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Damien Lee to Make Announcement on iNtense 134


Aug 19, 2006
We were told that Damien Lee has met with the Board of Directors on Saturday and has concurrently met with the talent roster a few short hours ago. Although the contents of those meetings are not known, Damien Lee has announced that he will be making a special announcement on tonight's iNtense broadcast. The world waits with baited breath as to what Damien Lee's announcement will be.

Many are speculating that it could pertain to the upcoming travel schedule possibly being reinstated... perhaps a restructuring of power within jOlt. Some even fear that some talent may get released to help save money. There was also talk of new marketing campaigns involving the stock and investors. Lots of possibilities are flying around the rumor mill but nothing has been confirmed nor denied as of yet.

The only way we will truly know what the outcome of that meeting was will be to tune into iNtense 134 later tonight!

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