Nathan Cross is sitting in a coffee shop. His youthful smile is there, because just like everyone else on the roster, it looks like they get to work again. He takes a sip of coffee, swallows it hard, realizing that it's too hot, and then looks back up at the camera.
NC: So anyway, here I was, planning to hand Lance Liezure his butt when... out of nowhere, he joins some group that used to be cool and stuff. There they were, all doing that ...
(Nathan does the now famous - at least among his Crossovers - Vanquish hand jive motion.)
NC: ... whatever you call it, (rolls his eyes) when the CSWA suits come in and let me know that they won't need my services for awhile. Now, being the CSWA mark for awhile, I know how this works. You build some heat, the crowd goes wild, the CSWA shuts down, you wait, it re-opens, you come back with more heat than before because frankly... people miss most normal CSWA superstars, but MY Crossovers... they've all had to go to Betty Ford's bedroom to survive.
(Nathan makes a nasty face)
NC: Can we edit that Ford line out in post production? That mental picture is REALLY sick. Cool? Alright...
(Nathan smiles again)
NC: My Crossovers have been in serious withdrawl, and now that they're all glued to the television tighter than Fearless Jones is to Chad Merritts bootstraps begging to come back. NOW, they'll get what they want. Nathan Cross in the ring with Cameron Cruise.
(Nathan Cross takes a sip)
NC: Now speaking of Cam, I got nothing but respect for you. Sure, you trip up every time someone gives you even the slightest of push. But *I* respect you. At least you have one person in the back who thinks you could be a star if given the right opportunity. And, at MY show - On Time - you have the PERFECT opportunity - a match with Nathan Cross. And for this opportunity, here's what I'm going to ask. Don't choke when you get to the big dance. Don't be left at the altar with some crude foulmouthed jerk instead of the blushing bride. In essence, give MY Crossovers a show. Everyone there KNOWS what I'll be bringing - my famous right hands and killer schoolboy-, but will Cam show up to compete or to sleep. If you're feeling a bit drowsy, I got a schoolboy waiting on you in the shortest match in ON TIME history.
(Nathan looks down from the camera and takes another sip.)
NC: How'd I do?
CAMERA: Sucked.
NC: (snort) Like Cameron can do any better.
NC: So anyway, here I was, planning to hand Lance Liezure his butt when... out of nowhere, he joins some group that used to be cool and stuff. There they were, all doing that ...
(Nathan does the now famous - at least among his Crossovers - Vanquish hand jive motion.)
NC: ... whatever you call it, (rolls his eyes) when the CSWA suits come in and let me know that they won't need my services for awhile. Now, being the CSWA mark for awhile, I know how this works. You build some heat, the crowd goes wild, the CSWA shuts down, you wait, it re-opens, you come back with more heat than before because frankly... people miss most normal CSWA superstars, but MY Crossovers... they've all had to go to Betty Ford's bedroom to survive.
(Nathan makes a nasty face)
NC: Can we edit that Ford line out in post production? That mental picture is REALLY sick. Cool? Alright...
(Nathan smiles again)
NC: My Crossovers have been in serious withdrawl, and now that they're all glued to the television tighter than Fearless Jones is to Chad Merritts bootstraps begging to come back. NOW, they'll get what they want. Nathan Cross in the ring with Cameron Cruise.
(Nathan Cross takes a sip)
NC: Now speaking of Cam, I got nothing but respect for you. Sure, you trip up every time someone gives you even the slightest of push. But *I* respect you. At least you have one person in the back who thinks you could be a star if given the right opportunity. And, at MY show - On Time - you have the PERFECT opportunity - a match with Nathan Cross. And for this opportunity, here's what I'm going to ask. Don't choke when you get to the big dance. Don't be left at the altar with some crude foulmouthed jerk instead of the blushing bride. In essence, give MY Crossovers a show. Everyone there KNOWS what I'll be bringing - my famous right hands and killer schoolboy-, but will Cam show up to compete or to sleep. If you're feeling a bit drowsy, I got a schoolboy waiting on you in the shortest match in ON TIME history.
(Nathan looks down from the camera and takes another sip.)
NC: How'd I do?
CAMERA: Sucked.
NC: (snort) Like Cameron can do any better.