I WAS REPAIRING MY SHIT! Jesus, man, let a guy get gunned down by clowns in the street one time and he never lets it go.
I play this game a lot. I like superheroes and the other superhero MMOs are either shutting down (City of Heroes) or just sorta suck (Champions Online). I'm actually not a huge fan of typical MMO gameplay either. The whole hit the 1 key for your first attack ... wait ... hit the 2 key ... wait ... OHGODTHEY'REKILLINGMESPAM999999999! ... wait ... hit the 1 key. It's not really my thing, so the mix of button mashing with the MMO basics is pretty cool. Also, the Joker told me to strap bombs to cops once and that was awesome.
It is totally free and the only things you miss out on are certain powersets (Lanterns/Electricity/Earth), some endgame missions that came along with those powersets, the ability to access a special type of loot without paying for individual keys to unlock it, and they cap your amount of in-game cash. Nothing that really handicaps your gameplay too much, though.
You can both shut the hell up about FFX, too. At least Square doesn't repeatedly tickle your balls with updated "test footage" only to leave you at half mast by telling you they're not interested in focussing as much time as it would take to update the entire game just because millions and millions of their fans would gladly fork over their hard-earned cash to buy the exact same game for, at least, a third time. Us FFVII fans have been waiting since the PS2 came out for a remake.