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Billy Starr vs. Reuben Fasco


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
The Italian Bruiser meets former CSWA World Champion Billy Starr!!

Post all RP here.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX

This match has been changed to "Mr. Incredible" Johnny Starr vs. Billy Starr.


Mr Main Event

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
State of Confusion
Posted on behalf of Billy Starr's handler:

(The camera comes back from a GXW Battleground Britain PPV commercial to a scene of a private gym. The gym is in pristine condition, with top of the line equipment, kept in such fine shape that everything looks to be brand new. The carpet on the floor looks as if it has never been soiled by a pair of shoes, the full length mirrors are so spotless that it makes the gym seem several times bigger than it actually is. To the left we see windows that overlook an indoor Olympic sized swimming pool. The camera zooms into the pool area where we see a man finishing a lap. He is muscular, but not steroid sized. His long brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail. He climbs out of the pool and is handed a towel from a beautiful blond assistant. The camera follows as he walks into the gym, the towel hanging from his neck.)

BILLY STARR: Well, well, well. You GXW guys are certainly prompt, aren't you. I wasn't figuring on seeing you until after my morning workout. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Billy Starr or Blazin' Billy Starr as I was known during my professional wrestling days. Some of you may already be familiar with me, given my 13 years of experience and over 50 title reigns including a long run in the often hated CSWA. The GXW offices know me well and have offered me a rather hefty payday if I was willing to come add to the prestige of the Battleground Britain PPV. I'll be honest, it was an offer that really did not appeal to me at first. After all I had a remarkable career, invested wisely and now lived very well in retirement at the ripe old age of 35. You might say I am living a dream. So why bother returning to the wrestling ring? And for a promotion that I have no history with? It certainly wasn't for the paycheck. No offense to the GXW, it was a nice offer, as well as can be accepted from any promotion in the world for a short term contract, but money isn't an issue. Obviously.

Competition. Call it ego, but when you know that you are amongst the elite in the world, every now and then you like to show people. This is the opportunity to remind the world of the greatness that was, and is, Blazin' Billy Starr. The GXW has gone out of it's way to make this a memorable event, and I plan on guaranteeing that. My first opponent was supposed to be Reuben Fiasco, but apparently the GXW offices prefer a good practical joke and have instead decided to face me against someone living off my name.

Johnny Starr? This is some sort of joke right. A self proclaimed Mr. Incredible. Why doesn't he just come out here talking about how he is going to "style and profile" or ask if I can smell what the "Starr is cooking". My lord son, why don't you look up the word originality in the dictionary and see if it stimulates some brain cells. If you want to build your career on someone else's name, than be prepared to face the consequences. You want to call yourself incredible to give you that boost of self confidence, well get ready to be reintroduced to reality.

GXW get ready for the return of a legend, because I'M BACK.

Now if you'll excuse me, you did interrupt my workout. In the future could you please have long unexpected delays in getting here, remember I did work for the CSWA for a long time.


Jan 1, 2000
Selden USA
Introducing Mr. Incredible!!

Fade In....

The GXW camera crew fades into Battle Ground Britain, as the scene begins in a circus event somewhere in England. The circus announcer stands in the center holding a microphone and a long leather whip in the other. The announcer wears a black and white tuxedo and has short black hair with a big mustache that curls on the ends.

Over a thousand people fill the stands as they cheer on this exciting event! Gentlemen wearing checkered suits come waltzing out with enormous elephants. Clowns with red noses and makeup prance around the ground. Colorful balloons fill the roof top as the clowns release them to young children in the seats to the front row.

Circus Announcer - Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to England’s most famous circus!! We would like to introduce a very famous well known wealthy gentlemen from the United States of America who we are honored to have as our guest here tonight!! He hails from Las Vegas, Nevada!! He makes his debut at GXW’s Battle Ground Britain!! He is MR. INCREDIBLE JOHNNY STARR!!!!!!

Cut to > Starr comes out surrounded by 8 gorgeous women wearing hot neon bikini's as they show off their very nice figures to the men in the audience. Starr is dressed in a pink and white glittery robe with Mr. Incredible written in pink glitter on the back. A pink and white feathery boa is wrapped around his neck. His mask shines in the ceiling lights. The fans explode with cheer as he comes out to sexy saxophone music.

Circus Announcer: Take it away Mr. Incredible!!!

Starr - ( Starr takes the mic and bows his head down to the fans ) Hello GXW fans!!! Hello to the millions of Starr’s fans watching on the USA network at home!! What a day, what an event to visit here in England!!! WHOOOO!!! I’m sure you are wondering why be at a circus event when I should be training for GXW’s Battle Ground Britain? It’s quite simple actually, Johnny Starr is here to add some gold to his trophy room! Not only does Mr. Incredible want to add some gold to that trophy room, GXW needs a true Starr on their roster!!!

Hey, it’s not easy being Incredible, but you know, I got the money! I’m already famous, and I can get plenty of beautiful women anytime I want! The only thing Mr. Incredible Johnny Starr wants right now is a little gold!! A little fun, and who knows maybe I’ll even turn this company around! They need someone incredible!! They need me!!

So why start here? Why is Starr not in the ring preparing, getting shape and gearing up for Battle Ground Britain?

( Starr opens his robe up as the ladies in the audience gaze upon his physique ) Come on, does it look like I need to get into shape people? Besides I already have a job, a career per say... This is something to keep me occupied. Now onto other things I came here to speak of...

Check out these clowns, aren't they hilarious?

( Starr nods his head to the fans ) Let’s see, let’s see here...

( Starr walks up to one of the clowns blowing a horn ) Do you know who this guy remind me of? Wait, I can’t think of the ... Oh yeah, Billy Starr! My opponent for Battle Ground Britain! This clown has a horn just like Billy Starr, he’s blowing smoke out of his A**!!

Oh GEEZE!!! Look at the size of this elephant!!! This thing is as big as Lindsay Troy!! My god, does this thing ever go on a diet? Yikes! And check this fella out, ( Starr goes over to another clown riding a tri cycle with training wheels ) This is really funny... This is something Gabriele Poe needs to be doing right about now is getting back to training because if he can’t beat a guy like Reuben Fasco then he shouldn’t even step one foot inside a wrestling ring!

You see, there is one thing everyone in GXW needs to realize, there is only room for one man, one show in GXW! That is ME!!! Johnny Starr is the only true star here in the GXW!!! I’m the real deal!!! So move on over Billy.... there’s only room for one star here and that’s Mr. Incredible Johnny Starr!!!!


Because I’m the star!! . I’m the star!!! Mr. Incredible Johnny Starr!!!

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