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break the chains...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Pittsburgh USA
{Fade in to a shot of a television monitor in a backstage area of the staples center. The picture on the TV shows Mr. Dupree, JP, and Victoria McCave celebrating in the ring together. The camera zooms out to show John Miller, sitting on a steel chair, viewing the show. A bucket of water sits in between his feet, a wet wrag laying on the rim of the bucket. John looks at the screen in disgust, then begins unwrapping his taped hands and forearms. Chunks of the bloodied tape peel off, revealing the cuts in his wrists from the barbed wire in his last match. He whinces a little as he takes off the final strip. John reaches down and dips the wrag into the bucket, brings it back up to his wrist, and begins cleaning off the blood. We hear the door to the room open up, and in the reflection of the TV we can see a female figure enter the room. The camera zooms out to show a beautiful blonde woman dressed in a kashmir sweater and black pants. She stands behind John and puts her hands on his shoulders.}

Woman: Why are you doing this John? What is this doing for you?

{Miller lifts one of his hands up and rests it on hers.}

Miller: It's just what I do baby, it's just how it is. This is my job.

Woman: You know this isn't right. You aren't THIS person. You're walking around here like you're all depressed, like you don't give a damn about anything, like you're just some hardcore badass. That's not who you are John...

Miller: I know Liz. Some stuff has been getting to me lately. Dupree's doing some ##### that's really pissin' me off. It makes me sick baby, the way he runs this place. It's just like Gemini said, we're his puppets. But he also said something I have to go with. Liz, he cut his strings, why can't I?

Liz: I know you love the fans, I know what you want John. Did Chad put you up to this? This whole gimmick? The blood? The anger?

Miller: I went with it Liz, I went with it all along. There was always that fire in me to be like this, that passion. I would just take that anger I got from listening to Dupree everyday, and just channel it into my matches. I've been taking it out on people who haven't done ##### to me baby! What I did to Pat Black tonight, Liz I don't know what the hell was going through my head. Dupree's almost brainwashed me into thinking I'm a soldier. It's like I've been conditioned. I can't take this anymore Liz!

Liz: Then don't John! Stand up to Dupree! I knew something was up tonight when I saw JP celebrating with Dupree. I figured it out.

Miller: You too, huh? JP makes the stips, I'm forced to do as I'm told. JP is acting out the will of Dupree. I am just a slave to the master.

Liz: You're better than him John! That made me sick tonight, seeing JP, that bitch, and Dupree celebrating in the ring. John do this for me. You saw what happened with Gemini. This is total bullshit baby, and you know it.

Miller: I know Liz, I know.

{Liz walks in front of him and sits on his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck.}

Liz: You can fight this, you can take him down. Baby.... look at me.

{She pushes his chin up and looks into his eyes.}

Liz: What are you going to do?

Miller: I'm going for it Liz, I'm breaking out of the mold. He created me, now it's time I break the chains.

{Liz leans in and kisses him softly.}

Liz: If anyone can do it, it's you John. Don't let anyone tell you differently. You want respect around here? Now's your chance baby. Go out and take the bull by the horns. MAKE them respect you.

{Miller leans back and pushes the hair out of his face. He lets out a sigh and looks deep into his wife's eyes.}

Miller: Let's do this baby.

{Miller gets up with his wife and the two walk out of the room. The camera pans back to the TV which is now playing an add for the Fallout DVD. Fade to black.}

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