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Closer to the Answer


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Nazareth, PA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-03 AT 06:48 PM (EST)]FADEIN: After the June Onslaught. RAZE is wearing his typical attire. He is rocking the "RAZE the Roof" t-shirt and the brace on his leg.

(RAZE looks as though he is writhing in pain. The voices in his head must be too much to take after the happenings at Onslaught.)

-You should know why he did that to you. He hates you, RAZE. He hates your guts. He hit you with a truck. He hurt your leg. He wants to finish your career. Finish him, RAZE.

(The ringing in RAZE's head is more instense now.)

RAZE: When get my hands on Matthews...I'm going to break both of his legs. Matthews will cry for mercy. Rapper Wannabe who has plenty of losses under his belt. He is like all the other second rate wrestlers in this damn federation.

-That's what I'm talking about RAZE. You get your hands on him and you beat him bad. Make him bloody. You make him wish he never wrestled. Take all that pride away.

(The voice in his head is making him more and more angry. The replay of the truck incident continues to play in his head. Matthews says "Are you okay?" RAZE is breathing heavily. He stands up and smashes up the lockeroom with his bare hands.)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Bethlehem USA
(FADEIN to 'Showtime' SHAWN MATTHEWS, getting out of his black Chevy Trailblazer. Matthews is at a state park, and begins to walk down one of the paths...)

SHAWN MATTHEWS: Raze, I can't believe how far this thing has gone. I brought you into this business. I brought you into the world of professional wrestling, and this is how you repay me? These outlandish remarks about me running you over in a vehicle you say is mine. Fact of the matter is, RAZE... I really don't care for your attitude, and your gimmick? Well, simply put, it blows. Now tell me, if I was the man who really ran you over, how could I be next to your side as fast as I was? There's something else going on here, man. That video package that you saw, it was definitely very well edited. Sooner or later, our paths are going to meet, inside of the ring... in a sanctioned wrestling match. When that time comes, you're gonna wish that all I did to you was run you over with a car. That whole anger management thing, the fact I couldn't control myself and needed to rap to get my emotions out... it was fun while it lasted, but that's done with. You know how I'm going to take my anger out from now on? I'm gonna break your ASS off when we do meet. I'm going to prove to you that I don't need a car to hurt you, because I'm an ASS-KICKING MACHINE, and you're going to be the first to see that. So go cry me a river while you sit there, and loathe in self-pity. Fact of the matter, I put you in this business... and I can take you right out of it..

(FADEOUT, as Matthews continues to walk down the trail...)

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