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buggy whips



Please allow me to set the scene for you. You are surrounded...no...bathed in a sea of darkness. If you look hard enough you can make out the...


You are in the primordial ooze from which sprang all life beginning with light. Remember it was darkness first and from the darkness light came.

After light came form and then life. Millions of years of existence and evolution and mankind grew from caves and crawling around on all fours to walking upright living in homes. Mankind went from eating raw food to fire and 4 star meals. Mankind evolved from drawing pictures on walls to movie stars receiving $20 million dollars a film and people huddled in darkened theaters watching their heroes act out the audiences deepest fantasies.

However one question comes to mind...what is it that caused this evolution? Why did it take place? As you ponder those deeply philosophical questions, please allow me to cut to the chase...it happened for one simple reason...it HAD to.

Nature has a way of weeding out the weak and what is left is the strongest of the strong. Mankind had to learn how to cook food because they were dying because of eating raw food. Mankind had to learn how to walk because they were being wiped out by the animals stalking them. Movies had to come into existence because of man's need to express himself creatively.

The spark however is what is unknown. The spark is that mysterious quantity that drives mankind toward excellence...it's that barely discernable, intangible "it" that motivates excellence because in it's being lies the death of the old to make way for the new. When the unknown quantity appears, the old guard and those that struggle to grasp on to it's antiquated, outdated way will go the way of the caveman, carvings on caves, and cave dwellings.

What is it? What is this unknown quantity? What is it that forces the old to bow down to that which is new?

The answer is nature.

When nature decrees a changing of the guard, from the womb of the universe a man is born to bring about the change. A man must come into existence who embodies, in his person, all that is needed to overturn the old and usher in the new.

Believe it or not, at one time there was a man that made a fortune off of buggy whips. Buggy whips? What the hell is a buggy whip? Before the time of automobiles their were horse drawn carriages and the drivers used firm whips to force the horses to move faster. When Henry Ford was born, he came into existence with the destiny to create something new because man's need for evolution in transportation was so great, their longing called him into existence. Those that made their livings off of buggy whips and refused to give in to that which came to replace it are gone.

What does any of this have to do with wrestling, in general, and with GXW, specifically?

Simply put, GXW finds itself in such a time as the makers of the buggy whip. Something different needs to be introduced..something better...and such a man has been born.

The man will be unknown at the time of his appearance but what will be known is that there is something a little different about him and his resolve. The man's identity will be a mystery because it really is not important. The only thing that matters is his actions..and the changes he leaves in his wake.

That and the fact that the unknown quantity is on it's way.

That mysterious factor is on it's way to GXW. It is embodied in the personage of an individual who is not here to win titles or matches.

The person that's coming knows much more than you can imagine yet you are as blissfully unaware of him as the makers of the buggy whip were of the man that came to put them out of business.

Fear not fans of excellence and evolution..for your long months of suffering watching cavemen crawl around in rings trying to etch out pictures on cave walls to amuse you are over. A man is on the way that you can huddle in masses watching him live out your fantasies of putting to rest the old guard...

He is on the way...

About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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