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League Member
Apr 11, 2012
Saint Paul, MN
One of these hadn't been posted yet, so yeah, I took it upon myself cause I'm a nice guy and stuff.

Post your reactions to the decisions of Round 1 in Bracket 3 here!

I'll say that I'm a little stunned that I didn't move on. I know, 2 RP > 1 RP and everything, but still.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Obviously quality > quantity, but if quality is close, quantity has to play a role. At least that's what I've always thought.

I was a little confused Mikey low-blowed Azreal and rolled him up for the win, but actually think I can weave it into my RP and it may help it.

And also, big thanks to the judges and writers for your time and commitment! This is an ambitious project, and without you, wouldn't be possible!


Mar 11, 2012
They say that, but people always recognize effort. Real hard to tell someone "you suck so much, your two RPs aren't worth a single of his". The Dan Ryan debacle all over again. And don't forget: it's easier to judge by the quantifiable than over what's subjective.On a different subject, Grim Reaper behaved most similarly to another Grim Reaper... thingy that entered the tournament. Double paychecks for Doom?


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
Sorry if I sounded condescending, I thought you were saying your two should have beaten his one. I'm apparently easily confused today.


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
It's always a tricky scenario...quality > quantity, but the question is how MUCH greater?

It would make sense to say that the 1 RP was the best of the three, but the 2 on the other side weren't SO far below the 1 from Axion to trump posting half the RPs. It's one of those things that only the judges can really talk more about.

3-2 is a pretty close decision on that match, it was clearly a pretty tight decision.

The Minstrel

League Member
Mar 6, 2012
It's always a tricky scenario...quality > quantity, but the question is how MUCH greater?

It would make sense to say that the 1 RP was the best of the three, but the 2 on the other side weren't SO far below the 1 from Axion to trump posting half the RPs. It's one of those things that only the judges can really talk more about.

3-2 is a pretty close decision on that match, it was clearly a pretty tight decision.

I think another thing to keep in mind is the minimum - this is not a case where someone is tossing 3, 4, or 5 RPS and because of that the quantity/quality argument is somewhat neutered. The minimum is designed IMO to limit situations where someone can flood the board with quantity, but also small enough that you need to put the effort in if your opponent does (at least to feel secure).

Thus, I think it makes it more likely that a poster with two 7's will beat a poser with one 8 RP (on a scale of ten). If your opponent is decent, in your opinion, and has two, you are probably better off posting again just to be safe.


League Member
Apr 11, 2012
Saint Paul, MN
Thus, I think it makes it more likely that a poster with two 7's will beat a poser with one 8 RP (on a scale of ten). If your opponent is decent, in your opinion, and has two, you are probably better off posting again just to be safe.

Totally understand if this is the case, which I'm assuming it is. I'm now wishing there was a Lucky Loser spot in our bracket. Cause I'm pretty sure I'd secure that. Anything to eventually match up with Flair. That would be awesome.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
The Lucky Loser included every loser from every bracket, if I am not mistaken.

This is correct.

Chad presented to the judges, in the Back Office private forum, a list of closely judges matches, not telling us who won, and had us vote on a lucky loser, and they were indeed from all brackets. In other words, we voted on matches based on RP we had read without knowing who won the vote. This essentially gave us the opportunity, if we saw two guys really tear it up in a match thread, to say "Neither of these guys deserve to go home, so no matter who loses, they deserve to stick around in place of the no shows."


League Member
Apr 11, 2012
Saint Paul, MN
This is correct.

Chad presented to the judges, in the Back Office private forum, a list of closely judges matches, not telling us who won, and had us vote on a lucky loser, and they were indeed from all brackets. In other words, we voted on matches based on RP we had read without knowing who won the vote. This essentially gave us the opportunity, if we saw two guys really tear it up in a match thread, to say "Neither of these guys deserve to go home, so no matter who loses, they deserve to stick around in place of the no shows."

Ah, got it. Regardless, I had fun with the match I got to do, just wish I would've gotten further and had more character development. Congrats to Kent... you're awesome.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
One of these hadn't been posted yet, so yeah, I took it upon myself cause I'm a nice guy and stuff.

Post your reactions to the decisions of Round 1 in Bracket 3 here!

I'll say that I'm a little stunned that I didn't move on. I know, 2 RP > 1 RP and everything, but still.

Hey man, I personally thought you did a good enough job to win the thread with 1 RP, but it's like they say in boxing/MMA: this is why you don't leave it in the judge's hands.

Of course, in FW it's ALWAYS in the judge's hands, so what I mean is, don't make it any harder for them to vote for you. If there's a two RP limit, make sure you get two RPs in. Never assume you did more with less, because the truth is, quantity does matter whether people want to admit it or not. Quantity=effort, so in a close thread, many if not most people will lean towards the one who put in more effort.

Stick around though, maybe try IGC or EPW.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I've sat back and allowed everything to soak in, before putting together this reply. My initial thought was to call in on the next podcast, but I'll start here....

1. It had been mentioned that Steve Jackson had done his research in going in to the backstory of Kendall Codine. He did just that, a fine job in fact (I even offered to provide him with information via PM, but he did a great job in searching the archives of CSWA). However, did anyone think to look from the other perspective? Jackson has no backstory, as he is a newcomer to fantasy wrestling. I had a bio to work with and I led off with the first roleplay in order to provide him with the rebuttle opportunity. This alone made him very hard to roleplay against, so I had to take the perspective of building upon my storyline (which I had stated establishing via multiple roleplays in the hype thread) and essentially looking past him.

2. Quantity vs. Quality....as mentioned, I think the quality in both of our cases was extremely close. Ultimately, I provided two softballs to be knocked out of the park, as there wasn't much provided to come back against (and I would have done the EXACT same thing in his case; he played the roleplay battle very smart).

Overall, I have to admit that I'm a little disheartened with what seems to be a lack of support in the "quality" of my roleplay. Jackson was a very good opponent and not one that I would wish to draw in the first round again. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I respect them, but now it proves to me that I'll have to prove my doubters wrong.


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
Here's my bracket 3 scores and comments as best I remember (again, adding some notes for clarity). If you haven't read my intro to the post I did for Bracket 2's grades, please read it and understand the same for here.

Vagabond vs. Eli Flair
Eli Flair 6-4 – Pete did w/ Eli what I’ve come to expect. The one weakness was the length – it really kept going a bit longer than I would’ve liked. Vagabond had some solid dialogue and the character came through ok, but I felt he had some logic errors in a single RP – going from the idea that Vagabond believed that “Friends are enemies with good disguises” and then moving to referring to a character as “A good friend” (w/o sarcasm). If it was on purpose, an explanation would’ve been in order. If it was a mistake, it made Vagabond look like he was just saying things to “counter” w/o believing in them. This, of course, can be fine IF it fits the character and WE (new readers) know why it is so.

Kiyomori vs. Karl Brown
Karl Brown 5-5 - This score reflects, not writing, but the fact that Kiyomori waited to give a response, giving him an edge since Karl couldn’t respond (and he’d given a decent amount of time). They were equal in many ways, but I give the edge to the one who did some work early on. Another thing that could’ve helped is for Kiyomori's 2nd RP would've been his first, mostly because the 2nd explained his patience in not immediately responding – using real life to impact the game’s logic.

Jackson vs. Sean Edmunds
6-4 Sean Edmunds. This boiled down to who had the best response to me. Edmunds first RP was solid enough, but his response to Jackson really made the best of it.

Boogie Smallz vs. Jack Eastwood
5-5 Boogie. Because I hate when they color their tags. Not really, I just bought Boogies stuff better as a "character" move, though breaking the 4th wall was problematic. And I laughed. I didn’t mind the “drug dealing” stuff as it was fine to me at this early time in the tourney. Eastwood was pretty decent, but Boogie did better in my eyes.

Cancer Jiles vs. The True Face
6-4 Cancer. Awesome character. Some of his "asides" were a bit much, but overall, I loved it! (wasn’t that what I said for Bracket 2 also?). Face’s stuff was alright, but I couldn’t connect as well or react as much – and I’m not sure why that is. In the end, I was comparing and Cancer got “over” with me better and that’s where my score comes from.

Eric Dane vs. Go Go Spectacular
7-3 Eric Dane – Go Go seemed cardboard and not defined well for the reader besides young, spunky and happy. Oh, and Latina – how could I forget that? The broken English (Grammar issues that didn’t seem to be on purpose) and clichés didn’t help. As for Dane, he made me laugh. The rape threat was a bit much, but not surprising from Dane.

Black vs. Alias
10-0 Alias

The Swerve vs. Troy Franklin
10-0 Troy

Kendall Codine vs. Steve Jackson
5-5 Steve Jackson - This was a tough one. I like Codine. However, some of his responses were OBVIOUS responses and almost like a debate tactic, point by point. That can work, and I’ve used it many times, but I would prefer a bit more deft handling of it and not so … just ordinary. Take with that the reality that Jackson had a great gimmick and good angle he used to great effect. He used it well and had two of the best lines for this bracket that tied directly into this matchup, tournament, and his gimmick. Wonderfully done! "Clove your book in 2", "the blade sharpening the Axe".

Mark McNasty vs. Jesse Ramey
5-5 Jesse Ramey - McNasty only responded. His RP opened a bit dry and really seemed “meh”. It was also the last RP I’d read for this group and he didn’t make use of anything to get a solid reaction. Ramey had a decent opening RP, but he’ll have to bring it to survive Round 2. It would’ve been nice to see both of these guys bring their “A” game. This was a B-/C+ in my book.

Azreal vs. Mikey Massacre
10-0 Mikey Massacre

Frank Wilks vs. Max Blackshire
10-0 Max Blackshire
Last edited:


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
Stick around though, maybe try IGC or EPW.
You should definitely listen to what Billy is saying here, man.

Love to have some more people challenging for IGC - we're trying to kick this **** off!


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Here's what I sent in for my bracket 3 judging. Again, nothing personal if I'm harsh in some of these. I read every RP in each thread in one sitting and judged them immediately afterward, as is my usual method. I'm very very blunt. :)

1. Cancer Jiles v. True Face: CANCER JILES over TRUE FACE, 8-2

Love the Cancer Jiles character. True Face seems like maybe there's potential there, but Jiles is top notch and one decent promo for Face against two very good ones from Jiles just can't cut it.

2. Jackson v. Edmunds: EDMUNDS over JACKSON, 7-3

I liked the Jackson promo a lot, but Edmunds' posts to me are a very very good example of tying in the storytelling style with a trash talking script style and making it work really well. That and, of course, two great roleplays beat one great roleplay, even if I were call Jackson's great, which is iffy. It was really good though.

3. Phantom Republican v. Henderson Bramble: PHANTOM REPUBLICAN over BRAMBLE, 10-0


4. Johnny Tropic v. Shane Rothenstein: ROTHENSTEIN over TROPIC, 10-0


5. Grim Reaper v. Jacob McKail: MCKAIL over REAPER, 10-0


6. Vagabond v. Eli Flair: VAGABOND over ELI FLAIR, 6-4

This is gonna be controversial, and when this goes public, will annoy Pete, but I really thought his posts were way WAY too long and a little self-indulgent. Meanwhile I really enjoyed the Vagabond posts. There were quite well done and I look forward to reading more from that guy in DEFIANCE.

7. Eric Dane v. Go-Go Spectacular: DANE over GO-GO, 9-1

Dane was pretty brilliant with the trash talk, getting me to audibly chuckle multiple times. I feel for Patrick here, because he tries really hard and has lots of ideas and determination, but he's no match for Dane here. It wasn't really that close, in my opinion.

8. Wesley Paige v. Matt Caje: CAJE over PAIGE, 10-0


9. Swerve v. Troy Franklin: FRANKLIN over SWERVE, 10-0

No show. Of note, Franklin wasn't very good, but goes forward on a technicality.

10. Kendall Codine v. Steve Jackson: CODINE over JACKSON, 6-4

I don't really like the idea of replying to your opponent line by line like Codine did in his second. However, overall I still judged him better by about a 7-3 margin, to I deducted a point for that tactic. Jackson v. Codine sounds like a good long term program, and I would find that interesting based on the backstory, but I do give Codine the edge in this one.

11. Azreal v. Mikey Massacre: MIKEY MASSACRE over AZREAL, 10-0

No show for Azreal. Man, this bracket is no-show and jobberrific.

12. Black v. Alias: ALIAS over BLACK, 10-0

And again.

13. Frank Wilkes v. Max Blackshire: BLACKSHIRE over WILKES, 10-0

Aaaaaaaand again.

14. Kiyomori v. Karl Brown: KIYOMORI over KARL BROWN, 5-5

Hmm. I thought Brown was really bland here and basic. Kiyomori was better, but I also found the weird font changes in the first one odd. I know he was doing italics for description, but at times the font itself looked changed, like it was cut and paste with formatting from somewhere else. I dunno. Looked strange and distracted me a bit. Still, the character seemed to come through more and like I said, Brown was more bland than I've seen from him in the past.

15. Boogie Smallz v. Jack Eastwood: SMALLZ over EASTWOOD, 10-0
I did not finish Eastwood's second promo. I just wanted it to end. To say it wasn't for me is putting it mildly. Smallz wasn't spectacular and didn't need to be. I don't want to read fan fiction about a guy who happens to be a wrestler. I didn't like the Eastwood stuff AT ALL. Once he got around to trash talking, it was just vulgar for the sake of being vulgar. I never thought there was a good line, and I took away every point I gave him in the first place for using the N-word. It didn't even seem like trash talk, the way it was used. It was just said matter of factly, and was awful. Sorry buddy. No bueno.

16. Mark McNasty v. Jesse Ramey: MARK MCNASTY over JESSE RAMEY, 5-5

My hopes were really up for Ramey. McNasty I didn't really know very well. I thought both guys were pretty flat. They didn't even really get started and they were done, and never posted again. Sucks. I don't think either really deserve to go over some of the guys I've already sent packing with losses, but someone has to win. Since Ramey disappointed me more, I gave McNasty the edge. Sorry Jesse.

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