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Chris Casino vs Cameron Cruise


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Rebirth in the Midwest
LIVE! from the Cowan Civic Center in Lebanon, MO
Capacity Crowd: 2,000

Chris Casino vs Cameron Cruise

In the other half of our NAPW double-feature, Chris Casino comes to town to show us what he's made of. While Simply Beautiful has a youngster, Casino will be matched up with an accomplished veteran! We're excited to bring the globally recognized Cameron Cruise in for a one-of-a-kind match versus Chris Casino!

STACKING RULE IN EFFECT (Please allow 48 hours before stacking)!
DEADLINE: February 11, 2007 at 11:59PM​


League Member
Jan 12, 2007
Tulsa, Oklahoma
"Well, this is certainly different. Usually I'm busy bashing NAPW and all of their so called superstars, but now I find myself in the unfamiliar role as representative of the very promotion I seek to destroy. I guess the saying is true, if you live long enough you do indeed see everything. But now the question is this...Do I pull a no show and let NAPW look stupid or do I show up, whip this guys ass and prove that no matter where I rest my head...Chris Casino is the greatest wrestler in this industry. I think I'll go with option number two. After all, how many times will the unwashed pig farmers of Missouri get the opportunity to see a man of my caliber in person? What can I say? I'm a fan friendly kinda guy. Watch out MCW....The Future has arrived."

The Bellagio Resort & Casino. Sin City.​

Welcome to the Bellagio. Easily the best casino is all of Las Vegas. This is the place where the high rollers come to play. While the Bellagio is known for it's elegance and it's catering to a higher end of clientele, it's also known as being the personal playground of one Chris Casino. The self styled "Future" of not only the NAPW promotion but of all wrestling. At the tender age of twenty four, this six year veteran has faced and beaten some of the biggest names in this sport.

We find the man himself standing at the edge of the huge gaming floor watching with amusement as people sit memorized in front of the slots. At five ten and two hundred and ten pounds he may not be the biggest dog on the block but he's one of the most dangerous. He's dressed in a dark tailor made Armani suit and his blonde hair is cut short. His piercing blue eyes are hard to ignore. It's almost as if they're looking straight through you.

Casino: So...Cameron Cruise. Oh wait, the so called international star Cameron Cruise. This is the best that MCW could scrounge up to face me at their Rebirth show. How pathetic. Cameron Cruise is supposedly some sort of darling on the international scene. Odd that I've never heard of him. Then again in this sport people can make up whatever they want and try to pass it off as the real thing. While I give MCW credit for getting me to appear on their show I question their choice of opponents. Cameron Cruise...A man who means absolutely nothing to me.

Casino: While I know next to nothing about Mr. Cruise I do know that at Rebirth Chris Casino will ***** slap the self proclaimed international star back to obscurity. But seeing how I'm a people person I've decided to give Mr. Cruise some background info on yours truly. In NAPW I'm the first ever Triple Crown Champion, the only Grand Slam winner and the current Pure Honor Champion. I've been on an unbeaten streak, 7-0 at last glance and I'm currently in the most dangerous stable in wrestling. The Untouchables.

Casino: I'm sure that you'll respond to all of this with a "so what?" attitude. Not that I care. No, I'm simply trying to inform you that come Rebirth a crowd of two thousand people will see Cameron Cruise get his ass handed to him by "The Future" Chris Casino. Maybe you should take the easy way out. Think about your family, think about your loved ones and all seven of your fans. They wouldn't want to see you injured in front of their eyes. So I'm going to make you an offer that you really should look into.

Casino reaches into his coat pocket and produces a sheet of paper. He smirks as he reads from it.

Casino: Dear Mr. Cruise. While I could care less about you as a person I do not want to leave you in a position to where you cannot provide for your family. Thus, I'm offering you a position here in The Bellagio. You no show the Rebirth event and I'll place you on my payroll. As head janitor of the greatest resort in Sin City. I'm sure that it probably pays more than you currently make and you won't have to worry about humiliating yourself in front of thousands of people. Please accept this gracious offer. Decline it and I'll end you. Yours truly Chris Casino.

Casino puts away the sheet of paper and acts as if he's wiping away a tear from his eye.

Casino: Jesus...That was touching. Nobel Peace Prize here I come!

Casino smirks and takes a step closer to the camera.

Casino: Cruise, I don't know you from jack. If you were standing in front of me I wouldn't recognize you. Why? Because I've toured Japan. I've wrestled in Mexico City and you know what? I have never heard of you. Just because you do a few shows in Calcutta doesn't give you the right to proclaim yourself an international star. Come Rebirth I'll show you what a real star looks like. I'll show you what happens when you find yourself standing across the ring from Chris Casino. You get your ass whipped. That my delusional friend is something you can bank on.

Casino dismisses us and we cut to black.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"Wow. Ya know...I don't mind making stops on a Road Trip to sign Autographs or make an appearance at the Grand Opening of a Car Dealership from time to time...but when the suits here in MCW gave me the opportunity to help out this little shindig by an apparent success from LAS VEGAS...and by simple Irony and Coincidence his name being 'CASINO'..."

(Fadein, Cameron Cruise, dressed in blue jeans and a black T-Shirt, with "Anarchy"-styled Shades in front of an MCW backdrop.)

CRUISE: You can't really ignore such a play for attention like him, now can you??

I mean...think about it.

Chris Casino....what can I say??

Your supposed "Record"...while I have to take your word for it, sounds pretty decent, and you give people something to do while they're in town, the matches you've been in; you've apparently ran Las Vegas pretty well while I've been away, but let's be honest for a second.

Even the most Macho of men can't frequent the Restrooms in Vegas THAT much.

You want a 'No-Show' outta me so you can hire me as "Head Janitor" of The Bellagio??

Why the hell would I take a step down from where I'm at now to take the job you have as a Part-timer to pay what the suits won't??

Hell kid, I've been to Vegas and back more times that you've had the chance to actually sit down at a table to GAMBLE...which if word has it...Wayne Newton needs his Suite cleaned up A.S.A.P., so I'll make this quick, so that you're not subject to wrestling the HOMELESS just for a ride back to Motel 6.

You've been to Mexico, Calcutta, and Vegas and have your own Crew of 'people'.

Son, I've been in this business AT LEAST ten years, and I've entertained ALL OVER THE DAMN WORLD.

Being a so-called "International Star" isn't a self-proclamation, Chris...it's the damn TRUTH.

I've been on Roadtrips anywhere from Hugh Hefner's Grotto at the Playboy Mansion one day to working a Charity for sick children in Georgia for plenty less than Hef would offer, all the way to Europe and in front of Emperor's and in Palace's for Queens if such is the need.

I'd even wrestle 'gators down in the Florida Swamps if it was decent enough, and the truth of the matter is Chris...it won't be my first time doing it.

See what you don't realize Chris, is that the description of this match says INTERNATIONAL STAR.

You telling me that you don't know who I am tells me one of two things:

A) You spend WAAAAAYY too much time at the Bunny Ranch in your offtime.

or B) You can't seem to get your head out of your ass.

Hell, when you're good Chris, you're good...and by the looks of my bookings....

I'm DAMN better than YOU.

Now that...Chris Casino...is a REALITY CHECK...that I know you won't like...

But you can DEFINATELY take to the BANK.



League Member
Jan 12, 2007
Tulsa, Oklahoma
"Some people are just plain stupid. They can't help that they're mentally challenged, it's just the luck of the draw so to say. It's good to see that Cameron Cruise finally decided to show his face on television, I was beginning to worry about him. I was starting to think that he had been picked up by the police for soliciting sex from men. But here he is, telling me and the world how awesome he is. How cute. There is nothing more enjoyable than making some self serving ass goblin eat his own words. At Rebirth not only will I give this moron a lesson in wrestling, but I'll show him that when it comes to greatness only one man can be the top dog in this industry. That man being me of course...Chris Casino."

The Bellagio Resort & Casino. Vegas.​

The penthouse of Chris Casino is humongous. Larger than some homes and decorated with expensive furniture and much sought after paintings, the penthouse has been featured in several prominent magazines. Chris Casino is a man of great wealth, in fact he's working the MCW date for free. He doesn't need their money, Hell he doesn't need anyones money. He simply took this date at the Rebirth PPV for one simple reason. To kick someones ass. The man of the hour, Chris Casino is standing in front of a large bay window looking out at the neon skyline of Las Vegas.

Casino: Thanks for taking the time to show up Cruise. I know that you were probably busy collecting cans along the side of the road or looking for a new refrigerator box to live in but seriously...You have a match to prepare for. Not just any match, but a match on a PPV. A match that has both of us repressing our home promotions. While I make my home in NAPW I still know very little about you. Are you embarrassed about your home fed scout?

Casino: Maybe it's more like you're scared that I'll find out where you hang your hat and discover what I already have a feeling is true. That you flat out suck. Tell me, have you ever heard of EPW? There is some mook with the same name as yours. He even has some sort of tag team called The Cameron Cruise Project. Does this ring any bells? How coincidental would it be that someone has the same name as you in this business?

Casino: While I can't say for sure that you're a part of the EPW promotion I can say this. If you are a proud member of that promotion how does it feel to have some skank chick as your World Champion? I mean Jesus how shallow is your talent pool that a common street walker is holding your top title? Speaking of hookers do you know a Mercedes Devon? I'm thinking she would look pretty good working the stroll outside the Bellagio.

Casino steps away from the huge window and greets us with a smirk of confidence. He's dressed in a dark suit that costs more that some people make in six months. Not a hair on his head is out of place and his teeth are perfect.

Casino: But like I said...Who knows if you and that retard in EPW are one and the same? So let's talk about what you tried to pass off as a promo shall we? Truth be told it was the funniest damn thing I've seen in ages. You ask me why you should take a "step down" and be a janitor at my Resort. The answer should be apparent. You my friend simply don't have what it takes to be a world class wrestler. I look at you and I see a walking joke.

Casino: Then of course you babbled on and one about all the places you've been. Like I give a ****. Look, what you've done in the past doesn't mean anything to me. I don't care how long you've been "entertaining" people in this sport, I don't care about the famous people you've run across. I only care about one thing and that's smashing your face into oblivion at Rebirth. I want nothing more than to make you look like the fraud of a wrestler you are in front of 2,000 people.

Casino walks towards the camera.

Casino: You claim to be better than I. You claim to be a superstar. I say...Prove it. Beat me at Rebirth. Pin me and I'll gladly admit to all that you are indeed the better man. Not that'll ever happen but hey, I want to give you some hope. You're nothing but a pathetic joke who can't even put out a decent promo. Hell, wrestling you will be like a night off for me. Prove me wrong buddy, prove to me that you're worthy of your moniker. Shut me up big boy...If you can.

Casino waves us away and we go to a commercial.


Jan 1, 1970
The last Chris Casino RP has been pushed through the moderation queue -- I have no idea why it happened, but it might have to do with Chad's recent increased 'bot' killing methods. :)


League Member
Jan 12, 2007
Tulsa, Oklahoma
"This is just sad. I came to MCW to help them out, to show this company what a true superstar looks like. I agreed to be on their little PPV not only to help with their buy rates but to face someone I've never had the opportunity to wrestle. But what happens? MCW goes out and finds some retarded street bum named Cameron Cruise to face me. What's worse is that this Cameron Cruise is a complete joke. Not only will it be a pleasure to smack him around like a prostitute that owes me money, but I'll show not only MCW but any other promotion out there that when it comes to top flight superstars...Chris Casino is the gold standard."

The Limo. Las Vegas.​

In the back of a huge stretch limo sits the man who dominates wherever he goes. Chris Casino. The reigning NAPW Pure Honor Champion. A man who has beaten some of the biggest names in this sport. With ease. He's dressed in a dark Hugo Boss suit and he doesn't have a hair out of place. He's busy flipping through some documents, no doubt pending contracts from other promotions who want him to do a one shot for them, and smirking all the while. He glances up from his paper work and his brilliant blue eyes seem to look through us.

Casino: Hey Cruise...You worthless piece of rat excrement. Where are you hiding scout? I've sat back these last few days waiting with baited breath to hear another one of your ridiculously awful promos. But alas, you've kept quite. Not that I'm complaining, but it would be nice if you showed some professionalism towards MCW and maybe at least attempted to do another promo. Every day you stay quiet, it further proves my point that you're nothing more than an overrated little *****.

Casino: In a few short days two thousand fans will watch as I rip your eyes out of your head. Children will weep in the aisles when they see you carted out of the arena on a blood soaked stretcher. Your wife? I'll show her what a real man can offer. After I'd done stretching her out she can work as a waitress in one of The Bellagios many fine restaurants. I thought you were supposed to be "someone" Cruise. You went on and on about how great you where and then like a thief in the night...You run.

Casino: To be honest, I didn't even want to do another promo. In my eyes you're dead already. But my manager, Raul Havok, insisted I give you one last chance. One last effort to show that you're a man and not a mouse. But to be honest, between you and I Cameron...I only see a coward when I look at you. You should be on your knees, a position I know you're familiar with by the way, and praise Jesus that I'm not in the same promotion as you. Otherwise everyone would know you as "Casino's favorite whipping boy."

Casino slides his papers to the side and laughs.

Casino: I can't belive I'm wasting television time with you. You can't beat me. You sure as hell can't out talk me, and when it comes to wrestling? I'm light years ahead of you. MCW will be a Rebirth for that company and oddly enough I'm glad I can be of some help. However next time this place books me I hope they pair me with someone who gives a damn about his craft. I hope that at Rebirth MCW sees what a waste of money it was to drag your sorry ass in.

Casino: I am Chris Casino. I am the greatest wrestler in NAPW history. Period. If I wanted I could sign a full time contract and win MCW's top title in my first shot, that my clueless friend I can guarantee. But you? All you bring to the table are half assed promo skills, questionable ring abilities and a complete lack of personal hygiene. You know what? I'm tired of busting my ass for this match. I'm done talking. If Cruise wants to pop his head out from where he's hiding and attempt another lame promo then you'll hear from me again.

Casino: But until then boys and girls...See you at Rebirth!

We cut to a commercial for the new "I kicked Cameron Cruises ass and all I got was this lousy tee shirt!" now available at ChrisCasino.com!

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