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Blitz vs. The Crimson Calling


Jan 1, 2000

(Fade into the Seattle office of Nathan Fear. In his darkened room, the brain behind the Crimson Calling sits behind a desk, going over some important work before he leaves for the evening. The evening sun cast through the blinds over his window flavors the room with numerous parallel lines of reddish light. Fear, the image of a paper-pushing man after a long day of work, wears a stern expression as he examines a contract he himself signed in accordance to the owner of Empire Pro Wrestling, Paul Freeman.)

(There is a knock at the door. Fear looks up to see that his secretary has returned.)

Courtney Davis
Aloha, Nathan!

(Fear smiles.)

Nathan Fear
My my... look at this! Welcome back Miss Paz--ah, I mean, Mrs. Davis.

(His loyal right-hand and high-school friend giggles with delight. Fear comes out from behind his desk as she crosses the room. They share a short, friendly hug and part.)

Courtney Davis
It's going to take some getting used to, eh?

Nathan Fear
Indeed it will. How was the Hawaiian Honeymoon?

Courtney Davis
Fantastic. I can't thank you enough for giving me so much time off to spend with Leonard.

(Fear holds up a hand and shakes his head as he moves back behind his desk and reseats himself.)

Nathan Fear
Think nothing of it. I'm very happy for you and your husband. You'd do the same to me, right?

Courtney Davis
Of course.

(Fear nods pleasantly, then turns his attention on the paperwork again.)

Courtney Davis
That is, if I ever get to see the day. How about it, Nathan? Where has your search for Miss Right taken you?

Nathan Fear
Heh, nowhere. You'd think a young guy like me with my kind of wallet would have no trouble meeting women. Thing is, I'm just so busy...

(He gestures to the piled papers on his desk. His secretary nods with affirmation.)

Courtney Davis
How are things in MCW? Come to think of it, I was hopping on the plane to Honolulu when you told me tat Bolich had contacted you.

Nathan Fear
MCW bottomed out. It happens.

Courtney Davis
Ouch... how did Erik and Ivan do?

Nathan Fear
We only had one real time of competition... they "retired" as champions

Courtney Davis
Well that's good, I guess. I suppose that means you've got a burden lifted off your shoulders then.

Nathan Fear
Heh, wrong-o. I got a phone call from another promoter. Paul Freeman is his name. He's a nice guy. He runs a place called Empire Pro. I flew down and met him yesterday, and I think he's got a lot of potential with what he has. Arrived home this morning, and now I'm just reviewing some last-minute paperwork..

Courtney Davis
Fun-fun. Has this Freeman guy lined you up with anybody yet?

Nathan Fear
I'm still waiting on the fax...

Courtney Davis
I see.

Nathan Fear
It's good that you're back now. I'm going to be leaving Seattle to attend Ivan and Erik while they compete in Empire Pro. I'm going to need you to run things here while I'm away.

Courtney Davis
You sure you don't want me to come along?

Nathan Fear
Heh, your acquaintance is a pleasure, but I couldn't drag you away from your home and your newlywed bo-hunk just so you can take a memo for me every time I get an idea. Besides, there's a mountain of paperwork here that I need filed and organized; it's been HELL without you, Courtney.

(She giggles again, music in the air.)

Courtney Davis
Thanks, Nathan. It means a lot to me.

Nathan Fear
Any time, kid.

(There's another knock on the opened door. Erik Black has stepped into the doorway, with a manilla folder held in his right hand.)

Erik Black
Oh, hey Court! Welcome back.

Courtney Davis
Hi, Erik. How have you been?

Erik Black
Same old same old.

Courtney Davis
And Ivan?

Erik Black
Still coping, I guess. You know Ivan... one day, he'll sit for hours with saying anything, and the next day, he'll get his foot caught in the dryer, or something.

(She giggles again.)

Courtney Davis
Too bad I missed that one.

Nathan Fear
What's that, Erik?

Erik Black
Oh yeah. The fax came in, Boss.

Nathan Fear

Erik Black
We're booked against Blitz.

(Fear is silent, the look on his face expecting more out of his messenger. Black nervously glances between the big cheese and secretary, then goes on.)

Erik Black
You know, Blitz?

Nathan Fear

Erik Black
Blitz, you now... Max and Jecht? Their manager is that guy, Leonard Johnson?

Nathan Fear
Who the hell are you talking about, and why do you expect me to know these guys?

Erik Black
They were in MCW, before it closed. The ONLY other team, other than us and the Monsta Boyz. Remember?

Nathan Fear

Erik Black
They had one match, to my knowledge... they went up against Slash and Ray Rock. You don't remember any of this?

Nathan Fear
And you do?

Erik Black
Slash and Ray Rock, come on... the jobbers?

Nathan Fear

Erik Black
...you know, jobbers?

Nathan Fear
Okay, let me get this straight... we are booked against a team whose only experience is at the jobber level.

Erik Black
...um, yeah, I think...?

(Fear lowers his head, his hands gripping into the arms of his chair.)

Nathan Fear
Freeman will be hearing about this, I can tell you that much...

Erik Black
...uh, what?

Nathan Fear
Nevermind. Is Ivan at the gym?

Erik Black
Christ, where else would he be? You think I'd leave him alone in any other place in America?

Nathan Fear
Good. Return there, and double your training repetitions.

Erik Black
Double? Aw, come on, Boss...

Nathan Fear
No complaints, Erik... need I remind you of how we underestimated the Monsta Boyz? And though these guys are "jobber" level, from what you tell me, there's absolutely no reason why we shouldn't take precautions.

Erik Black

Nathan Fear
Now, chop chop. I want you two in the best condition possible for Aggression.

Erik Black
Sure thing, Boss. Talk to you later, Miss Paz.

Nathan Fear
It's Mrs. Davis now!

Erik Black
Whoops! Heh, sorry about that, Mrs. Davis... I gotta go now.

Courtney Davis
Bye Erik. I'll see you later.

(With a nod, Black exits the office. Fear takes in a deep breath. His secretary seems to notice.)

Courtney Davis
Been getting tense for you, hasn't it?

Nathan Fear
More or less. The boys have been a handful. And these new federations... all this paperwork...

(He begins fumbling through the mess on his desk again, when her hand takes ahold of his arm and stops him.)

Courtney Davis
Just leave it go, Nathan. We'll take care of it tomorrow.

Nathan Fear
Mrs. Davis, you are a Godsend.

(He collects numerous important papers and stuffs them into his briefcase.)

Nathan Fear
It will be much easier to sort through all of this with your help.

(He gets his things together and pulls on his coat.)

Nathan Fear
Shall I walk you to your car, Mrs. Davis?

Courtney Davis
Why thank you.

(Fear holds the door open as she leaves, and he follows her out. We fade to black.)



New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. Leonard Johnson, dressed in typical cheap suit, sits a few feet away from the camera. Behind him, we see a bookcase, with a few books and files on it. Notable is a book entitled "Military Training Methods"]

LJ: WELL, look what we've got here? A new start for the team known as Blitz, another chance to prove that they are the PERFECT combination of power and speed in the WHOLE of professional wrestling. Gone is MCW, without so much as a slither of Blitz's talent. Now, with Empire Pro, we have the chance, and a chance is all we need. And our chance is against the Crimson Calling.

I'm not really suprised you haven't heard much of us, Mr Fear. After all, you've had bigger fish to fry than we have, and it's easy to understand that you didn't have the time to check the indies we were in, or our decimation of Ray Rock and Big Johnny Mambo. However, had MCW stayed around a bit longer, you guys would have been able to see us in full flow; first, against the Monsta Boyz, and then in person, team on team, for the titles.

Now, of course, fate has put our two teams together, Mr Fear. You know, I admire what you have done with the Calling. You have a tough team with speed and power, agility and raw strength. You're a smart man. Nathan, and not many people have ever gotten any form of compliment from me. As a matter of fact, I've been looking forward to the day Blitz and the Calling met in the ring for a while.

It's rare to see a team like the Calling. They've got one of the biggest men this sport has produced, and they've got a guy who is quick and deadly. However, Nathan, the Calling are missing something. One has speed, the other has power. Max and Jecht have both. Speed and power, skill and team work. Whilst I take nothing away from the Calling, as great as they are, they have never faced a team like Blitz.

I must apologise for there being no tapes of the boys at their best; you see, they've never been challenged to show their potential. They will be this week, of course, when they square off against the Calling. As I see it, it's going to be one hell of a match. But let me give you a proper introduction to Blitz, Nathan.

[The camera pulls back, revealing two large men, standing either side of Leonard. It pans up, to show Max and Blitz in full leathers, arms folded across their chests, stoically looking into the camera. Leonard Johnson stands up between them]

LJ: [pointing to his left] Here, we have Max. A great competitor, he holds many now retired singles championships from his indy career. His speed for his size is almost unfathomable, and his power is surpassed only by his Maximum Impact. [Turning to his right and pointing] And here, we have Jecht, a man of few words, plenty of anger and aggression, and some of the most awe inspiring moves of any man his size. Make no mistakes, he is not to be messed with.

[Leonard turns back to the camera]

LJ: And I am Leonard Johnson, the manager. I'll keep my credentials under wraps if I may. You understand, Nathan.

And your boys will soon understand as well; they, and the whole world, will understand. Blitz are going to get all the success that they deserve. They are the PERFECT combination of speed and power, and come Aggression, they are going to move a step closer to immortality when they meet, and beat, the Crimson Calling. Prepare to get blitzed



Jan 1, 2000
Faster, Stronger, Better


"Fear is your--
"Fear is your--
"Fear is your only God!"

"Fear is your--
"Fear is your--
"Fear is your only God!"

(With "Vietnow" by Rage Against the Machine blaring in the background, we get a montage shots played back through a red filter. They include Dalkichev hitting someone with the Hammer Bomb... Black coming off the top rope with the Sickle Sault... and yes, even the dreaded Crimson Crasher, and all of its destructive glory. Over these shots is the offical red and black logo of the Crimson Calling. From there, we fade into a customary shot of Nathan Fear in a read leather armchair, sitting next to his fireplace.)

Nathan Fear
Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to this special in depth look at the Crimson Calling. Today, you will witness the truth. You will see the unmatchable speed of Erik Black... the brute strength of Ivan Dalkichev... and, of course, the cunning and strategic mind of their trainer and leader, yours truly, Nathan Fear.

There's a whole lot to look at, but as it happens, both of my boys are lined up the face another team this week. This teams calls itself Blitz, with members Jecht and Max... and manager Leonard Johnson.

Johnson prides himself with having the couple of guys he has...

And I compare my Crimson Calling to his Blitz... and I see many things alike. Blitz, after all, is a team that tries to emulate our style... our combination of strength and speed, but together in an unbeatable combination. No man can keep up with the blinding agility of Erik Black, and no man can match the raw power of Ivan Dalkichev.

(We fade from the shot next to the fireplace to the personal gym where both members of the Crimson Calling are working out. In the ring in the background, Black and Dalkichev work through a few grappling strategies. Watching them on the outside is Fear, who turns around to face the camera again.)

Nathan Fear
But what Leonard Johnson argues is that while Black has speed and Dalkichev has strength... his Blitz and Jecht have both. That sort of thing is expected from any competitor. What he fails to realize, however, is that Black and Dalkichev are exceptionally good at their common powers... they are MASTERS!

(We cut to shots of Erik Black in his training apparel, in a variety of training exercises. Sprinting on a track at an Olympic runner's pace. Jumping rope. Doing standing backflips. Practicing top-rope manuevers, coming down onto a mat. While we watch this, Fear speaks over the footage.)

Nathan Fear
Erik Black was one of the top athletes in Indiana, whether it be as a track runner, or a tight-end for football. I've seen this guy literally run circles around his opponents to throw them off balance. He can bounce to the top rope and come off with a moonsault or guillotine legdrop faster than most people can get the first step on the bottom rope. He's like an otter that's too slick to get your hands on. He'll hit you in the face twenty times before you could figure out how to react.

Jecht may be fast... and Max may be fast... but Erik Black is faster.

(We cut to shots of Ivan Dalkichev training as well. Lifting heavy weights on the curled bar. Benching a bar with several weights on the ends. Stretching before some in-ring training, his massive muscles bulging. Once again, Fear speaks over the footage.)

Nathan Fear
And Ivan Dalkichev is one of the largest men to ever step into the ring. Dalkichev outpowers everyone in the ring. He can bench weights that would CRUSH the average man where he lays. Raw, destructive power, unhindered, nothing held back, yet controlled by my influence. I've seen this guy shrug off three average wrestlers like they were nothing, all coming at him at once. I've seen this man bench press a 400 plus pound man over his head! You get hit by this guy, and you won't wake up for a week.

Jecht may be strong... and Max may be strong... but Ivan Dalkichev is stronger.

(Fade into a shot of Nathan Fear standing between either man outside of the ring. They are now dressed in their usual professional wrestling gear. Dalkichev has a black towel wrapped around his neck, and Black is wearing a red shirt, unbuttoned to reveal his chest.)

Nathan Fear
Johnson... I won't talk down to your guys. Max and Jecht, though I haven't seen any action, promise to be suitable challenges. But the Crimson Calling are not simply two wrestlers paired together... they are an actual team! An UNBEATABLE team! Without the other, they have flaws. But together, they are unstoppable!

You hardly intimidate me, Lenny. Impress, maybe, but leave me trembling? Hah! Many teams have gone up against the Crimson Calling, and all have fallen. You are looking at Major Championship Wrestling's last Tag Team Champions!

When we meet at Aggression, I'm sure your boys will fight a damn fine match... but we surpass your strength and speed. Still, we hope you won't disappoint. But please, spare us arrogance until the team of Blitz has been decimated. Until then... keep training, gentlemen.

(Fear nods, and Black and Dalkichev copy the gesture. We fade to black.)



New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. Leonard Johnson is sitting at a bar in a gym; Max and Jecht can be seen training. The camera zooms in on Leonard, who is sitting sipping a cup of tea]

LJ: Seems like we have an understanding, Mr Fear. I’m glad you’re more intelligent than Buff Bellows from the Monsta Boyz was. Trying to talk down to his level gave me a headache.

As you can see, Max and Jecht are in training for their match. They definitely can’t wait to get in the ring with the Crimson Calling; they’re looking forward to the toughest challenge in their career. They know that, win or lose, they’re going to give your boys all they’ve got, and hope the Calling responds in kind. Which I know they will. I know we have nothing to fear on that front. The Calling are professionals, and they want to give their best at all times.

I also agree that Ivan is stronger, and yes, Erik is faster and more agile. However, I must disagree that those alone will be the determining factor. You see, Erik can be as quick and agile as he likes, but you and I both know that if he gets caught, it’ll hurt him, especially with the power Max and Jecht both possess. And whilst Ivan is the strongest man in this match, he is none the less more sluggish. Thus, Max and Jecht have a speed advantage. You see, I do not see this match as being clear-cut. Whichever team walks out the eventual winner is going to have proven themselves.

But I think you do go a little far in your assumption that Blitz is going to be decimated. It is highly unlikely that, given the nature of both teams, one is going to be able to decimate the other. Neither team is going to back down, and neither team are pushovers. It should be a great match for all concerned.

[Rising, he turns to watch Max and Jecht working in tandem on the rowing machines. It seems they are having a race]

LJ: Nathan, Erik, Ivan, come the final bell, we will know which team, on the night, was the better. I don’t try to make you tremble, and you fail to make me tremble; fear is nothing more than an irrational doubt in ones mind. I have no doubt as to the skills of Blitz; they would not go into a match unless they were sure of themselves. So, kindly, Nathan, do this match a favour, and make sure the Calling are adequately prepared; I am sure you would hate another slip-up like you had against the Monsta Boyz.

[Leonard is interrupted by a sudden shout of “GOTT IN HIMMEL” from Max. The camera turns to see Jecht raising his arms in victory, laughing]

LJ: My, my. He rarely laughs unless he’s having fun. Never mind them, Nathan; they just have these games sometimes. As you can see, though, they’re ready. I hope the Calling are ready too. Otherwise they’ll find themselves Blitzed.


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