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Dakota Smith vs. Jonathan Marx


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
A Book Has A Spine

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-03 AT 12:18 PM (EST)]
::Jonathan Marx is sitting in the Princeton University Library late at night, reading the House of Mirth in a near empty building sans the librarians. He closes his book and gets up and begins to slowly walk down the aisles::

JONATHAN MARX: Dakota, while I love wrestling and respect everything that your daddy has done in this business, you don't deserve this match against me. That may sound egotistical and cruel, but that is the truth. You see, ever since I've been in the GLCW, I've been busting my ass against opponent after opponent to get this high in the card, and in your very first match, just because your name is Smith, you are third match from the top right under the two champions.

I hope you are happy just being handed this opportunity on a silver platter. Maybe you should go take a walk in the locker and talk to all the people on this show who have been working here longer than you that you just stepped right over with your bronzed baby slippers.

Son, you have to better than this, you should show some character and refuse this match. Tell King Krusher and the likes of him that if you are ever going to be accepted by the boys and the fans out in the arena that you have to work your way up from the bottom to get to the top. You've done nothing in this business yet to deserve the opportunity you have been given. Your daddy may have, but then again, I'm not wrestling your daddy. I'm wrestling you. We don't know whether or not we are witnessing the birth of one of the all-time greats or if you are going to be another David Manson, Eric Anarky, or even a Greg Maelstrom.

There are twenty other guys in the back which want to see me stretch your ass, not the least of such are Manson and Anarky who you think mistakenly that you are worthy of their time.

Manson may be a bastard, but he has worked for everything he has had in this business. When he goes into that ring, he gives everything he has and then some. I've watched him on numerous occasions go above and beyond the line of duty in order to be one of the best wrestlers, if not thee best in the business.

When I get into that ring, it will be my pleasure to stretch you within an inch of your life. I hate you and I hate people like you who think they can get by on who they are.

I was born rich myself, but when I went to the finest schools, I always made sure that I was the very best and hit those books and studied to be worthy of the education I was receiving. When I was on the mat or the rugby field, I wanted to be the very best on the field and I spent hours upon hours training in order to best the best that I possibly could. I didn't get a starting spot on my rugby just because my dad was captain all those years ago, I spent hours and hours of practice in order to make sure that when my opportunity came, that I would be ready. That first year I sat on the bench, learning the craft from those who have been playing longer then me, and then when my time came, I stepped to the moment and played so well that they had to make me a starter. By the time I was done my senior year, I was a captain, just like my father was.... and I earned it my son, I earned it.

Did you earn it Dakota? Did you?

::Jonathan Marx walks away frustrated::


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Baptism by fire....

(We come upon a darkened room, which slowly begins to come into view as a dim light starts to illuminate it… In the middle of this room a massive silhouette can be seen, slowly it begins to move into the light and it is then that we see that it is Dakota… A condescending glare greets us as we zoom in, his massive frame striking an imposing presence as he stands there in a stoic manner… He stares momentarily into our camera, before he begins to approach us, never taking his non-blinking eyes away from the camera… Clamping his hands together, he starts to speak cynically…)

DAKOTA: So let me see if I have this straight Johnny boy… (Pauses and starts to slowly pace…) You say I do not deserve this match with you… (Smirks) That I should speak to the powers that be and simply refuse this match… You are assuming a lot Johnny boy, you are going on the assumption that simply because my name is Smith that I am being handed an opportunity on a silver platter and above all else that I should start at the bottom and work my way up…. (Stares cynically into camera) I am starting at the bottom Johnny, and you ARE the bottom of the barrel!!! And as far as the boys in the back and the fans in the arena goes… I do not give a rat’s ass about any of them, they can like me, or they can hate me for all I care!!! I did not come here to please or appease anyone.. My father is Nevada Smith that part is true, but what you and I guess other ignorant slugs like you do not realize is that I am NOT riding his coattail, I WILL make a name for myself, by MYSELF… As far as those 20 other guys in the back that want to see you stretch my ass, I’ll buy them front row seats, so they can experience disappointment up close and personal…. As for Anaky and Manson, they don’t sweat me, I know my actions have placed me in their gun sights and personally I really don’t give a s(bleep)t… I am however glad that you realize that it is NOT Nevada Smith that you will be facing, but me Dakota Smith, I want you to realize and understand that I am not as forgiving as my father is, and the only way I will make you realize that is by beating your ass to the ground which I intend to do at Akron... It is simply amazing how people will talk and spew out crap that they know little or nothing about… You come out here assuming that I am being handed opportunities simply because I am the son of Nevada Smith, (Nods as he begins to grin…) and because he is one of the all time greats that I am going to just whiz by to the top… Like I said before I am starting at the bottom, and you are at the very bottom so I have to deal with that; but can it be that it is YOU who wants to avoid this confrontation, that it is YOU who is looking for a way out and figured that I would feed into your reverse psychology… What you need to realize is that this isn’t rugby Jonathan, this is wrestling, something I grew up around all my life, and I took my licks and bruises just like everyone else…

(He pauses to take off his sweatshirt, revealing a very muscular physique, tattoos on each shoulder, he turns to show off the one on his back, the NEH emblem… As he turns and once again faces the camera with a disdainful stare, he continues…)

DAKOTA: You shouldn’t concern yourself with whether I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth; and whether or not I was handed an opportunity on a silver platter… On the contrary you should feel privileged that YOU have been chosen to be the stepping-stone that brings about the new era… The DAKOTA SMITH ERA, Jonathan!!! So don’t walk away feeling frustrated, on the contrary you should feel deeply honored that you out of those other 20 pissants in the back was chosen to be my opponent… Who I am Jonathan, will soon be revealed to you… It will happen at Akron, in front of the 20 guys in the back, and in front of the fans in the arena… And when it does happen Jonathan, you will be staring up into the rafters becoming more frustrated because I made you eat yours words… I will prove to you and those other 20 you speak of that I WILL be someone to worry about, that facing me will be a double edge sword, sharp, fast and furious… The only thing you really hate Jonathan is the fact that unlike you and the rest of the 20 other guys, I have the advantage, I am the one that was born into this sport, I ate, I slept and I crapped wrestling Jonathan, it’s all second nature to me… Guess that’s one of the perks of belonging to a family loaded with nothing but wrestlers… So tell me Jonathan, how are you going to take getting beaten down by me!? All your education will not be able to prevent that, you see I also possess intelligence; I also have been educated in some of the finest schools, but I am not relying on that once I’m in the ring… Inside the square circle I will rely on basic instincts; on what will come naturally to me… You on the other hand will have to overcome not only your hatred for me as well as your frustrations; but you will have to somehow overcome what I will bring with me, (Points a finger to his head..) This and much more Jonathan…. Did I earn it you ask!? You have it all wrong Jonathan, you should be asking yourself that question… Did you truly earn the privilege to become the very first to be trampled on; on my way to becoming the GLCW champion!!!

(He grins cynically as he continues to stare into the camera, his eyes like two fiery beacons… Suddenly the transmission is abruptly cut off… Within seconds, it comes back on, but all we see now is the NEH/UA symbol… We then fade to black as air raid sirens can be heard in the distance…)


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington

::Jonathan Marx is wearing a trench coat on a rainy day in Washington, DC with a microphone in his hand::

JONATHAN MARX: I'm right here, outside the gates of the White House interviewing people about blatant nepotism occurring here in the GLCW.

::a stunning woman walks by in a red raincoat::

JONATHAN MARX: Madam, may I have a word with you?

WOMAN: Aren't you that cute wrestler who loves old school wrestling in GLCW?

JONATHAN MARX: Why yes I am madam ::straightens tie::

WOMAN: I heard the interview you gave about Dakota, I really hate kids like that. For someone who claims to have grown up around the business, this Dakota kid doesn't seem to know how it works. It is a shame that a legend like Nevada Smith has a son like that. His father really was a good person and he was a hard worker as well. He use to be a big star in the FWF and WWL in his day and he did it through good old fashioned hard work.

JONATHAN MARX: And by no means am I disparaging his father either, Nevada Smith was a great man. What is it about second generation wrestlers?

WOMAN: I really don't know. I guess it is the fact that unlike their fathers, they don't know how hard it was to break into the business and make a name for themselves on their own. They just throw out their last name and they get special treatment. It is really sad.

JONATHAN MARX: Well Madam, I'm very glad I had the opportunity to speak to you.

WOMAN: My pleasure and good luck with your match Mr. Marx... ::woman extends her hand for a handshake and Marx bends his head and kisses her on the back of the hand::

JONATHAN MARX: My pleasure my dear.

::woman waves and walks off::

::another older gentleman walks by::

JONATHAN MARX: Sir, I'd like to ask you are a question.

OLD MAN: Jonathan Marx? Is that you? I just saw your companion Brandon Jacobs down here a month ago calling the Cherry Blossom Chaos PPV. Wonderfully talented soul that Jacobs is.

JONATHAN MARX: He definitely is, he has made a wonderful transition into the wrestling both.

OLD MAN: What is the question you have for me?

JONATHAN MARX: OH, what is your take on the Dakota Smith situation sir?

OLD MAN: Well, I've been around a long time and I'm going to say something you dislike Mr. Marx, but hear me out. I could understand if he was the son of a real legend, like a Hornet, Mike Randalls, a Zach Sirus, a King Krusher... someone on that, but Nevada Smith wasn't on those guys level. They should save the nepotism for someone who really deserves it. This snot nose punk, I know you are suppose to be the bad guy in this feud Mr. Marx but I hope you whip his ass.

JONATHAN MARX: *laughs* Thank you sir. I appreciate it. You look like you've been in the work place for a couple of years yourself, what do you think nepotism does to business?

OLD MAN: Couple of years? I do work out on a regular basis so it keeps me appearing you despite having to deal with idiots all day. But back to your question, by far, nepotism is one of the worst problems in business today, these CEOs who have been working around the clock start to feel bad when they hit fifty and they see their kids all grown up and they realize they didn't get to spend enough time with their kids so they try to win them over by giving them spots in the family business. This Nevada Smith, being a wrestler who traveled a lot and had a demanding schedule back in those days when wrestlers didn't have as many breaks as these sissies today, probably ignore his son and is trying to do this to win his love back. It is a sad situation and all, but once these kids get their chance in big business, they screw everything up because they don't know how the business works and drive business into the toilet. Talent more times than not is not hereditary because talent isn't only genetic, it is product of your environment and your schooling. This punk kid needs to be put in his place.

JONATHAN MARX: I will heed you words sir... Wait a second, I think I see the President, let's see if we can get his comments.

::Jonathan Marx waves him over President who is planning with his dog on the lawn and George W makes his way over::

JONATHAN MARX: Mr. President, it is an honor to speak you sir!

GEORGE W: Jonathan my boy, how are you doing?

JONATHAN MARX: I'm doing great, I'm Washington to get reactions from the people about the nepotism running wild in the GLCW.

GEORGE W: That spoiled brat Dakota? I heard your promo Marx and you are right on the ball. This Smith fellow thinks he can take shortcuts and get an opportunity like this simply based on his last name, it is disgraceful. The only way you can become someone in this life is through hard work and sacrifice. Having grown up in a rich family, I knew a lot of kids like Dakota who think that they deserve the world handed to them on a silver platter and it annoyed the hell out of me. Could you do me a favor Jonathan?

JONATHAN MARX: Anything for you sir.

GEORGE W: Stomp out the nepotism before it starts. Kick his ass for the old school revolution and the good old US of A.

JONATHAN MARX: The pleasure will be all mine Mr. President.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
It's a family affair...

(The sun shines brightly, as we start to hear children splashing and laughing, along with several adult conversations, intertwined with the aroma of barbequed ribs and burgers that can almost be tasted… Quickly scanning the surroundings, we see an outdoor pool full with playing children, as adults grouped in different areas converse and drink… Underneath a beach umbrella, we find Dakota listening to the music and just absorbing his surroundings, every now and then someone comes and greets him… Nevada, the UA, JC, and yes even Maelstrom can be seen mingling about in what appears to be a festive family reunion… A graduation celebration from what the banner reads… “CONGRATS JAY”… The music is a mixture of soul and Latin percussion; the crowds are enjoying each other as they converse and laugh, all except two…. “Nevada and Maelstrom” have yet to speak to each other and occasionally lock burning glares onto each other, but each in their own way enjoying the festivities also, perhaps not wanting to ruin the happy and festive occasion… “Perhaps”… We slowly start to zoom and focus in on Dakota as he turns in our direction and says…)

DAKOTA: You seem to be caught up in a loop Jonathan, something seems to be troubling you, and I think I know what it is… It has to be burning you up inside that you an 11th rank wrestler have been given the task in Akron to become a statistic… And that worries you, doomed men always have worries and concerns; and when desperation begins to set in they go off, stammering and rambling into the night… These promos you have pieced together are not really about me, they are about YOU… “NEPOTSIM”!? So you want to believe that it is “nepotism” that is going to pave the way for me… That is a typical response Jonathan; but then I shouldn’t expect much from such a typical guy like yourself… You call yourself intelligent, but in reality you’re nothing more than just another ignorant moron… Better wake up and smell the reality Jonathan, this isn’t about “nepotism”, that’s just a diversion you’re utilizing to dupe everyone into believing that will be the reason for you to get beaten down by me, it must be giving you some bad nightmares knowing that there’s no way out for you… You’ve worked so damn hard to rank number 11th out of a ranking of 15, and now even that is being threatened; so instead of concentrating on what is vital, you decide to take the easy way out, and go running around bitching and whining about trivial things… You try to stir up the masses with insignificant beliefs; all in trying to divert from what’s at stake here… But it will do you no good, it has no meaning, no bearing in our match Jonathan and even if your assumptions were true, so what!!! Regardless of who I face in the rankings, I will still have to prove myself inside the ring… The fact that I was given the ball to run with, doesn’t mean that I am going to have a smooth run, that is unless everyone else in the GLCW thinks like you… Already you’re showing defeatism; already you’re making excuses for losing to me and we haven’t even fought yet… You need to get and stay focused Jonathan, not on what you think will happen but on what will happen; and what will happen will be me, “nepotism”, favoritism, should be the last things on your mind…

(Smirks and shakes his head as he gets up from his lounge chair and picks up one of the children running around playing tag… The child playfully starts to fight with Dakota as several adults nearby, begin to laugh and cheer the child on...)

DAKOTA: Opinions are like ass holes Jonathan, we all have one, and Bush is no different, he should know about shortcuts very well; but I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions, no matter how ridiculous and asinine they are… Even you Jonathan are entitled to your assumptions, but doesn’t it strike you as odd that no one is really paying attention to you… Is that why you had to go to DC, the land of deception and lies to try to get your point across!? No matter Jonathan, what matters is that you show up and try to give it your best, maybe by doing that you can somehow have a fighting chance… Rethink your strategy Johnny boy, it’s not getting you the desired results, all it’s doing is just burying you that much deeper and showing you as a weak man… A weakness that I will capitalize on as I knock you a few more notches back; exposing the chink in your armor so early in the battle is not a good sign Jonathan… It just makes it all that much easier for me to bring you down; hopefully the guys in the back will learn from your mistakes and somehow find a better approach than the one you have taken… It’s meaningless to come out here and try to berate me, simply because of who I am and forgetting about what I am… But in Akron you’ll learn Jonathan, just like everyone else will; only you’ll be the first to be exposed to what I am… It’s going to be a very painful lesson for you Jonathan; I sure hope you’re up to the task….

(Starts to pace, and as he does the camera follows him as he moves methodically back and forth… He rubs his chin; and stars back at the camera…)

DAKOTA: So tell me Jonathan, how is stirring up the masses going to help you out in the ring!? What role will your so called nepotism play in our match!? When will you start to concern yourself with me and not what you perceive!? You’re so dead set on this “nepotism” crap that you’re not going to see it coming until it is too late… I would take this match much more seriously Jonathan, instead of concentrating on trying to give me a bad rep, you should be preparing for it; not taking me lightly and assuming the exact opposite…

(Our camera slowly begins to zoom out; as we fade off, we can still hear the music and laughter… Fade off to black…)


RE: It's a family affair...

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-03 AT 03:26 PM (EST)]OORP: Jay appreciates and sends his thanks JC.... but he still thinks yer a runt.... :7

J/K..... lol


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
1-2-3 and Nevada Smith Will Be in My Corner

::Jonathan Marx is standing in empty hall with a tux with a big sign in back which says the "Dakota Smith fan club"::

JONATHAN MARX: First off, I'd like to apologize. I tried to organize a welcome part for all the wrestlers and managers to welcome you to the company but sadly I was the only one who decided to show up.

Let me get up and be the first to give you a standing ovation. You are able to recite meaningless rankings from the GLCW magazine which have all the credibility of Bill Apter rankings. But even if I was 11th in this company, I take great pride in the fact that I went out there and EARNED it. This concept is foreign to you so I'll let this slide because it isn't worth my breath.

When I saw you tirade, I have to admit that I was upset, or should I say troubled by your comments. I spent years in some of the finest educational institutions in this land and yet I'm given an opponent which is unable to count nor knows that there are more than fifteen wrestlers in this entire company. For the record son, there are currently thirty active competitors in this league, twenty of which are competing in singles. Now if you had a little respect, you would have done your homework before slighting half the roster. Being the gentlemen that I am, let me give you a little tip, make sure you take your bags with you to the ring.

Thinking about what your life must have been makes me really sad. How could those teachers pass you from grade to grade without the simple ability to count? No doubt, those teachers knew that you were Nevada Smith's son and didn't want to embarrass a legend like that by keeping his son back a grade or two. How does that do any favors to you? Especially since with your ability to count, it isn't like you would have known. *snickers* I'm sorry.

Never the less, let me get to the business at hand. I've talked to your daddy and he has agreed to be in my corner at Akron Wired. He has been listening to your comments and he is quite upset with the way you have been treating people down to calling your opponent an outright moron. BTW, We aren't in second grade anymore and I'm not going to call you a poopyface.

What I like about Nevada Smith is that he is an old school guy like I am. He has a tremendous deal of respect for this business and doesn't like the fact that you are using his last name to get a push when you haven't done anything to earn it.

He has asked me to teach you a little respect on his behalf and he has given me permission to use all the force necessary to do so. I went over with him all the pain and suffering that comes from locking in the Marxism and even though he did look worried for you, he agreed that it was for your own good. He really is a good man Dakota, you should appreciate him more and actually send him a Father's Day card once in awhile.

A lot of other fathers would just sit back and let their sons make fools of themselves and find out the hard way that they don't deserve to be there, but your daddy wants to teach you a life lesson at Wired first hand for all to see.

I tried to be kind and I offered you a way out of this match, but you insist on continuing. Whatever happens on Akron Wired, let it be on your head. I tried to be the gentlemen, but the time for civility has ended.

Make sure you know how to wrestle by Wired.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Devil's advocate....

(A dark empty arena starts our setting, as we come closer to the ring the overhead lighting exposes Dakota… Standing stoically, his expression showing deep thoughts as he slowing paces all its four corners… He stops momentarily and stares into the camera…

DAKOTA: Still trying to get to my head huh Jonathan, (Smirks and shakes his head..) So “daddy” is going to be in your corner, “whoopee freaking doo” Jonathan… I can arrange to have the UA watch your back if you want also; they’re real good at it… I’ve realized one thing Jonathan and that is that you have issues; so I’m going to enlighten you on a few known facts… Your ranking may be meaningless to you, and it is true that you somehow “earned” it, but it bothered you when I mentioned it; does the word, “ka-chink, ka-chink” ring any bells!? Listen Jonathan, I know that you consider yourself a highly educated man, but you’re coming out and acting like a jackass… If you’re going to come out here and insult me, at least do it with some class… And for the record Jonathan, I know how many wrestlers the GLCW has, I was referring to the half that has made it to the rankings, I wasn’t slighting anyone… Now if they want to be as dumb and ignorant as you that’s fine with me… I didn’t come here to make friends, I came here to compete and be the best; and if you’re the best the GLCW has to offer, (He pauses, stops pacing and lets out a laugh) Then they’re in some real sorry ass shape!!! Wouldn’t you agree Jonathan!? Come on admit it, that’s the only reason you’re acting like a little whining b(bleep)h, who cares who my father is, I am also related to the UA, Mael is my blood but does that matter, here in the middle of the ring… It’s all part of a conspiracy your mind is running on you, trying to make you forget about your fears, about those concerns that keep you up at nights, thinking about these fine little promos and how can you get into my head… You really need to concentrate more on the physical aspect of this confrontation, the mind games has no bearings on our match Jonathan, two highly educated man like you and I should understand that very clearly… And you of all people should understand and realize that this match is going to be very physical and if you’re not up to it and more concerned with trivial details, you’ll be nothing more than a dead man walking Jonathan… Your mindset has placed you in a very precarious posture, like my father would say, “Ya BLINKED”… But I’m going to go beyond that in the hopes that you will finally understand, before it’s too little, too late, that my upbringing will do me no good here… No Jonathan, it’s my basic instincts that will prevail, my thinking will predominate you while my skills will dominate you… You’re a man possessed with an obsession, a meaningless trivial obsession… And the only lesson that will be learnt in Akron will be the one I teach you Jonathan, it will be one lesson you will never forget…

(He walks over to a corner and picks up a water bottle, drinks from it and continues to pace, it is then that we notice that he is not alone, for in one of the corners we spy a figure… We can’t make out who he is, other than he has a baldhead, the word “venganza” tattooed on his forehead… He stares approvingly at Dakota as he continues to speak….)

DAKOTA: You’re a man grasping at straws Jonathan, nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run and really with nothing much to say… You can’t say much other than the nonsensical rambling you’ve been stammering on the camera because that’s all you have Jonathan… Unlike you, I know more about you and the rest of the GLCW than they know about me… But tell me Jonathan and let’s be truthful about it, does it bother you that much that I am here!? Does it irritate you that the GLCW see that I have potentials and are exploiting it… I am no stranger to the squared circle, I am no stranger to pain and punishment either, I can take just as much as I can dish out and that’s saying a lot Jonathan… And believe it or not Jonathan, I’ve earned what and where I’m at today; and no one helped me Jonathan, I earned it the hard way, on my own… You see Jonathan, my father as well as my cousins and uncles have always told me that if I want something real bad, then I should go after it, because no one else will get it for me… So I did just that, I went, I saw and I TOOK, what I wanted and I intend on doing the same here… You are just the first step on the stairway to the top, you are but one small pebble lying in my path… If I sound arrogant and very sure of myself, it is because I am, I know for a fact that I have the upper hand on you and about 87% of the GLCW… For over 15 years I have worked hard to be here Jonathan, I have wrestled and fought in places where you wouldn’t even be allowed to be towel boy… But I guess that’s neither here nor there for you, like I said before, your mindset has forged a path for you and you seem very determined to follow it, so be it Jonathan, so be it…

( He finishes drinking the bottled water before he decides to walk away, transmission ends with static and again we’re back only this time face to face with none other than Nevada Smith himself…)

NEVADA: Welcome to hell Jonathan….

(Camera fades to black, we can still hear Nevada laughing as we end transmission…)


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Peace Out Dawg

::Jonathan Marx is on the treadmill in his gym while Brandon Jacobs is watching the monitor next to which is playing Dakota Smith's promos on loop::

BRANDON JACOBS: Boy, this rookie curses like a sailor. Doesn't he care about the children watching this?

JONATHAN MARX: I didn't even know he was old enough to know all those dirty words. See, that is what happens when a father isn't around to raise a kid, they repeat what they hear in the street. I really feel sorry for kids like that. If he wasn't such an pain, I'd lay down in the middle and let him pin me, he is the son of Nevada Smith for pete sake. I'm really in a no win situation, if I teach the kid a lesson, I disappoint all of those old school Nevada Smith fans who are living their glory years vicarously through Dakota. If I lose, I disappoint all of the guys in the back who have felt slighted by this push and his repeated disrespect.

BRANDON JACOBS: What I really don't get is why he says he earned it, has he beaten anyone that I don't know about yet? I thought this was his debut.

JONATHAN MARX: This is his debut. Fifteen years to get here, either he was training in the womb or this "kid" is thirty five. Man, how old would that make Dakota Smith? He would have to be at least fourty, wait... FIFTY. Good lord, Dakota Smith has one foot in the grave already.

BRANDON JACOBS: With Dakota Smith's grasp of math, you really shouldn't take his numbers seriously.

JONATHAN MARX: That is a very good point, he is just laying down the spin in order to salvage this opportunity or maybe he is counting wrestling his funny uncle in the basement.

BRANDON JACOBS: I just thought of something, maybe he was one of these "backyard" wrestlers.

JONATHAN MARX: He can "wrestle" all he wants on the trampoline in his backyard, but that doesn't count as real wrestling. He is a rookie and as the best pure technical wrestler in this company, I have to do my best to beat without totally humilating this poor kid making his debut. I may not like what he is doing here and how he has gone about it, but he deserves the right to make a living. Maybe. This kid is starting to make me angry and that is rare for me because I don't like showing emotions.

BRANDON JACOBS: You need to keep yourself under control, he wouldn't like when you are angry. I remember that time you lost control when you were placed under house arrest and broke through the front of your house and then went over to your girlfriend's house to fight that pack of wild monster dogs... Wait, that was The Hulk. When you were angry, all you did was accidently break MY DAMN neck.

JONATHAN MARX: Yeah, I still feel guilty about that Brandon, at least I didn't kill you, but I did lay you up for awhile. I really didn't know how powerful the Marxism was until I locked it on. Wrestling is about learning how much and how little control to use on your opponent. But both of us are better for it, you have had an excellent career as my manager and now you are the play by play man for one of the best leagues in all of wrestling and I'm stuck facing spoiled rich kids and teaching them a lesson. Hell, maybe you should have broken my neck instead.

BRANDON JACOBS: *laughs* It's all cool. You've got your strategy all planned out right?

JONATHAN MARX: I've had it all planned out for weeks now, if he beats me, he will truly deserve to win because I've got him out matched in the wrestling ring and I have him out matched here ::points to head::

BRANDON JACOBS: Good to hear, I'm sorry I haven't been around as much lately, but WFW management are slave drivers. I'll try to make it to the show if at all possible either wise I'll be watching at home.

JONATHAN MARX: You are a good man Jacobs, I'll give you a call after the match and let you know how it went. ::stops treadmill and shakes Brandon's hand::

BRANDON JACOBS: Hey, I have sometime before my plane leaves, want to go for a bit to eat at the Soup Plantation?

JONATHAN MARX: As much as I want to, I have to start my sparring with the amateur wrestlers I invited over. I promised my coach at Princeton that I would teach them a thing or to in order to help them prepare for their amateur meet.

BRANDON JACOBS: Okay, peace out dawg.

JONATHAN MARX: See ya Homie!

::Brandon Jacobs and Jonathan Marx walk off in their own seperate directions::



I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Apple Pie and the Fourth of July

::Jonathan Marx is in his kitching cooking a Mrs. Smith apple pies in the oven for the upcoming Fourth of July weekend::

JONATHAN MARX: As an American, this upcoming Fourth of July means more to me than in previous years with all our troops over in Iraq trying to preserve freedom for all of us back home.

With the Forth of July coming up in a week or so, I decided to get an early start on baking to donate a few dozen pies to our troops overseas. What is more American than good old Apple Pie? While I'm not a good baker, the simple instructions seem easy enough to follow and it is my way of saying thanks for all of those overseas who have worked hard and have earned the respect of our nation. Whether we believed that they should be over there or not, they risk their lives because they believe in all that is good about America.

::bell rings signaling the pie is done::

Wooohooo! My first pie is done, lets see how this one turned out before I go and make the rest.

::Marx grabs a potholder and removes the pie and puts it on the stove to cool::

JONATHAN MARX: We are going to need sometime to let this cool down before we can taste it so I'll make a few comments to you Dakota. I respect the effort you have been putting into these promos, lesser men would have given up earlier trying to outduel me in a battle of wits but you are a persistant little devil. I admire that. That doesn't change anything that I've said, but I admire that you are willing to work hard in order to get ahead here in the GLCW because you are going to have a long way to go before you get to the top. Even if you by a miracle of all miracle pin my shoulders to the mat, you are going to have to go on to face the likes of Anarchy and Manson who I both admire greatly inside of that square circle.

Let me tell you what kind of a guy Manson is, everyone thinks he is just an SOB, but he has one of the greatest fighting spirits I've ever encountered. He has spent hours and hours inside of that ring trying to perfect his skills despite being a genius and not needing to go that far to beat someone. He isn't going to show you as much sympathy as I do because his heart has been blackened by years of competing in the squared circle and battling all the darkness around him. He doesn't even know who your father is let alone respect him. He won't stop for a moment to even think about crippling you and ending your career.

I'm speaking to you as a fellow human being, until you are ready to be one of the elite, becareful who you face. If not for your reputation, which you obviously care nothing about as you have show taking hand out after hand out from the GLCW management, for your own safety. I'd hate to see the son of one of our own take a ride to the hospital because he was a bit too big for his britches right out of the shoot.

But I'm going to do both you and Nevada Smith a favor come Wired, I'm not going to let you get the chance to face Manson. There is no need to send money or gifts. A simple thank you will do. I'm going to lock in the Marxism and the sheer pain on the back of your neck is going to make you reconsider this whole wrestling career and hopefully you can find a career more suited to you, something which doesn't involve counting preferablly.

Well, my pie should have cooled down by now. Let me go take a taste. ::Marx cuts a piece of Apple Pie, grabs a fork and puts it on his plate and walks to his large dinning room table::

Maybe if you are lucky Dakota, I'll bring you some pie to comfort you in the hospital so you won't you won't feel so disappointed missing the Fourth of July.

::picks up fork and cuts a piece of pie:: Bon Appetit!

::Marx takes a taste, he contorts his face and spits it out::

GOOD LORD! Mrs. Smith's pie is so rancid! This is the worst stuff I've ever tasted! How can anyone eat these things?

::walks away from the kitchen table and out of view... then walks back::

I guess we now know why Nevada Smith was never home.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Coming at you full throttle....

(We find Dakota within the confines of the private training facilities casa NEH… His massive frame glistened in sweat, as he towels himself dry… He grabs a bottle of ice cold water, guzzles it down, and pours some over his head to cool off in the hot summer day… Kraven starts to come into view as he approaches Dakota; he pats him on the shoulder and as Dakota looks up to see who it is, they both smirk…)

DAKOTA: You know Jonathan, I have realized one thing and that is that the more you open your mouth, the more ignorant and asinine you sound… Maybe it is all a ruse but I doubt that, you appear to be the type of individual who will always put his foot in his mouth and spew out senseless and incoherent idiom… You fear me Jonathan; you fear who I am, what I am, and what I will do to you at Akron; it does not take a rocket scientist to see that you are lost somewhere in space Jonathan, a fact that you established since day one… You have tried hopelessly to find the chink in my armor and have exposed yours instead, and the reason for that my friend is that I have no chinks in my armor… Therefore, I do not see where you are making any headway as you continue with your ramblings about my bloodline; it will have no bearings in our match Jonathan… Calling me a back yard, trampoline jumping wanna-be just shows me, that you are truly concerned about my skills, since you have nothing to grasp onto or base your rhetorical logic on… You are right when you say that you are in a no-win situation but it is not because of whom my father is or was or what he can do for me; simply put, you are a doomed man Jonathan… And for the record Jonathan, you can tell your boy Brandon that yes this is my debut; here at the GLCW…

(Kraven walks off and within a few minutes is back, as he brings the black hum vee to a stop in front of our camera… Loads it up with his and Dakota’s bags…)

DAKOTA: Thinking that you have me outmatched both in the ring and in your head may be all good and well for your train of thought Jonathan, but eventually you will need to come down from that high horse and begin to absorb some reality… Don’t wait until you’re in the ring with me, because by then it will be too little too late to do so; by then all you will be doing is trying to defend yourself as I run roughshod all over you… (Smirks) I can’t really wait until we are face to face, so I can stare into your eyes and see the fear just ooze out, (Smirks again as he rubs his hands together…) But you should feel honored that you have been chosen to carry my message to the rest of the GLCW, you are the chosen one Jonathan… (Laughs and in a sarcastic manner continues…) But I am worried about you locking me in the all mighty and powerful “Marxism”… It worries me that you have yet to realize that “Marxism” like communism is DEAD!!! No matter Jonathan, in Akron, you WILL realize it but by then it will be much too late… But I need you to stay in control of yourself; do not allow fear or anger to sway you, because if you do, it will spoil my debut… I don’t want to come out and just plant your ass for the 1-2-3 in less time than it takes to make the intros; no my friend I want you to be focused, to be prepared for what awaits you… I want to give the fans their money’s worth, not just carry you throughout the entire match, I want you to fight back, I want to show you and the world at large that I, Dakota will be a force to be reckoned with, a man that will instill fears and concerns on all who will face me…

(Dakota heads back inside the gym, Kraven seers into the camera and with a very cynical grin begins to speak…)

KRAVEN: Jonathan, you’re so oblivion to what is actually happening that it is pathetic… I have watched your little promos, and like Dakota I’ve come to the conclusion that you don’t even know what day it is, much less what time it is… Well let me enlighten you on some facts son… It is Dakota’s time, the day for him to shine has arrived, and you are the unfortunate individual who will be the first stepping stone on his way to the top… Dakota is coming at you full throttle and you will not be able to stop him…

(Dakota reappears and gets in the HumVee…)

KRAVEN: Ready to go Dakota!?

DAKOTA: You know it…

(Camera begins to fade as Kraven drives off… Camera fades to black…)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Computer problems....

Paul, sorry for the delay on replying to your rps... My hard drive crashed and I had to start from scratch... I will be up and running hopefully by the weekend... I will respond to your last rp if the time hasn't run out...


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
RE: Computer problems....


Computer problems suck, just wanted to make sure we stayed ahead of the curve to make sure management gives the match the emphasis it deserves and to make sure Dakota got off to a strong start...


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