’m looking forward to finding out who the “hero” that he’s gonna make into a “killer” is. I’m hooked. Good stuff.

What a gorram minute… that’s MDK. Putting these pieces together has been pretty satisfying. So the chick Douglas killified is MDK’s sister, and the duo are part of the Reeves family too. This helps explain some of the emotions that have been touched upon throughout the feud. Family-based stories like this are quite difficult to pull-off, as the conflicts often come off forced or melodramatic, but you’re doing a great job of avoiding that so far. Another good segment.


Feb 29, 2016
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

very solid go home show lads!

Impulse v Reaper. Was looking forward to this non title grudge match between the two, great speech from Impulse prior to the match saying Reaper Prime needs to also take responsibility for her actions/path...but then, of course Box comes out. Stupid me for thinking this wouldn't have an interference! Evans lays down the law for later in the eve. Good stuff.

Storyline Purposes: This was good, a little different and a nice way to write out bruuh nasty. Looking forward to seeing what happens with this new premises the Bastards are building.

Trust: Awesome, had no idea this was happening. Great exchange and back and forth between the champ and a pillar of DEFIANCE. Cayle shows caution despite the subtle hints ryan is leaving about being on his side and how he's good for defiance. Cayle is adamant he wants to do things his own way like a true champion should. Looking forward to seeing how this develops. Great to see Ryan back.

Lord v Floyd: Another dominant display from Crimson Lord. Only thing I didn't like was the script sounded a bit robotic/repetitive at times. Example, Crimson does this, Crimson does that, Crimson does this etc. Maybe use a nick name, instead of the first name at times? Just bugs me a little but other than that did the job it had to do. No one is gonna want to face this guy in a hurry.

Dejection: Loved this. Really like Charlie Ace. He's hopping from wrestler to wrestler trying to expand his clientele but Adler is having none of it here. Brings up a good point in why he should join Charlie when he got rid of Flynn Turner so easily after just one loss. Good facing from Adler here, gonna be doing things his own way to make a name for himself.

Danny Digs v Oscar Burns: Good match up and clever finish from Digs. Was looking forward to seeing what stip would come of this feud and I'm looking forward to reading this match at DEFcon. Never read a match like this before or think I've seen it on tv so definitely interested in this.

Hightower v Butcher Victorious: Glad to see David overcome another goliath and bully put his way. Jamie Sawyers and David Hightower are an awesome combo. Sawyers isn't going to let anyone bully big bad David Hightower anymore. Nice dynamic between the two who compliment each other very well here. How on earth is gage Blackwood gonna topple Hightower at DEFcon?

Change: Good match, intros from both teams were solid. Saw Skidd's betrayal coming but it was written well. Thought it would come at the PPV but this works also.Interested to see what happens with the stolen tag belts and how badly injured Elise is. Thought the She Needs seg was funny but maybe it should have been a bit more serious considering how badly injured Elise was...maybe needing the D joke could have been left out here..either way, liked the quick follow up to the match and focus on Elise's condition.

Two's better than one: Another rejection of Ace's advances now, not a good night at the office for the manager. Liked the puff daddy reference and Ace mixing the guys up with the neighbourhoodlem. Like Mikey, I had reservations at first as Ace reminded me of Sawyers but I get the character now and i like where this is going. Would like to see more from Hoyt Williamsat some point.

Douglass v Hoffman: Both men found the loophole to Evans' banning order from last time out. Well written match again, perfect length for this show. Went the way I expected for the Soher match at DEFcon to have two baby faces and two heels in it. Enjoyed

The Squid and The Kid: MDM4 and Cayle are WRESTLING FRIENDS (Inbetweeners reference). Good last minute pre-match prep. Cayle giving advice to the new kid who took it to Kendrix a few weeks back. Despite the young age, Cayle is seen as mentor to MDM4. think this is fitting of the Fist.

Main Event: Kudos to Murr for the main event, it was all on him this week as I was tied up. Would like to thank him for blowing it out of the park. Entrances were short and sweet and he did the finish we planned more than justice as we roll on into DEFcon.

All in all, great show folks. Looking forward to the biggest PPV of the year.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

DEFtv 86

Short and simple, but it did what it was supposed to. I think that the idea was to keep pushing Diggs as a shifty bastard - if so, it was a complete success. Flashes of naivety from Burns, too. The table has been set for The Master Thief taking full advantage of this little blighter’s friendliness, which should be fun to see.

Rematch city, baby. I would’ve liked to have seen something to set this bout up rather than just going cold into it, as Adler just beat Blackwood clean. Regardless, it’s a good continuation on the previous match, with Blackwood showing more fire than in the first match. He takes it to big Gunther throughout. Good development. The big man needing to cheat to win shows the progress that Blackwood is making - he’s on a strong path so far.

Jamie Sawyers is certainly coming off like an almighty cunt so far, which is particularly satisfying as I have witnessed his transition from UTA interviewer to dickhead manager first hand. This is another good setup segment, though I would’ve liked some dialogue from Blackwood, as it’s pretty much just Sawyers talking at him. Not much, just a line or two.

The contrast between Nasty Nige’s fancypants dialogue and Cally’s overwhelming Callyness was the highlight of this segment. I assume this ties-in with the Lord’s previous segment on the last Uncut. Cally just exasperating this guy essentially by being herself is good, and I like that the “Cally is low-key annoying as fuck” dynamic made it onto DEFtv.

I’d like to see Gunther Adler start hanging out with these guys - it’d help tie everything together quite nicely. Nonetheless, it’s good to see Hoffman’s on-air push continuing. I enjoyed Box just cutting through Reaper’s Wyatt-isms with pure venom. Hoffman dropping “silly girl” was fun. Have we ever seen him and Jack Hunter in the same place at the same time? Hmmmm.

This was ace! “Meh, not feeling it.” The segment earlier in the evening appeared to set Diggs up to defeat Burns by capitalising on his naivety, but he pulled a cool twist by saying “fuck this,” and getting Tommy Slaine to wrestle instead. That works so perfectly for the character. The match, of course, was very well-written and Diggs gets some nice heat for the assault. Great stuff.

I feel sorry for Christie Zane. The poor bird was ambushed by some of the most confusing bastards in DEFIANCE last week, and it continues again this week. This was a solid little teaser and it made me want to learn more about this mysterious lad. Probably exactly what the writer intended.

The opening promo is classic manager stuff, with Ace putting his boy over while also showing plenty of character himself. Liking this guy already. Another slight glimpse of Flynn Turner without giving too much of his personality away. We’re going for a slow-burn introduction with these guys, and it’s working. Keep it up.

Terry’s mock promo was quite jarring and felt very out of place, and I’m not at all down with a sympathetic character using the word “Kraut” on one of our shows, regardless of Douglas pointing this out. The Impulse assault was quite oddly written too. “The furious assault of the SOHER,” with no real description of what’s actually happening. Then, through all of it, this “furious” man is calm and aloof as he talks to Bronson mid-beatdown. To top it all off, big bad evil scary person Bronson Box is equally tranquil at the end. A rare dud segment from this group.

Elise mastaking ACX for Team Danger was tremendous and I hope that this is more than a temporary alliance, because the possibilities for ridiculousness are endless with this group. Why is Angus calling play-by-play in this match? He’s the colour, Keebs is PBP. Aside from calling Elise a flippydoo a couple of times, his character is non-existent here. Action is fine, but mechanical. No real sense of struggle or emotion. I appreciate it’s difficult in summary format, but these things are more important than the moves themselves, IMO. The post-match follow-up was well done, however, and while the Skidd row tension came out of nowhere, it’s at least intriguing.

NASTY NIGE BACK AT IT AGAIN. The big man comes off quite creepy here, but I like Douglas’ quasi-indifference to the whole situation. Scott has his fingers in many pies at the moment, and we’re almost at a point where I really just want to see this guy in a pure wrestling angle soon, but we haven’t run out of gas just yet.

Will Haynes’ white rapper dialogue is extremely cringey. This is interesting, because the Skidd Row thing crept up out of nowhere, and now Wildside is full of venom. Leads me to believe that something grander is at work here, which is a good thing.

A very good match. Great lead-in from the announcers. Entrances are a bit long. The action is good. Flows well. Great balance of announcers and action too. It’s extremely long, but we haven’t clarified match formatting yet, so I’m not going to rip on it for that. You can tell there’s gonna be fuckery too, because there are so many moving pieces, and sure enough, there is. Doesn’t quite play into the finish though and Impulse gets a nice clean defence instead. Box’s mood strikes me as a bit odd at the moment: guy was a ruthless, venomous bastard throughout the last arc, and now he’s so docile that he’s quite willing to just let Impulse (who attacked him earlier in the evening) wrestle around a bit? An odd change, almost as if the character development produced in the previous arc is being no-sold.

A good segment. The idea of PCP, goofballs as they may be, trying to appeal to this guy who has been “rejected” by the Bastards is interesting. If it’s a trap, it works well, because these two aren’t intelligent at all. Nice little continuation of the night’s previous events here.


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Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

Won't comment on my own stuff aside from saying I had fun writing the feud and hope you enjoy reading.

Mobile feedback a go-go!

Holy shit, what a great opener. Haha DAVECON. Sawyers is such a great shithead manager and his antics along with the intense action of the match made for such a great read. On a card that was fairly short, this didn't feel like a long read since I was into the action the whole way through. Mikey and Roland are two guys I've had a lot of fun working with in the past and they made a great arc here. If you want to get new characters over, read their arc and do that stuff.

Ol' Dirty Bastards
Decent seg but some of the formatting was really weird to read spacing wise. The Bastards lay out their master plan and sell Night Two. Solid read and other than the formatting nothing else to complain about here.

Dawning The Mask
Hilarious segment to also sell the Tag match. Elise is probably the vainest "face" I've ever seen and I was laughing the whole way through:

The D:
Oh wait, the match isn’t until tomorrow. Wanna go get drunk? Paint the city red?

Elise Ares:
Like you had to even ask. I started before I walked into the room.

She pulls a small, bedazzled flask out of her back pocket and waves it into the air before opening the door.

Great stuff, haha.

Good read and a solid follow-up to the grueling opening match. I've followed the character and it has been fun to see his confidence grow out of his previous losses.

Poor MDM4. Hightower is understandably pissed. Can't wait to see how Sawyers spins this as MDM4 bullying him.

Thanks to the person who wrote the opening to explain the multiple layers coming into the match. I've been reading the Uncuts leading to this show and I'm glad I made sense of the Reapers story since I'm late to that party. (which has been overall good reading)

Now match stuff.

Angus' outright hatred of Douglas was funny throughout, haha. Great action in this the whole way through and just as chaotic as the opener and better than the shite in the middle I wrote.

Great win for Scott Douglas who in the bit I've read him this arc, I've enjoyed throughout, and I'm kind of hoping for a Box/Douglas feud proper over the title.

Decent sized show that was easy to read and everything came off really well. Can't wait to read Night Two.


Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

And it ran...It ran so far away!....Couldn’t get away! Absolutely loved the signs on this one, all of them make me chuckle. Terrific quick rundown of night one, and a great segway to the first match which works well cause we cut right to entrance theme in ours. Great job Peta. the Rundown Masta.

Blackwood vs Hightower
I wrote this with Roland, was a lot of fun this arc with him. We had a hard time getting our schedules lined up, but he’s a hell of a writer, and his match writing is top notch (as you can see here). I specifically requested the opener here, as i wanted to start the show off with a bang. Hope you enjoyed our work.

Ol Dirty Bastards
I enjoyed this seg a lot. It was nice hearing from Row after he did the deed. It’s been an interesting arc for this group but I think they finally have their identity down pat. I always love a Mikey reference… Good way to paint the picture of “living PCP life” but i do think this went a little too long.

Burns vs Diggs
This was a really fun read, the stipulation piqued my interest, and it didn’t disappoint. Love the Burns idea to immediately make this as dirty as possible! That’s good schtuff. I enjoyed the speed of this match changing up quite a bit. A very good read, and a big “overcoming” moment at the end. Good stuff from Seth.

Dawning the Mask
Love PCP. Horny? HAHAHAHAH. This is great. They don’t know what sorry means! This is hilarious. Klein will stand in for Elise Ares in the match on night two! The Cowboy Luchador is on the scene as well. LOL

BEAUTIFUL follow up seg from Gage Blackwood! This feels terrific, and facey. Blackwood gets some personality out, and uses an NPC as a great conversationalist. I loved this segment. Hats off to Roland again on our feud.

Wrong Time:
I wrote this.

4 Way Soher
This match kicked off with great commentary. Very early on this felt like a tag team match with Impulse and Douglas vs Reaper and Box, but the constant reminders from Angus that this was temporary helped solve the issue. Well done. The tips on douglas from angus were mint. “Turned down his bass!” lol. This was a lot of fun at the end. Loved the massacre and Reaper not attacking, the more important thing for her is Impulse. Not the title. Great way to show that. On the other hand we have a new SOHER. And a good one! B WEEZY! Congrats SON! Well deserved.

Looking forward to night two.


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!


Nice montage up front. Great signs. Hyped the main while letting Angus be cunty, I mean Angus. And boom we jump off, straight into the first match up.

Sawyers gets some heat right away, popping off at the lip as he has been known to do. I like the Shields/Rulebook touch. It’d make sense that he was not only crooked but shitty at his job as well. Of course Blackwood would have to fight the numbers on this one. Further into the match as they start to go pillar to post I see the Sheilds initiative was purposeful. Well placed, it didn’t tip the hat at all but played in well. I haven’t read Finally Defiant yet as I type this but that title and the way this match went, it definitely gave me a little bit of a Tommy Dreamer from suspender clown to ECW poster boy feel. I dug the match, good read. Really propels Blackwood forward and doesn’t hurt Hightower. Plus give Sawyer even more to whine about. My only concern with this match is destroying the announce table so early in the night. Granted this starts the show off with a bang, and maybe it’s addressed later but for the other two matches on this night of the card is potentially creates continuity issues. With that being said I rarely mention the desk itself when writing but that would’ve been a nice note to tack onto each match of the night. Minor gripe at best. Great work guys.

Skidd Row is incredibly unlikeable. So perfect in the regard. Beyond that it was pretty long for one guy doing 90 percent of the talking. I can see giving some inside scoop on the SWERVE as it were, but when the intent is to build up for the match the next night or to grab more heat for the same reason, this just spent to much time talking about what had already happened. I like the ideas in here but seems like too many of them made the final cut maybe. The complaining about how PCP conducts themselves is good but it’s tough to disagree and get hot at Skidd Row, when even as faces PCP is still odd as shit. I think a more braggadocious, “haha those dumb idiots” focus might have played better. Maybe, I don’t know. All that being said this wasn’t terrible, just ran long in my opinion.

This has been a super solid introductio to Burns from the start of the ARC. And on top of that the use of Diggs has been fun to read to say the least. I wasn’t a huge fan of the stipulation deal that lead to this, it just felt too muddled (not much room to talk on that), but after that is settled the match plays out well. Enjoyable read and Burns going over in the end, is well predictable but who didn’t want to see him win? My only question, not a complaint, is ref stoppage common in wrestling these days? I don’t watch enough to actually know. I mean a KO is a KO, cool. Just the term, to me, was only associated with UFC and Boxing to a lesser degree. Eitherway, solid match and a good read. Interested to see what is next for DEF’s non-Aussie. Sweet as.

The Lake Placid flicks. Love that these still come up. “New found feelings” plays well, but this far into PCP being face is odd. Skidd Row’s early promo relating to what most normal people would think about PCP, coupled with the beginning of this I was starting to wonder if there was going to be a double turn. But in the end PCP comes off face enough that I guess not. Overall this was funny and right at the moment it was feeling to long it wrapped up. And end all be all it adds intrigue to the match, given Elise can’t perform.

Solid follow up to the earlier match, although … I think this would have been perfect for Uncut. Not that space was really an issue this DEFCON, I just think it would have played more naturally there. My previous statement about Tommy Dreamer, I still feel a bit of, not that - that is a bad thing. Can’t wait to see what Blackwood does next. Another good strong face in a time a few.

Nice quick, segment setting up future fuckery. I started to say this would be good Uncut as well but the way DDK/Angus are intercut throughout makes it play well Live. Though you have to wonder why did the producer cut to this anyway other than just a mistake. Which DDK plays dumb enough to make it feel like it is. It’s also just convenient cause wrestling. Overall, I dig it. Can’t wait to see where it goes.

Wrote with the boys. Hope you enjoy.

3 Matches, 4 Segments made this feel a little less like Night 1 of an extravaganza and more like a pre-show. Not that any of the handlers had anything to do with that, it’s just how the cards fell for this show. And looking at the line up on whole, this was the best possible outcome without patching in some BRAZEN matches, which could have been fun.

Excited for Night 2 and for everyone else's feedback. DEFtv after DEFCON marks my one year (fiscally) in DEF. Still glad to be here and really think there are a good group of writers here.

Typed, not read. OR fact checked in anyway …


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!


Nice replay/recap of the previous night. Quick little rundown of what's to come and we are right back in the thick of it!


I don’t love the Dustin Diamond/Tila Tequila involvement. No clue how DEF handles that kind of thing but I wasn’t crazy about it. That being said they were great choices for this bit. Big PPV PCP entrance always plays! I don’t like or have actually ever set through and entire viewing of the Star Wars but I get the midichlorian ref, and for someone who loves little details like that I’ll say it was appreciated. Same as later in the match when the box is dented, it was bound to happen so nice touch. Well written match. Especially enjoyed the Klein spots. But damn PCP can’t catch a break with the people they’ve let in their circle. I went back through thinking I missed something but who is Jordan? The Bastards walk away as the Champions and with some boots and bloody titles get a little more heat on their way out.

Big surprise reveal. I knew of this so I unfortunately didn’t get to have the what the hell moment but I wasn’t that familiar with Harmen and PCP’s relationship so this segment certainly put that into perspective and made his turn and reveal that much better. The burning of the box too, damn. What does this mean for PCP next arc? Very interesting. And now with one of the premier tag teams in a slim division thoroughly destroyed from the inside out what is next for BSW?

Wrote these with Justin. As has been a late motif of ours in this arc, there was some last minute pivoting to bring a year long storyline to some type of close. I’d like to think we pulled it off. Hope everyone digs it.

Press-ing Matters
Don’t forget the caps lock on titles. Ace is interesting and just as he has been over this arc and interesting read. I can’t tell where he is going with all this but it’s pretty fun to read given the Trumpisms. And Thugz 4 Hire back on the main roster it seems. Wait, or not. And in the end it was a press conference for nothing? Appropriately confusing.

Didn’t get to see any of this until the show was posted and Box is all fired up! Feels like he is gunning for Douglas but it turns around quick and he wants Impulse and a pound of flesh. “You can’t HOSSFITE when you ain’t a HOSS!” Really dug the beat where Impulse exists and is drawn back in. This really ramps up to a fever pitch before the unbelievable. Didn’t expect Box to tap but given this wasn’t an actual match it was a smart move.

Kingdom Come
Don’t forget the caps lock on titles. Solid segment. Quick but gets the job done and reminds the viewing public that the one word monster is coming for a fight.

Big entrances. Especially for the champ, band and all. Kendrix starts off with the classic heel move and it’s back to Musi v. The Champ. “And these fuckers are Toyko.” Extremely well written match. Lengthy as hell but a page turner, if computers had pages. Angus has some real gems here too. “King Shit Of Fuck Mountain.” It seems most don’t care for the triple threat as mentioned in the chat, but also as mentioned in the chat this was done very well. ““BLOODY ‘ELL, GUV’NOR!” That’s Kendrix’s inner monoluge right now, Keebsy baby!” The big Mushi spot was huge. I don’t know if I’m not picturing it right but doesn’t seem feasible, or at the very least is a super botch positive spot. Big PPV, big spot, I get it but I think thus far in this match his monserness has been sold very well not sure that was needed. But maybe I’m just not picturing it correctly. Anyway, hell of a match and a very suspenseful finish. Great way to end the PPV but wait? Here comes off all sons of bitches, Mikey. I wasn’t in the dark on this so it didn’t read as big as I hope it does to others but it was still a pretty cool moment. And the turn! Good stuff can’t wait to see what happens next!

Solid show, match light and segment heavy but closing out an arc, plus a year and setting up new arcs that's sort of the be expected. Great stuff guys, keep it up.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

Come on people. Feedback.


Apr 6, 2012
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!


Good opener. Ran down a bit more than the previous show. Nice to also see the run down open the show and there not always be a cold open.

I love the bait and switch, especially for building to a title match at the PPV. If you want to see the proper confrontation between these two, the one that’s been building for a year, then you’ve got to tune in to the PPV. Classic and correct booking. And I like Kelly’s intervention and her not suspending Box. Technically he did nothing wrong, so maybe Kelly will be more careful with her wording of things in the future. Something there for us all to think about.

Kendrix acknowledging Mushi is a threat he hasn’t taken seriously definitely legitimises Mushi more, and that’s great. It’ll be interesting to see if the proposal works, and I think Eddie and Mushi would be fools to turn it down. One note here though. The FIST wasn’t capitalised in several instances. Nothing major and something that can go easily overlooked.

Good to see some mention of Bruhh Nasty’s disappearance. Too often people just disappear and they’re not mentioned. If someone wants to take the exit and start a storyline from it then so be it. Not a fan of the ‘4th wall’ break, but other than that I’m fine with what’s here.

Good to see Dan Ryan back, but I’m a little confused as to what his role is now. Has the character moved to an office role since I’ve been gone? If that’s the case then is he now kind of like our HHH? Or is he representing some kind of organization that has a stake in DEFIANCE? I’m sure things will be more obvious as they progress, but not knowing where all the dots are joined up leaves a big hole in Dan Ryan’s history for me.

The Crimson Lord squash matches are fine, but they don’t read fluidly. It’s like a list being rattled off. This isn’t a DEF summary match, so it’ll get old when it’s a full length PPV match. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not bad, but if the match needs to be longer this format isn’t going to work so well. It’s also pretty jarring when compared to the other matches on the show.

Loved the Angus line about what Kelly said earlier. It’s a little plot device that didn’t need a segment, but it negates Diggs taking a shortcut like he did before. Also loved the match. A new shortcut for Diggs to take and it leaves plenty more for these guys to do in their match at the PPV.

One quick note at this point. We’ve had three matches so far, one ends in DQ, one is a squash and one ends in count out. I know this is a go home show, but it would be nice to see a match in the first half of the show be competitive and have a pinfall ending.

I like the one sided stip. It’s a total heel tactic and if Burns can overcome it it makes him look that much stronger. Good Booking.

I can’t get into Butcher’s profile at the moment, but should a face be attacking a heel before the match with a weapon when there’s no heat between them? Also, I’m not a huge fan of the bell ringing before Hightower got to his feet in the ring. For me the start to this match made Hightower the face and not the heel. Hightower sure looks powerful, and he’s able to overcome a pre match beatdown, but he shouldn’t have to if he’s a heel. He’s the one that should be dishing out the beatdown and then cutting off the face when he makes his comeback.

Good heel promo to follow up. Can’t fault that. But I’d still like to register my comments that Hightower wasn’t the heel in the match prior to it.

If I’m supposed to sympathize with Skidd Row in this segment then I’m not. What did he get from siding with Jonathan Wildside? Beside a tag title match a few shows into his run which he grabbed one of the two belts? Is that nothing?

Jarring start to the match. The Bastard Sons weren’t expected at the start of the last segment and now we have a tag match? The end of the segment seemed as though we were getting a brawl, not a match. Part way through the Bastard Sons are named as the challengers so this is a title match? The action is fine, but the ending is overly confusing. Skidd Row turns on Elise, that’s fine, but why does the match end there? Why don’t the Bastard Sons finish the match? Elise is legal, she’s been taken out in a legal manner because how can her own partner attacking her cause a DQ? The D is netralized and Kline isn’t going to get involved… Roll her over and pin her to take the titles, no?

Sidebar for the tag title storyline here

Let me see if I’ve got this right, Skidd Row has been faking being on side with PCP all this time from this turn. All so that the Bastards have someone that can betray PCP and they can take the tag titles. If that’s not what’s been happening then I’ve got the wrong end of the stick, but if that is then The Bastard Sons have blown their load too quickly and not actually positioned themselves any better. Can I sum this up quickly and ask a couple of questions to see if I’ve got this right?

  1. Skidd Row got the crap beaten out of him during this match by people that were all in on this ruse.
  2. Skidd Row just revealed himself as a double agent to absolutely no benefit of the side he was actually working for. After all, it was made perfectly clear that they aren’t the tag champions.
  3. The Bastard Sons actions here don’t weaken PCP. Elise won’t defend the titles if she’s injured, and The D is surely going to be out for blood rather than be his usual fun loving self, no?
  4. Why did Skidd Row start the match? He could have left Elise in there to get weakened by the Bastard Sons, then refused the tag. That would have been better for him that getting the tar beaten out of him.
  5. If Skidd was in the ring and working for the Bastard Sons then why didn’t he just lay down for them to gift them the titles?

There are so many ways that the Bastard Sons could have walked out of this match as champions that them not leaving as legit champs makes them look bad.

If I’m wrong then I apologise unreservedly, but if I’m correct on all of this then this storyline actually makes the Bastard Sons look weaker and stupider (intelligence wise) than they should be as title contenders, and I’m really not OK with that. This sort of twist should only serve as a way to get the title onto the Bastard Sons so that PCP can chase to win them back again. It puts heat into the upcoming match because the titles were taken in such a dastardly way that you want to see the heels get their comeuppance but also makes the titles something that both teams want. Right now the titles are meaningless because any return match will just be about revenge.

I’ve kind of made my mind up now, and I’m really not a fan of the cowboy luchador. It’s random humour for random humour’s sake, and that’s not my kind of humour.

Good match here. Everyone around the SoHer title seems to be very good at reading between the lines and finding the loopholes. I’m wondering if there’s going to be a stipulation introduced to this fatal 4 way that means these loopholes aren’t an issue to the outcome.

Kendrix feels like a tweener in this segment. He seems more justified in his comments than he should be, and he’s painted more as an underdog than the champion. I’m fine with that if JFK is to play the middle ground guy in the triple threat match. He can heel it up and be right back where he was in a show or two.

Now that’s what I’ve been looking for as a unique selling point for Cayle. He’s a journeyman, but he’s never been THE man. It’ll be interesting to see him cope with the pressures of being the top guy, and I think with Dane and Ryan supporting him there will be a lot of pressure on him to perform. That’s definitely intriguing.

Good main event match with a great ending. Kendrix stands tall making a statement to Eric Dane after their talk just a few moments ago.

One note here, yes it’s a go home show, but we had 7 matches and 4 of them ended in some schmoozy way. That definitely made the main event ending less impactful, and that’s not a good thing. Honestly, I think going forwards people need to be told ‘you can’t do that here’ during the planning stages of their booking docs, especially if it looks like people are doing similar things to each other or they plan on ending their matches in similar fashions. It would help add some variety to the shows, which if I’m being honest, I felt this show needed in terms of its in ring contests.



Apr 6, 2012
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

DEFCON Night 1

Love hightlight recaps/video packages to kick off a PPV, and with this being the biggest show of the year I’m thrilled to see that. Fantastic music to set it to as well. Very fitting. It didn’t need lots of copy and pasted lines and it did it jobs as it is. Great start.

I’ve just realised David Hightower is using the same theme music as Sam Turner Jr. used to use. Not a big deal, but something I just picked up on. Lots of heeling from Sawyers all the way through this. Very good work on that front. Good match overall, but I would have liked things to stayIt’s away from the announcers desk. There’s a long way to go in this show, and these two taking it all over the arena isn’t how I’d book a show. I like the roll up win, it doesn’t do any damage to Hightower and Gage gets his win, but I don’t think this should be the end of the feud with a win like that. It certainly seems as though Hightower could use this loss to focus on Gage a bit more, and that’s the match where I’d have had the table spot. All that said, this is a hot start to the 2 nights for sure.

It’s good to get an explanation from Skidd Row about what he’s done and why he’s done it, but all of my previous feedback comments still stand in my mind. The Bastard Sons could have handled so much better and be the legit champs right now. Lance showed a lot of attitude in this, which he hasn’t historically done. He almost seemed heelish in places with how buddy buddy he seemed to be with the Bastard Sons as well. I didn’t like that too much.

Great match between Burns and Diggs. Creative use of the no DQ stipulation and with Diggs being the sort of guy to be happy with a win via count out that was a nice sequence where Burns almost got counted out. It was always going to be Burns winning, but it didn’t detract from the match overall.

I’m getting more used to the PCP humour, but the random for random sake stuff just bugs me. The Cowboy Luchador added nothing to the segment and that shouldn’t be happening on our biggest show of the year. This isn’t the place for fluff.

People need to be making use of Iris as our medical personnel. It’s nice to see some character from Blackwood, which has been missing the last arc. I still think there’s more to tell in his storyline with Hightower though.

And I think there’s a missed opportunity to keep it going here. Hightower is mad, so why not take it out on the guy that made him mad? Ok, so MDM4 has the weak spot and maybe there’s an injury angle in play here, but I really want to see more from the two of these guys and just think it’s an opportunity missed there.

The fact the champion doesn’t come out last here makes me sad. Champions should always come out last. Another great match with heels vs faces to start with and the heels truce breaking down. Good to the faces stuck with it though and, if I’ve read this right, Impulse’s main concern seemed to make making sure Reaper Prime didn’t wak out with the belt, and he was quite happy to sacrifice his title reign to make sure that didn’t happen. An intriguing result, and considering Impulse was the FIST not that long ago it doesn’t benefit him to have a long reign with the SoHer, so it makes sense on some level. I would like to see Scott Douglas hang on to the belt for a while though. It seems to have jumped around quite frequently lately, so it would be good to see it find a more permanent home for a few arcs.

This show is really short, and I didn’t help that by not submitting my seg on time, but it really does feel more like a pre show than a first night. Three matches aren’t enough for this, and it would have been good to see a BRAZEN match dropped in there just to make up the numbers. I know that means more work for someone, but if Night Two is a similar length then there’s no real reason for DEFCON to be split into two nights. Just my two cents there.


Active member
Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
Re: DEFCON Arc Discussion/Feedback thread - DEFtv 86 is LIVE!!

Hahaha Tila Tequila and Dustin Diamond. That kind of stuff doesn't bother me to incorporate this into the PCP gimmick. I'm not that horrible of a "realism" person in this hobby and these two are broke AF these days. O

Great action the whole way throughout and I love the dickhead heel work by the Bastards. I'm sad I chose now to drop my proposed team with Aleczander since you can ask anybody... I'm a complete sucker for good tag team wrestling. Bastards win and we have nee champeens!

The post with Jack Harmen? Holy shit. I'm curious as to why he attacked his own students and what the fallout from this will be but overall this was a PERFECT opener for Night Two. No complaints here.
I thought the Cowboy Luchador was just another member in the background so I'm shocked I didn't see this coming.

I liked Reaper Prime caring more about her vendetta against Douglas than winning the actual title, but I love this following through Night Two and a bonus title match. Doing a good job already selling Scott Douglas as a world-beater that he's willing to make this match already.

Haha. Seattleite still loving Douglas getting cracked on by Angus. Good action in this one as well. Solid and a good win here for Douglas. Out on a limb here thinking this ain't over until Douglas takes on Reaper Prime in a one-on-one with the title on the line, but this was a decent stopgap until we get to that.

Straight FIYAH promo by Ya Bruv, Kendrix. This was not only a great recap of recent events but great confidence by one of Cayle's challengers. This feels like Kendrix can win and comes off like a hashtag top guy. Great stuff here.

Fun segment and now that other people have made Trump-esque comparisons with Charlie Ace, I can totally hear it in my head as he speaks. Funny segment that answered really nothing, which was... Well, funny. I'm looking forward to the payoff for this which I hope comes sooner than later.

Right away I love these two together and there's fallout from neither man winning the SoHer. I dug the explanation from DDK and Angus about Kelly letting them scrap in a violent exhibition kind of way, but I think I would have rather seen this as a full on match. Impulse getting a moral victory over Box by making him tap was huge and given where we're going this next arc, I'm wondering if there will be blowback from this when the troops need to rally so to speak.

Eddie Dante/Rob is a great wordsmith with these segments. I liked Kendrix's prematch promo a bit more, but this was short and to the point which fits Eddie and Mushi more.

REALLY great intros by Angus/DDK and the entrances did a great job to put over the "big fight feel" where it seems like it may come off as an epic.

I will say that in my opinion it definitely did.

Match did such a great, great job really capturing all three personalities - Mushi fucking up shit (the Powerbomb/Atlas Cutter spot was great), Kendrix being a sneaky shit, and Cayle fighting them both off as best he can. The Superkick/Sunset Flip Powerbomb was sick also. Lot of great spots in this match and I said this in the chat, but holy shit it was great! Did a great job making all three guys look better coming out than it they did going in.

The post-match now makes a lot more sense and was on a much bigger scale than I first thought. And damn, Dan. Cold-blooded.

Great show though I think others are right. This would have been better off as one night. Still, a good cap to a big arc and really looking forward to the next ones to come.

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