Fag Power....
(CUEUP: “What do they know?” by Mindless Self Indulgence…)
(A distressed MWG is huddled up on the floor on Krist Blue’s living room, somewhere in Boston…In a stomach cutoff “FAG POWER” T-shirt, neon green briefs, and alternating pink and black nail polish on his bare toes, dried up tears have caused his makeup to run…He’s a sad, vulnerable clump of goo…)
“the hardcore legend”
“the IT boy”
“the American idol”
“the surreal”
MWG: I could’ve been someone….
I’m sure some of you, my adoring public, have noticed things of late have been a little bleak. My TV title, my baby, was STOLEN from me…S’not like I LOST it, of course. It was just ripped away, out of my arms, like an infant sucking on it’s mother’s teat…And the worst part is I might never get a chance to get it back. Just like with Beau…Just like that. Gone. Like all I suffered and felt for suddenly didn’t matter. Like when I want something, and I work hard for it, and all that, pretty much always…I just end up losing it for no reason….
Well…I guess really, the worst part is without a steady paycheck from NEW, it’s been kinda hard to buy stuff…And now the landlord’s leaving angry voicemails…And if they shut off my cable, however will I keep in touch with Lorelei and Rory, my last two friends left?....And I thought it might be back to the curb, y’know? Back to charging ten dollars a handjob in the men’s bathroom….And out of the blue, Shawn Hart calls me, and tells me he wants me to put Psycho Granny’s clothes back on….
Not as fun or rewarding as the handjob gig, obviously. But it pays a lot better…
…I beat Maelstrom. I beat Copycat. I beat Jean Rabesque. I beat El Arco Iris. I’m one of the greatest wrestlers, like, ever? Totally?
I could’ve been a star.
Instead I’m one misstep away from swallowing man milk all night just to pay the rent…
Well, y’know sumpthin’ Mean Jeans? (stands) I say NO MORE, babes. I say it’s time I quit wallowing in self pity and make a f(bleep)king stand…
Psycho Granny…It might go against everything I stand for…It might go against every single instinct I have…To take a look at your firm…muscular…awesomely androgynous and anatomically ambiguous….devvvvvastatingly sexy body…and actually put MORE clothing on it….But I’ma gonna. ‘n Then I’ma gonna drop you on your head ‘till even YOU can’t remember if you’re a boy or a girl, like I already don’t. Nor do I care. I don’t know how we’re going to do it, my darling. Maybe you’ll have to put it inside me, maybe I’ll have to put it inside you….Oh, who am I kidding? It’s gonna have to be a little of both…
In fact, I insist on it…
But y’wanna know sumpthin’ else, Tight Jeans….People say “Oh…that Em Dubbya Gee…he’s all about nihilism and debauchery and decadence and death ‘n all that sorta thing. But honey that’s simply not true!!! See….I am a real American. I fight for the rights of every man. I fight for what’s right. I fight for my life. Y’know?...
No one who would actually bill themselves as “Psycho Granny,” has the power of truth and justice on their side, like EYE do. And that, Psycho Granny, is what’s going to make this a reverse seduction. The exact opposite of you f(bleep)king me. Even if that is what I really want, my noble agenda conduces to me to do otherwise. Cuz sometimes, when it’s time to show what you’re made of…You gotta do some *really* nasty sh(bleep). The kinda thing would wouldn’t do for fifty bucks, To the tune of Faggot. Faggot. ffffff(flexes)Faggot.